HIGHLIGHTS Three’s a crowd Helis on the up 2018... · Westwood Global Energy Group, in a session...

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The oil and gas downturn – the dread of the rotorcraft industry since 2012 – is over and unlikely to return for the foreseeable future.

This assessment was made by Steve Robertson, head of oilfi eld services at Westwood Global Energy Group, in a session entitled ‘Market Sectors: Opportunities’ held in the Mary Jennings Hegar Theatre at Helitech International on 16 October. His speech also suggested that the oversupply issues that have long beset the heavy helicopter market are set to continue long-term.

From a forecasting point of view, Robertson specifi cally referenced an expected investment of $7 billion by the rotorcraft sector over the next fi ve years and mentioned that ‘nearly 200 [aircraft] units’ had been delivered between 2015-2018.

Discussing the heavy helicopter oversupply issue, he explained that the problem would have looked different but for a ‘shift in preference since 2016’ which has seen operators invest in other rotary-wing types, such as the 7t-11t super-medium class.

‘Most [Airbus] H225 helicopters are not in service, with the exception of roughly 20-30 units in Asia,’ Robertson confi rmed, an indication not only of the scale of the heavy helicopter oversupply troubles, but perhaps a hint at the wider problems Airbus faces on the fl agging programme.

However, an upward curve has emerged regarding the distances travelled from oil rigs

to heliports – now standing at 113km on average. Given that operators are transporting personnel over increasingly longer distances, aircraft with greater ranges are being sought, according to Robertson. This news will be welcomed by super-medium manufacturers, as they look to increase their market share.

Of particular interest to helicopter OEMs and suppliers will be the emergence of new countries tapping into the deepwater drilling market. While the sector itself has been historically dominated by ‘the golden triangle’ of Brazil, the Gulf of Guinea and the Gulf of Mexico, a ‘new frontier’ is now in evidence, Robertson said, and expands to Australia, East Africa, East India and the South China Sea.

Investment in new oil fi eld development also shows promise, with $96 billion committed to the market in 2018, against $61 billion spent last year.

Robertson said that investments from exploration and production companies will not increase signifi cantly as they look to protect cash reserves, but that ‘higher prices create better conditions for commercial enterprises like helicopters’.

Chairperson of the session, Ian Gurekian, chief risk offi cer at Waypoint Leasing, said in his opening remarks that the changes to the oil and gas market meant that industry is having to prioritise diversity and move into ‘EMS, SAR and windfarm markets’.By Tim Martin


Helis on the up

DAY TWO17 OCT 2018


Helitech International Daily News is published by Shephard Media in association with Reed Exhibitions. Printed by Partnion, Amsterdam.

© Shephard Media 2018

Three editions of the show daily are being produced on site.

Editor: Helen Haxellhelen.h@shephardmedia.com

Reporter: Tim Martintim.m@shephardmedia.com

Production Manager: Georgina Smith

Production Editor: Elaine Effard

Commercial Manager: Anthony Wilkinsonanthony.w@shephardmedia.com

Three’s a crowdPage 22

The highly competitive super-medium market is characterised by a trio of aircraft manufacturers all

vying to outdo one another.

Smooth operatorsPage 30

Whole-crew simulator training is in ever-increasing demand as teams collaborate across

EMS, offshore and SAR.

Trevor Woods, certifi cation director at EASA, talks to delegates at Helitech International

about the authority’s six strategic safety pillars. See p4 for full story. (Photo: Tony Skinner)

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Helitech_International_Day_Two_p01-17.indd 2 10/16/2018 4:05:32 PM











AIRBUS HELICOPTERS APPROVEDStandardAero provides worldwide, OEM-approved support for the Airbus Helicopters H125/AS350, AS355 and H130/EC130 family of helicopters.

• Dynamic Component Repair• Airframe Maintenance & Repair• Engine and Accessory MRO• Custom STC Solutions

Our highly skilled technicians are the industry’s trusted experts when it comes to Airbus helicopter aftermarket support.

For over a century, customers have relied on StandardAero and Vector Aerospace as the industry experts for operational efficiency, innovation and custom MRO solutions. Today, we’re one company – Bigger…Better…and Bolder – committed to providing best-in-class rotary-wing support for our customers!

Contact us today to let us know how we can support you!


Unmanned discussions buzz on opening day Increasingly commonplace in discussions in the civil and commercial aviation sectors is the role and impact of unmanned systems – whether the technology should be seen as a competitor of, or complement to, manned fl ight operations.

Posing this question to visiting delegates during a conference on piloted and unpiloted vehicles at Helitech International, Jason Propes, senior VP of helicopter and small gas turbines customer relations at Rolls-Royce, said that strong market predictions for the technology were a key reason in bringing this topic to Amsterdam.

Propes stated that not everyone would see unmanned systems as a benefi t to the civil rotorcraft industry.

‘Do we see [UAVs] as a disruptive, destructive technology to our rotorcraft industry or a disruptive complement?’ he asked, adding that the answer was probably ‘somewhere in between’.

Meanwhile, Mike Clark, parapublic and maritime market development manager at Leonardo Helicopters, explored some of the potential use cases that VTOL unmanned systems could bring to the sector, including inland and maritime infrastructure inspection, surveillance, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, SAR operations and border security.

However, the regulations needed to accommodate the increasing use of unmanned technology ‘is lagging behind’ – many fl ights constrained to line-of-sight operations. For maritime surveillance, border security and pipeline inspection, beyond-visual-line-of-sight fl ight would be needed, an area that airspace regulations must address.

Clark said it will be important to identify the exact capability required to benefi t the commercial rotorcraft industry.By Richard Thomas


European market helicopter orders numbering 250 over the last year have given manufacturer Bell optimism regarding industry fortunes.

This was reiterated by Patrick Moulay, senior VP of commercial business at the OEM, who said that the company ‘took more orders than recorded deliveries’ in 2018 and expects the same to be true in 2019.

Pointing to the infl uence of the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X on the European stage, Moulay confi rmed that ten countries across the continent currently operate or will have their aircraft operational before the end of 2018. Those nations include Croatia, the Czech

Bell upbeat about European market upturn

Republic, Poland, Russia and the UK.

For the 505 programme, Bell is now actively prioritising the utility market segment, bidding to take market share from the Airbus H125.

‘We haven’t completely attacked the utility market, but we expect to have a competitive offering soon,’ Moulay said.

New kit, specifi cally a cargo hook for utility operators, has already been certifi ed by the FAA, with Bell awaiting EASA certifi cation for the product, which is due in the near future.

Moulay also confi rmed that the in-development Bell 525 Relentless super-medium aircraft will have an offshore client as its launch customer. By Tim Martin

Photo: author

Market stable, says consultancy Presenting at Helitech International, Ben Chapman from Flight Ascend Consultancy asserted that the civil rotary market is demonstrating a ‘stable pattern, with a number of deliveries’.

Chapman cited fi gures from the company’s Helicopter Fleet Market Report, saying that in Q3 2018 there had been a total of 135 deliveries. Robinson took the lion’s share, accounting for 25% of this number, followed by Leonardo with 24%, Airbus Helicopters with 23%, Bell with 21% and the remaining OEMs together making up 7%.

He said that North America remains the largest market, although the region received only 36 rotorcraft compared to Europe’s 44. By Helen Haxell

Racer moves to make manufacturing milestones STAND E60

Airbus Helicopters’ high-speed technology demonstrator, Racer, has passed its preliminary design review (PDR), and the company is now progressing in earnest with the manufacturing of key components.

Brice Makinadjan, chief engineer for Racer at Airbus, told delegates at Helitech International: ‘We froze last year the general architecture of our formula [when] entering the PDR phase, where one of the main goals is to freeze the 3D design of the main subsystems.

‘This is the milestone that we reached in July, allowing us to start the manufacturing phases of the main subsystems.’

Racer is part of the Clean Sky 2 programme, which is funded by the EU. Airbus is not alone on the project as it is joined by more than 30

partners, including Aernnova in Spain, which facilitates the primary structure of the tail parts, and Italy-based Avio Aero, which takes care of the lateral gear boxes.

The digital mock-up of Racer is shared between all the companies involved with the project. The lateral drive shaft, under Airbus, has been manufactured already, and now the 3D design has been frozen, Airbus can move on with building the real part.

Regarding the programme’s deadlines, Makinadjan said: ‘The fi rst test will start on 1 December at our facility in Poland, where the [test] bench is already ready. We are excited to perform those tests.’

The critical design review is anticipated to be passed in the next few months, and the fi rst fl ight is expected to take place in 2020.By Helen Haxell

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4Helicopters | Aeronautics | Electronics, Defence & Security Systems | Space


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Leonardo is committed to innovating its logistics solutions; enabling the most demanding missions, worldwide.

The company invests in inventory and new distribution centres to optimize spare parts availability. Increased global network stock ensures e� ciency and cost e� ectiveness.

Inspired by the vision, curiosity and creativity of the great master inventor - Leonardo is designing the technology of tomorrow.

Visit us at Helitech, Stand H60

M-18-0175 Shephard Helitech Show Dailies AW169 EMS AW Team Up AW189 SAR.indd 2 03/10/2018 13:30:42

Triple-digit production on the horizon for SH09 STAND H20

Swiss manufacturer Kopter has set out an ambitious long-term plan of reaching more than 100 aircraft in production by 2023.

