Here is where your true power is. When you can love …...Here is where your true power is. When you...

Post on 11-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Here is where your true power is. When you can love …...Here is where your true power is. When you...

Here is where your true power is. When you can love yourself, it’s out of that love that

you can truly love others.

Self Intimacy is your greatest investment.

In the stories that I shared: (About my sister & about my friend)

Which story did you relate to the most?

What parts of the story did you find yourself in?


Put your hand on your heart right now and say this


What are ways that YOU can care for your heart? For me, I go on hikes, I listen to music, pamper myself and tell

myself “How great I am” What will you do for your heart?

Many people think that taking time to care for themselves is a luxury.


GIVE YOURSELF. How’s that for luxury?

When we come to the place where we start being accountable & responsible for ourselves, our hearts and emotional well being,

there will be times that we will think it’s too painful. This is normal, MOVE FORWARD ANYWAYS.

Many times in my own life, I’ve neglected my own well being for the sake of being strong for others.

Can you relate to this? Can you see where this going to be to your detriment?

The beauty of intimacy is that when things within yourself get tough and you find yourself at a crossroad, it’s those close, safe

friends you will need to be with consistently. Who are the friends you can count on?

Will you give them a chance to CONSISTENTLY be there for you?

To be honest with ourselves and our friends takes tremendous courage.

To get & BE messy with them is where true vulnerability & intimacy dance through your heart & theirs.

Can you dance through this part of Intimacy?

I don’t know about you, but letting everything out, meaning screaming, crying and saying the painful things my heart has

been burdened with, can be a challenge. What things are burdening your heart that you’re not letting out?

When we get totally messy with someone we trust or even with ourselves, we no longer remain hidden nor silent.

Our hearts can feel very exposed in these moments and we contemplate where we can run.

The true courage in you will not run and remain in this space of VULNERABILITY.

Whenever I’ve gotten real vulnerable, innately my head wants to logic it’s way through it to protect my heart and shut it down so

it’s not “seen” anymore. This is where you will have to tell logic to be silent and take the

back seat so that your heart can have a true voice. Say this: “I will keep my heart open.”

Stuffing things down and pushing them below the surface so that you can’t “see” or “feel” them will eventually explode in your

face. Give yourself the grace & time to allow these things to come up. Two things: Tell your heart out loud that “you will no longer stuff”.

Confide in a safe friend & tell them you no longer want to stuff your pain. Ask them if they will support you in this new chapter.

It’s a new day and you are picking up new tools to experience Intimacy.

Be hopeful that with these new tools, you are now empowered to create a better future for yourself.

This reminder will serve you when old paradigms re-appear…and they will.

This is your ultimate goal with Intimacy. To be loved. To give love.

Hand over your heart, say this now: I AM LOVED & VERY LOVABLE ALREADY

Allowing our hearts to be heard takes time and is a practice we cultivate.

By giving your heart attention and having out loud conversations with it, you create a space for the practice to take shape.

Will you do this?

Creating magical intimate moments takes two things: Showing up with your full presence &

Allowing vulnerability to have it’s place.

The Magic can show up where there are no walls & freedom can dance it’s way between hearts.

Transparency as I’ve said is highly necessary when it comes to intimacy.

Often times I’ve found that when I was transparent with the people in my life, it gave them the permission and space to be

transparent as well. When this happens, this becomes “The Dance of Intimacy”

Vulnerability is always a choice. Who are some people that you are avoiding vulnerability with?

Decide which ones you will begin to engage with and allow vulnerability its place.

A knee jerk reaction when Intimacy is being danced out is to want to check out.

Change the subject. Wall off. Shut down. Get defensive. Want to self protect.

Tell yourself that when you’re in an Intimate moment that you will allow yourself to be there.

When pain comes up in Intimate moments, we tend to want to run from the pain.

But when we run, we never get the victory. Tell yourself now, “I GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION TO SIT IN MY


FORGIVENESS is huge when dancing with Intimacy. Forgiveness pulls you out of the prison cell and brings you to the

dance floor where you can live & flourish. BUT…the main person we have to forgive first is ourselves.

Have you ever thought of apologizing to yourself? Where are some areas you’ve mistreated yourself?

Have you.. Ignored your pain

Told yourself to move on, toughen up, but never deal with it Put others needs before your own?

You need to apologize to yourself for the places that you’ve neglected yourself. This is a big one.

Where have you neglected yourself?

Can you forgive yourself?

Do you find yourself more compassionate towards everyone else but yourself?

It will take tremendous courage to show yourself compassion. How can you be there for YOU?

When you start forgiving yourself and others always remember that there will be

FREEDOM. The rawness & vulnerability IS WORTH IT.

When you experience the Freedom on the other side of the pain and risk, you enjoy the Victory on the other side!

Forgiveness of others becomes easier when we are able to forgive ourselves.

The compassion we have to offer ourselves, we then are able to give to others and CAN forgive them.

(When you understand what got you there & can let yourself go, it creates space for you to understand their story.)

Just like we need to have boundaries with others, we also need to have boundaries with ourselves. *Not comparing ourselves to others

*Extending the same compassion to ourselves that we would give a child

*Creating time & opportunities to care for ourselves

Things to CONSISTENTLY do: Forgive

Spend time with safe, loving people

Love Yourself

Make time to get to know YOU

Have you sold yourself short? Are you not living your dreams?

Are you angry with yourself for not standing up for yourself?

Are you mad at yourself for isolating yourself off from others?

You may be struggling with this whole forgiving portion. Can you acknowledge that not forgiving will create barriers for

intimacy to be blocked? Ask yourself… Is unforgiveness worth my happiness?

Is unforgiveness worth the barrier that will keep me from experiencing love?

I can’t tell you how many times I have not felt like forgiving someone in my life.

There are moments that we will have to choose to forgive someone, because our freedom matters more.

The problem with choosing not to forgive is you also choose to stay chained to your pain.

Sound unfair? