HH Erasmus-f - uslugi.umk.pluslugi.umk.pl/adminUMK/erasmus/uczelnie_partnerskie_plus/pliki/... ·...

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Transcript of HH Erasmus-f - uslugi.umk.pluslugi.umk.pl/adminUMK/erasmus/uczelnie_partnerskie_plus/pliki/... ·...

HH Erasmus-f

E r a s m u s + P r o g r a m m e

Key Action 1 - Mobility for learners and staff -

Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility

\ Inter- lnst l tut ional agreement 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 between programme countr ies

Minimum requi rements

The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobil i ty, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner inst i tut ion.

A. Information about h igher educat ion institutions

Name of the Erasmus code Contact details Website institution (email, phone) (eg. of the course

( a n d catalogue) depar tment .

w h e r e r e l e v a n t )

Westfaiische D M U N S T E R O l ERASMUS I n s t i t u t i o n a l C o o r d i n a t o r ERASMUS inconning Wilhelms- in format ion: Universitat Nina Karido

Munster ERASMUS Coordinator for student mobility h t tDs : / /www.un i -International Office WWU muens t e r . d e / s t ud l en i n t e r

Schlossplatz 3 e s s i e r t e / e n / a u s t a u s c h / I n d

D-48149 Munster e x . h t m l

Email: erasmus outOuni-muenster.de Lecture catalogue: phone:+4925183 22601 phone:+4925183 22601

h t t D s : / / m h b b i o . u n l -I n c o m i n g s t u d e n t s : muens t e r . de /Modu l handb

gch/i student/ Exchange student service

gch/i student/

email:admin.ess(a)uni-muenster.de Semester dates:

phone: +4925183 22113 h t t p s : / /www .un l -

phone: +4925183 22113 h t t p s : / /www .un l -

I n c o m i n g and o u t b o u n d s t a f f : muenster .de/stud ium/en/ I n c o m i n g and o u t b o u n d s t a f f : oroa/ termine.html

Mar i a Homeyer email: Maria.Homever(5)uni-muenster.de phone:+49251 83 22600

Westfaiische D MUNSTEROl D e p a r t m e n t a l c o o r d i n a t o r : h t t D s : / / w w w . u n i -Wilhelms-

D e p a r t m e n t a l c o o r d i n a t o r : muenster.de/Bioloqie/en/

Universitat Dr. Roda Niebergall/Vanessa Ruttler Der Fachbererch/Orqaniq Munster Faculty o f Biology ramm/ index.h tml

Schlossplatz 4 48149 MOnster email: bioint(S)uni-niuen5ter.de phone: +4925183-23021


U n i w e r s y t e t M ikota ja Kope rn i ka w To run i u

(Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruh)

P L T O R U N O l International Programmes Office, Nicolaus Copernicus University,

u l . Gagarina 11 , 87-100 Toruri, Poland; tel/fax. +48 56 6114929, t e l . 611 -4928, -2246, -4788

Marta Wisniewska fmav/i@!umk.Dl), -Erasmus Inst i tut ional Coordinator (STA , STT)

Malgorzata Grudzinska (incoming@erasmus.umk.pl) - incoming students;

Marta Btaszczyk (martaslocaumk.pi) -outgoing students; Martyna Malec fmaleciSiumk.Dl) -traineeships

Paulina Gyrkow e-mail; erasmus{aicm.umk.Dl Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz (medical sciences): International Programmes Department ul. M. Curie Sklodowskiej 9, 85-067 Bydgoszcz tel. (52) 585-36-91

ERASMUS incoming in format ion:

htto -J/v/vm. umk. ol/en/er

U n i w e r s y t e t M ikota ja Kope rn i ka w To run i u

(Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruh)

P L T O R U N O l International Programmes Office, Nicolaus Copernicus University,

u l . Gagarina 11 , 87-100 Toruri, Poland; tel/fax. +48 56 6114929, t e l . 611 -4928, -2246, -4788

Marta Wisniewska fmav/i@!umk.Dl), -Erasmus Inst i tut ional Coordinator (STA , STT)

Malgorzata Grudzinska (incoming@erasmus.umk.pl) - incoming students;

Marta Btaszczyk (martaslocaumk.pi) -outgoing students; Martyna Malec fmaleciSiumk.Dl) -traineeships

Paulina Gyrkow e-mail; erasmus{aicm.umk.Dl Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz (medical sciences): International Programmes Department ul. M. Curie Sklodowskiej 9, 85-067 Bydgoszcz tel. (52) 585-36-91


Lecture catalogue:

httD://mvw. umk. ol/en/er asmus/(;ourse?/

Semester dates:

ht tD;//www.umk.D l /en/er asmu5/d<?wnlgads/

The Facu l ty o f B io logy and Env i r o nmen t a l P ro tec t i on

P L T O R U N O l Faculty coordinatondr hab. Marcin Koprowski kooer&umk. ol

https://www. biol. umk.


