Historia de canarias

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Historia de canarias

All starts 23 million years ago…

7 islands and 5 islets which emerged from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean…

because of the strong volcanic activity

And even though everyone looks at us this way…

…because of our mild weather caused by the trade winds

(oceanic moist winds which soft the influence of african climate)

Calima (dust in the air from The Sahara Desert,

bringing high temperatures


We also have history…

According to the most accepted theories, the first inhabitants of the islands were


…who came from Noth Africa, about

the 5th Century b.C

But some centuries before, maybe from other countries

Both cultural evidences as their magical- religious beliefs corroborate


This first colonization meant many changes, mainly in the cultives, cuisine and wildlife, as they introduced different

domestic animals

The arrival of the aborigines caused also the extinction of some large reptiles,

such as the giant lizard, which could reach up to a meter or more

In some islands, such as El Hierro, there are still descendants of these ancient

specimens, but smaller ones

The History tells that our ancestors, known as Guanches, were a strong


with also a strong family roots

“Mencey” or “Guanarteme” were the kings…

Who were pureblooded noblemen

They mainly lived from agriculture and animal husbandry

But they also practiced fishing and fruit collection

Our ancestors took also advantage from the volcanic tubes and caves to live


The Canaries were metal lacked, so the aborigens developed stone utensils…

…but also bone and wood tools

…maybe one of the most important tools of Guanches

Gofio, a kind of flour made from corn or wheat, was done with this stone mill…

Aborigens created them as family stamps

…which were used for body-painting, too

“Pintaderas” are actually an identity sign

of our islands

So, art was very present in aboriginal life, with such amazing samples as the Painted Cave of Gáldar, in Gran Canaria

Guanches had strong beliefs on different Gods and protective spirits…

…as Tara, a small

figure that represents


…but also in natural strength

We have inherited a variety of cultural samples and sports, such as the

“Shepherd jumping” or the “Canarian wrestling”

And so, between fights, the end of the aborigen era started…

The Conquest of the Canary Islands took place between 1402-1496

Gran CanariaLa Gomera

El Hierro



La Palma

But not without opposition from the aboriginal towns

First French Lords and medieval knights, and finally Castilians, supported by the

Catholic Kings, concluded the conquest…

From that time, the Canaries were an strategic point in the Atlantic Ocean,

place of reference to navigation

Christopher Columbus departed from La Gomera island on his first trip to America,


French, Portuguese, English or Dutch pirates and navies staged different attacks to the islands looking for


For that reason, the islands were fortified

During one of the most famous battles in Santa Cruz de Tenerife…

…the British Royal Navy was defeated, and Admiral Horatio Nelson was badly


He lost his right arm…

The Tiger Canyon, located in Santa Cruz, was the responsible

But the islands remained under the Spanish Crown’s rule

Nowadays, one of the 17 Communities of Spain

So, the Canaries have always had a discreet but important place in History

During the Ancient Age, it was believed that the islands were the end of the


Different historians have written about the Canary islands throughout History…

The Greek Hesíodo saw in the Canaries

the “Garden of the


The Roman Pliny the Elder call them

the “Fortunate Islands”

From our ancestors, we keep customs, traditions, beliefs,


…and some amazing legends

As the Legend of Gara & Jonay...

M.F. Serafín