Historic St. Mary’s Church, Lancaster,...

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Transcript of Historic St. Mary’s Church, Lancaster,...

Historic St. Mary’s Church, Lancaster, PA August 7, 2011

Mass Intentions for the Week

August— 7 Consecration Prep. Meeting (parlor) - 10:00 am 8 Building & Grounds Committee Mtg. (DR) - 7:00 pm 11 Short Staff Meeting (kitchen/church) - 9:30 am 12 Rosary Group (Lampeter Elem. School Playground) - 9:30 am 12 Community Meal (cafeteria) - 5:30 pm 13 Confessions (church) - 4:00 pm 14 Consecration Prep. Meeting (parlor) - 10:00 am

Important Dates All meetings held in the Marian library unless otherwise noted.

Saturday, August 6: 5:30 Earl “Kelly” Rebman III (Earl & Lois Rebman) Sunday, August 7: 8:30 Dr. Leonard Bisaccia (Gabrielle Mappone) 11:00 Parishioners & Friends (Fr. Leo) Monday, August 8: 10:00 Lancaster House South: Paul LaBree - Living (Loretta & Bernard LaBree) 12:05 Richard Blankenmeyer (Joan Wike) Tuesday, August 9: 12:05 Kathleen C. Rineer - First anniversary of her death (Bereavement) Wednesday, August 10: 12:05 Zachary Lefever (Earl & Lois Rebman) Thursday, August 11: 12:05 Janet Gbur - First anniversary of her death (Bereavement) Friday, August 12: 12:05 Louise Schmalhofer (Bruno Schmalhofer) Saturday, August 13: 8:00 Mary Elizabeth Canan (Joseph & Betty Romeo) 5:30 Parishioners & Friends (Fr. Leo) Sunday, August 14: 8:30 Thelma Weaver (St. Mary’s Church Staff) 11:00 Bulletin Sponsors

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

To walk on water is to do the seemingly impossible. But isn’t that exactly what we are called to as disciples of Christ? Think about it for a moment. As His disciples, we are to die to self so that we might live in Him; we are to trust God when all seems to be lost and not trust the “powers” and “sureties” of this world, and we are to live in joyful hope while the dark despair of evil consumes the wise and worldly. Believe me, the person who dies, hopes and trusts completely is doing what the world says can’t be done is walking on water. Show me someone doing these three things faithfully, and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t take their eyes off Christ.

Peter was walking on water! But the forces of this world became the occasion for him to doubt, and he began to sink. Still he knew Whom to cry out to for help. As he lost his way, the Lord was there to save him, to grab him by the hand. So let’s emulate Peter’s initial courage and jump out of the boat; Jesus is there to help us too. By refocusing time after time on Jesus, Peter would eventually come to maturity in his role as first Bishop of Rome and Martyr. Christ is asking that same maturity of faith from us, to do what the world says is impossible, to be selfless, full of hope and trust in the One who is worthy of our trust. At Mass we focus on Him and receive Him. For when the Mass is over and we’re dismissed, we are being sent out of the boat!

Next weekend, please welcome Rev. Dennis J. Colter who will be with us to celebrate our weekend Masses and tell us about the work of the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging. This week I received a letter from Evaline, the young woman I sponsor from Kenya. I can’t believe how much she’s grown over the years. Her crayon pictures with a note from the case worker have given way to beautifully written letters sharing her hopes and dreams. I feel so blessed to be a part of this program and a part of her life. CFCA is a lay Catholic sponsorship ministry that helps children and elderly in 23 developing countries. To learn more, call 800.875.6564 or visit CFCA online at www.cfcausa.corg.

August is definitely here. Summer vacation season is quickly winding down. Take a little time with loved ones to bask in God’s love and peace. And if you know anyone who might be interested in becoming a part of our beautiful Catholic faith, now is the time to ask and to plant the seed. Our wonderful RCIA begins on August 23.

Catechism Question of the Week: True or False: All people are called to a catholic unity. They simply are either fully incorporated into the life of the Church or not. (see CCC 836-837; 846)

With family, friends and those you meet, please discuss the following Question of the Week: How is my faith tested, and why do I persevere?

In Christ’s Peace,

“We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend on material success, nor on sciences that cloud the intellect. Neither does it

depend on arms and human industries, but on Jesus alone.”

—St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Parish Office

Wedding Banns. Blaze Cambruzzi and Nichole Scicchitano, September 10, 2011

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord— Carol A. Allen

Advertiser of the Week. — Nancy Segro - Infinity Real Estate — Our thanks to Nancy Segro and all our sponsors for

advertising in our bulletin. Please patronize them and thank them for advertising. It is because of them that our

bulletin is possible.