B. Mobility numbers per academic year

The partners commit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no later than the end of January in the preceding academic year.

Student Mobility (SMS)

FROM TO SubJ Subject area ect name

[Erasmus code [Erasmus code area of the sending of the code

institution] receiving institution] ^isc


Study cycle

[short cycle, V,

Number of student mobility periods

Student Mobility for Studies . ,

[total number of months of the study periods or average duratmn]

D MUNSTEROl PLTORUNOl 051 Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biomedicine

i« , 2"" or 3'" 2 X 9 = 18


Biology and biotechnology

Environmental Sciences, Ecology

i « , 2"" or 3'" 2 X 9 = 18

['Optional: subject area code & name and study cycle are optional. Inter-Institutional agreements are not compulsory for Student Mobility for Traineesliips or Staff Mobility for Training, Institutions may agree to cooperate on the



organisation of traineeship; In this case they should indicate the number of students that they intend to send to the partner country. Total duration in months/days of the student/staff mobility periods or average duration can be indicated if relevant.]

Staff Mobility (STA and S T T )


[Erasmus code of the sending



[Erasmus code of the

receiving institution]

Subjec tarea code



Subject area name


Number of staff mobility periods

Staff Mobility for Staff Mobility Teaching for Training

* [total number of days of

teaching periods or average duration *]

D MUNSTEROl PLTORUNOl 051 Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biomedicine

l X8h IxSdays


Biology and biotechnology

Environmental Sciences, Ecology

l X8h IxSdays

C. Recommended language sk i l l s

The send ing i n s t i t u t i o n , f o l l o w i n g a g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e r e ce i v i ng i n s t i t u t i o n , is r e spons i b l e f o r p r o v i d i n g s uppo r t t o i t s n o m i n a t e d c a n d i d a t e s so t h a t t h e y can have t h e r e c o m m e n d e d l a n g u a g e sk i l l s a t t h e s t a r t of t h e s t udy o r t e a c h i n g p e r i o d :

Receiving institution

[Erasmus code]

Optional: Subject area

Language of instruc­

tion 1

Language of instruc­

tion 2

Recommended language of instruction level'

Student Mobil ity for Staff Mobility for Studies Teaching

IMinimum [Ninimtim recommended recommended level: level: B2]

81J D MUNSTEROl 0511 G e r m a n * Eng l i sh B2 C I

P L T O R U N O l Pol ish Eng l i sh 82

no c e r t i f i c a t e r e q u i r e d


no c e r t i f i c a t e r e q u i r e d

For m o r e de ta i l s o n t h e l a n g u a g e of i n s t r u c t i o n r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , see t h e c ou r s e c a t a l o g u e o f each In s t i t u t i on [Links provided on the first page].

^ For an easier and consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Common European Framework of

Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended, see http://europass.cedefoD.europa.eu/en/re50urces/europe3n-

languaee-levels-cefr 3

*P' cycle students (BSc) applying for an Erasmus study-abroad visit at the Faculty of Biology of the WWU during spring term (Apri l-September) must have knowledge of the German language. During the BSC program, only some specialisation modules In the 5'̂ semester (autumn term, September - April) are taught in English.

Students are strongly encouraged to contact the ERASMUS coordinator of the Faculty of Biology (bioint(g)unl-muenster.de) beforehand to ensure that they will find suitable courses.

Students applying for an Erasmus at NCU should meet the following language requirements: B2 of English (both in writ ing and speaking). Moreover, respective faculties esp. language departments may have higher requirements. Students should present a language certificate proving their language competences.

D. Additional requ i rements

Partner University:


Attendance of the "Welcome Module" Is compulsory.

https://mhbbio. uni-muenster.de/modul hand buch/student/show.php?tit le=Welcome+module

Further Information can be found here: https://www.uni-muenstcr.de/Bioioqle.Internatlonales/en/lnternationa Le st u_d I e re n d e/m dex.html https://www.uni-muenster.de/Bloloqle/en/5tudium/Studienqanosinformationen/lndex.html https://www.uni-muenster.de/studienlnteres5ierte/en/austausch/ index.html


The list of Erasmus coordinators at NCU is available at http://www.umk.pl/en/erasmus/coordinators/

Erasmus students who wish to follow courses at more than one faculty at NCU need to obtain the approval of a coordinator/dean of a respective/particular faculty.

• Erasmus students Interested in writ ing a final BA7MA-/PhD-thesis at NCU should ask a respective coordinator to get an approval to do so. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution/not by HOi,

• Nicolaus Copernicus University attempts at facilitating the Erasmus exchange students with disabilities or permanent illnesses. Our International Programmes Office, in cooperation with the Section for Students with Disabilities, tries to meet your special needs.