This target was revealed during a Helitech International pre-show press briefi ng in which Andreas Löwenstein, CEO at Kopter, said that once EASA certifi cation is fi nalised by Q1 2020, four aircraft will enter into the market throughout the fi rst year of production, followed by 18 in the second year, 42 a year later and ‘beyond that a triple-digit number’ of platforms in production.

Expanding on the company’s international distributor base is also a priority ahead of production, with an existing network of seven distributors due to reach ‘double digits’ in the near future.

Sales teams and distributors are to be used for single helicopter orders, while multiple fl eet orders will be covered by Kopter, Löwenstein confi rmed.

On the test front, Michele Riccobono, executive VP of technology at the OEM, explained that prototype three (P3) is close to fi nishing ground tests and is due to begin fl ying directly afterwards. ‘We’ve tested all the different systems, including fl ight controls, blades, hydraulics and assessing loads,’ he said, adding that the upcoming evaluations are similar in nature but ‘much more extensive’ than those undertaken during P2 testing.

According to Riccobono, Kopter is now in a position to receive EASA documentation to approve fi rst fl ight for P3 and will start the campaign ‘for a few weeks’ at its Mollis facility before moving to Sicily.

The change in location is to take advantage of more favourable weather conditions and ensure fl ight testing frequency is increased.

To date, Kopter has received 65 orders for the SH09.By Tim Martin


Leonardo Helicopters and UK-based Specialist Aviation Services (SAS) held a ceremony at Helitech International 2018 to mark the latter company’s appointment as an ‘Excellent Service Centre’ for AW139 and AW169 operations in Ireland and the UK.

SAS carries out support activities at its Cheltenham base in the UK, while a second facility is also being set up in Redhill to support the AW139 in the VIP/corporate market.

‘For us, it is a logical step in an expanding relationship with Leonardo,’ Henk Schaeken, MD at SAS, told Helitech International Daily News.

The partnership between the two companies has seen

Leonardo marks SAS rotary service quality

the introduction of the new-generation AW169 (pictured) into the UK’s EMS market.

SAS currently operates eight of the type, and another two to be delivered in the next fi ve months.

Speaking prior to Helitech International, Gian Piero Cutillo, MD at Leonardo Helicopters, also said that, elsewhere in the

commercial market, the company has increased the number of EMS platforms sold to China and is set to deliver ‘up to 21 AW139s’ to Saudi Aramco.

‘The overall performance in the commercial market is particularly important,’ Cutillo added.By Richard Thomas

Photo: Helen Haxell

Skytrac speaks on safety solution STAND D74

Skytrac Systems is continuing to address concerns like weight and cost for customers with its intelligent connectivity systems.

The company’s ISAT-200A transceiver weighs 2.5kg, Michel Navarret, regional sales manager of EMEA at Skytrac Systems, told delegates attending a technology showcase at Helitech International 2018.

Navarret said that a key enhanced solution for SAR and disaster-relief teams is Push-to-Talk (PTT) technology, as it aids wide and tactical communications.

‘PTT sets some interoperability with on-ground networks and is good for remote areas – it is a big advantage,’ he said.By Helen Haxell

EASA sets out ambitious accident-reduction programme EASA has revealed that it is targeting a 50% reduction in accident rates in the next ten years, as the organisation continues to urge industry to raise safety standards.

In order to support this target, EASA has devised a ‘safety roadmap’ that covers a number of areas including training, safety culture, design, research and innovation, with the organisation confi rming that it will take a joined-up approach to the project.

Discussing the plan at a talk entitled ‘Rotorcraft Safety and Technology – at a Crossroads’ held in the Winkle Brown Theatre at Helitech International, Trevor Woods, certifi cation director at EASA, said that he would like to see initially ‘positive [safety indicator] trends’ begin to emerge ‘over the next fi ve years’.

A focus on performance-based regulation is anticipated

to support the plan, while Woods also emphasised a need to introduce proportional regulatory solutions as a means to help competition across industry and further develop sustainability in the rotorcraft sector.

On the subject of education and training, he suggested that EASA could concentrate more on post-qualifi cation learning and light helicopter simulator training for pilots.

When discussing the growth of the hybrid electric vehicle market, Woods remained neutral on the prospect of whether the market itself should be viewed as a threat or opportunity but admitted that ‘special conditions for operations’ type certifi cates or regulations will be used as manufacturers push for market entry of their respective designs.By Tim Martin

Helitech_International_Day_Two_p01-17.indd 4 10/16/2018 4:10:21 PM

Helicopters | Aeronautics | Electronics, Defence & Security Systems | Space


Making Logistics Faster and Simpler

Leonardo is committed to innovating its logistics solutions; enabling the most demanding missions, worldwide.

The company invests in inventory and new distribution centres to optimize spare parts availability. Increased global network stock ensures e� ciency and cost e� ectiveness.

Inspired by the vision, curiosity and creativity of the great master inventor - Leonardo is designing the technology of tomorrow.

Visit us at Helitech, Stand H60

M-18-0175 Shephard Helitech Show Dailies AW169 EMS AW Team Up AW189 SAR.indd 2 03/10/2018 13:30:42Helitech_International_Day_Two_p01-17.indd 5 10/16/2018 4:10:44 PM




Further to the acquisition of Universal Avionics by Elbit Systems, the two companies are showcasing as a team for the fi rst time at Helitech International 2018.

‘Europe is an emerging marketplace for us. We’ve been focused on fi xed-wing, but we see a real need and value in the

Universal Avionics’ bold partnership display

rotary-wing market,’ Grady Dees, director of technical sales at Universal Avionics told Helitech International Daily News.

A few months ago, the company began fl ying its enhanced fl ight vision system on board the Sikorsky S-76 as part of its commitment to shaping regulations for the rotary-wing marketplace under the auspices of the FAA.

Universal Avionics announced that it has fi nalised certifi cation testing with Heli-One for the company’s Flight Management System Transition to Hover feature.

The testing took place in Stavanger, Norway, with an Airbus AS332L/L1 Super Puma helicopter in law enforcement confi guration as part of a modernisation programme. Certifi cation is expected shortly.

The company also said that it has completed Heli-One’s Sikorsky S-76 VVIP fl ight-deck upgrade with three UA EFI-890H Advanced Flight Displays. The system also includes a new UA UNS-1Lw Flight Management System, with the Vision-1 Synthetic Vision System.By Helen Haxell

Photo: author

Heli-One working to identify effi ciencies


Helicopter maintenance, repair and overhaul service provider Heli-One has tasked its design teams in Canada and Norway to identify effi ciencies and maximise operational benefi ts to its end users, the company stated.

Its Norway team implemented a minor modifi cation for a Sikorsky S-92 utilised in SAR operations, creating a thumb-stick extension for the hoist pendant controller to enable more precise aircraft positioning.

The request came from SAR crews that share Sola Heliport.

‘Our design teams continue to produce what we believe are the best solutions in the market,’ said Eddie Lane, president at Heli-One, in a statement prior to Helitech International.

Waypoint growth indicative of success STAND G50

International lessor Waypoint Leasing has announced that its customer base now numbers 35 clients and that it has signed 33 leases this year.

In a company statement released on 16 October at Helitech International, the lessor confi rmed that it has delivered aircraft to Colombia and Taiwan, with 12 leases ‘executed’ during the last two months, including for Airbus H135 and H155, Leonardo AW139 and Sikorsky S-92 and S-76C++ aircraft.

‘This brings the year-to-date totals to seven S-92s, nine AW139s, four H145s, six H135s, one AW169, one AS350B3, one H155 and one S-76C++,’ the statement reads.

Waypoint said its focus on ‘aircraft diversity and customisation capabilities’ is enforcing a ‘market-leading position across multiple mission segments, including EMS,

government and humanitarian services; utility and fi re-fi ghting; SAR; wind farm support; and oil and gas’.

Con Barber, global head of sales at Waypoint, said growth of the company’s customer base has been aided by having key personnel in prime international locations. ‘We have VP sales [staff] in Hong Kong, Cape Town, London, Calgary and Rio, so we are very close to our customers,’ he said.

In terms of assessing the current state of the oil and gas market and its prospect for future business, Barber mentioned that ‘demand for the AW139 is solid’, while ‘across the board, there is still a challenge’.

Alongside the 166 aircraft in its current portfolio, Waypoint has ‘fi rm and option orders with aircraft manufacturers for 70 helicopters valued at more than $700 million’. These helicopters will be delivered over the course of the next fi ve years.By Tim Martin


The utilisation of integrated liferafts can help with weight savings on board rotorcraft and increase safety for operators, Pablo Bravo, engineering director at Dart Aerospace, told delegates at a Helitech International technology showcase conference.

Bravo said that the benefi ts of integrated liferafts include weight reduction ‘since an external container and structural provisions are not needed’ and an increase in safety ‘since the liferaft is accessible either before or after egress’.

Dart Aerospace, which has been operational since 1995, specialises in emergency fl oatation systems (EFS). In May this year, the company announced that its Bell 505 EFS had received certifi cation

from the FAA, following approval from Transportation Canada Civil Aviation in February.

At last year’s Helitech International in London, the company’s Leonardo AW139 EFS was showcased as an aftermarket solution. The EFS has been produced for sea state 6, fi tted to a helicopter with a 7t maximum gross weight, as well as being approved for ditching.

According to Dart, it has certifi ed integrated liferaft systems on more than 13 different aircraft models, totalling over 800 examples in service.

Despite its technology being originally developed for the MD Helicopters MD 900 back in 1999, the Canada-based organisation continues to evolve its systems for a wider range of models.By Helen Haxell

Dart’s liferafts provide safety net

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HeliParts sees European partnership deals STAND M71

Moscow-based HeliParts is exhibiting for the fi rst time at Helitech International to grow its reach in Europe and form partnerships across the region.

