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Transcript of HOLLY JOLLY KITCHEN Elementary




Week 2

Elementary Large Group Script

Need to Know: God Can Do Anything

Bible Story: Mary's Good News

Luke 1:26-56

Character HOST: HOST loves Christmas and is so excited to be hosting this season of the Holly Jolly Kitchen, his/her favorite cooking show. HOST is very energetic and very eager to help when problems arise.

Props Clapboard - Backstage; Worship Leader will bring on stage Recipe Book - On stage Bible - On Stage Tray (with Blindfolds [4] and Christmas Tree Cake, Candy Cane, Hershey Kiss, and Marshmallow each on a Plate [4]) - Backstage; Worship Leader will bring on stage


Script Outline Intro:

● Counter/Participation Game ● Song 1: Christmas Carol Mashup ● Opener

Act 1: Intro ● Welcome and Introduction ● Set up cooking show situation ● Problem video

Act 2: Recipe Book ● Analyze what went wrong ● Take a break to let it set: Bible story video ● Bible story video

Act 3: Enjoy the treats ● Recap Bible story teaching ● Apply to problem and N2K ● Game ● Song 2: Too Wonderful ● Worship Leader Wrap Up ● Prayer




WORSHIP LEADER enters and gets KIDS excited for the day during the counter while trivia questions appear. WORSHIP LEADER will read trivia questions out loud as they appear on the screen and and KIDS to answer out loud.

● Week 2 Christmas Trivia ○ How many reindeer are there in the story of Rudolph

the Red-Nosed Reindeer? A. 3 B. 1 C. 9 D. 10 ANSWER: C

○ True or False: The Wise Men followed the moon to find Jesus. ANSWER: False. They followed a star.

○ What are Frosty’s eyes made out of? A. Buttons B. Rocks C. Coal D. Acorns ANSWER: C

○ What is the main ingredient in gingerbread cookies?A. Ginger B. Flour C. Sugar D. Chocolate ANSWER: C

When the game is over, WORSHIP LEADER will have KIDS count down from ten until the counter is over.



WORSHIP LEADER Hey, everyone! You’re on the set of the Holly Jolly Kitchen. My name is (your name), and I’m the producer of this fun-filled Christmas cooking show. It’s my job to get the cameras rolling and get our audience warmed up. We’ll be recording the show in just a few minutes, but to make sure you’re all warmed up and ready, we’re going to sing a few jingles to get us all in the Christmas spirit. I think you’ll recognize a few of these songs. Let’s all stand up and if you know them, sing along!

WORSHIP LEADER will lead KIDS by singing and freely dancing during mashup, switching dance moves as songs change.



WORSHIP LEADER I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling the Christmas cheer all around this kitchen. And speaking of kitchen, I say we check in with the host of our show to see what’s cooking today! Our cameras are rolling, so there’s nothing left to do but count it down and get this Christmas cooking show started! If you’re ready, help me it down from three and say “Action!”


Ready? 3… 2… 1… Action!

WORSHIP LEADER will hold up the the clapboard and clap it on the word “Action.” WORSHIP LEADER exits stage.


ACT 1: Intro




HOST enters.


HOST Merry almost Christmas, everyone! I’m your host, (your name), and thank you for joining us on today’s episode of the Holly Jolly Kitchen. We’re one week closer to Christmas than we were last week, and tomorrow we’ll be one day closer than we are today! I can hardly contain my excitement! I LOVE Christmas! I can’t say it enough! Who else here loves Christmas?

(Allow responses)

Oh, yeah! There are so many things to love about Christmastime. I want to do a little poll. Who here would say their favorite part of Christmas is opening gifts?

(Allow responses)

Me too! And it’s so fun to give gifts that I know people will love. OK, who would say their favorite part about Christmas is spending time with family and friends?

(Allow responses)

YES! I love spending time with family I haven’t seen in awhile--that’s the best! OK, who would say they love decorating a Christmas tree?

(Allow responses)

Decorating the tree is always one of my favorite traditions this time of year. OK, last one. Who says


their absolute favorite thing about Christmas is the food?

(Allow responses)

As you can see, here in this Holly Jolly Kitchen, we love everything about Christmas! But we especially love making and tasting yummy Christmas treats. You may remember them from last week, but my friends, Graham and Reese are serving up all the fun as they take some requests, challenges, and even just general questions from our viewers at home. I’m sure our audience has cooked up something really special for Graham and Reese today, so let’s check in and see what’s up in the test kitchen!



GRAHAM Reese! Tell me you know what time it is!

REESE It’s… Christmastime!

GRAHAM YEAH! It’s also time to get cookin’! So, what’s on the menu for today?

REESE Hit us with that drumroll…

GRAHAM (Demonstrates drumroll)

REESE Today’s test kitchen challenge is called… “Taste the Cake!”