More details and steps to follow available at: http://www.umk.pl/en/erasmus/students/applyinq/disabled/ Contact: International Programmes Office In Torun, -i-48 56 6114928 incominqOerasmus.umk.pl International Programmes Department in Bydgoszcz, +48 52 5853691 erasmus@cm.umk.pl

Additional Information on medical care at NCU In Torurt is available at http://www.umk.pI/en/erasmus/l i fe/quide/issue5/#A2/

Health and safety issues are a very important matter at our university, therefore, during the Orientation Weeks we offer Erasmus-i- students a special pack concerning Emergency Issues. We also provide students with a psychological help during their Erasmus stay In Torun.


Contact: an English speaking psychologist counsellinq@erasmus.umk.pl

• For the implementat ion of STA/STT-mobi l i t les, - Incoming staff is required to get confirmation of invitation by an NCU contact person from the respective faculty in reasonable advance in order to prepare a satisfactory programme of teaching/training.

E. Calendar

1. Information on nominated students and their applications must reach the receiving institution by:

Receiving institution Autumn term* Spring term* [Erasmus code] [month] [month]

D MUNSTEROl Nomination: May, 1*' Nomination: November, 1=' Application: June, 1'* Application: December, 1 "

P L T O R U N O l June, 1st November, 1st

[* to be adapted in case of a trimester system]


Information on the nominat ion, application and enrolment process: https://www.uni-muenster.de/studieninteressiefte/en/austausch/bewerbunqAtnji l

The application must be submitted by the students by the 1"* of J u n e ( a u t u m n t e r m ) or 1*' of December (spr ing t e r m ) .

Semester dates: https://www.uni-muenster.de/studium/en/orqa/termine.html Please note that We l come w e e k s tar ts ear l ier (spr ing te rm: March, au tumn te rm: September) ,



Partner institutions should send their nominations by email (pis. give student's f irst and family name, e mail, area of studies and semester of Erasmus scholarship). Students should apply according to the procedure given on http://www.umk.pl/en/erasmus/students/applyinq/application

The online application should be submitted by the students by the 1" of June or 1»* of November.

2. The receiving inst itut ion will send its decision within 6 weeks.

Transcript of Records

A Transcript of Records will be Issued by the receiving institut ion no later than 5 weeks a f t e r t h e assessment pe r i od has f i n i shed a t t he rece iv ing HEI, given that the transcript form and all relevant course work documents have been submitted by the student.



Terminat ion of tl ie agreement

The Inter-institutional agreement may be amended by mutual agreement. The Inter-institutional agreement may be terminated by either party. In the event of unilateral terminat ion, a notice of at least one academic year should be given. In the event of such notice being given, all existing commitments to staff or students will be fulfi l led. Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict.

F. Informat ion

1. Grading s y s t e m s of the Institutions



GRADES : The Student Exchange Office recommends the following grading equivalency table:

Wes t f a i i s c he W i l h e l m s -U n i v e r s i t a t


Grade Grade Description

1,0-1,5 A Excellent , Outstanding performance

1,6-2,0 B Very good Performance clearly above average

2,1-3,0 C Good Performance above average

3,1-3,5 I D


Satisfactory Performance on average

3,6-4,0 E Sufficient Performance with deficiency

4,1-5,0 1 Fail


Performance which does not 1 meet the requirements

PL T O R U N O l :

The Nicolaus Copernicus University follows the ECTS scheme, which means that ECTS credits are allocated to course units, lectures, practical works, etc. at each faculty. In ECTS, 60 credits represent one year of study (In terms of workload); normally 30 credits are given for six months (a term/semester).


The Polish grading system In higher education Is based on the 5 to 2 scale, where 5 Is the best mark and 2 is the worst.

Moreover, students can also be marked with additional signs of + and -, Each of them equals half a point: + means 0.5 more. Some courses, however, are not evaluated on such a marking scheme and for these a student may simply obtain zai. or zaiiczenie (EN. "pass') which means that their workload was satisfactory and they have passed the course.

Un iwersy te t Mlkot^a Kopernika w Toruniu




ZaI / Pass




Very Good

Better than good

i Good

\r than satisfactory


Unsatisfactory / Fail

Participation; I.e. the student has successfully and regularly j attended the course.