The company – which specialises in the supply of spare parts, components and assemblies, exchange and repair management and transportation – supports customers across the Russian Federation that operate European-made helicopters.

However, the company is motivated to see its growth throughout Europe, Albina Tsybin, logistics manager at HeliParts, explained. She told Helitech International Daily News that the company has a ‘huge pool of customers in the Russian market’ but is here at the show because ‘it is looking for new European partners to do business with’.

HeliParts supplies components for Airbus Helicopters’ aircraft, including the AS350, AS355,

H120, H130, H135 and H145, as well as for the Leonardo AW109 and AW139.

Furthermore, the company works closely with Safran Helicopter Engines on its Arriel and Arrius engines’ portfolio.

HeliParts works with 124 operators and has supported over 340 helicopters, aided by its 24/7 service support in the Russian capital. The company also has a 2,000m2 warehouse in Europe, which is likely to play a major part in fostering network and partnership opportunities.

According to company literature, HeliParts has received €3.5 million ($4.05 million) in orders so far this year. It ‘provides solutions of comprehensive repair of engines, modules and components, as well as maintenance of helicopters. [We] track the entire repair cycle – from sending the defective components to the factory, up to the transfer of the repaired unit to the customer.’By Helen Haxell


The wireless intercom communication provider Globalsys is looking to secure new civil helicopter order

Comms key to Globalsys successcommitments, further to the recent signing of a contract with the French MoD to supply ‘more than 100 units’ of its Airlink 3085 across the country’s army, air force and navy.

The 3085 is designed as a wireless intercom extension system with a ‘digital full duplex link’ and

can be optionally coupled with a digital radio to offer a ‘half-duplex link’ and operate on VHF or UHF channels, according to the OEM. A range of 200-300m

is offered by the system, which is looked upon by the company as an ideal asset for EMS and SAR operators.

It can be used by rescue divers or passengers if they need to speak with a pilot or crew member. ‘We can remove the mic and provide the headset only with reception if required,’ Marc Charpentier, customer support at Globalsys, told Helitech International Daily News.

There are a number of civil operators with whom the company is under contract to provide the 3805, but Charpentier explained that those customers remain undisclosed for the time being. By Tim Martin

Photo: author


Taking the opportunity to showcase its range of aviation controls and components to visitors at Helitech International, Essex Industries is working to bring to market new rotorcraft technology in the near future.

The programme concerns new collective control technology for rotorcraft, which is under development and patent-pending, company offi cials told Helitech International Daily News. However, offi cials declined to specify specifi c timeframes or provide additional details on the collective system under development.

Elsewhere, with airframes lasting considerably longer than subsystems and operators keen to avoid issues such as obsolescence, companies like Essex found themselves in a strong position to offset some of

the negative infl uences that have been affecting the civil rotorcraft market in recent years.

Essex Industries has been particularly active in recent years in upgrading S-70 and UH-60 aircraft already in service with new fl y-by-wire cyclics, collectives or other components.

This is both on the military and commercial side, confi rmed Robert Hale, business segment manager aerospace and defence at Essex Industries.

A fi rst-time Helitech International attendee, Essex Industries is also looking to connect with a wide range of visiting delegations and exhibitors, including companies such as Airbus and Leonardo.

Hale said that while the company has already conducted a signifi cant amount of business with Airbus, it was mostly focused on the fi xed-wing side of the aviation sector.By Richard Thomas

Essex Industries developing new collective technology

Cobham tuned in to radio market STAND L30

Avionics systems manufacturer Cobham is focused on building its customer base for the RT-7000 panel mounted radio, with the device capable of communicating on three channels between a range of 29.7 and 960MHz.

With an audio and radio control display, the company also points to touchscreen display functionality and a user interface ‘supported within three menu selections’.

A spokeperson for Cobham told Helitech International Daily News that the RT-7000 is now in operation with ‘six or seven’ US-based public service operators and that ‘signifi cant interest’ has been shown from other international locations. By Tim Martin

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10 Join us this Fall at Helitech and AMTC.

For missions accomplishedWhatever the missions, whatever the times,wherever the places, we’ll get you where you’re going.

Kopter_210x297mm_NEW_v3.indd 1 05.10.18 16:23

Join us this Fall at Helitech and AMTC.

For missions accomplishedWhatever the missions, whatever the times,wherever the places, we’ll get you where you’re going.

Kopter_210x297mm_NEW_v3.indd 1 05.10.18 16:23

Join us this Fall at Helitech and AMTC.

For missions accomplishedWhatever the missions, whatever the times,wherever the places, we’ll get you where you’re going.

Kopter_210x297mm_NEW_v3.indd 1 05.10.18 16:23

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Cockpit confidence

Emerging technologies are beginning to shape the future direction of cockpit manufacturing and pilot training. By Tim Martin

User-friendly functionality associated with modern cockpit concepts like synthetic vision and terrain awareness systems have enhanced safety and continue to prove popular with operators.

It is also something of an open secret that more automation, virtual reality and AI will all have a major role to play in future developments, but for now, manufacturers are being tight-lipped about how these elements will eventually take centre stage.

A design thingAt a design level, Rockwell Collins has implemented a clear financial strategy to ensure it is meeting customer demands, especially when developing intuitive systems.

‘Our investments in advanced research focus on continually improving our display technologies and creating new ideas for leveraging multi-modal crew interfaces, such as voice recognition and touch-and-swipe concepts for menu control,’ a company spokesperson told Helitech International Daily News.

Based on experimentation of these concepts, Rockwell Collins expects to gain a full understanding of how it can continue to ‘provide high- integrity flight and mission displays’ for operators.

Underpinning the idea of design analysis, the company is engaging with its network of OEM customers and human-machine-interface experts. ‘We also organise pilot advisory groups on a regular basis, during which pilots from various mission environments are evaluating the product during simulated flights,’ the spokesperson added.

Automation and cognitive aiding (technology that alerts a pilot to a threat and typically sets a new flight path in response) are two of the standout items that Rockwell Collins predicts will have a direct impact on the market over the course of the next five to ten years.

‘We are already fielding some of these capabilities, such as electronic checklists, in our latest-generation systems, and we believe that advancements in processing capacity and

new concepts for the application of machine learning will be applied to future cockpits,’ the spokesperson confirmed.

‘Continued improvements in sensor technologies for degraded visual conditions will yield lower-weight systems that enable safer operations in low-visibility conditions.’

Head startFor Rockwell Collins, it is the capability of head-up or other head-worn display technologies perhaps more than any other innovation which will prove to be of greatest benefit to pilots as the systems become more easily integrated into cockpits, ‘as opposed to the novelty they are today’, said the spokesperson.

The basis for such faith in the technology is that it has the potential to support pilots’ decision-making and lets them understand navigational tasks in a more simplistic manner.

In the meantime, Rockwell Collins is also building ‘trusted cyber-secure systems’ and experimenting further with machine learning and AI in a bid to further reduce pilot workload.

Electronics manufacturer Elbit Systems and its recent acquisition, Universal Avionics, are similarly involved in the development of integrating newer technologies, including head-up display technologies, to the rotorcraft market.

Originally manufactured by Elbit, SkyVis and SkyVis NVG display monocles can be installed on a pilot’s helmet and provide a head-up perspective, including flight and navigation data displays.

Taking things slowlyLess obvious changes across the cockpit market are happening gradually, as manufacturers adapt their solutions in line with demand.

‘Displays can now show different information depending on mission requirements; even information from a mission console can be presented,’ said Christian Zumkeller, EMEA regional sales manager at Universal Avionics. ‘Satellite-based augmentation systems allow the crew to perform IFR approaches on oil rigs and hospitals. This results in fewer mission aborts and higher reliability of the mission.’

The combined expertise of Elbit Systems and Universal Avionics is intended to produce greater growth in the cockpit market. If these new partners can leverage their respective resources effectively – Elbit with its head-up technical knowledge and Universal with its flight management system experience – there is a strong likelihood that the two can accelerate the development of new technologies. ■

Rockwell Collins launched its HeliSure cockpit display system at Helitech International 2016.

(Image: Rockwell Collins)

“New concepts for machine learning will be applied to future cockpits.”

Helitech_International_Day_Two_p09-17.indd 10 16/10/2018 12:11:39

Join us this Fall at Helitech and AMTC.

For missions accomplishedWhatever the missions, whatever the times,wherever the places, we’ll get you where you’re going.

Kopter_210x297mm_NEW_v3.indd 1 05.10.18 16:23

Join us this Fall at Helitech and AMTC.

For missions accomplishedWhatever the missions, whatever the times,wherever the places, we’ll get you where you’re going.

Kopter_210x297mm_NEW_v3.indd 1 05.10.18 16:23

Join us this Fall at Helitech and AMTC.

For missions accomplishedWhatever the missions, whatever the times,wherever the places, we’ll get you where you’re going.

Kopter_210x297mm_NEW_v3.indd 1 05.10.18 16:23

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PW_19159_Helicopter_RotorHub.indd 1 9/26/18 4:01 PM

You’ve got the power

Technological development in propulsion systems is indispensable

to the future progress of the civil helicopter, alongside trends set by a

changing market. By Helen Haxell

One major ongoing technical development in the rotary-wing industry is within hybrid electric propulsion systems – the prominent motivations for this being safety, performance and power, as well as a focus on the platforms of tomorrow.

