HIS 135 Nixon's Policies

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of HIS 135 Nixon's Policies

  • 8/3/2019 HIS 135 Nixon's Policies


    Checkpoint: Nixons Politics 1

    Nixons Politics

    HIS 135

    July 8, 2011

    Nixons Politics

  • 8/3/2019 HIS 135 Nixon's Policies


    Checkpoint: Nixons Politics 2

    I think that Nixons policies were more diplomatic than militant in that he actually made

    moves towards ending the war. Foreign policies throughout the Cold War were mostly hostile as

    the conflict between the Superpowers and the USSR was a power struggle. There were plans that

    were put into action to build up industrial and weapon artillery to try and seem more powerful

    than the other during this time.

    However, there was no effort put forth by the superpowers or USSR to stop the war, even

    though there was never an actual declaration of war upon one another. Nixon made efforts to

    create peace with foreign countries little by little by opening communication and creating

    agreements with them to move forward.

    The student unrest was directly related to the war, as there were issues with the draft related

    to school. Students could be drafted into the military without a choice if their schooling was not

    up to standards set up by the government. Political outcomes of the war included the annexation

    of the republic of South Vietnam, and the unification of North and South Vietnam. Social

    outcomes included the united countries becoming communist.

  • 8/3/2019 HIS 135 Nixon's Policies


    Checkpoint: Nixons Politics 3


    Davidson, J. (Ed.). (2006). Nation of nations: A concise narrative of the American republic(4th ed., Vol.

    2). New York: McGraw-Hill.