HOLIDAYS’ HOMEWORK 2018-2019 Class: IV · 2019-08-28 · Page | 1 BAL MANDIR PUBLIC SCHOOL...

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Transcript of HOLIDAYS’ HOMEWORK 2018-2019 Class: IV · 2019-08-28 · Page | 1 BAL MANDIR PUBLIC SCHOOL...

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    Class: IV

    Dear Parents,

    The school will remain closed for summer vacation from 21.05.2018 and will reopen on 02.07.2018

    Answer sheets of periodic test I will be shown to parents on 23.05.2018 as per time slots given in


    Holidays are much awaited period of time for students. They enjoy these activities at much extent

    what they have not enjoyed during the year. Apart, from enjoyment, they need ways to channelize

    their energy and time in some constructive work. The holiday assignment thus promises hours of

    enjoyable and rejuvenating educational activities for your child. We suggest you the following points:

    Don’t allow your ward to watch T.V excessively and to eat junk food.

    Encourage your ward to follow elders’ instructions, respect elders and do lots of exercise.

    Have at least two meals with your children in a day.

    Keep your child away from mobile phone and computer.

    Educate your child about “The Good Touch and The Bad Touch”. Train them about self protection.

    Suggested Places to visit --Zoo, Akshardham temple, Traffic Training Park etc.

    Parents are requested to just guide the children to complete the task on their own.

    Make separate Note book for Holiday Home work.

    Do Computer H.W in computer note book only.

    Kindly mention Name, Roll No. , Class and section on the Holiday Homework copy and Projects.

    ENGLISH Write an application to Principal for two days leave due to some urgent piece of work.

    Read Ch-3, 4 and Poem – Rain in summer and Roger the Dog. Pick any five words from each lesson and make sentences.

    Create your own poem on the topic – ‘Pet Dog’.

    Create a report on The Life of Mother Teresa.

    Project Work- Draw and create a beautiful menu card. Prepare a healthy menu for a restaurant. Include three main categories-

    Starters, main course and dessert. (Refer pg-53).

    Paste 2 articles’ cutting from any English newspaper and write nouns, pronouns and adjectives in copy.

    Write a paragraph on – My aim in my life.

    Read Ch- 4, 5 and 6 of Value education.

    Do 5 pages of writing in notebook.


    Q.1. Circle the subjects and underline the predicates- a) Jassy finally finished her homework. c) Ellen and sue are working on their project. b) My sister won first prize in her project. d) My father bought me a new bike.

    Q.2. Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns-

    a) Karan is playing with her sister. d) Clara lives in San Francisco with Pamila. b) Alexia has a dog named Toto. e) The hunter lost his way in the jungle. c) Santiago is a famous city. f) Mr. Mehta’s aunt is the host for the party.

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    Q.3. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns- a) Anita, where were _____ last night? d) Sam made the bed for ____. b) ____ has a Maths test tomorrow. e) ____ will board the flight tomorrow morning. c) ___ picked my toys up from of the floor and put them away. f) ____ all are playing in a park.

    Q.4. Write the plural form of the nouns given in the bracket. a)Would you bring the bottle and some _______ (glass)? c) We brought some ________ (sandwich).

    b) It was autumn and the ________ (leaf) were falling. d) We use several _________ (process) to paint the cars. Q.5. Circle the adjectives and underline the nouns-

    a) The warm sun melted the snow. c) My blue van is parked in front. b) They finally completed the new school. d) Those purple flowers are rare.

    MATHS Q.1 Fill ups

    1 __ +399=400 5 Taking away 1 from 4000 ____ 9 2341 X ____ = 2341

    2 164+200= ___ + 164 6 2740 – 2740 = ____ 10 5674 X 0 = _____

    3 The successor of 9999 _____ 7 7216-1000= ___ 11 65 X 5 = _____

    4 The predecessor of 1000 ____ 8 5000 + 1256 =______

    Q.2 Add

    i) 54673, 9876 and 546 ii) 83259, 58745 and 67085

    Q.3 Subtract

    i) 54637 from 67543 ii) 65748 from 765840

    Q.4 Find the missing digits:

    i) 3 _ _ 6 5 iii) 4 6 _ 1 3 _

    + 2 6 _ 4 +2 _ 1 3 _ 9

    4 1 7 7 _ _ 0 9 _ 9 9

    ii) 5 6 8 1 8 iv) 6 7 3 _ 9 8

    -2_ _ 2 _ - 2 _ 6 1 0 _

    _ 5 1 _ 8 _ 1 _ 4 _ 5

    Q.5 Find the product:

    i) 5678 x 5 ii) 4675 x 8 iii)7816 x 45 iv)1004 x 13 v) 2523 x 29 vi) 5441 x 77 vii) 9513 x83

    Q.6 Subtract and check the answer

    i) 5567- 1543 ii)56740-34562

    Q.7 Simplify

    i) 4567 + 897 – 1202 ii) 23456-4563+2345-2678 iii) 56748-4563-1234+4352 Q.8 Fill in the blanks

    i) 34x10= _____ ii) 2351 x 1000= ____ iii) 113 x 100= ______ iv) 123x 100= ______ v) 1020 x 10= ______ iv )Rs 1 = _____ p

    Q.9 Word Problems

    (i) A man spent Rs. 167589 on her daughter’s education and Rs. 234769 on his household expenses. How much more

    money he spend on his household expenses?

    (ii) A factory manufactures 15678 bikes and 23456 cars every month. How many vehicles are produced in all?

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    (iii) What should be added to 6542 to get 78659?

    (iv) Find the number which is 54673 more than 67821.

    (v) On Monday, 67904 people visited a fair. There were 20780 men, 25671 women and the rest were children. Find the

    number of children visited the fair?