As engine manufacturers and operators become more alert to a state of green consciousness, environmental concerns are also being addressed through the adoption of this technology.

Digital designA spokesperson for Pratt & Whitney (P&WC) told Helitech International Daily News: ‘On the development side, our customers want engines that are increasingly lighter, more powerful, more fuel-effi cient and with an ever-diminishing environmental footprint.’

This sentiment was echoed by Safran Helicopter Engines’ CEO,

Franck Saudo. ‘Hybrid electric propulsion systems – where we see these systems combining two sources of energy, electricity on the one hand, and thermal engine turbines on the other – bring an increased value to customers along three lines: safety, performance and the environment,’ he said.

Underpinning these pitches is the increasing implementation of 3D printing and digitalisation into the manufacturing process.

‘In November 2017, [Safran] started to produce serial parts out of 3D printing, and we’re pushing for more 3D printing in our industrial processes,’ explained Saudo.

‘Digital is a lever to enhance our proximity to customers, but digital also plays a role on our shop fl oors, where the capture and analysis of data is an additional lever to keep reducing costs and improving quality.’

This is claimed to be a smart and effi cient way of working, and using these methods streamlines best practices from the assembly line to the customer’s operations.

When considering the next generation of power and propulsion, the spokesperson for P&WC said that the company is taking ‘a holistic approach to engine development, including the development of new intelligent manufacturing capabilities, the use of new composites and continued exploration of software-based systems to drive optimal engine performance.’

Smart fl ightHybrid technology is set to power future platforms as the move towards urban transportation by major players in the civil helicopter industry continues in earnest.

It was announced in May that Bell is to lead a 19-strong industry/academic consortium (that includes P&WC) in the exploration of piloted, optionally piloted and fully autonomous technologies, including air taxis. The Canadian Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development invested

C$49.5 million ($65 million) in the project.

In July, Safran marked the initial ground tests of its hybrid propulsion technology. The fi rst ground run took place at a facility near Pau-Pyrenees Airport, France. The system – comprised of a gas turbine driving an electrical generator and linked to a bank of batteries – successfully generated 100kW of electric power.

While the event was a signifi cant milestone for the company, Safran intends to ramp up power generation to a level that would enable a platform to carry multiple passengers and thus operate as an air taxi.

As manufacturers look at smarter ways to fl y, hybrid electric propulsion must cater for not only the passengers, pilot and operator, but also the streets below.

While this technology is environmentally conscious, its low noise emission is also likely to appeal to the pedestrians and residents underneath the fl ight path who, within the next decade if OEMs timelines are met, will experience a sky dominated by helicopters, VTOL or UAVs powered by hybrid electric propulsion. ■

Leonardo’s latest iteration of the AW189 twin-engine helicopter, the AW189K, is equipped with two new Aneto-1K engines. (Photo: Leonardo Helicopters)

“Customers want engines that are increasingly lighter, more powerful, more fuel-effi cient and with an ever-diminishing environmental footprint.”

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Vibration situationDetecting and understanding vibrations and their detrimental effects on an aircraft enables operators to monitor and maintain the health of their fleet. Helitech International Daily News investigates the continuously developing methods and technologies that facilitate this task. By Beth Stevenson

Awareness of the vibrations produced by a rotorcraft can help operators to avoid preventable damage to the airframe and avionics, as well as potentially increasing the safety of personnel on board.

Although HUMS have been available for some time, technology is now advancing in this area, which coincides with a call from operators to have a better understanding of the health of their aircraft.

‘The problem with helicopters is that they have a lot of rotating components and each and every one of them is a source of vibration. Generally, the bigger and heavier the component, the

more vibration is likely to be produced,’ said Paul Hawksworth, sales manager for Helitune.

‘Vibration leads to damage of the mechanical components – the airframe itself – as well as bearings and control rods, and it also has a very detrimental effect on the life cycle of the avionics components, which also don’t like vibration levels,’ he continued.

‘A third element is that it has a detrimental effect on the crews of the aircraft. It can be very tiring and fatiguing for the flight crew, which leads to a flight safety hazard.’

Hawksworth explained that, in general, having a large blade split (the difference between the

highest- and the lowest-flying blade) is directly related to the level of vertical vibration on the aircraft. By tracking the blades to achieve a point of minimum vibration and also balancing them to counteract any mass imbalance, it is possible to reduce the levels of vibration produced by both the main and tail rotors.

Taking controlVibration-monitoring equipment can come in different forms, from the traditional method of carrying on equipment to conduct testing as required, to using a passive system that is integrated on board to record data, up to a more active system that is

integrated into the aircraft’s avionics and can conduct smart collection of vibration information.

A fully integrated HUMS is at the top end of this range of offerings, helping to keep aircraft available and in service for longer periods of time. Having this type of system ready-installed also means that operators do not have to go to the trouble of fitting equipment and making dedicated flights to test aircraft because it is being tested continuously through routine flights.

HUMS technology tends to lend itself – specifically the integrated systems – to larger, military rotorcraft, but as is the case with many technologies, this eventually trickles down into the commercial domain in one form or another.

In 2014, Sikorsky and Lord Corporation completed flight demonstrations of the Hub-Mounted Vibration Suppressor (HMVS), which was aimed at reducing crew fatigue and the impact on onboard equipment caused by vibrations. HMVS is designed to cancel the largest vibratory loads near the source

An optional kit for active vibration control was recently added to the Bell 525 super-medium helicopter test programme. (Photo: Bell)

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of vibration at the main rotor, which prevents them from feeding down into the airframe.

Using the Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk as the testbed, the helicopter progressed from a hover to 150kt, carrying out autorotations and 60° angle-of-bank turns. According to the company, the demonstration proved that the HMVS suppressed vibration even during dynamic fl ight conditions.

Scott Miller, rotary-wing manager at Lord, told Helitech International Daily News that the demonstration programme was a success and it would be understandable if some of the capabilities showcased were ultimately incorporated into new-build aircraft, although long development cycles mean that this is not likely to happen for some years. The company is still developing the technology, although its work with Sikorsky has ceased.

Miller said that Lord is now working with both parties involved

in the US Army’s Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator programme – Boeing-Sikorsky with the SB>1 Defi ant and Bell with the V-280 Valor.

‘We have delivered hardware to these programmes in both the areas of our traditional rotor head elastomeric damper and bearing technology and our much more recent active vibration control technology,’ he said.

Miller explained that the latter uses dynamic force generators to cancel vibration caused by a helicopter’s rotor system, and innovations are being made in both areas to extend the life of an aircraft, reduce its weight and expand the envelope in which it can operate.

‘But the pace of change is faster in the area of active vibration control, simply because it is a newer technology,’ he added. ‘It is becoming relatively standard on all commercial and military helicopters and is even considered to be “enabling” for some new designs.’

Miller noted that almost every new helicopter that weighs in excess of a few tonnes has introduced in the past ten years or so some form of active vibration control, demonstrating the need from customers to reduce any unnecessary strain on the airframe and its subsystems.

Lord has provided these types of systems for new rotorcraft to OEMs including Bell, Korea Aerospace Industries and Leonardo Helicopters. ‘All the changes I have mentioned in our traditional product areas and in the area of active vibration control are focused on

By using a Hub-Mounted Vibration Suppressor on a UH-60A Black Hawk testbed, Sikorsky and Lord Corporation proved that airframe vibrations could be cancelled. (Photo: US Air Force)

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reduced maintenance cost,’ Miller told Helitech International Daily News. ‘There is also a likely benefi t to the reliability of other aircraft systems if vibration levels are reduced. Such a benefi t is very hard to quantify, but it is very likely to exist.’

He added that the consideration of Big Data is part of Lord’s work at the moment, noting that components that can measure and report on their operating state and health have been demonstrated, but not yet commercialised: ‘These kinds of advancements will really need to prove they are economically viable before they will be commercialised,’ Miller said.

Tuning in Helitune, meanwhile, has developed a variety of equipment in this arena, culminating in the release of its RT-6 system two

years ago, which is the latest in the company’s Rotortuner family of products.

The rotor track and balance and vibration analysis system provides shaft balancing, high-speed shaft monitoring, and non-specifi c vibration monitoring and analysis. ‘It is used to measure the levels of vibrations on the aircraft and is operated in conjunction with a blade-tracking camera that measures the track split at the rotorblade’s tip,’ Hawksworth explained.

He added that the target is to get the vibration level as low as possible, as the lower the level, the more comfortable it is for the crew, and there is less damage to the rotating components. ‘There are different ways of doing it,’ he said.

‘The RT6 was designed as carry-on equipment, so when the operator is required to carry out

a rotor track balance and vibration procedure, they will carry the equipment out to the aircraft, fi t it and do the test.’

There is also the option to permanently install the system on the aircraft or integrate it into a comprehensive HUMS. Onboard HUMS are becoming more common, Hawksworth added, and Helitune is moving into that fi eld with its Vehicle Health Monitoring System (HT-VHM).

On the other end of the scale, the company is also developing its active control In-Flight Tuning system (IFT) alongside ZF Luftfahrttechnik in Germany.

‘Whereas with a normal carry-on or HUMS system, after measuring the equipment, the operator would then land the aircraft and physically make an adjustment to the controls to change the pitch on the main rotorblades, with the IFT, the pitch links are replaced with electrically actuated pitch links, which are controlled by a Helitune system,’ Hawksworth said.

‘What happens is that in fl ight, the vibration level is monitored at the track split, and by running the ZF algorithm through our control boxes, the active pitch links that are also made by ZF are electrically motored

throughout fl ight to actively control pitch,’ he continued.