Stewardship Tithing: God’s Plan for Giving

Tithing weekend of July 31, 2011: $43,583.70

Student offerings: $2.00

From Fr. Leo. Elijah recognized the voice of God not in the strong and heavy wind, not in the earthquake, and not in the fire, but in a tiny whispering sound. May we find enough quiet in our clamorous world to hear His voice and discern what He is calling us to do and be.

Comment from the Pews. My wife and I learned, Father, the very real spiritual component of tithing. We read and listened to testimonies revealing how the Lord really “takes over” and enables the tithing program to almost “take care of itself.” What's truly remarkable is that the money part of tithing becomes an afterthought when compared to the spiritual richness and other blessings that have flowed from our commitment to tithe.

My child’s good deed for the week. Several of our children offered these as their tithe in addition to their financial gift: I found CD cases. I helped with the dishes. I walked our puppy.

. . . for our church neighbors Sunday evening, August 28,

5:00-8:30 pm, in front of the convent

It’s simple! Log on to our parish website: www.stmaryslancaster.org. Click on Online Giving in the upper right corner. Follow the easy registration instructions.

It’s convenient! You can choose the amount and the frequency. No more searching for your checkbook on Sunday mornings or stopping at the ATM machine. You will be able to print a report detailing your contributions any time. If you wish, you may still receive weekly envelopes and check “online contributor.”

It’s secure! Online Giving is compliant to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. The strongest encryption technology available is used.

Please contact the rectory office for more information, 392.2578.


It’s easier than ever to make your regular tithe to St. Mary’s!

Catechism Question of the Week. True or False: All people are called to a catholic

unity. They simply are either fully incorporated into the life of the Church or not.

(CCC 836-837; 846)

Question of the Week. How is my faith tested, and why do I persevere?

Matthew 15:21-28

August 7, 2011 Historic St. Mary’s Church, Lancaster, PA

Religious Education

Contact Anne Barnes 490.0652 or reled@stmaryslancaster.org

Catholic School News

Become a part of the RCS Family! There is still plenty of time to register your child for the 2011/2012 school year for grades K through 8. For more information or to schedule a tour, please call 392.3083. You can also visit the school website at www.rcspa.org.


Contact Don Peris 333.1947 or DPeris@verizon.net

Scripture Readings. August 14—Feast of the Assumption (at St. Mary’s) Revelation 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; Psalm 45:10, 11, 12, 16; 1 Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56

St. Mary’s Mass on Comcast TV. St. Mary’s 11:00 am Mass on Sunday is broadcast on Comcast TV Channel 95 later the same day (Sunday) at 6:00 pm and then again on Monday at 3:00 pm.

Catechists Needed. Our students in grades 4 and 5 are still in need of an adult, enthusiastic about their faith, to guide them to a better knowledge of and relationship with Jesus Christ. Please contact the Religious Education office if you think God may be calling you to this ministry. This is joyful work with great rewards!

Religious Education Classes to Begin. Religious Education classes begin on September 11. If your child will be new to the program this year, please complete the registration forms on the parish website (www.stmaryslancaster.org) and send to the Religious Education office, or call the Religious Education office for assistance (contact information is above.)

Feast of the Assumption. August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption. “This solemnity recognizes Mary’s passage into heaven, united in body and soul. The tradition of Mary’s assumption dates back to at least the fifth century, but the doctrine was only dogmatically and infallibly defined in 1950 by Pope Pius XII.” —Fr. George J. Cerniglia, SM

The Feast of the Assumption, our titular feast, will be celebrated on the weekend of August 13/14 as well as on Monday, August 15. You are invited to join the entrance procession to place flowers at the foot of the Marian statue at all Masses on the weekend. There will be light refreshments in the schoolyard and cafeteria following the weekend Masses.

A plenary indulgence may be gained, “when the usual conditions (sacramental confession, reception of the Eucharist, and prayer for the intention of the Holy Father) have been properly completed by the Christian faithful truly repentant, in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, if they are assisting with devotion at a sacred function, or they have at least recited the Lord’s Prayer and made an act of faith on the titular feast day of the church itself (August 15).” —from the Apostolic Penitentiary presented to St. Mary’s Church, Lancaster, February 2, 2009

Lancaster Catholic High School Picnic & PTO. All LCHS students and their families are invited to a free picnic on Wednesday, August 31, at the LCHS football field, 5:30-7:30 pm. The PTO will provide free hamburgers, hot dogs, water, and watermelon slices. French fries and ice cream may be purchased. Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 17, online at www.lchsyes.org and click on “PTO Picnic” on the home page OR by calling Terri Bridgwater at 426.2889 or Kelly Lauver at 665.4235. PTO members will be available to answer questions. You can join PTO at any time for just $15.

