He’s the King of the Britains, or so he claims. This movie is all about him trying to find the...

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Transcript of He’s the King of the Britains, or so he claims. This movie is all about him trying to find the...

He’s the King of the Britains, or so he claims. This movie is all about him trying to

find the Holy Grail because he has been “charged by God.”

Patsy is King Arthur’s ever faithful servant/”horse”. He follows Arthur around,

despite the fact that he endures many injuries along the way.

This British guard is probably the only one you’ll find that knows about the air speed velocity of a swallow. He also has a hard time believing that Patsy is Arthur’s horse.

He pushes the cart of dead guys.

This guy has one job: to shout “Bring out your dead.”

He’s trying to get rid of an old man by insisting that he is dead.. Even though.. He might not be.

He’s not dead, even though one says he is.

Dennis seems very educated for a peasant and doesn’t know quite when to shut up, even

when he’s being strangled.

She really has no point in this film, we just needed to take up another slide.

He was a fierce warrior who refused to let Arthur and Patsy pass him. Because

of this, he ended up limbless.

He fought with the Black Knight…and lost. Now he’s dead.

These are not your everyday monks. For some odd reason, they insist on hitting themselves on the head

with a piece of wood.

These people seem very eager to burn witches.. Too bad they’re not smart enough to figure out who is and who isn’t a witch. If.. Witches even


She’s not really a witch. The villagers dressed her up to look like one, so they

could burn her. Sadly, Sir Bedevere’s logic couldn’t save her.

These are the knights who were hand chosen by Arthur to join him at Camelot.

Sir Bedevere is supposedly the smart knight of the five…or is he? King Arthur chose him because of his


Sir Lancelot is often the knight that gets carried away when, say storming

a castle.

Sir Galahad has a knack for getting himself into trouble and not using his

common sense.

He is always the one that is “chickening out” and running away.

These are Robin’s minstrels. They follow him around, singing songs of his ‘bravery.’

This knight is the most famous one in this whole movie. Well, not really, we just needed to find

something to say about him.

This prisoner was clapping along to the all famous “Knights of the Round Table” song.

Self explanatory. He gives Arthur the quest for the Holy Grail.

As you can tell, this guard does more than just guard the castle. He insults everyone that goes

by…and then throws livestock at them.

This historian played an important part in this movie by further explaining this truly historical story. Too bad he didn’t get much of a chance to


They were one of the many things that Sir Robin ran away from. Sir Robin ran into them while going

through the forest. They got too busy complaining about each other that they completely forgot that they

were going to kill Sir Robin.

She is one of the people that Sir Galahad met at the castle Anthrax

while on his quest for the Holy Grail.

This is the old man that King Arthur met in scene 24. He asks each of the knights 3

questions before they could cross the Bridge of Death.

Do you know any scary knights who like shrubbery, shout gibberish,and order you to chop

down things with fish? Well, you do now.

The quote says it all. In the story, he supplies the Knights with a shrubbery

to give to “The Knights who say ‘Ni!’.”

A seemingly ‘psychic’ Enchanter who warns Arthur and the knights about the “Monster of


A caring dad who wishes for his son to marry a ‘beautiful’ princess with huge..

Tracts of land.

He’s a boy who wants nothing more than to sing. Alas, his father is forcing him to marry a ‘beautiful’ princess, for the sake of getting

more land. Thus, he sends out a letter for help, which Lancelot conveniently receives.

These are two guards. They are idiots. The end.

A quote ‘beautiful’ princess, who is marrying Prince Herbert. Her wedding, however, was invaded by

Lancelot, who killed every one in sight.

Argh! It’s the evil satanic rabbit with ‘nasty big pointy teeth!’ (Also known as the Monster of Caerbannog.)

It attacks the knights, and in turn gets blown up with The Holy Hand Grenade.

A blessed grenade that is used to blow the Monster of Caerbannog into tiny bits.

This is a terrifying animated monster that eats Brother Maynard! It also chases our heroes, but

luckily, the animator had a fatal heart attack and the monster disappeared.

You better of..

Sir Nelly


King Anthony

Sir Emily

Click to hear

Nelly’s fav quote

Click to hear

Emily’s fav

quoteClick to hear Mr. Maite’s

‘supposed’ fav quote