Hindu religious books…myth or ancient History

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Hindu religious books…myth or ancient History

HINDU RELIGIOUS BOOKS…MYTH OR ANCIENT HISTORYIt seems that after independence Hindus were transferred as a saleable commodity to the new political rulers for exploitation and manipulation. And religious leaders also joined these political rulers to enjoy this fruit of exploitation. Every political party has ruled India, including those who have publicly advocated interest of Hindus paramount in their agenda. YET NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. They have given reasons why they could not construct temple at Ayodhya and usher in uniform civil code, but why they could not do simple things is something beyond comprehension of the writer.

One of the simple things that any political party could have done was to at least make sure that Hindu religious books are not called myths and our entire scriptures as mythology. Why no Hindu religious leader has done anything about it, is for readers to judge. But why our Hindu society did nothing is something more alarming and definitely points to our extreme passive attitude.

Every individual Hindu has to do something about it. And more so by people above the age of 50 years. People above fifty (I am above fifty) must feel ashamed for what we are passing on as inheritance to the next generation (passive attitude, false ego and misplaced pride) and start discussing this openly with others, of equal age, elders and more especially with younger generation.

Blog: Agni Pariksha of Sitahttp://awara32.blogspot.com/Post: HINDU RELIGIOUS BOOKS…MYTH OR ANCIENT HISTORY

http://awara32.blogspot.com/2010/02/hindu-religious-booksmyth-or-ancient.html Please read the full post by clicking on the link.