History Alive! Chapter 7. Vocabulary Review Arab Arabian Peninsula Islam Muhammad Caravan.

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Transcript of History Alive! Chapter 7. Vocabulary Review Arab Arabian Peninsula Islam Muhammad Caravan.



History Alive! Chapter 7

Vocabulary Review

Arab Arabian Peninsula Islam Muhammad Caravan

Trade and the Arabian PeninsulaThe Arabian Peninsula was located at the very heart of trade between China, India, Persia, Europe, and Africa. As a result, Arabians became the “middlemen” of medieval trade.

Trade by land: caravansArabs used camels to carry their goods across the deserts on the Arabian Peninsula.

Camels could go for days without drinking water and could survive the difficult journey.

"Isle of Graia Gulf of Akabah Arabia Petraea“ by Louis Haghe

The impact of trade on Arabia Knowledge Ideas Technology Goods

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of trade

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Knowledge: {Mathematics} Algebra and Trigonometry brought from

India Arabic-Hindu numerals

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(10 − x)2 = 81xx2 + 100 = 101x

Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī

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Impact of trade



Knowledge: {Astronomy}Medieval Arabs used a Ptolemic (Ptolemy was a Roman) concept of the universe to make astronomical observations. They also built several observatories to analyze and observe constellations and planetary movement. They were also influenced by India, China, and Greece.

Astronomical instruments

Quadrant Torquetum

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Impact of trade




Knowledge: {Medicine}Arabs were especially innovative in the area of medicine.

They established many medical schools and hospitals, specialized in optics and blood circulation.

Also, they were the first to refute the European theory of humorism.

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Technology: {Engineering}Watermills, subterranean aquaducts, bridges, dams, canals, and clocks are all unique engineering feats boasted by medieval Arabian culture.

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Technology: {Paper and Publishing}

The Diamond Sutra

China was the first to manufacture and print on paper (as opposed to parchment).

Arabs in the medieval period learned the process from the Chinese.

This led to the development of libraries and numerous books produced in the Islamic world.

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Ideas: {Islam}As a result of its central location, the religion of Islam was able to spread extensively throughout the world.

It is now one of the most predominant religions in the world.

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Silks (China) Jewels, cotton,

spices, (India) Ivory, gold (Africa) Glass, gold (Rome)

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