This development is being supported by the German MoD, but it is not a proprietary technology of the government and will be available for a variety of applications once it is certifi ed. The IFT is being tested on the Sikorsky CH-53G heavy-lift rotorcraft, and during fl ight trials that took place in 2014, it achieved average vibration level reduction across all fl ight conditions of 75%.

Helitune expects to take the system to production standard by the end of 2018, and it is anticipated that this will be suited to both new-build and retrofi t aircraft. It is expected that the system will really demonstrate its worth on board multirole rotorcraft because it can automatically tune the aircraft to minimum vibration, irrespective of the platform’s confi guration.

Tech evolutionHelitune is also working with MD Helicopters, principally on the MD 969, which is the relaunch version of the MD 902, with a larger engine, a glass cockpit and a HUMS system, among other features. ‘We’ve been working with them for a few








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“The problem with helicopters is that they have a lot of rotating components and each and every one of them is a source of vibration.”

Once considered a heavy accessory, HUMS are now viewed as a viable solution for lighter platforms such as the Leonardo AW109 Trekker. (Photo: Leonardo)

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years now, integrating an onboard rotor track and balance system for use on their aircraft,’ Hawksworth said.

‘The system is based on the HT-VHM and will be permanently installed with a rotor track tip-blade tracking camera, which will integrate with the aircraft avionics and monitor the vibration and track during flight, allowing the pilot to operate the system through the avionics suite and the engineers to integrate with the systems on board.’

Hawksworth confirmed that this is the first step towards a HUMS development for the company, which until now has offered some 75-80% of the benefit of HUMS through its vibration-monitoring technology.

‘We’re working very closely with MD on this programme and we have developed units that we have delivered to MD. They are being installed and are undergoing flight trials currently,’ he said, adding that there are end customers in mind for the modified airframe.

HUMS technology has been available for some time, he noted, but traditionally this was a very large and expensive system that would have been fitted to large military transport aircraft such as the Boeing CH-47 Chinook, as they were large enough to carry such a system.

‘As time has progressed and technology has improved, it can be made more powerful, much smaller and lighter, and more suitable for the lighter platforms such as the MD [969],’ Hawksworth explained.

He noted that this type of system remains viable for rotorcraft including the Airbus

AS365 Dauphin, the Leonardo AW109 and AW119 and the MD 500, demonstrating how smaller technology can now open up this type of capability to the lighter end of the market.

Furthermore, Helitune is working on a development programme called Evolve, which is exploring the use of smart nodes that can be distributed around the airframe. Instead of just being basic sensors that collect data and transmit it back to a data collector, they are intelligent enough to actively monitor the vibration at the source and adapt the way they collect the data depending on what is happening on the airframe at the time.

‘If a sensor senses that there has been a sudden increase in

the level of vibration, it is smart enough to be able to increase its sampling rate, so that you have a much more detailed picture of what is happening on the airframe,’ Hawksworth said.

‘This obviously helps with the analysis capabilities later on and the decision-making on whether this is a genuine problem or something that just needs to be monitored.’

Evolve is linked to the aircraft’s GPS and INS systems, which means it accounts for dynamic fluctuations on the aircraft, such as weather.

‘It will understand when these changes will be expected to occur, but any sudden increase that is not expected and doesn’t fit with the profile of the aircraft will get identified

and increase its sampling rate,’ Hawksworth continued.

‘When the aircraft lands and the data is analysed, then there is a much more detailed picture of what occurred during the flight.’

It is logical that operators wish to retain their fleet investments for as long as possible, and there are now a number of different options available for vibration monitoring, depending on customer requirements and available budgets.

Whether an operator simply wishes to check the effects of vibrations on an ad hoc basis or be able to keep track of this throughout flight, technology is advancing and becoming small enough that these options are now becoming a reality for even the lighter end of the market. ■

Last year, Helitune’s HT-VHM was selected by MD Helicopters for use on its MD 902 Explorer. (Photo: MD Helicopters)

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Showcasing the future

Bell is displaying its two newest helicopters, the 505 Jet Ranger X and 525 Relentless, at the show. The fi rst is the manufacturer’s most recently certifi ed platform, while the latter is expected to be certifi ed by the end of 2019, according to Scott Drennan, the Bell’s VP of innovation.

He highlighted the use of fl y-by-wire controls on the 525, a capability that was traditionally used for stability in fi ghter aircraft but is utilised for safety purposes on the super-medium helicopter ‘to enhance the pilot’s ability… and to leave more mundane and taxing systems to the computer and the fl y-by-wire system’.

Blue-sky thinkingDrennan also highlighted a number of other advances on the Relentless. For example, the helicopter’s drive system makes use of ‘more exotic metallic

materials, which ensures it is reliable and can perform in normal conditions, as well as being ready for any higher temperature or more aggressive conditions it may fi nd itself in’.

There have also been improvements to the situational awareness of the platform, Drennan said, with an emphasis on ‘getting data smartly to the pilot, in useful packets, so either they can make a decision or the computer can decide how to help in that moment’.

He further revealed that there are two major areas of development on the single-engine 505: the engine and the cockpit. The type is fi tted with the Arrius 2R powerplant from Safran Helicopter Engines and a Garmin G1000H avionics suite, Drennan noted, both of which were selected in response to operator demand.

‘You end up with a lot of situational awareness from the

cockpit, and then you have the control that you need for a small, single-engine aircraft like the Relentless,’ he told Helitech International Daily News.

Power playThe event also features recent products from engine OEMs, including Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), which is displaying its PW210 1,100shp-class engine, which was certifi ed by Transportation Canada in 2011.

Company literature highlights a number of advances in the system, including its ability to double as an auxiliary power unit for electrical, heating and cooling systems while the aircraft is on the ground, with a locked or disengaged main rotor.

This saves the cost and weight of a third engine, P&WC states, and is especially useful for EMS missions, as it allows helicopter personnel to operate medical

equipment on the ground without the rotors turning, which cuts noise and improves safety.

‘The needs of our helicopter customers continue to evolve,’ said Nico Chabée, VP of sales and marketing for helicopter engines at P&WC. ‘Today, they largely revolve around what one would expect: lightweight engines that produce optimal power while being highly fuel-effi cient, and engines that are environmentally sensitive in terms of emissions and recyclability of components.’

The manufacturer responds to these demands by focusing on the materials it sources for engine components, the intelligent systems it uses to manufacture engines and the new technologies it implements.

As an example of the latter, Chabée highlighted the PW210’s ‘variable geometry – essentially vanes at the engine inlet that can be adjusted for maximum

The three prototypes of the H160 have together accumulated 900 fl ight hours

in total. (Photo: Airbus Helicopters)

There are a range of new platforms and subsystems on display at this year’s Helitech International, with participants offering up developments across the board, from engines to cockpits. By Gerrard Cowan

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this ‘would require higher investment in the tooling so a careful balance has to be made in the design to develop a sustainable economic model’.

In addition, Riccobono said that the use of composite materials could reduce weight while maintaining safety levels.

The use of carbon fibre also makes additive manufacturing easier, ‘further enhancing the degree of freedom for designers, who can effectively use 3D printers to produce even complex moulds to then shape the parts’, explained Riccobono.

Avionics has also advanced considerably, he said, collecting

and analysing a large volume of data in an intuitive environment and significantly reducing pilot workload. The boost to the pilot’s situational awareness follows the same roadmap as seen in the commercial aircraft space, ‘where the cockpit design is specifically oriented to prevent the human factor-related errors that are still the major cause of aviation accidents’.

Kopter is displaying the first prototype of the SH09 at Helitech International, Riccobono said, with the platform wrapped in the colour scheme of new customer Systematic Aviation Services, which was announced at the show on 16 October.

The company is also exhibiting the new aircraft’s onboard avionics – Kopter is the first OEM to partner with Garmin for the G3000H avionics suite.

Two other prototypes of the SH09 have been developed, with the third currently preparing for flight testing.

Kopter labels the SH09 a ‘flying Swiss Pocket Knife’ and states that the platform can be used on

a range of missions, including EMS, law enforcement and passenger transport.

Prototype plethoraAirbus Helicopters is displaying a mock-up of the H160 in EMS configuration at Helitech International ‘as the future, next-generation rotary-wing aircraft for the global air ambulance market’, a spokesperson for the company confirmed.

The H160 is suitable for multiple missions, so it can work in areas such as onshore and offshore passenger transport and VIP roles, as well as EMS.

There are currently three prototypes of the platform. The second one recently spent five months in the US combining customer demonstrations with a hot-and-high certification campaign, the spokesperson said.

The aircraft was showcased in flight in Las Vegas in March and conducted customer and FAA flights in preparation for US certification, along with demonstrations in other parts of the country. In total, the second

performance to accommodate the demands on the engine’.

Modern taleMichele Riccobono, executive VP of technology at Kopter – developer of the single-engine SH09 multi-mission aircraft – also pointed to evolutions in engines.

Modern engines ‘are developed with new requirements previously not considered as primary’, he said, such as reduced CO2 emissions and lower noise levels. Their reliability has also been increased significantly through their design and by using control systems that monitor the engine’s health and usage, which can detect degradation earlier and therefore help prevent engine failure.

‘Thanks to this enhanced reliability, the use of single-engine rotorcraft is now being increasingly considered for missions for which only twin-engine helicopters were used in the past,’ Riccobono said.