PTO meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at LCHS. Please read the school email blasts and check the LCHS websites for updates and confirmations. Please mark your calendar with these important dates:

Tuesday, September 13, 6:30 pm, LCHS Room 24 - PTO Meeting Tuesday, October 11, 6:30 pm, LCHS Library - PTO Presents: Meet the Principal, President, & Guidance Counselors Saturday, November 5, Lancaster Crusaders Holiday Shoppes at LCHS

Host Families Needed Immediately. Host families are needed for seven male Chinese students preparing to attend Lancaster Catholic High School. The host family provides a private bedroom and includes the student in family meals and daily activities. Natural parents pay all expenses and host families receive a monthly stipend of $700. Area coordinator Jeanne Hendren works closely with students, host families, and teachers of LCHS to ensure a successful hosting experience. Contact jhendren5@verizon.net or 475.6224.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Family Life

Contact Joe Clupp 464.5041 or jclupp@msn.com

Natural Family Planning. NFP is a safe and ethical way to achieve or postpone a pregnancy. For more information on the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP, call Mary Theresa Squierdo, 626.9267. For more information on the Creighton Model Fertility Care System, contact Laurie Weitzel, 669.8404.

For Your Marriage. Celebrating wedding days takes on a deeper meaning when one realizes that a couple’s success in married life affects not only themselves, but also their communities and all of society. Besides giving gifts and throwing showers, what can we all do to support married couples and encourage strong marriage? To read the full story on this topic and much more, visit www.foryourmarriage.org.

“Get hold of yourselves! It is I. Do not be afraid!”

Uncertainty can sometimes bring fear along with God’s call to consecrated life or priesthood. Get hold of yourselves! If the Lord is truly calling you,

what is needed is trust! If you are discerning your vocation, contact Fr. Leo in the rectory or Fr. LaVoie at the number listed above.


Contact Fr. Raymond LaVoie 657.4804 x 282 or frlavoie@hbgdiocese.org

Work will continue this week on one of the large convent rooms. No skills needed—just your willingness to help out and have fun while doing it. Please mark these dates/times on your calendar. Meet in the school yard.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (August 8, 10, 11) at 6:30 p.m.

All men 18 years and older are welcome. Questions? Contact John Skubon at j.skubon@mxl-industries.com or 413.8219.

Men of the Parish . . . Help is Needed!

“The Roman Catholic priesthood began on the first Holy Thursday over 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ celebrated the Last Supper in the Upper Room in Jerusalem with His apostles. On that night, Jesus gave the Church both the Sacrament of Holy Orders – the priesthood – and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. For this reason, the Catholic Church places great importance on the ministerial priesthood because it continues the call of Jesus and the response of the apostles to His command to ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations’ (Mt 28:19).” — www.VocationBoom.com

Vocation Website. Check out this new vocation website. It has been endorsed by the USCCB as a “Best New Website” and as one of the “Top Ten Websites” for vocations.


Park Party! Sunday, August 21, 6:00-8:00 pm at

Buchmiller Park. Dogs ‘n S’mores, Frisbee® Golf, Water Balloon Battle.

Youth Ministry

Contact Silvia Doe 872.8985 or stmarysyouth@hotmail.com

Block Party for Our Church Neighbors! Sunday, August 28, 5:00-8:30 pm.

Help with face painting, games, food, etc. Earn service hours!

The above events are open to youth in grades 7-12. Contact Silvia Doe for more information or to sign-up.


Contact Anne Marie DiCarlo 872.9386 or dicarloanne@comcast.net

St. Mary’s Pro-Life Mass Saturday, August 27, 8:00 am

“You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt the young. You shall not commit fornication. You shall not steal. You shall not kill an unborn child or murder a newborn infant.”

—The Didache 2nd century

Historic St. Mary’s Church, Lancaster, PA August 7, 2011

Parish Events Contact Information

Pastoral Staff Rev. Leo M. Goodman III, Pastor Rev. Mr. Manuel Velazquez, Deacon Fran Sescilla, Pastoral Assistant Tina Skubon, Parish Manager Silvia Doe, Youth Director Don Peris Jr., Liturgy Coordinator Stephanie Sands, Director of Music Anne Barnes, Director of Religious Education Joseph Clupp, Family Life Coordinator Betty Anne O’Brien, Administrative Assistant Trish Frintzilas-Frey, Receptionist Terry Warco, Parish Pastoral Council Chair

Phone 392.2578

Email p049assumptionlanc@hbgdiocese.org

Websites www.stmaryslancaster.org www.hbgdiocese.org

Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Mass Schedule Monday through Friday 12:05 pm Saturday 8:00 am and Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday 8:30 and 11:00 am Confessions: Saturday 4:00 to 5:00 pm

Resurrection Catholic School 392.3083

Lancaster Catholic High School 509.0315

Religious Education Office 490.0652 Classes held on Sunday after 8:30 am Mass.

