History of Vedas

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  • 8/3/2019 History of Vedas


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    The History and

    Tradition of theVedas by Jayaram V

    "..writing is an urban phenomenon.To freeze the teachings of prophets in

    books regarded as sacred is to paralyze the spirit of research; it fixesso called established truths to create

    blind faith instead of search for knowledge. The nature of knowledgeis to evolve. Like other aspects of human beings, it knows periods of

    progress and decline.- While theGods Play by Alain Danielou 3

    The Divine Origin of the Vedas

    The word Veda means knowledge. Itis derived from the root word Vid,which means to know. The Vedas areconsidered to be sacred and revealedknowledge. They are described asapaurusheya (not man made) andnitya (eternal). No one knows for surehow the hymns have come intoexistence or who were the earliestrecipients of this body of divineknowledge. The Vedic tradition

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    purchases from today.

    believes that the Vedas exist eternallyand God brings them out at the

    beginning of each cycle of creationfor the benefit of the worlds. The

    Vedas are considered to be the source books of religious knowledge. ManyHindus believe that without theVedas it would be difficult for peopleto discern truth. The seven ancientrishis 1, who are known to the Hindutradition as satparishs, were theearliest recipients of this knowledge.Since the Vedic hymns were either revealed or heard only, theyconstitute the shruti (heard) literature

    of the Hindu tradition

    The Vedic hymns that we know are but an insignificant part of a vast body of knowledge that resides in thehigher realms and known only to achosen few. What we have are therevealed knowledge of a little portionof them. The Vedas are meant to

    protect dharma (religion) andmaintain cosmic order (Rtam). They

    provide us with a glimpse of themacrocosmic and microcosmicaspects of our creation and existenceand serve as a connecting link

    between the gods of the higher realmsand humans as they are common to

    both. They reveal the knowledge of gods and our own inner subtle planes ,where also most of the gods reside insubtle form and assist us in our spiritual awakening. The Vedas are

    not mere magical chants to appeasegods or seek their blessings, butcryptic prayers in which are hiddenmany mysteries and symbols. Theydo produce magical results in the

    physical worlds although that is notthe only reason why they have beenrevealed to us.

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    The Shruti Tradition

    The Vedic tradition has been preserved for several centuries

    through a strict system of memorization by heart. Studentswould memorize the hymns day after day and year after year for severalyears (generally 12) under the closesupervision of a teacher till theyremembered each and every word andits pronunciation by heart. Nodeviations and exceptions wereallowed as the hymns were divine inorigin and human beings had no

    authority to change them or amendthem even by mistake. Sometimes thestudents were made to remember thehymns without knowing their meaning, because the accuracy of the

    pronunciation and memory of theoriginal hymns were more importantin the order of things than their comprehension. The Vedic hymnswere used in karmakanda or

    performing the rituals .

    The Politics of Religion

    The early vedic priests wereemployed in the courts of kings andemperors. They used their vedicknowledge for the welfare of thekings and their families. Theychanted the mantras for their successin the battle field, or their general

    prosperity or for the protection andthe protection of their kingdomsagainst diseases and naturalcalamities such as floods, famines,forest fires and electrical storms. If the kings were satisfied with their actions and convinced of their magical powers, they rewarded themwith valuable gifts and protected

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    them and their wealth.

    Thus the relationship between thekings and the priests was one of

    enlightened self interest. As long asthe king prospered, the priests

    prospered and maintained their holdon the king, his family and thenobility. Since their success verymuch depended upon the efficacy of the rituals, they strived to maintainthe purity of the mantras and their accurate pronunciation and alsoadhere as correctly as possible to the

    procedural aspects of preparing the

    offerings, making the offerings and performing the rituals. As a result, inthe later vedic period the ceremonialaspect (karmakanda) of the Vedastook precedence over their

    philosophical content (gnanakanda).While most of the Vedic mantrasescaped corruption, the originalmeaning of many of the hymns waslost. Many hymns that were not usedin the performance of the rituals or

    considered unnecessary for ceremonial purposes were alsogradually forgotten. For a very longtime the Vedas became mere booksof chants or rituals, while their studyand recitation became the exclusive

    privilege of a few priestly families,except for the aranyakas and theUpanishads which were studiedexclusively in small groups by peopledwelling in the forests and

    hermitages.Confrontation and Compromise with

    Native Traditions

    Some of the Rigvedic hymns areconsidered to be at least 5000 yearsold and composed before the Aryan