GRAHAM Hold up. “Taste the cake”? That doesn’t sound like a recipe.

REESE That’s because it’s not a recipe. Get yourself ready for some good news!


REESE Instead of cooking various kinds of cakes today, our viewers have actually sent in their own personal cake creations for us to taste!


GRAHAM Well, this is gonna be interesting… I don’t know that I’m vibing with the idea of eating something from someone else’s kitchen…

REESE Come on, Graham! Where’s your holiday spirit?

GRAHAM I’m all about people sending in their recipe suggestions. But their cakes? I mean, how clean are those cooks are? Like, what did they use to wash their hands? Did they use soap and water? Did they use just water… REESE! What if they wash their hands with olive juice?!

REESE Olive juice? Who even does that?! Graham, I’m sure people are careful when it comes to cleanliness in the kitchen.


GRAHAM Well, do you think they’re careful enough to clean their countertops before they start? What if they haven’t cleaned their oven in years? What if there are gross, little creepy crawlers all around their countertops and in their mixing bowls? What if I bite into a spider? A spider, Reese! Reese! A Spider!

REESE Dude, chill. I’m sure they cleaned their hands and their kitchens! Now, forget all that craziness, and let’s see what kind of cake this viewer sent in…

GRAHAM Is that a red velvet cake?

REESE You got it, Graham. Apparently, this viewer used an extra amount of food coloring to make this cake as red as Santa’s suit.

GRAHAM But did they know to wear hair nets? I’m not talking just one hairnet. No, one hairnet is NEVER enough. They need to be wearing TWO hairnets. I mean, I’m just trying to make sure there’s no hair in there…

REESE Come on, Graham. What are you so afraid of? I’m sure they keep their hair far away from the cake. Here… let’s just take a bite.

GRAHAM No way! Nope!

REESE Oh, come on. Open up. Choo-choo! Train is pulling into the station!


GRAHAM Nuh uh!

REESE You’re really gonna be like that? Ok! This is scccrrruuummm-diddlyumptious!

GRAHAM Well, I’ll just take your word for it. OK, let’s get this over with and see what kind of cake this next viewer sent in.

Oh! You have got to be kidding me…

It’s… it’s fruitcake!

REESE Fruitcake? Man, this stuff always makes an appearance at Christmas.

GRAHAM I can’t even look at it!

REESE I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who actually eats this stuff. But, that’s about to change, right?

GRAHAM Nope! Not for me. I don’t think so! Uhhh… I mean, people regift this stuff for a reason. It lasts for, like… EVER! I mean, who even knows how long this thing has even been around. For all we know this could’ve been around before cars were invented.

REESE Hmmmm. I don’t even really know what’s in fruitcake. I mean, it kind of looks like some cherries… pineapple… maybe pickles. Are pickles a fruit?


GRAHAM See now, that’s a real life problem for me. That “fruit” may have actually been “fruit” at some point, but that “fruit” is so old I think it’s older than fossilized dinosaur bones. And don’t get me started about what could be growing on it.

REESE Oh, come on, man! We owe it to our viewer. What are you so afraid of?

GRAHAM I’m terrified of foods when one: I don’t have a CLUE how they were prepared, and two: I don’t know what could be in them! I mean, come on! Pickles?

You do what you want, Reese, but I am done.

PANIC BUTTON Oh, Ginger Snap!



ACT 2: Recipe Book

HOST Those two really can get themselves into some Christmas craziness from time to time. When we find ourselves in the middle of a Christmas catastrophe on this show, we can hit the panic button, and that’s where I step in as the host and help out.

(Picking up recipe book)

Now, if you’ve ever been in a kitchen, you’ve probably seen a recipe book. This is every chef’s best friend. When you follow the recipe exactly, you get an awesome


end result that you and all of your friends, or in our case, viewers like you, can enjoy. But just like we saw with Graham and Reese, not every recipe will turn out to be something that you want to eat. Graham wasn’t really into the idea of trying new things, because he was so afraid of what he didn’t know.

Fortunately for them, I like to run my kitchen on God’s Recipe Book. This is not one that shows us how to make cookies, cakes, candies, or pies. This recipe book helps us to know how to make right choices inside and outside of the kitchen. Who remembers what we call God’s recipe book?

KIDS The Bible!

(Picking up Bible)

HOST That’s right! It’s called the Bible. And, seeing Graham struggle with fear reminds me of a story in the Bible about a woman who was pretty afraid. But God showed her that no matter what, He can do anything! Here, check it out!



NARRATOR There’s a story in the Bible where we see that God can do anything! It’s about a young girl who was living in the town of Galilee. Her name was Mary and she was engaged to a man named Joseph but they weren’t married yet.