He emphasised changes in the design of airframes, highlighting the monocoque configuration, in which the entire fuselage is formed of a single element, although this has only so far been done on smaller aircraft due to the complexity of certification and production.

The intermediary step would be developing a larger helicopter airframe with a smaller number of parts, cutting manufacturing and assembly costs. However,

New machines like the SH09, with its fully composite fuselage, are paving the way for the next generation of flight. (Photo: Kopter)

Data collection is reducing pilots’ workloads in the cockpit. (Photo: Kopter)

“The use of single-engine rotorcraft is now being increasingly considered for missions for which only twin-engine helicopters were used in the past.”

Helitech_International_Day_Two_p18-36.indd 20 16/10/2018 11:18:05



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prototype flew over 75 flights with 200 customers. The feedback was ‘very positive’, particularly regarding its low internal sound levels, the spokesperson added.

It has been confirmed that the two other prototypes have been undergoing certification flight testing in France, while the company has finished recording flights for the H160 Full Flight Simulator, which will be available when the aircraft enters service.

Between them, the prototypes have flown for 900h in total, including the demonstrations in France and the US, the spokesperson revealed.

Fit for emergenciesAirbus has sought to optimise the EMS version through organising workshops with major EMS interior manufacturers, which were held in 2015, allowing feedback to be integrated into the design phase.

This led to a set of mechanical and electrical interfaces that meet the various requirements of

EMS outfitters. ‘This will give customers the widest choice on the market when defining the medical interior that best meets their operational needs, without the need for costly retrofits,’ the spokesperson stated.

The H160 includes a number of advances particularly suited to the EMS role, they added, including response speed and

regulations are becoming increasingly tough on noise pollution’. The spokesperson also highlighted a number of other advantages of the aircraft in the medical role, such as an enhanced workspace in the cabin and wide side access. The latter allows for the use of roll-in stretchers, ‘making patient loading safer and less tiring for crews’. ■

suitability for urban operations. The Airbus Helionix avionics system allows for a fully automatic take-off procedure. When combined with Safran Arrano engines, this means the platform can be ready for take-off in less than two minutes.

The rotorcraft has low sound levels, making it suited to urban areas ‘where city

EMS outfitters like Bucher Leichtbau are providing cockpit solutions for the medical communtiy on board an array of aircraft. (Photo: Airbus Helicopters)

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Three’s a crowd

The highly competitive super-medium market is characterised by a trio of aircraft manufacturers all vying to outdo one another, and as the oil and gas sector stages a steady recovery, such competition could be set to become ever more fraught. By Tim Martin

The potential of super-medium helicopters continues to represent a key opportunity for industry to create a market niche that can challenge both the 6-7t medium and 11-12t heavy sectors.

As a business proposition, manufacturers remain focused on publicising the main strengths of their aircraft in this category, frequently referring to a competitive price point, greater payloads and better range compared to other options.

Commercial allureWaypoint Leasing has similarly interpreted the value of the 7-11t class, characterising the type as ‘the defi ning new commercial rotary product of the last fi ve to ten years’.

Almost one year ago, the lessor published market analysis on the subject, with Ed Washecka, company CEO, saying at the time that numbers in service stood at 50, with 200 on order, ‘showing that this class of helicopter will be a signifi cant capacity provider well into the future’.

In the intervening months, Waypoint’s enthusiasm towards the market has not diminished. Ian Gurekian, chief risk offi cer at the lessor, told Helitech International Daily News that ‘the aircraft remain at the forefront of technology, cost and safety-focused [as a] product offering’.

Despite this positive assessment, Waypoint held off from conducting an updated study this year, which would have centred on collating operator data

and operator feedback, on the basis that the company prefers to wait until more units are in operation and fi ndings can be established over a longer period.

‘Nonetheless, the super-medium aircraft class is here to stay, and we expect that the uptake will become more pronounced as the industry recovery gains steam,’ Gurekian added.

‘That being said, the viability and cost-competitiveness of used heavy helicopters (versus only new super-medium offerings) creates an interesting dynamic that challenges many costing models and bodes well for the re-uptake of many of those helicopters.’

Slowly does itWhile market growth is naturally tied to oil and gas recovery, the

issue of inactive heavy-lift rotorcraft is also perceived as one that is likely to have a damaging impact on supply and demand across the entire offshore spectrum.

Patrick Moulay, senior VP of commercial business at Bell, said in April that there are ‘at least 100’ second-hand heavy-lift aircraft which are idle, and he further warned that over-production of new aircraft could lead to an industry-wide problem.

Where heavy-lift aircraft are concerned, Gurekian voiced similar concern, mentioning that there has ‘only been anaemic re-uptake of the EC225 [H225] into oil and gas operations since its grounding [in April 2016], so there are 100 or so units that are un- or under-employed.’

Whatever can be made of the troubles Airbus Helicopters faces on the H225 programme, the OEM, alongside Bell, should be credited for its astute reading of the oil and gas market and subsequent conscientious

The H175 is being utilised by NHV to provide helicopter services in support of construction of an offshore wind farm located

off the coast of Scotland. (Photo: Airbus Helicopters)

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approach to slowly integrating newer super-mediums into the market.

Airbus, as of mid-2018, had made 23 H175 deliveries with 100 units on order. Bell, according to Moulay, intends to produce a ‘very low number’ of the in-development 525 Relentless model in 2019.

Guerkian is clear that OEMs must continue to operate in a responsible manner and ‘collectively understand the long-term demand trend and only raise production with an eye on that goal.

‘It is imperative that some degree of manufacturing rhythm be established that can weather small as well as large downturns, and this can only be accomplished by establishing slot scarcity through a robust backlog,’ he continued.

The speed of the oil and gas recovery will inevitably determine future strategic changes from manufacturers and lessors, but for now, at least, signs of improvement are healthy. ‘Unions are pushing back on [oil rig] rotation schedules, operators are maxing out utilisation and encountering spare shortages, and the number of employed rigs is trending in the right direction,’ Guerkian added.

Swings and roundaboutsAirbus retains optimism when evaluating the oil and gas market, but concedes that the high demand of 2012, when the company received 172 orders across the entire segment, has no sign of returning anytime soon.

‘The market has decreased significantly in terms of order intake,’ said David Prevor, head of marketing at the OEM. Despite these conditions, an order trajectory from 17 oil and gas aircraft in 2015 to an almost three-fold increase to 53 units in 2017 shows clear evidence of progress.

With regards to the super-medium market specifically, Prevor confirmed that Airbus’ market share stood at 72% in 2015, dipping 5% in 2016 but spiking sharply to 86% last year.

‘The [Leonardo] AW189 [has been] there for quite a long time. We have the H175. [It is], I would say, competitive, and in the last three years it is showing that between [the 189 and 175] we are doing pretty well in terms of capturing market share in this category,’ he said.

Pole positionFrom a development, flight hours and orders point of view, Leonardo can rightly claim to be ahead of its competition. The AW189 has been on the market for over four years, since the aircraft received EASA certification in February 2014.

By the end of that year, the company had an agreement with Rostec Corporation, (Russian Helicopters’ owner) and Russian oil provider Rosneft to implement a JV for AW189 production at the Russian HeliVert plant. Rosneft is due to receive 160 of the helicopters by 2025.

This kind of arrangement, alongside the fact that the aircraft’s in-service footprint extends across Asian, European, Middle Eastern and North American markets, supersedes the comparable programmes developed by Airbus and Bell.

Unique to the market, the AW189 has full de-icing capabilities, an appealing proposition to North Sea operators and those working in colder climates.

If it is the case that Airbus and Bell are playing catch up to Leonardo, it could take more than the price of oil to leapfrog the Anglo-Italian manufacturer.

However, what stands in the pair’s favour is the quality of their offering. In terms of performance and capabilities, there is little to separate the H175 and 525, with new avionics (Helionix in the case of Airbus) and fly-by-wire flight controls (in Bell’s case) designed to provide greater mission efficiency and enhance safety. ■


The AW139 is a twin-turboshaft medium helicopter that has been produced for both commercial and military markets.Operators are utilising the AW139 for

homeland security, law enforcement and public utility applications in many nations, including Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Oman, the UAE and the US.

The AW189 is a new-generation, multipurpose twin-engine 8t-class helicopter designed in response to the growing market demand for higher

payloads, longer range and higher productivity. The AW189 is being marketed to perform a range of roles, including offshore transport, SAR, VIP passenger transport and a variety of parapublic missions.

The Bell 525 Relentless features an ARC Horizon flight deck, including the Garmin G5000H touchscreen avionics suite, Honeywell AC-5510 air conditioning and

temperature control system and BAE Systems fly-by-wire flight controls. The rotorcraft is the first Bell production helicopter to feature a five-bladed rotor system and a fully articulated rotor head.



Bell 525 Relentless

The 7.5t-class H175 was developed in cooperation with China’s Avicopter, which markets the helicopter as the AC352. The first two production examples

were delivered on 11 December 2014 to launch customer NHV for oil and gas missions in the North Sea.


“The super-medium aircraft class is here to stay.”

