Hindi is an Indo

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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  • 7/29/2019 Hindi is an Indo



    Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language and about 487 million people speak the language. In India, it is the main

    language used in the northern states of Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana,Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya

    Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar, and is spoken in much of north and

    central India along with other languages such as Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi or Bengali. In other parts as

    well, like Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, people are able to understand Hindi.Hindi is supposed to be

    derived from the Khari Boli dialect, which is also known as Hindustani. Hindi language has its roots in the

    classical Sanskrit language and contains more vocabulary from Sanskrit. Hindi, with English and most

    other European languages, was evolved from a language thought to have been spoken in Central Asia

    around 5,000 BC, which is being called the Indo-European parent language by linguists. Due to this

    reason and because of the 200-year British rule in India, many basic words in Hindi are found to be the

    same as or similar to their English equivalent.

    Only during the 4th century AD, Hindi was started to be used in writing. It was originally written with the

    Brahmi script, but since the 11th century AD, it has been written with the Devanagari alphabet, which is

    common to several other Indian languages as well. The first printed book in Hindi was John Gilchrist's

    Grammar of the Hindoostanee Language. Much of the vocabulary of Hindi is from Sanskrit, though

    Hindi resembles, in many aspects, the Urdu language. Their grammar and much of their vocabulary are

    virtually identical. But for the difference that Hindi is written in Devanagari and draws vocabulary from

    Sanskrit, while Urdu is written in Persian script and draws vocabulary from Persian and Arabic, these two

    languages are very much similar and this similarity led to the presumption by linguists that before the

    partition of India into India and Pakistan, spoken Hindi and Urdu were the same language, known as


    Hindi became the official language of India on the 26th January, 1965, although English and 21 other

    languages are also recognized as official languages by the Constitution of India. Article 343(1) of the

    Constitution provides that Hindi in Devanagari script shall be the Official Language of the Union. Article

    343(2) also provided for continuing the use of English in official work of the Union for a period of 15

    years (i.e., up to 25 January 1965) from the date of commencement of the Constitution. Article 343(3)

    empowered the Parliament to provide by law for continued use of English for official purposes even

    after 25 January, 1965.

    Hindi is a language of harmony and understanding said Ban Ki Moon during the 8th World Hindi

    Conference on Hindi at United Nation headquarter in New York and surprised many by inaugurating theceremony with Namaste! Kya Hal Chal hai?

    September 14 is celebrated as Hindi Day and was adopted as the official language of Constituent

    assembly in 1949 on this day. The Constitution of India adopted Hindi in Devanagri Script as the official

    language of the union under Article (343) in 1950.

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    It was envisioned that Hindi would become the sole working language of the central government by

    1965, and state government will function in their own choice. But it did not happen and English is also

    used along with Hindi.

    This decision of using Hindi met a widespread anti Hindi agitation by the non native speaker of Hindi. As

    a result the Official Language Act of 1963 was passed and English continued to be use as officiallanguage for indefinite period.

    Hindi has a history behind; it belongs to IndoAryan branch of indo European language family. The word

    Hindi itself is a gift of Persian, Mughals added to its flavour, Amir Khusro was first to write Hindi Poem.

    Though it evolved from Sanskrit but many of its words originated from Arabic or Persian language.

    This is also called as a link language, as it has united the vast Indian Diaspora and also minimized the

    gap between South and North India.

    This language has travelled a long distance to make its presence felt in the World. It is spoken in many

    parts of the world and its one of the main language in Mauritius, Surinam, Trinidad and many others

    including US, South Africa, New Zealand etc.

    If it is the mother tongue of 180 million people then it is also the second language of 300 million people.

    Gandhi used this language to unite the whole India and used this language as language of unity. The

    word Swadeshi revolutionise the freedom struggle, and its entry into the Oxford dictionary marks its

    importance in world history.

    Statistics are available which tells that Hindi is the second most spoken language of the world.

    This entry in the world scenario was not a smooth ride. It faced lots of criticism and politics was played

    in its name.

    Now its importance are realised, George Bush proposed a budget of $ 114 million to make Hindi a part

    of curriculum, to be taught from Kindergarten to graduate level. India too mooted a strategy to make

    Hindi as one of the official language of United Nation.

    Hundreds of word has made an entry into the prestigious Oxford dictionary and others. Pundit, Guru,

    Nirvana, Adda, Roti are very much accepted in the whole world.

    The wave of change can be seen everywhere, the same South India which was always divided on

    accepting Hindi as a national language. Deve Gawda in 1997 talked of promoting Hindi, then Karunanidhi

    recited a Hindi verse during a political campaign, and Jayalalitha against the anti-Hindi lobby

    campaigned in Hindi.

    Hindi being a live language is gaining popularity and on the way to become a global language. But Hindi

    is harmed by its own people from the narrow mindedness of the Hindi speaking people; they do not

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    accept the other language that is a part of Indian Culture. The rigidity has to be shrugged of and it

    should be kept away from the politics, and it should not be imposed on anybody.

    Let it be accepted by the free wills of people. Somebody said Language exerts hidden power, like a

    moon on the tides.


    Discuss the importance of the study of the national language

    The importance of the study of the National language, Bahasa Malaysia in this country is great. We have

    Malays, Chinese, Indians and Europeans.

    The business word depends entirely on spoken or written word. To contribute to unity in this sphere, itis essential that Bahasa Malaysia should be used as our National language.

    National language plays an important part in the world of culture. A common culture should emerge in

    young Malaysia. Such a culture appreciated and lovely by all can be attained only when we Malaysians

    learn and use the language properly and fluently.

    Bahasa Malaysia has been the official National language of our country. To create mutual understanding

    it is taught in all schools, Bahasa Malaysia classes for adults are being conducted in every nook and

    corner of language. The study of the language will certainly enliven the daily routine of loyal citizen with

    a much-needed spirit of joy and pride.