Higher Education Potential for Seniors: A Case Study from Karadeniz Technical Universit y

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Higher Education Potential for Seniors: A Case Study from Karadeniz Technical Universit y. Prof. Dr. Miraç Akçay Asst . Prof. Dr. Mine Gözübüyük Tamer Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, Turkey. Content. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Higher Education Potential for Seniors: A Case Study from Karadeniz Technical Universit y

Prof. Dr. Miraç AkçayProf. Dr. Miraç Akçay

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mine Gözübüyük TamerAsst. Prof. Dr. Mine Gözübüyük Tamer

Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi,

Trabzon, TurkeyTrabzon, Turkey


Part-I: Towards An Ageing Society (Turkey with Demographic Part-I: Towards An Ageing Society (Turkey with Demographic Indicator) and Intergenerational Solidarity ParadigmIndicator) and Intergenerational Solidarity Paradigm

Part-II: Education Possibilities Towards Ageing Population Part-II: Education Possibilities Towards Ageing Population (Access to education and training)(Access to education and training)

Part-III: Education Possibilities for Second and Third Generations Part-III: Education Possibilities for Second and Third Generations

in KTUin KTU

Part-IV: Case Study on Adults studying KTU Part-IV: Case Study on Adults studying KTU

Part-V: General Profile and Educational Experience of KTU Staff Part-V: General Profile and Educational Experience of KTU Staff

Graduated from Open and Distance EducationGraduated from Open and Distance Education

Part-I: Towards an Ageing Society Part-I: Towards an Ageing Society (Turkey with Demographic Indicator)(Turkey with Demographic Indicator)

The Changing Age Structure of TurkeyThe Changing Age Structure of Turkey

The Intergenerational Solidarity The Intergenerational Solidarity ParadigmParadigm

The decline of the traditional familyChanges in family structureWeakened the role of the family as a socialisaion agent

and as a source for child rearing, nurturing and supportDisengagement of elders from their intergenerational


Part-II: Education Possibilities Part-II: Education Possibilities Towards Increasing Ageing Towards Increasing Ageing

Population: EducationPopulation: Education

In all countries, lifelong education and training is a prerequisite for ensuring elderly people’s participation in employment and social life.

It is observed that policies involving renewal of the education and training systems, lifelong equal opportunities for vocational guidance and placement services aiming at ensuring contributions of elderly people over 60 years of age to the development of our country are not covered at the desired levels (in terms of both content and duration) as of yet (DPT, 2007)

Expansive Expansive TTrainingraining E Efforts fforts

are conducted across the country by the public and private sectors under the surveillance and supervision of the Ministry of National Education through public education, apprenticeship, distance learning, open primary school, open high school, open vocational and technical school, private training institutions, private courses, private vocational and technical courses and private motor vehicle driving courses.

The Reason Why People Tend to The Reason Why People Tend to Attend Attend

Non-formal EducationNon-formal Education1. Being more knowledgable2. To prepare for a new job,3. On the job 4. To spend leisure time as a good and beneficial,5. To meet new and interesting people,6. Acquiring skills for responsible works,7. To communicate people and self-development,8. To increase revenue.

The Reason Why People Attend The Reason Why People Attend a Non-formal Education in Turkeya Non-formal Education in Turkey

% 60,9 being skilled in his occupation/job % 34 becoming skilful and knowledge in

daily life, % 33,4 to learn about an issue that

attracting of him% 27,5 receiving a certificate

Non-formal EducationNon-formal Education

covers all educational activities organized along or outside of formal education.

The specific objective of non-formal education, in accordance with the basic principles and general objectives of the national education, to the citizens which never entered the formal education system or at any level or out at that level, beside or outside of formal education to gain knowledge and skills.(TUİK, Yaygın Eğitim istatistikleri)

The participation of Non-formal The participation of Non-formal Education in OECD CountriesEducation in OECD Countries

In OECD CountriesIn OECD Countries

In OECD countries, 29 % of 24-64 age population participate in non-formal education related to occupation.

This rate; is greater than % 40 in Finland, Norwegian,

Sweden, Switzerland, 38 % in Germany and Slovak Republicbelow % 20 in Poland and Spainless than 15 % in Greece, Hungary, Italy and


In TurkeyIn Turkey

In Turkey, the most active participation of non-formal education activities is seen 18 - 24 age group (26.7%) and university graduates 40 %.

Public Education Center Except Ministry of National Education, other

instutitions such as Municipalities, Waqfs, Associations support directly nonformal education by opening courses.

Adult Education Possibilities in Turkey Adult Education Possibilities in Turkey within the formal and Non-formal within the formal and Non-formal


Part-III: Education Possibilities for Part-III: Education Possibilities for Second and Third Generations in KTUSecond and Third Generations in KTU

Formal Education

Undergraduate Programme (Evening Classess)

Master Degree

Ph. DegreeNon-Formal Education: Continuing Education Center

various courses launched by KTU(computer, English language, manual skills, etc.) accept all interested individuals who wish to receive training, without any discrimination by age limits.

To keep the graduates’ information up to date,

To ensure a educational environment to anyone who wants to learn,

To organize training programs based on the demands of each institution,

To contribute to the reduction of the educational gaps between the regions,

To contribute to the personal education , while diploma alone is not sufficient at the present time,To strengthen the relationship between the university and the city,

Categories of TrainingsCategories of Trainings

Part-IV: Case Study (Aim, Method and Part-IV: Case Study (Aim, Method and Findings)Findings)

The aim of this study is to reveal the general profile of students who are at 45 and above ages studying in KTU and their educational experiences.

