His dream to event In Leonardo's resume to the Duke of Milan, it had designs of armored car and...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of His dream to event In Leonardo's resume to the Duke of Milan, it had designs of armored car and...

His dream to event

In Leonardo's resume to the Duke of Milan, it had designs of armored car and cannons.

Leonardo's journal is filled with designs hundreds of years beyond his time.

One of Leonardo’s biggest dreams was to fly. In fact he inspired many flying designs we have today.

Leonardo da Vinci Simple Inventions

Leonardo invented the alarm clock . This clock was run by water .

Leonardo invented various cranks to control his machines.


Leonardo modified many inventions .

He modified scissors to the hand held ones we use today .

He also modified the bow and arrow and the sling shot.

Warfare Leonardo invented the

tank. This tank was operated by cranks and pulled by horses.

He also had cannons to fire at the opponent during warfare. The cannons were very heavy and hard making it one of the important weapons in the Renaissance.

Diving Suits

Leonardo invented the diving suit.

His invention included a hose that was attached to an air supply.

The diver would also have a facemask with goggles .


Leonardo built a working Robotic Knight.

It used pulleys and gears to move the robot.

It was used for entertainment.

The designs were used by NASA to construct space robots.


“Springs and Things”, Leonardo Da Vinci’s Life, www.davincilife.com. Web.

“How Stuff Works”, Top 10 Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions, http://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/famous-inventors/10-leonardo-da-vinci-inventions10.htm . Web