Prayer Line 872.8726 or 459.3360

Parish Advocate for People with Disabilities Yvonne Devosa, 560.0674

Library Open 9:00 am to 3:00 pm daily and between Masses on Sunday.

Marriage Preparation A minimum of nine months is required for marriage preparation. Go to www.stmaryslancaster.org/weddings or call parish office.

Baptism Second and fourth Sundays. Parish membership and baptism class mandatory. Contact parish office.

Friends of St. Mary’s Fundraiser. This annual fundraiser to benefit St. Mary’s Education Fund will be held on Sunday, September 25, at the Revere Tavern, 3063 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise. Doors will open at 5:00 pm. Tickets are available and ticket sellers are needed. Tickets are $100 each; only 250 will be sold. Your ticket purchase will include hot and cold hors de ’oeuvres, dinner and open bar, games and prizes all evening. Grand prize drawing is for $10,000 (winner need not be present to win).

Please call a committee member to buy your tickets, to volunteer to sell tickets, to be a sponsor or to donate a gift certificate prize:

Gene Driscoll—464.0995 Mike Kane—656.7605 or 299.5251 Jack Mentzer—898.6158 Jack or Nancy Segro—397.1131 or 203.0184 Shirley Weiss Tennis—397.2766 Bob or Sandi Thompson—392.6216 Tom Young—299.2400

The Women of Grace Foundational Study

is a powerful Catholic study for women of all ages that will help you to feed your soul, understand your

Catholic identity and more clearly define your purpose.

You are invited to join the weekly meetings for the Women of Grace Study that will be offered on Wednesday evening 7:00-8:45 pm or Thursday morning 10:00-11:45 am.

Sessions will be held in Adult Education Room #8 in the school.

A study book and a workbook are required; the cost is $25 for both (scholarship money is available).

The evening session will run September 21 - February 29. The morning session will run September 22 - March 1.

No classes will be held November 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 23 & 24 due to the parish pilgrimage to the Holy Land and the Thanksgiving holiday. No classes will be held from December 14 - January 5.)

Register during hospitality after Masses on Sunday, August 14, or by calling the rectory, 392.2578.

Questions? Please contact Jet Lea Visneski at 203.5669 or

pevjlv@comcast.net or call Gigi Rogers at 802.338.1898.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

From St. Mary’s Archives

“Father Peter Janin, O.S.S. was sent to Lancaster in 1794 to take the place of Father Brosius as [the 15th]

pastor of St. Mary’s. . . . He remained in Lancaster about two months, not as a visiting priest, but as the resident pastor. . . . From his short stay in Lancaster and his subsequent transfer to a French-speaking community, it can be assumed that he had difficulty translating idiomatically from his native French into understandable English.” “Another of the priests who came to the United States as a result of the French Revolution was Father Charles Mongrand. No trace of his whereabouts in this country, either before or after he became pastor of St. Mary’s *the 16th pastor] has been found. Nor is it known whether he was a secular priest or a member of an order. What we do know about him has come to us through the church records he kept while in Lancaster. . . . He came to St. Mary’s in December 1794. . . . He remained in Lancaster as the resident Catholic priest about one year.”

—St. Mary’s Church, Lancaster, PA 1785-1877, by Edgar A. Musser

In & Around the Diocese

Gift Card Bingo & Chinese Auction. Sunday, August 21, at St. Philip’s Church, Lancaster. Doors open at 5:30 pm; bingo begins at 7:00 pm. Food is available for purchase. Cost: $17 pre-purchase; $20 at the door. For more information or tickets, contact Jean Erb, 872.0714, Andrea Derr, 872.2166, or Karen Hirschberger, 293.8743. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.

Retrouvaille. Retrouvaille (Ret-tro-vy) is a program which helps to restore communication and trust in a marriage. If you feel helpless or trapped by frequent conflicts, please know that hundreds of couples have been helped. The next program will be held September 16-18 at the Homewood Suites in Mechanicsburg, PA. For more information, call Tom or Patty 938.8229 or 800.470.2230.

“In dangers of sinning, when assailed by temptations, when doubtful as to how you should act, remember that

Mary can help you, and if you call upon her, she will instantly help you.” — St. Alphonsus Liguori