This study is important for putting down to the fact that how common programmes bringing young and older together affects the life of adult/ older.

Research Design & MethodologyResearch Design & Methodology

based on descriptive research.guided by principles found in

quantitive and qualitative inquiry. Detailed interviews and survey

techniques are used.

Researh Technique of ResearchResearh Technique of Research• Survey• Deep interviews with 25 participants• Verbal descriptions- audio taped and transcribed• Interviews were done in places students went inside

and outside the university, such as classrooms and cafe.

• The goal of collecting and analyzing data was to gain an detailed understanding -- meaning from the participants’ perspective the reason why they study, and to reveal the educational attainment of them.

Research QuestionsResearch Questions

• The survey consisted of two stages,

The first stage as follows;• The general profile of students including

gender, age, place of birth, occupation, marital status, income level, family size and spare time activities.

Second stage; Information on Educational Second stage; Information on Educational Experiences of participants including Experiences of participants including

several questions as below;several questions as below; • Is the KTU first university you registered?

• What is the education level in KTU? Which faculty and department do you attend?

• The reason why you study in KTU?• What are the positive and negative side to study in

your late age/adult age?• What do you think about university and state’s

measures on adult aducation?

Questions;Questions;• What kinds of opportunities that universites

provides students like you?• What are the personal and social gain to study in

late age?• What do you think about KTU Alumni club?• Do you have any advise to students who are at the

same age with you?• What are the reactions of your family or social

surroundings on your studying decisons?

Finding: Demographic ProfileFinding: Demographic Profile

Information on Educational Information on Educational Experiences of Participants Studying Experiences of Participants Studying

KTUKTUThe reason for studying at late age or adult ageGetting diplomaAssessing leisure time after retirement, Making new friendsLearning new thingsImproving yourselfStudying departments which you wantBeing model for their children and nices/nephewsAs a hobby

The Positive Side to Study in Late The Positive Side to Study in Late Age/Adult AgeAge/Adult Age

To learn new information, up date information, improve yourself

To study with youngKeep alive memory/ prevent the alzheimerWiden one’s viewpointsContribute career development and incomeGet rid of monotonyTo feel good among youngs because of competing with

them.Being experincedTo better understand youth

The Negative Side to Study in Late The Negative Side to Study in Late Age/Adult AgeAge/Adult Age

Health problems of older person Inadequate understanding capasitiesNot able to reacc to young or not compete with youngNot matching with working hours and lessons Difficulties in learning EnglishDifficulty in taking time ( for themselves and their family) Difficulty to carrying out in cooperation work and study

State’s Policy/Precautions on Adult State’s Policy/Precautions on Adult EducationEducation

For still workers, flextime and income growth

For older, adaptation problems, following the lessons and the exam system/ open admission come to the fore.

Opportunities that Universites Opportunities that Universites Provides Students Who are Studying at Provides Students Who are Studying at

Adult AgeAdult Age

Financial support-not to pay feesAbolishment of compulsory English prepatory

classAttendance could be more flexibleGiving lecture as in CDSpecial activities for adaptation and well

communication with young and instructor

Personal Gain to Study in Late AgePersonal Gain to Study in Late Age Provide prestige

New social environmentBeing happy and self-confidentLive close to society Widen one’s point of view, increase the level of education.Acquiring current informationNot being detached from lifeThe feeling of accoplismentEarn respectSocial activities increasesRevenue increases and career developmentGain a sense of confidence

Social Gain to Study in Late AgeSocial Gain to Study in Late Age

Conscious societyThe quality of education will increaseSocial and cultural renewalThe welfare of state will increaseBeing model for young

Advises of Student Towards Other Advises of Student Towards Other AdultsAdults

Being courageous to startDo not spend leisure time in home and

lonelyThere is no age limit for education

Comments and Views on KTU Alumni Comments and Views on KTU Alumni clubclub

Not activeOppose to alumni clubsHaven’t heard itNot followingNot knowingAlumni clubs,

should be active and create communication among alumnies

should be guide in every aspect to the students and alumnies

is important for cretaing social network, and important for socializing

AdvicesAdvicesActions to Be TakenSupporting of elderly people who are retirement and sustaining

of access to structural and financial servicesDeveloping adult education and training with various incentives

and programmes being interestingEnsuring access of elderly people to basic services

(transportation etc)Developing and implementing programs and providing the

required services for ensuring that elderly peopleImplementing policies aiming at developing opportunities

involving education and educational innovations for elderly people, and encouraging elderly people to make use of their acquired information and skills during their retirement periods.

Part-V: General Profile of Staffs who Part-V: General Profile of Staffs who Graduated from Open and Distance Graduated from Open and Distance


Demographic Profile of StaffDemographic Profile of Staff

View on Open Distance Education View on Open Distance Education

Positive NegativeMake progress in one’s career Not equivalent diploma

Graduate from universityNot to take formal eductaion possibilities

The opportunity to study while working

Difficulty in studying while working

Update informationExtreme density in exam time (such as traffic)

İmprove yourself  

Educational Attainment and AdvicesEducational Attainment and AdvicesEducational Attainment AdvicesIncrease of education level Struggle with lifeOrientation on different business area

Necesaary for personal development

Personal and vocational development Prevent conflict of generations

Vocational careerIt is good for studying while working

Increase the level of information/ liberal education

Getting diploma

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