Heritage Open Days 2018 - hexhamabbey.org.uk · ews tion f 2nd September 2018 Heritage Open Days...

Post on 06-Sep-2018

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Transcript of Heritage Open Days 2018 - hexhamabbey.org.uk · ews tion f 2nd September 2018 Heritage Open Days...




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2nd September


Heritage Open Days 2018 7th - 9th September Each year for Heritage Open Days, the Abbey conservation team put together an exhibition of rarely seen items from the Abbey's fascinating archive. This year they will be opening up the Treasury to reveal its secrets… Behind the medieval door at the top of the Abbey’s Night Stair is a small room - the Treasury. Come and have a look inside this normally closed-to-visitors part of the Abbey, and find out about the important role this small room played in monastic life. Members of the Abbey’s knowledgeable conservation team will be on hand to talk about the Treasury, and the Abbey in general, as well as to take you through a display of other intriguing and rarely-seen items from the Abbey’s archive. Opening times:

Friday 7th September 10-2 Saturday 8th September 10-2 Sunday 9th September 11-1

Drop-in any time during these hours, no booking required.

The Hexham Abbey Choirs The new term is about to begin and the Hexham Abbey choirs are about to resume rehearsals! The Choirs at Hexham Abbey represent the continuation of a tradition of church music in Hexham that goes back to the 8th century; they play a crucial role in enhancing and enriching the spiritual life of the Abbey. Choir members also benefit from a first class musical education, as well as enjoying a busy and varied social calendar.

Hexham Abbey Boys' Choir Boy trebles range from 7 to 14 years, and many boys progress as young men to sing alto, tenor or bass on the back row of the choir. Wednesdays 5pm-7.40pm and some Sundays

Hexham Abbey Girls’ Choir The girls are divided into junior and senior choristers aged 7 to 18 with junior choristers singing alone for Abbey Praise. Thursdays 5.30-7.30pm and some Sundays

New members are warmly welcomed to come along and meet Michael Haynes, Director of Music, and the choir or email directorofmusic@hexhamabbey.org.uk

LARGE PRINT news sheets are available, ask a


Christian Meditation New Term Dates Monday 10th September: Meditation re-starts at the slightly earlier time of 5.40pm. Everyone is very welcome to come along; no experience needed. The session is simply a time of gathered silence in the Abbey, introduced by a reading or poem. Monday 17th September: This session will take the form of some introductory teaching about meditation in the Christian tradition. We will meet at 5.40pm as usual, but there will be more opportunity for questions and sharing of thoughts. An opportunity to find out more about it! Contact Bridget Hewitt 01434 602897 or bridget.hewitt@btopenworld.com

Congregation News

Our Leavers Donations for any of our leavers may be handed into the Parish Office clearly marked with the respective name.

James Brady has now left his post as Verger. We are hugely grateful for all he has contributed to the life of Hexham Abbey and he leaves with our best wishes and prayers. Jane Abrams is leaving us at the end of August, due to family commitments. Jane is a tremendous support both to our children’s work and to our volunteers, and will be a big loss. There will be an opportunity to say goodbye to her in the Sunday service, 9th September at 10am.

Matthew Hunter, our Associate Priest, has been appointed Vicar of Whorlton. His institution in Whorlton is on Saturday 6th October at 3.30pm at St John’s Church, Whorlton, Westerhope. We also thought it would be nice to get together for a special screening at the Forum in honour of the work Matthew has put in to Screen@6 and Silver Screen, the Abbey’s popular film clubs. Matthew’s chosen WW2 drama, Darkest Hour, starring Oscar-winner Gary Oldman as Churchill. The screening will be at 7:30pm on Monday 10th September - everyone is invited! To help cover the cost, there is a suggested donation of £4 to pay on the day.

Parking Permit Renewal The NCC parking permits have arrived! Permit holders need to come to the parish office to swap their permit in person between 10am and 1pm. Please come prepared with your car registration number and email address. Payment by cash or cheque only (cheques made out to ‘Hexham Abbey PCC’).

Prices this year (including VAT):

Volunteers half price permit £95 (if you volunteer once a week or more) Congregation members full permit £170

We have asked the council for a one week grace period in the first week of September. Temporary permits for on duty volunteers will remain in the office, shop and vestry as before.

Poppy Project June Olliver, along with members of the old Abbey sewing group, are planning to adorn the Bandstand with knitted poppies in November in order to mark Remembrance Sunday and the Centenary of the end of WWI. June has already started to knit and stitch but she needs your help! If you could make one, two, three or more little poppies it would be really be appreciated — the more she receives, the more spectacular the project will be... so start knitting! The pattern below provides a basic template; there are larger print copies of the pattern in the Abbey; other patterns can be used. Poppies should be dropped off in the Parish Office in October so keep a hold of them till then please.

Simple Poppy Knitting Pattern You need some DK wool in red, a pair of 4mm needles, a black button or wool

Cast on 80 sts Knit 8 rows K2tog along next row and all subsequent rows until 1 stitch left Finish off, join edges and sew a button or a few stitches of black wool in the centre

Upcoming Events

Phelps Organ Summer Series Saturdays at 6pm The Phelps Organ Summer Series features some tremendous recitalists and some of the finest repertoire written for the organ. Free admission, retiring collection. Saturday 8th September: Michael Haynes, Director of Music at Hexham Abbey

Messy Church Sunday 9th September, 3pm Activities, games, stories, songs and fun for families!

