History 12 Pre 1919 Review

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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A secondary school History 12 presentation with background information for an introduction to the Paris Peace Talks, 1919.

Transcript of History 12 Pre 1919 Review

The First World War

A review of the political and military events to be

considered in Paris, 1919

J. Marshall 2009


I: Politics1) Nationalism2) Empires and Imperialism 3) The Alliance System4) The Naval Arms Race (Militarism)

II: War5) The Schlieffen Plan6) Static Warfare and Attrition7) Total War

Part I: Politics

1) Nationalism

SEE PAGE 3 OF FALK’S BOOK:Nationalism is _____________not _____________ .Things like ______________, ______________ and_____________ connect nationalities. It isinteresting to note that _____________ is not necessary for a group to identify themselves as a nation.

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War




culture traditions


BHall of Mirrors: Declaration of German Empire, January, 1871


I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

The German Question: What role will a

unified Germany play in the affairs of Europe

and the world?

1) Nationalism and WW1(remember borders were set by earlier conquests)

a) Franco-Prussian War and German Unification– Germany wanted power and status

(“iron and blood,” a “place in the sun”)– France wanted revenge (Alsace-Lorraine, status, pride)– UK wanted the status quo (power of RN/colonies)+ General distrust (among nation states/alliances)

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

b) Austria-Hungary−Pan-Slavism (Serbia and the Sick Man of Europe)−International competition (A-H, Russia)

“The position of Prussia in Germany will not be determined by its liberalism but by its power ... Prussia must concentrate its strength and hold it for the favourable moment, which has already come and gone several times. Since the treaties of Vienna, our frontiers have been ill-designed for a healthy body politic. Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided - that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849 - but by iron and blood.”

2) Imperialism

When one country gains dominance (control/ownership) over another

• In the “recent” past industrialized “western” nations (Europe, USA, Japan) have colonized non-industrial lands to gain raw materials and markets

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

Manifest Destiny The White Man’s Burden A Place in the Sun

Imperialism led to competition

• France, UK and other “older” European nation-states had a history of imperialism.

• A unified Germany was a late-comer to the game.

• If the imperial nations went to war, precedent suggested the winners would gain the losers’ colonies.

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

3) Alliances: joining together

• Balance of power to stop incursions• Status quo is only good if you’re on top• Collective Security provides mutual aid

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

The goal is to stop hegemony by any one power

The Triple Alliance

(L) Wilhelm II of Germany, (C) Francisco Crispi of Italy (R) Franz Joseph I of


I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

Triple Entente


A System of Alliances, Not One

Anglo-Russian Entente Entente Cordiale

Dual Alliance

With the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente, the Triple Entente became a fact.

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

Balance of Power

The Balkans were seen as the “powder keg” of Europe!

“Serbia: the menace to European equilibrium”

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

Catalyst: Assassination I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War


I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

4) Naval Arms Race• HMS Dreadnought made all other warships

obsolete• Kaiser Wilhelm sought naval supremacy• An arms race was started

Consider: Why would Britain think it critical that she continue to rule the waves?

Part II: War

1) The Schlieffen Plan

• Attack through the Low Countries before Russia can mobilize

• Use speed and surprise to advantage• Avoid a war on two fronts• With France and Russia out of the war, Britain

will sue for peace

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

But… I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

• The French stopped the German advance outside Paris in the Battle of the Marne; and,

• Russia mobilized her army much quicker than expected.

2) Static Warfare and Battles of Attrition

• Trenches• Gas• Machine guns• Heavy artillery• Diseases• Airplanes• Months-long offensives• Stalemate• Tanks• Brass hats

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

See graphs on page 21 of Global Forces



3) Total War

• Home Front• Rationing• Industrialization/profiteers• Loans/bonds/income taxes• Women• Conscription• Civilian casualties• Debt/rise of the USA

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

Use the contents bar to write a 150 word paragraph to summarize the political and military events (beyond the cost in lives and money) that led to the peace accords in Paris, 1919.

I: Politics: 1) Nationalism 2) Imperialism 3) Alliances 4) Naval Race

(Militarism) II: War: 1) Schlieffen Plan 2) Static War & Attrition 3) Total War

A variety of political and military events led up to the peace talks in Paris, 1919.

Topic sentence:
