Hey, say hello to happiness

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Hey, say hello to happiness


The purpose of our lives is to be happy –Dalai Lama

Yeah,some people are happy not because they are successful but they are successful because they are always happy.

Life is simple –Don’t complicate it.

There are no terms and conditions for happiness

Decide, "Whatever the circumstances I want to be happy and I will be happy always" 

Give compliments to yourself for your efforts and your achievement

Always be positive!

We should learn to be happy with what we get.

Be yourself.

Don't compare yourself with anyone else

Accept yourself, respect yourself and love yourself.

No one can play your roll better than you.

The most beautiful people are the people who are the happiest! 

Stay healthy

Don't expect anything from anyone.

Nothing in life is to be feared. 

  It is only to be understood.

Happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have.

It depends only on what you think.

Don't try to be a perfectionist.

No one is perfect.

Don't think what others think about yourself.

Don't sacrifice.

Learn from water. Adjust yourself in every situation.

A day without laughter is a day wasted!”

Smile and Stay happy always!. 