Setting God’s People Free Saturday 15th September, 10.30am - 12pm Setting God’s People Free (SGPF) aims to facilitate a change in culture which will grow confident lay leaders and encourage lay and clergy to work together as equal partners in the mission of the church. The SGPF team want to hear your thoughts about how we can work together with our clergy colleagues to grow the church and bring hope.

There will be an opportunity to do so in Corbridge at Church Cottage on Saturday 15th September. To book a place, contact Josie at Church House on vision@newcastle.anglican.org or 0191 2704136.

Illustrated Talk by Stan Beckensall Tues 18th Sept, 7.30-9pm Stan will be giving an illustrated talk titled ‘The Empire Halts Here: Viewing the Heat of Hadrian's Wall’ which will examine all aspects of the Wall in its central section. The talk will take place in Prior’s Hall, Hexham Abbey; tickets are available from Cogito’s Bookshop; proceedings (less room hire) will go to the Hexham Community Centre Playgroup for a new ‘sensory den’.

Hexham Abbey Festival Thurs 27th - Sun 30th September This year’s Festival looks back to two events of one hundred years ago; the signing of the Armistice on 11th November and British women voting in the General Election of December 1918. There's a wonderful mix on offer with world leading performers, a

community singing project, poetry, jazz, and concerts including seven major works by Mozart. This year there is also a classic film screening at the Forum Cinema. Festival Choral Evensong takes place at 6.30pm on Thursday and Sunday, and we are delighted that the Bishop of Loughborough, the Rt Revd Dr Guli Francis-Deqhani, will be our guest preacher at the Sunday Festival Eucharist at 10am, followed by a coffee concert. Stewards will be needed, watch out for opportunities to support the Festival.

Pathways Mission 7th—9th September A fantastic opportunity right here in Hexham! Beer, Hymns and Quiz Friday 7th September, 8-9.30pm A chance to enjoy hymn singing and each other's company at Hexham Abbey. Bring your own beer and a hymn request! Hexham Holiday Club BBQ Saturday 8th September, 4pm Conclude the summer with HHC’s famous BBQ on Tyne Green! ‘Big issues’ Conversation Saturday 8th September, 8-9.30pm A chance to reflect on what makes us tick and what it means to share our faith today - Abbey. Special 10am Sunday Morning Service Sunday 9th September, 10am Choral Eucharist at Hexham Abbey with visiting preacher, Bishop Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham. Celebrating Hope Sunday– who will you invite? Sunday 9th September, 4-5pm An chance to find out more about Christianity, invite someone along - Hexham Mart. For all events in the Diocese see: www.pathwaysmission.org.uk

For Your Prayers We pray for those who are unwell or who have asked for our prayers: Edna O’Neil, Yvonne Roberts, Doreen Beniams, Christopher Brown.

We pray for those who have died and all those who mourn: Michael Armstrong, Margaret Caley, Reg Miller.

Contact the Parish Office: 01434 602031 or admin@hexhamabbey.org.uk Opening Hours: 10am - 1pm

Sunday 9th September Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion Officiant & Preacher Matthew Hunter

10.00am *Pathways Parish Eucharist* Readings James 2:1-10 [11-13] 14-17 Mark 7:24-end

President Matthew Hunter Preacher Bishop Paul Butler

Reader Hedley Everett Intercessor David Ratcliff

6.30pm Choral Evensong Readings Exodus 14:5-end; Matthew 6:1-18

Officiant & Preacher Dagmar Winter Reader Raymond Dance

Abbey Services for the week beginning Monday 3rd September

9.00am Morning Prayer and 5.00pm Evening Prayer (unless Choral Evensong)

Tuesday 4th September 12.00pm Holy Communion Nigel Warner

Wednesday 5th September 9.30am 10.15am 6.30pm

Holy Communion Dagmar Winter Tots’ Praise Choral Evensong Dagmar Winter

Thursday 6th September 9.30am 9.30am 6.30pm

Holy Communion Matthew Hunter Prayer Group Choral Evensong Frank Dexter

Friday 7th September 8.00pm *Pathways Event: Beer and Hymns*

Saturday 8th September 8.00pm *Pathways Event: ‘Big Issues’ Conversation*

Sunday 2nd September Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion Officiant & Preacher Dagmar Winter

10.00am Abbey Praise Led by Matthew Hunter

Organ Böhm Vater unser Hymns On Sheet

12.00pm Holy Communion BCP Officiant & Preacher Dagmar Winter

6.30pm Said Evensong Readings Exodus 12:21-27; Matthew 4:23-5:20

Officiant & Preacher Matthew Hunter Reader Jason Robinson Gay

Organ Bridge Adagio Hymns 673, 490, 679

Messy Church needs your unwanted shoe boxes for an activity on Sunday 9th September. If you can help, please drop them off at the Parish office before the 9th - thank you in advance!

Heritage Open Days Open Treasury

Behind the medieval door at the top of the Abbey’s Night Stair is a small room call the

Treasury. Come and have a look inside this normally closed part

of the Abbey, and find out about the important role this

small room played in monastic life and see rarely-seen items

from the Abbey’s archive.

Opening times – drop in:

Friday 7th September 10-2

Saturday 8th September 10-2

Sunday 9th September 11-1