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    families migrated to the Indiansubcontinent in search of livelihoodand royal patronage and somecomposed as early as 600 BC. In the

    later Vedic period , starting around1500 BC, we see an increasing

    preponderance of magical rituals, asis evident in the Yajurveda , which

    probably became a necessity in viewof the growing confrontation with thenative traditions in the subcontinentand the demands of the newlyconverted Indian kings. Vedic priestswho previously ignored or ridiculedthe traditions of Jainas, Ajivakas,

    Saivas, Samkhyas, Vaisheshikas,Vaishnavas, Vrishnis (of LordKrishna ) and even Buddhists as thetraditions of the low castes , made

    peace with them through a clever process of integration and adoption.

    Firstly, they acknowledged many popular gods and goddesses such asVishnu , Siva and Shakti andrelegated into the background the

    popular Rigivedic gods such asVaruna, Brahma and Indra . Secondlythey acknowledged many nativemethods of worship such as idolworship , puja and temple rituals .Thirdly, they also adopted andincorporated the fundamentalconcepts and ideas of many schoolsof philosophy such as Yoga ,Samkhya and Vaisheshika . Fourthly,they expanded the scope of caste

    system conveniently to absorb thenew converts into different castedivisions depending upon their socialand vocational status and their

    political and economic influence.Those who were denied proper recognition or dissatisfied with thenew developments converted to other

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    religions such as Jainism andBuddhism . The process reached itsculmination in the post Gupta periodwhen the Buddha , the founder of

    Buddhism , was recognized as anincarnation of Lord Vishnu andSankaracharya integrated manyconcepts of Saivism into Vedismthrough his reinterpretation of theBrahmasutras, the Upanishads andthe Vedas from the perspective of themonistic schools of Saivism . 3

    The Organization of the Vedas

    The Vedas are divided into three parts:

    1. The Samhitas ,2. The Brahmanas and3. The Upanishads , the

    Aranyakas and the Sutraliterature

    The Samhitas

    The samhitas are the main textual portions of the Vedas containing thehymns or the suktas. The RigvedaSamhita contains 1017 or 1028 suktasor hymns, divided into ten divisionsor mandalas. Each Mandalacorrespond with the name of a Rishiwho was probably instrumental in itscreation. These divisions however donot correspond with the order inwhich they were created. For example the first and the tenthMandalas are considered to be latter day compositions compared to therest. 2.

    The Samaveda Samhita is known asthe Book of Chants. It contains 1549(or according to some 1810) hymns

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    which are meant to be sung by aspecial class of priests known asUdgatris at the time of soma sacrifice.Most of the hymns in this samhita are

    copied verbatim from the Rigveda and the remaining few from other existing sources. The hymnscontained in this Samhita are morelyrical in nature and suggest to theearly musical traditions of the Vedic


    The Yajurveda Samhita is known asthe Book of the Yajus (sacrificial

    prayers). The mantras are meant to be

    chanted by a special class of priestscalled adhavaryus during sacrificialceremonies. The Samhita is dividedinto Black Yajurveda , which is adisorderly mixture of prose andchants, and the Whilte (Vajasaneyi)Yajurveda , which consists of onlychants and contributed extensively bysage Yajnavalkya. The Black Yajurveda is considered to be older of the two and composed around

    1200 BC.

    For a long time the Atharvaveda wasnot considered a Veda at all.Kautilya's Arthashastra , for example,mentions only the first three.Atharvaveda Samhita contains mostlymagical chants which alludes to thegrowing influence of the native kingsover the Aryan traditions. Thesamhita is divided into 20 books and

    about 75 hymns which are essentiallyspells, marriage and burial songs andcurses. The Atharvaveda samhita isthe oldest document of the Indianmedicine and magical formulas todeal with disease and sickness. The

    priests who chanted these hymnswere prized by the royalty for their

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    special ability to cure diseases anddrive away the evils spirits or cursetheir enemies.

    The Brahmanas

    The Brahmanas are commentaries in prose on the hymns of the Vedas .They serve as guides for Brahman

    priests to understand the purport of the samhitas. They explain themeaning of the hymns and the

    procedures to be followed in performing various sacrifices . EachVeda (Samhita) has one or more

    Brahmanas. The Rigveda has two

    Brahmanas, KaushitakiBrahmana and AitareyaBrahmana.

