Higher Order Thinking in Math and Writing

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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this presentation was given at the IT Summit in Saskatoon by Tim Comfort and Wendy James

Transcript of Higher Order Thinking in Math and Writing

Developing Higher Order Thinking and Knowledge ProducersMat


What does it look like when students are good at math?

Students in Dan’s Class

0 lack of initiative0 lack of perseverance0 lack of retention0 aversion to word problems0 eager for formula

And yours?


What skills, strategies and attitudes do students need to

solve the problem?

Traditional Math Problems

0 3 bits of information0 paving way to one answer0 often using operations taught that week0 not realistic0 not framed by students

And yours?

Ticket roll – The Problem?


What is the problem?What skills etc. do students need to solve the problem?

Fuel Gage – The Problem?

Meyer et. al.

0Paul Lockhart0Alfie Kohn0Joseph Ganem0Conrad Wolfram0Malcolm Swan

The Thinking Math Teacher

0 sees a math world 0 helps kids make the problems0 lets them struggle0 provides a framework (some

technique), doesn't pave the road

About the Process

0 teach kids how to break a problem into parts0decide what you’d accept as evidence of

non-computational math0assess what they can prove they know,

not the answer they give

About the Process

0encourage talk and collaboration0develop a list of resources and provide

technology to help them find things0use images often – they help us associate

and be critical and creative

Developing Higher Order Thinking and Knowledge Producers


Before viewingBrainstorming (http://bubbl.us/ or Inspiration)

Before: Google Jockey for Vocabulary

During – Viewing 2

1. Why does the father do all the talking ? Whose voices aren’t heard?

2. What is in the foreground (most important) and what is in the background?

3. What are the characters wearing? Why?4. How do the actions of the characters

reinforce gender roles?


During – Viewing 2

Revise to show judgement0Evidence0Criteria0Relate to other understanding (synthesis)


After: Google Jockey “Non-traditional + family”

After – Powerful Words

“Traditionally if you mixed the races you were shunned, and there’s nothing wrong with an old fashioned traditional shunning. Isn’t that right honey? Like we did to your sister when she dated that Arab boy in university – you don’t know her, kids, she’s dead to us now.”

What loaded language does Mercer use?

Connotation: an idea that is implied or suggested by the word used

Denotation: the literal meaning or "dictionary definition" of a term, devoid of emotion

Word Connotationshunning Outside society, taboo, not welcome,

hated, shameful

After: Whose voice does Mercer use?

Google Jockey

Co-construction: What we know about composing and creating


The Thinking Writing Teacher

0justify, choose based on criteria, make judgement

0teach through all receptive strands to get to good expressive

0Before, During and After 0co-construct criteria based on

the receptive0break task into chunks

What does it look like when students are good at writing?

About the Process

0“Alouds” as much as possible0start with the (authentic) audience

and purpose0co-construction of criteria that

grows0spend 1/3 time on prewriting

0kids pick the tools and the question for writing0assessment at all stages0focus peer and self assessment

on text features, purpose etc. not just mechanics and grammar

About the Process