    Q.10 Prepare the following projects according to given roll no.-

    (i) Paste different currency notes on A3 size sheet. (Roll No. 1 to 15

    (ii) Prepare a table book. (Roll no. 16 to 30).

    (iii) Make an abacus using beads to represent number. (Roll No. 31 to 45)


    Read L- 5, 7, 9, 13 and 17 thoroughly.

    Learn and write new terms of L- 5, 7, 9 ,13 and 17.

    Paste four pictures of each on scrap file- Life in eastern coastal plains Life in western coastal plains Means of communication. Natural resources Forest products

    Answer in one word-

    1 The city that is known as pink city _______. 8 Give one example of Mass communication _____.

    2 Two Western coastal plains are found in _______ 9 The language spoken by the people of Lakshadweep islands is ______.

    3 Two examples of renewable resource ______ 10 The leader of chipko andolan ___________.

    4 Southernmost tip of main land of India _______. 11 Camel is also known as ________.

    5 A programme to protect tigers ______. 12 Name any 2 non-renewable resource _____.

    6 The climate of Thar desert is ________. 13 The largest mangrove forest in the world _____.

    7 The letter that is sent through internet is called ____.

    Do the following work according to the given roll no. on A3 size sheet 1. Make a picture collage on various means of communication and also prepare a short report on Means of communication – Then and Now.( Roll No. 1-15).

    2. Make a report on renewable and non renewable resources with the help of pictures (Roll no. 16-30) 3. Make a picture collage and write a report about desert state of Rajasthan (Roll No. 31 onwards)

    SCIENCE Read L- 6,7,8 and 11 thoroughly.

    Do practice of diagrams - Different types of teeth and water cycle.

    Paste pictures in science scrap file- i) Structure of tooth (II) Different types of microbes (III) Kinds of pollution (IV) Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable wastes

    HOTS i) What happens when the Enamel layers of the teeth is lost? ii) Which cloth material is used to make handkerchief and towel? iii) Why do we use CNG in vehicles? iv) Why are the blowers or heater are kept in lower surface in winters and mounted high up on walls? v) Why do you think coastal areas have moderate climate with no chilling winters and no high temperature in winter?

    Do the following work according to your Roll No. Prepare a poster on 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.[Roll No. 1-15]

    Make a wind chime using plastic cutlery and disposable spoon (Pg 73) [ Roll No 16 – 30]

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    Make colourful puppets using newspaper.(pg-73)[Roll no-31 onwards]

    G. K. Prepare project on A4 size sheet collage on branded products. (Ch-20)

    Read any 2 story books of your own choice and summarise any one of it.

    Do pg- 48 and 49 in book.

    Create an attractive folder magazine including sensational news.

    Collect information about any of your neighbouring country including following pointS- language, islands (if any) , National symbols, neighbouring countries, fascinating facts etc.

    Write a small report on A4 size sheet according to your roll no.-

    (1)Bill gates (1-15) (2)Virat kohli (16-30) ( 3)Charlie chaplin (31 onwards)

    Create a poster on conservation of fuels on A3 sheet.


    Do pg- 7,17,23,31,39 of imagination book on A4 size sheet.

    Draw a village scene on A4 size sheet with pencil shading.

    Draw any modern art on A4 size sheet (own imagination).

    Make a wall hanging in innovative way with waist material.

    COMPUTER Write down the difficult words of L-2, 4 and 10 in notebook.

    Read Ch- 2 ,4 and 10. Try exercise in book.

    Learn and write uses of computer.(L-10)

    Project work-pg-13:Make a collage on ‘INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICES on A4 sze sheet. Collect the picture from Magazine and Newspaper.


    पाठ 4 से 8 पढ़ो व 5- 5 कठठन शब्द चुनकर उनके अर्थ लऱखें,व वाक्य बनाये I रचनात्मक मुलयाॊकन – II(पेज-106) का प्रश्न -1 कॉपी में करेंI पषृ्ठ- 52,53 पढेंI अपने अनुक्रमाॊक के अनुसार करें :-

    1. लमट्टी का घड़ा कौन और कैसे बनाता है,चचत्रसठहत एक ररपोर्थ तैयार करेंI [1-8] 2. र्ॉमस एलवा एडिसन व उनके अववष्कार पर एक चचत्रसठहत ररपोर्थ तैयार करें [9-16] 3. साफ़ सफाई से सम्बॊचित एक रॊगीन पोस्र्र बनाओ I [17-24] 4. एक सुॊदर झाऱर वाऱा कैऱेंिर बनाईये (पेज-34) (25-32)

    5. ठहॊदी में (1-25) अॊकों का एक चार्थ तैयार करे I (33 से आगे)

    सुऱेख कॉपी में करेंI (33 से आगे )

    व्याकरण: पेज-23,24 पर दी गयी पररभाषाओॊ को याद करें व लऱखें I

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    पाठ -9 चगनती(1-25) लऱखें व याद करें[पेज-61] पयाथयवाची शब्द 1 से 15 लऱखें व याद करेंI[पेज-50,51) मुहावरे 1 से 12 लऱखें व याद करेंI[पेज-63,64] अनेक शब्दों के लऱए एक शब्द 1 से 15 लऱखें व याद करेँ I [पेज- 57,58]

    ऱेखन कौशऱ:- 1. अपने वप्रय त्यौहार पर एक अनुच्छेद लऱखो I 2. अपने जन्मठदन पर लमत्र द्वारा प्राप्त उपहार के लऱए लमत्र को िन्यवाद पत्र लऱखेंI एक A-3 साइज़ शीर् पर मोर की आकृतत बनाकर उसको आइसक्रीम की चम्मचो से सजाएॉ व उसमें रॊग भरें I