I, Visa The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and Information sources:

Institution [Erasmus code]

Contact details (email, phone)

Website for information

D MUNSTEROl Incoming students:

Exchange student service email:admin,e5s^uni-muenster.de phone:+49251 83 22113

Incoming and outbound staff:

https://www.unl-muenster.de/studieninteressierte/en/a ustausch/praktisches.html

Maria Homeyer email: Maria.HomeverfSDuni-muenster.de phone: +4925183 22600

https://www.uni-muenster.de/forschuna/en/wissenscha ft ler/formales/index.html


P L T O R U N O l i n c o m i n q @ e r a s m u s . u m k . p l Te l . Torur t c a m p u s ( + 4 8 56 611 4928) e r a s m u s ( g i c m . u m k . p l T e l . Co l l e g i um M e d i c u m in Bydgoszcz (+48 52 585 3691)

h t t p : / / w w w . u m k . D l / e n / e r a s m u s / l i f e / q u

i d e / i s s u e s / # A l

Pol ish M i n i s t r y o f Fo re ign A f f a i r s w w w . m s z . q o v . p l / e n / t r a v e l t o Po land/

3 . I n s u r a n c e

The s e n d i n g a n d r e ce i v i ng i n s t i t u t i o n s w i l l p r ov i de ass i s tance In o b t a i n i n g i n su rance f o r i n c om ing and o u t b o u n d m o b i l e p a r t i c i p an t s , a c co rd i ng t o t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e E r a s m u s Cha r t e r f o r H i ghe r Educa t i on .

The r e c e i v i ng i n s t i t u t i o n w i l l I n f o r m m o b i l e p a r t i c i p an t s o f cases in w h i c h In su rance cove r is no t a u t o m a t i c a l l y p r o v i d e d . I n f o r m a t i o n and ass i s tance can be p r o v i d e d by t h e f o l l o w i n g c on t a c t po i n t s and i n f o r m a t i o n sou r ce s :

Institution [Erasmus code]

Contact details (email, phone)

Website for information

D MUNSTEROl I n c o m i n g s t u d e n t s :

Exchange student service email:admin.es5(3uni-muenster.de phone:+4925183 22113

I n c o m i n g a n d o u t b o u n d s ta f f :

h t t p s : / / w w w . u n i -m u e n s t e r . d e / s t u d i e n i n t e r e s s i e r t e / e n / a u s t a u s c h / p r a k t i s c h e s . h t m l

Maria Honicycr email: Ma r i a 1 loniever'«;uni-nuienster.de phone:+49251 83 22600

h t t p s : / / w w w . u n i -m u e n s t e r . d e / f o r s c h u n q / e n / w i s s e n s c h a f t i e r / f o r m a l e s / i n d e x . h t m i

PL TORUNOl i n c o m i n a P e r a s m u s . u m k . D l Te l . T o r u n c a m p u s (+48 56 611 4928)

e r a s m u s @ c m . u m k . p l T e l . C o l l e g i um Med i c um in Bydgoszcz ( + 4 8 52 585 3691)

htto://'.vvvw.umk,pl/en/erasmus/life/Kuide/issue s/«A2

4, Housing

The r e c e i v i n g i n s t i t u t i o n w i l l g u i de i n c o m i n g m o b i l e p a r t i c i p a n t s In f i n d i n g a c c o m m o d a t i o n , a c co rd i ng t o t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e E r a smus Cha r t e r f o r H i ghe r E d u c a t i o n .

I n f o r m a t i o n a n d ass i s t ance can be p r o v i d ed by t h e f o l l o w i n g pe r sons a n d i n f o r m a t i o n sou rces :

Institution [Erasmus code]

Contact details (email, phone)

Website for information

D MUNSTEROl I n c o m i n g s t u d e n t s :

Exchange student service emai l:admin,ess;Euni-muenster.de phone:+49251 83 22113

I n c o m i n g and o u t b o u n d s ta f f :

h t t p s : / / w w w . u n i -m u e n s t e r . d e / s t u d i e n i n t e r e s s i e r t e / e n / a u s t a u s c h / p r a k t i s c h e s . h t m l


Mar i a Homeye r

email: Mar i a .Homever (5)un l -muens te r .de

phone: + 4 9 2 5 1 8 3 22600

https://www.uni-muenster.de/leben/en/aaestehaeuser/l ndex.html

P L T O R U N O l incominaSerasmus.umk.pl Tel. Toruri campus (+48 56 611 4928)

erasmus@cm.umk.pl Tel. Collegium Medicum i n Bydgoszcz ( + 4 8 52 585 3691)

http://www.umk.pl/en/erasmus/l i fe/qu ide/accommodation/

G. S I G N A T U R E S OF THE I N S T I T U T I O N S (legal representat ives)

Institution [Erasmus code]

Name, function Date Signature'



D MUNSTEROl Vanessa Ruttler (substitute Dr. Roda Niebergall)

ERASMUS coordinator of the Faculty of Biology


Ot d!

A f tU9 Monster



P L T O R U N O l Prof, dr hab. Werner Ulrich

Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection




* At PL TORUNOl single-subject agreements are signed by the dean of the respected faculty, while multi-subject agreements by the Vice-rector for Education.

Scanned signatures are accepted