Histo.male reproductive system.2015.dk.

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Histo.male reproductive system.2015.dk.

Male Reproductive system


Assistant Professor.DEPT .OF ANATOMY


Male reproductive system

consist of…

• Testis

• Epidydimis

• Vas deference

• Prostate

Male reproductive system…

Testis …

Identify …

• Tunica albuginea

• Tunica vasculosa

• Fibrous septa from mediastinum testis divide it onto many lobules

• Each lobule contain 1-4 seminiferous tubules.

Testis …


Slide 1:Testis (10x)



2.Interstitial connective tissue

Testis (40x)

Slide 1:Testis…

Seminiferous Tubule…• lined by stratified epithelium ie,germinal

epithelium containing proliferating cell and non proliferating

• Covered by outer layer of CT with fibroblastand inner layer of basement membrane

• Contain 2 types of cells…

Spermatogenic cells resting on BM .

Supportive cells i.e. Sertoli cells

ST ends in straight tubules which are lined by cuboidal or low columnar epithelium

1.Sertoli cells(supporting or sustentacular)

• Do not replicate after puberty.

• Cells are columnar cells with extensive apical and lateral processes that surround the adjacent spermatogenic cells resting on the thick, multilayered basal M.

• occupy the spaces between them

• Sertoli cells cannot be well defined in routine (H&E) preparations

Sertoli cells…

• supporting cells for the developing sperm

• contain an extensive sER, a well-developed rER, and stacks of annulate lamellae, spherical and elongated mitochondria, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, and varying numbers of microtubules, lysosomes, lipid droplets, vesicles, glycogen granules, and filaments.

• A sheath of 7- to 9-nm filaments surrounds the nucleus and separates it from other organelles.

Sertoli cells…

• characteristic inclusion bodies (Charcot-Böttcher) are found in the basal cytoplasm.

• slender fusiform crystalloids are visible in routine preparations.

• Sertoli cell–to–Sertoli cell junctional complex consists of a structurally unique combination of membrane and cytoplasmic specializations.

• complex is characterized by an tight junction-zonula occludens (50 parallel fusion lines)

Sertoli cell–to–Sertoli cell(blood–testis barrier cell junctional complex)

• Blood–testis barrier.is essential in creating a physiologic compartmentalization within the ST with respect to ionic, amino acid, carbohydrate, and protein composition. Therefore, the composition of the fluid in the seminiferous tubules and excurrent ducts differs considerably.

• Plasma proteins and circulating antibodies are excluded from the lumen of the seminiferoustubules.

Blood testis barrier…

• Exocrine products of the sertoli cells (ABP), are highly concentrated in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules.

• Barrier isolates the genetically different antigenic haploid germ cells (secondary spermatocytes, spermatids,and sperm) from the immune system of the adult male.

• Antigens produced by or specific to the sperm are prevented from reaching the systemic circulation.

blood–testis barrier subdivides each ST into

1. basal compartment and

2. adluminalcompartment

Spermatogenic cells…

• regularly replicate and differentiate into mature sperm.

• Cells are derived from primordial germ cells originating in the yolk sac during early development of the testis.

• cells are organized in poorly defined layers of progressive development between adjacent Sertolicells

• Spermatogonia-most immature spermatogenic cells,

rest on the basal lamina.

• The most mature cells, called spermatids, are attached to the apical portion of the Sertoli cell, where they border the lumen of the tubule.

Spermatogenic cell…

• Spermatogonia –immature soermatogenic cells

• Divide to form 3 types of spermatogonia…

Pale type A

Dark Type A

Type B

Primary spermatocyte largest cells in ST

Large nuclie with coarse chromatin

Spermatogenic cells…

Spermatogenic cells

Interstitial connective tissue.


• Blood vessels

• Loose CT

• Clusters of epithelial interstitial cells of Leydig.

Leydig Cells (interstitial cells)

• are large, polygonal, eosinophilic cells that typically contain lipid droplets and Lipofuscinpigment

• distinctive, rod-shaped cytoplasmic ,crystals of Reinke .( refractile, represent a protein product).

• cells have an elaborate (sER), a feature that accounts for their eosinophilia).

• The enzymes necessary for the synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol are associated with the sER.

Excurrent Ducts

Consist of …

• Straight tubules

• Rete testis

• Efferent ductules

Straight tubules

Short ,narrow ducts lined with cuboidal or low columnar epithelium mainly sertoli cells, continue into rete testis

Rete testis

Irregular, anastomosing network of tubules with wide lumina

lined by simple squamous to low cuboidal or low columnar epithelium

Becomes wide near efferent ductules.

Efferent Ductules…

• lined with a pseudostratified columnar epithelium that contains clumps of tall and short cells saw tooth appearance.

• Interspersed among the columnar cells are basal cells that serve as epithelial stem cells. The tall columnar cells are ciliated. The short nonciliated cells have numerous microvilli and canalicular invaginations of the apical

• Most of the fluid secreted in the seminiferous tubules is reabsorbed in the efferent ductules.

Efferent Ductules…

Efferent ductules…

• A smooth muscle layer in the excurrent ducts first appears at the beginning of the efferent ductules. The smooth muscle cells form a layer several cells thick in the wall of the ductule.

• Interspersed among the muscle cells are elastic fibers.

• Transport of the sperm in the efferent ductules is affected largely by both ciliary action and contraction of this fibromuscular layer.

Testis (10 x)…

Slide 2:Epididymis…

Ductus deferens…


Ductus Epidydimis…

• Long convoluted tubule

• Surrounded by CT and thin smooth muscle cell layer

• Lined by psuedostratified epithelium contain

• Principal cells- Tall columnar epithelia with stereocillia and long ,modified,branchingmicrovilli.

• Basal cell-small and spherical situated near base

Ductus Epididymis (10x)…

Epidydimis (40x)…

Slide 3:Vas or ductus deference…

Narrow, irregular lumen with longitudinal muscle coat consist of


Muscle coat



• Psuedostratified columnar epithelium with stereocillia

• Lamina propria contain collagen and elastic fibers

Muscularis layer

consist of 3 layers…

Inner longitudinal

Middle circular

Outer longitudinal


- blood vessels,venules and arterioles

Slide 4: Prostate...

• Gland is covered by capsule.

• Consist of Branched tubuloacinar type of gland

• Some glands may contain solid aggregations

Prostatic concretions in their acini.

• Part of urethra passes through prostatic gland is called as prostatic urethra which is lined by transitional epithelium.


Mainly consist of …

• Parenchyma containing Prostatic glands

• Fibromuscular stroma


Prostatic glands…

• Individual glands vary in size and shape

• Lined by simple cuboidal or columnar to psuedostratifiedepithelium

Prostate- lining mucosa…

Prostatic concretions…

• Characteristics of prostatic glands

• Made up of proteinaceous material

• Formed by concentric layers of prostatic secretions

• Increase with the age of the person may get calcified

Excretory ducts of prostatic glands

• resemble to glandular acini. Ducts lined by columnar cells.

Fibromuscular stroma

• characteristics of prostatic glands.

• smooth muscle bundles and CT fibres blend togrther with stroma.

• Present throughout the gland.


• Thank U