History of Type

Post on 18-Mar-2016

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History of type

Transcript of History of Type

Egyptian, comes from the rosetta stone‘s large block shaped serifs that decorated the characters.

Fat face refers to the obese, bold characters that make up a type family. They were usually paired with thin lines that served as a drop shadow.

Characters that has the combination of thick strokes and hairline thin strokes.

Full Moon, 1875Letterpress poster

Here’s to the Crazy Ones, 2011Online poster

Figgins’ typeface ‘Antique’ was in the headline style in 1817 from The London Foundry

Thorne never saw his ‘Egyptian’ typeface finished because of his death in 1820.

Johannes Gutenberg started this all with his move-able type and printing press between 1440 and 1450.

His first publication was the Bible and printed in a gothic blackletter typeface.

Typography has evolved over the centuries with many different styles emerging, disappearing, then resurfacing.

Texts on Type: Critical Writing on Typography Edited by Steven Heller and Philip B. Meggs

The Secret History of Type by Simon Loxley

Thinking in Type by Ellen Lupton

From Gutenberg to Open Type by Robin Dodd