Helitech_International_Day_Two_p18-36.indd 24 16/10/2018 11:30:31



AW139 AW189 Bell 525 H175 H215


Supplier Leonardo Helicopters Leonardo Helicopters Bell Airbus Helicopters Airbus Helicopters

Engine2x Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67C

2x General Electric CT7-2E1

2x General Electric CT7-2F1

2x 2,067shp Pratt & Whitney

Canada PT6C-67E

2x Safran Makila 1A1 turboshaft

First Delivery Date 2004 2014 - 2014 -

Out Of Service Date 2029 2043 - 2043 -

Status In production In production Developmental In production In production


Length (m) 16.7 17.6 16.5 18.1 18.7

Rotor diameter (m) 13.8 14.6 16.6 14.8 15.6

MTOW (t) 6.8 8.6 8.75 7.8 8.6

Empty weight (t) 3.3 - 5.58 4.6 4.52

Max speed (kt) 167 - 165 175 150

Cruise speed (kt) 165 155 160 148 141

Range (km) 1,060 1,206 1,037 1,524 866

HOGE (ft) 8,130 12,500 8,600 6,960 7,550

HIGE (ft) 15,360 16,100 11,200 10,530 10,660

Crew 2 2 2 2 2

Passengers 15 19 16 18 19

The H215 is a twin-engine helicopter with multi-mission capabilities, offering long-range operations, a large payload and lifting performance in hot-and-high

environments. A member of the Super Puma family, the H215 is available in two versions of different lengths, with a global fleet of almost 600 aircraft and 5 million flight hours.



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Travelling in styleIt has been an active year so far in the VIP and corporate space, with new and existing platforms gaining traction and being pitched into a number of new geographical markets for the first time. By Gerrard Cowan

The evolving demands of the VIP/corporate market were highlighted in May 2017, when Airbus Helicopters launched its Airbus Corporate Helicopters (ACH) brand, with the aim of building ‘on the company’s leadership in the private and business aviation market, offering a unique level of quality finish, craftsmanship and bespoke service, matching the most demanding requirements’.

ACH is the rotary-wing sister brand of Airbus Corporate Jets, and has three major product lines: ACH Line, the standard VIP and corporate offering; ACH Exclusive, which offers a high level of customisation and craftsmanship; and ACH Editions, which includes fittings developed by partnering luxury designers and brands like Mercedes Benz.

Airbus has seen significant activity in 2018 so far. In February, for example, the company announced that it had secured three new contracts for the same number of helicopters with Japanese operators.

Flying highOne of these deals, signed with existing customer Auto Panther, is for one ACH130 with the ‘Stylence by ACH’ luxury interior, which the OEM said ‘offers a dynamic, sports car-inspired interior design’.

Auto Panther will be the first company in Japan to operate the ACH130, using it for corporate VIP transportation in Kagoshima, in the south of the country.

‘Japan is a very important market for Airbus Helicopters and we stay committed to creating greater value for our customers

in this country,’ said Olivier Tillier, MD of Airbus Helicopters in Japan.

In May, at the European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland, Airbus presented the first ACH130 to be delivered since the launch of ACH.

This was the first time the aircraft was displayed in public. It had been acquired by an unnamed customer and is to be operated by Monacair.

‘The ACH130 combines unique passenger-focused design, exceptional single-engine performance and first-class quality and comfort, making it very popular with private customers worldwide and a favourite of world-leading VIP and charter operator Monacair, which operate a total fleet of eight ACH130s,’ said Frederic Lemos, head of ACH.

Airbus has identified the VIP sector as one of a number of promising markets for its H145 platform in Asia-Pacific. The region covers an area of 16,000km and represents 30% of the global civil and parapublic helicopter fleet, of which Airbus holds 40%, the company claimed in February.

Asian optimismFabrice Rochereau, VP and head of sales for Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia-Pacific, said he expects the H145 to be part of the company’s future VIP sales in the rapidly growing market, due to its compact footprint and low sound levels, which are both valued by private customers.

‘We believe that the overall market growth in Asia-Pacific will be at least 4% per year over the next 20 years,’ he confirmed.

The Asian market has seen a number of VIP-focused milestones throughout 2018. For example, in June, the Hong Kong Government Flying Service received three Airbus H175 super-medium helicopters under a seven-aircraft, $165 million contract that was signed in 2015, with the last four platforms set to arrive by the end of the year. The H175s are primarily to be used for SAR, but are also intended for a range of other missions, including VIP transportation.

Asian Sky Group (ASG) – a provider of business aviation services and analysis in the region – highlighted the widespread optimism for the Asian market in its report for Q2 2018, published in August.

ASG’s director of sales and business development, Nadav Kessler, told Helitech

Bell Helicopter and Mecaer Aviation Group have partnered to produce a new MAGnificent interior for the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X light helicopter. The team also have worked on the Bell 429 and 525. (Photo: Bell)

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International Daily News that there has been indications of increased transactions in the region.‘Several segments have seen increased activity, with the utility sector in the lead in absolute terms, though VIP has had the highest growth rate by percentage,’ he said.

‘The current trend is a combination of the price points the assets reached during the downturn period, coupled with an increase in actual demand and operational needs.’

Sell, sell, sellIn its Q1 2018 market overview, published in May, the helicopter appraiser Helivalue$ noted an overall uptick in activity in the global rotorcraft resale market. It pointed in particular to the performance of the single-turbine market, as well as sales activity in the light twin category.

However, while the medium market ‘continues to be soft’, the appraiser said that there has been ‘some movement of VIP-configured aircraft’ in this segment, with a noticeable increase of twin-engine offshore aircraft being sold and converted to different missions.

Helivalue$’s acting president, Jason Kmiecik, said that both single-engine and light twin aircraft are being converted from offshore to other configurations, including EMS, fire-fighting, SAR and VIP.

Grand designsBell has also seen activity in the VIP market this year. The company announced in February that Helite Aviation had ordered the first Bell 505 MAGnificent – with a VIP configuration from Mecaer Aviation Group (MAG) – to be operated as a civil, for-hire aircraft in the North American region.

The helicopter is to be customised by MAG to receive style upgrades to the passenger and crew seats, a carpet with threshold covers, new cabin liners for the doors and a number of other features, including reading lights and air gaspers. In its news release, Bell stated: ‘The style will be very familiar to the rotorcraft community. MAGnificent style will

be evident in the shape of the passenger and crew seats, along with [the] curvature and design of the panels’.

Bell added that the MAG design studio has ‘maintained the MAGnificent family feel and appearance for the Bell 429, 525 and now the 505’.

The OEM announced in September that the 505 had been delivered to Kenya for the first time, for use by KIDL Operations, which it described as ‘one of the fastest-growing operators in East Africa specialising in executive transport’.

After reassembly by Africair Helicopter Support Limited (AHSL) – a newly established Kenya Civil Aviation Authority Authorized Maintenance Organization – the 505 was flown to Nairobi to begin VIP transport operations, Bell stated.

Offering moreVIP customers have proven particularly important for Leonardo’s AW169 twin light intermediary platform, accounting for 40% of orders for the type, according to reports in February.

The aircraft made its debut with North American customers in 2018 with three VIP-configured examples entering service. The model has an additional payload capacity, allowing it to take two more passengers for VIP operations if needed.

The AW169 has also seen broad appeal in South America, with five of the type operating in the region at the time of the February report, including with three corporate customers in Argentina and Brazil.

Leonardo said that three more aircraft are to join the Brazilian fleet later in 2018, in addition to two being delivered to Mexico.

Latin futureThe South American market has seen a good deal of movement in the VIP space in 2018. In February, Waypoint Leasing announced it had concluded a leasing transaction with CAF Táxi Aéreo in Brazil for a H145 helicopter to be used to charter corporate/VIP flights in São Paulo and the surrounding region.

The aircraft is to be delivered from Germany to Airbus’ Brazilian subsidiary, Helibras, for reassembly, with the company also providing full in-country support of the model.

The helicopter is fitted with the Airbus Helionix digital dashboard, which, in addition to improving and facilitating flight, also reduces maintenance and training costs. The system has three multifunctional screens that integrate various functions such as digital map, synthetic vision, increased situational awareness and advanced automatic four-axis autopilot.

The ultimate VVIP treatment will be offered on the VH-92A, which completed its first flight in August 2017. (Photo: Lockheed Martin)

ACH was launched in May 2017 to increase Airbus’ presence in the private and business aviation market. (Photo: Airbus Corporate Helicopters)

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Dominique Andreani, VP of sales of aircraft, support and services at Helibras, said the company sees a promising future for the H145 in the Brazilian market. ‘We understand that this model is presented as the next step for more than 100 local light bi-turbine operators to move up [to a heavier platform],’ he said.

In August, Helibras announced the sale of four helicopters to a number of operators in the region, including one H125 in VIP configuration to an agribusiness company. The aircraft features luxury trim, optional autopilot and has space for five passengers plus the pilot.

For Leonardo, Flight Express Argentina placed an order in February that includes an AW169 in VIP/corporate configuration, as well as an AW119Kx. Building on this success, the Anglo-Italian company announced in May that the AW169 had entered the Swiss VIP transport market following an order from Mountain Flyers

for heli-taxi services from Bern Airport. Leonardo has now sold more than 20 helicopters into the Swiss VIP market.

Private enterpriseMeanwhile, the VIP/Corporate market also saw some interest from military buyers. In January, the Russian MoD ordered a batch of Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-8AMTSh-V rotorcraft in VIP configuration.

The first two enhanced-performance Mi-8AMTSh-Vs are set to be delivered by the end of 2018, with the remainder arriving in 2019. Ten platforms were ordered in total, to be used for transport in a high-threat environment by the Russian military high command across the country. Development of the passenger cabins will involve Moscow-based Taxi Air Service.

There have been other signs of growing demand in the market throughout the year. In June, it was announced that Magellan Jets had teamed up with Sikorsky

subsidiary AAG Helicopters to offer a new ‘ten-hour card’ for private VIP flights in the north-east of the US during the 2018 summer season. Sikorsky S-76 helicopters were used to offer users hourly, point-to-point pricing for short flights.