One day, while Mary was alone, God sent an angel named Gabriel to give her a message. You see, God had something amazing that He wanted to do in Mary’s life. The Angel said, “Greetings! The Lord is with you; you


are very special to Him.” But Mary was very confused about what the angel said. She wondered, “What does this mean?” Gabriel said, “Don’t be afraid, Mary; God is very pleased with you!” Then, he told her how she would become pregnant and give birth to a son and that she would name him Jesus! Jesus would be great and be called the son of the Most High!

Mary wondered how she could have a baby when she wasn’t even married! But, Gabriel explained it all to her. Gabriel said, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High God will cover you.” He went on to tell her that the baby would be holy and be called the Son of God.

That wasn’t all though! There was even MORE good news! Gabriel also told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was pregnant! Even though Elizabeth was very old, she was going to have a son, too, because God can do anything!

Mary trusted God and said, “I am the servant of the Lord. Let this happen to me as you say!” Then, just like that, the angel went away! Mary got up and went quickly to a town close by to see Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth heard Mary was there, she ran to meet her and said, “Mary, God has blessed you more than any other woman, and he has blessed the baby to which you will give birth. When I heard your voice, the baby inside me jumped with joy. You are blessed because you believed that what the Lord said would really happen.”

It was true! Mary believed God could do anything. Mary began to sing a song praising and thanking God for what He had done. She could have been afraid or worried when the Angel gave her this news, but she knew that everything would be just fine because God can do anything!




ACT 3: Enjoy the Treats

HOST As you saw from that story, Mary had a lot of things that she could have been afraid of. First of all, seeing angel would be pretty terrifying. Mary could have been scared that Joseph would not love her anymore, and she could have been afraid to be a mom to God’s Son. But, instead, when Mary got the surprising news about Jesus, she understood that God could do anything! God had big miracles in store for Mary and even bigger miracles for the baby she was going to give birth to. Who remembers what that baby’s name was?

KIDS Jesus!

HOST That’s right, it was Jesus! God gave Mary a baby, and that baby went on to be the Savior of the world! Though Mary was probably afraid sometimes, she chose to believe that God can do anything!

Let’s say what we need to know together.


HOST will lead KIDS in saying the Need to Know, having KIDS repeat after him/her several times. Each time, KIDS will get faster and faster.

HOST God Can (point up)

KIDS God Can (point up)

HOST Do Anything (two thumbs up)


KIDS Do Anything (two thumbs up)


HOST You’ve got it! We’ll see you viewers next week! From our Holly Jolly Kitchen to yours, so long!

HOST remains on stage.





WORSHIP LEADER enters carrying a tray with blindfolds (4) and Christmas tree cake, candy cane, Hershey kiss, and marshmallow each on a plate (4).

WORSHIP LEADER Great show today, (Host’s name)! The next time I find myself afraid of how things might turn out, I’m going to remember that God can do anything! And all this talk about being afraid of how things might turn out, made me think of a perfect game to play!


HOST I know our audience loves a good game! So who wants to play?!

HOST picks four contestants to come on stage.


HOST (continued) (To each contestant)

What’s your name?

(Allow response)

Now tell me, would you rather taste test figgy pudding or fruit cake?

(Allow response)

After each contestant is introduced, WORSHIP LEADER will blindfold them. Once all contestants are introduced and blindfolded, the WORSHIP LEADER and HOST will work together to put all four treats on the plates on the table, and then line the contestants up in front of them, facing the audience. The WORSHIP LEADER will choose a contestant to go first. The contestant will reach for a treat and the first one they touch will be the one they eat. Before they eat it, HOST will ask them if they think they know what it is. Once they’ve guessed, HOST will ask them if they believe it’s going to taste yummy. Once they answer, they’ll eat the item they picked and then remove their blindfold. Once everyone has had a turn, the WORSHIP LEADER will collect the blindfolds and send contestants back to their seats.


HOST Yummy! Thanks for playing along and believing us when we said those treats were gonna be tasty for the testing! Well, now that the show is over, I need to get back to the dressing room. I’ll let our producer take it from here! Fa-la-la later, fans!

HOST exits.


WORSHIP LEADER Wow! That was so fun! I love hanging out here on the set of the Holly Jolly Kitchen! I’m so proud of our contestants for not being afraid to try new things! To celebrate all the fun we’ve had here today, let’s stand and sing!



WORSHIP LEADER Well, jingle all the way! That was such a fun song! Now, before we go, have a seat and let’s pray together.

(Give kids a few seconds to get quiet, bow their heads, and close their eyes)

God, thank You for sending us your Son, Jesus, so that we can celebrate Christmas! When we’re feeling afraid, help us to remember that You can do anything! And thank You for giving us the story of Mary, in the Bible, to help us see that just like You did a miracle for Mary, You can do anything for us! We love You! Amen.

Time for small group! See you next week!