    The Samaveda has threeBrahmanas, Tandya-mahaBrahmana, SadavinsaBrahmana and JaiminiyaBrahmana. These Brahmanas

    contain information about thethen existing native people of India and the methods bywhich they should beadmitted into the Aryan fold.

    The Satapatha Brahmana belongs to the Vajsaneya or White Yajurveda and believedto be composed

    byYajnavalkya. The SatapathaBrahmana is the most

    important of all theBrahmanas. It's title literallymeans the Brahmana of 100

    paths. The Brahmana containsinformation about theimportant sacrificialceremonies of the VedicAryans such as the asvamedha

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    and rajasuya yajnas. It alsodeals with the relationship

    between the priests and therulers. The BrihadarnyakaUpanishad is attached to this



    The Aranyakas are forest books.They are the concluding portions of the Vedas. They are not about rituals

    but about the philosophical aspect of the Vedas and meant for peopleleading ascetic lives in the middle of forests. They deal with the esoteric

    aspects of important rites. TheAranyakas were meant not to berevealed to the general public becauseof their magical power, but only tothose who lived in the forests and

    practiced austerities and self-control

    The Upanishads

    The Upanishads constitutes the end part of the Vedas (vedanta). Theydeal with philosophical and mysticalaspects of Vedas and deal withsubjects like Brahman , atman , natureof reality , the meaning of trueknowledge , the state of oneness, thefour states of consciousness, theconstitution of the worlds, the natureof highest reality, the nature of truesacrifice and so on. They containdisjointed and loosely organized

    pieces of metaphysical andspeculative truths about Brahman andAtman . Some of them are mereexpositions, some are composed innarrative form and some in the formof conversations.

    The Sutras

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    The Sutra literature was composedmuch later than the Vedas and belongto a later period. They are manuals of instructions for people to follow in

    their social, religious, economic and political affairs. They are a diverse body of literature, containing manyscriptures which are loosely groupedtogether as sutra literature. It consistsof

    the six Vedangas (Kalpa,Siksha, Vyakarna, Nirukta,Chhanda & Jyotisha)

    Nirukta of Yaksa Ashtadhyayi of Panini on

    Sanskrit grammar. Apart fromits literary value, the work of Panini has great historicalvalue.

    Strauta Sutras which deal withceremonies

    the Grihya Sutras, which dealwith domestic rules, duties,rites and sacrifices. We findinformation about the

    samskaras (sacraments), typesof marriages, the five kinds of sacrifices and the seven typesof pakayajnas, the four typesof ashramas, the duties of various castes and so on.

    the Dharmashastras or religious law books (byGautama , Baudhayana ,Apastamba and Vashishta ).The deal with code of conduct

    for various classes of peopleand various social andreligious situations. TheDharmashastras are more like

    books of guidelines rather than law books.

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    The Significance of the Vedas

    Most of the hymns in the Vedas donot make sense today because of the

    changes that took place in the Vedicreligion in the last 3000 years. Manygods of the old vedic religion havevanished or yielded place to newgods of the subcontinent. It was the

    price the priests of the later Vedic period had to pay to withstand the popularity of the non vedic traditionsand continue their own by securingthe the support of the kings and thenobility with some compromises here

    and there. We have no idea howmuch of the Vedas werecompromised and how much of itwas kept intact. We know for surethat many of the ancient gods weresacrificed to keep the tradition aliveand the priests in power.

    Whatever might be the truth, theVedas constitute the base as well asthe hub of the Hindu tradition . For

    centuries they served as the source book of standards (pramana) to testthe validity of a philosophicalstatements. If a truth was notsupported by the Vedas it was notaccepted as a philosophical truth.Those who disregarded this principlewere considered as heretics andoutside the fold of Hinduism. Eventoday many scholars tend to define a

    person as a Hindu only if he or she

    accepts the authority of the Vedas .

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    1. The seven sages are also identifiedwith the constellation of Ursa Major.They are Bhrigu, Angirasa, Atri,Gautama, Kashyapa, Vashishta andAgasty

    2. For lack of better expression wehave to use the word composition.The vedas are not composed by anyone. They were originally either heard or received from others in deep

    state meditation or trance and then passed on to others.

    3. I strongly recommend anyone whois interested in knowing thisintegration of Vedism with the nativereligions of ancient India to read the

    book While The Gods Play by AlainDanielou

    Saturday , January 26, 2008

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