Speaking in April, Sikorsky’s then-VP for commercial systems and services, Dana Fiatarone,

said that the company continues to see a market for the S-76.

‘The great thing about that product from a VIP perspective in particular is that you can have a conversation at max cruise speed, you don’t need headsets and you don’t need to shout at one another,’ he said. ‘That continues to be valued highly by our VIP customers.’ ■

The bespoke interior designs of helicopters elevate the aircraft to luxury passenger transportation. (Photo: Airbus Corporate Helicopters)

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Smooth operators

Simulators have been used to carry out helicopter pilot training for some years now, but the technology is now evolving to offer operators an even more immersive experience, as well as tutoring on how to carry out their missions using a whole-crew approach.

While in the military domain the entire training spectrum has always been of importance, this has now extended to the civil sector, where it is no longer just pilots who need training to fl y the aircraft but also the rest of the crew, maintainers and mission system operators.

‘It is a new trend to train crews for missions,’ said Benoit Plantier, VP of training and simulation at Thales. ‘We started with training pilots and the cockpit crew, but there is a new trend in the military and civil worlds to develop the real capability for training a full crew, combining cockpit crews,

pilots and rear crew members for operations like SAR that require a winching system and [therefore] require this type of simulation.’

Worldwide networksThales is currently developing a simulator for rear crew members, in response to emerging requirements in the market.

In terms of industry trends, Plantier highlighted that larger operators often want to have their own facilities so that staff do not have to travel, while smaller operators tend to be happy to train their pilots through training centres. ‘What is key is to have a worldwide network of training centres to avoid operators sending pilots to train too far away,’ he told Helitech International Daily News.

In addition, Thales has identifi ed a move towards a services-based model for civil rotorcraft training, which is why the company has invested in

these centres. One such facility is Helisim – a JV between Airbus Helicopters and Thales – which is located in Marignane, France.

Helisim’s offerings are competitive ‘to make both shareholders happy’, according to Plantier. ‘This is working very well, and we are opening a subsidiary of this in the US – Helisim Inc – located in Grand Prairie, Texas,’ he added. ‘We have a very good partnership and relationship with Airbus Helicopters, and we are currently developing the full fl ight simulator [FFS] for the H160 helicopter.’ Thales is also working on FFS for the H145 and H175.

The new H160 simulator has been 18 months in the making, Plantier confi rmed, noting that this is a ‘very important programme’ for the company. It is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.

The simulator will have a new cockpit, in accordance with the actual aircraft, and a new motion

system. Plantier also said that the system will be more immersive.

‘[We are in] a good position, and we are able to contribute for the full offering of Airbus’ helicopters. We have a new type of FFS being developed, which will give us the opportunity to implement innovations in terms of visualisation. This is key because it is what is being seen by users,’ he explained.

The new facility at Airbus’ site in Grand Prairie will open in 2019, Plantier told Helitech International Daily News, but it will not be operational until 2020/21. Helisim will be devoted to fl ight training at fi rst, primarily type ratings for pilots, but crew training is expected to be introduced later on, and maintenance training will also be part of the scope of the centre.

Market expansionThales has recognised a number of emerging demands: the ability

Copersafety offers a range of training-based

services, including classroom lessons, and

simulated and live fl ights. (Image: Coptersafety)

Whole-crew training is in ever-increasing demand in the civil rotary-wing market as teams collaborate across EMS, offshore and SAR operations. Helitech International Daily News considers the role of simulators in this area. By Beth Stevenson

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to monitor and report on pilot performance; improvements to the human-machine interface; simulation as a service using cloud computing; the provision of a more immersive experience; and the incorporation of unmanned systems and subsequent training.

The latter is being accelerated further by the development of urban taxi services, and the company is therefore preparing to offer courses for that also, Plantier noted.

Thales is working on expanding its presence in China, but Plantier explained that the company’s processes must be adapted to certify its simulators with the Civil Aviation Administration of China. ‘This is a challenge each time,’ he said.

‘I think we were one of the first to certify a Level D simulator for an H175. It was quite challenging for us to interact with the Chinese authority, but we did it. Now, the helicopter and simulator are operating and this is promising for our position in China,’ Plantier continued.

‘Civil helicopter activities are quite regulated [in China]… Today, the fleet is growing, so we think this will be a growing market, and for us it is important to be there. It will take some years, but we need to take position as early as possible and this is why we’ve started.’

Thales also has a facility in Brisbane, Australia, where it offers training services for the Asia-Pacific market, and local

authorities there had to approve the certification of the simulators to ensure that they adhered to relevant safety requirements.

Plantier confirmed that Thales offers a mix of system types, ranging from Level D FFS to lower-level simulators, because safety is required across the entire market, whether budgets are low or high.

‘Training is important for safety, because this is the only way to assess pilot knowledge and reactions in very adverse conditions,’ he said. ‘Failure in engines, for example, is very difficult to train for in real life [but] is easy in a simulator. There is a strong push from the certification authorities to develop training rules, and a way to proceed is

Thales is currently working on development of an Airbus H160 FFS. (Photo: Airbus Helicopters)

“Training is important for safety, because this is the only way to assess pilot knowledge and reactions in adverse conditions.”

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to balance between high- and low-[level] simulation.

‘At the end of the day, you still need to fly to get your licence,’ Plantier added. ‘But you have to fly less when flying in high- level simulators.’

Safety firstPilot training provider Coptersafety focuses on industry safety development and mission training, according to Timo Honkavaara, the company’s chief operating officer. ‘We believe that mission-specific simulator training enhances safety by letting you practise any scenarios in any environment until standard operational procedures become second nature to you,’ he said.

Coptersafety offers a range of services, from classroom-based through to simulators and live flying, the latter being provided under the company’s own Approved Training Organization in co-operation with a partner. Flight and mission training courses and tailored packages cover the areas of professional aerial work, HEMS, offshore operations, SAR and VIP transportation, using EASA-certified Level D FFS.

Simulated platforms include the Airbus H125 and H145 and the Leonardo AW139, AW169 and AW189. The simulators are

provided by CAE, Textron and TRU Simulation + Training, while Rockwell Collins supplies the image-generation systems.

In-house technical maintenance and custom visual teams ensure that the systems remain flexible and reliable, Honkavaara said.

‘We employ only instructors who have a vast operational experience from various fields of operation

[ie HEMS and SAR] and are still currently actively flying the mission that they train about in our facilities,’ he explained. ‘We believe that having the latest operational experience combined with the right pedagogical approach leads to the best training experience for our customers.’

Coptersafety is based next to Helsinki International Airport,

which Honkavaara said aids access to the facility for customers from around the world, although its position in Europe means that a lot of clients are from that continent.

He added that the company only offers training on FFS, and the technical capabilities of the simulator are the number one driver in the market; having the latest equipment to complement an operator’s fleet is the key to its success.

‘Another driver is to answer specific and tailored training needs that smaller operators face on a daily basis,’ Honkavaara continued. ‘Currently, we are serving in the field of pilot training, but engineer training is something that we [may offer] in the future.

‘We upgrade the training programmes and equipment on a constant basis and add new courses from time to time based on market demand.’

In the civil helicopter market, whole-crew training must continue to adapt to meet operators’ needs whilst following economical business models. As technology evolves, this is likely to be a challenge in the coming years. ■

TRU Simulation supplies simulators to Coptersafety. (Photo: TRU Simulation + Training)

In February 2018, Helisim announced that it would open a new North American simulation facility near Dallas, Texas, which will feature H145 and H175 simulators. (Photo: Airbus Helicopters)

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Day Time Mary Jennings Hegar

Theatre (Theatre 1)

Winkle Brown Theatre (Theatre 2)

Technology Showcase Theatre

Day 217Oct

09:30-11:00 Air Ambulances & HEMS

ESPN-R Safety WorkshopOrganised by NLR

on behalf of ESPN-R and IHST(10:00-16:30)

New Technology Showcase

Presentations from:• Carcoon America• Helinetwork International• Flightcell International• Airborne Technologies GmbH• Sparfell & Partners• Essex Industries Inc.• Universal Avionics Systems Corp.

11:30-13:00 Fire-fighting: Case Studies & New Technologies

13:30-15:00 Police, Search & Rescue

15:30-17:00 Offshore Wind Market

Day 318Oct

09:30-11:00 Planning for Climate Change Training – Pilots & Maintainers (09:30-11:15) Manufacturers’ Technical


Presentations from:• Rolls-Royce• Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation• LORD Corporation• Leonardo Helicopters

11:30-13:00The Future of Rotorcraft:

Hybrid, Electric & Autonomous Flight

Using Data to Improve Operations


13:30-15:00 Airframes: Bringing New Technology to Older Craft Connectivity & Big Data

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Wednesday 17th October


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Show Daily To be featured in the show dailies, visit the Shephard Media team on Stand E100.




Helitech_International_Day_Two_p18-36.indd 34 16/10/2018 11:19:29


Wednesday 17th October


The Mountain House (2 min walk)





Event information


Helitech Connect Drinks Reception

Press Lounge Visiting press are invited to use the facilities of the Press Lounge on Stand M50. If exhibiting, take your press releases and announcements here for the media.

Show Daily To be featured in the show dailies, visit the Shephard Media team on Stand E100.




Helitech_International_Day_Two_p18-36.indd 35 16/10/2018 11:19:29

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Helitech_International_Day_Two_p18-36.indd 36 16/10/2018 11:19:51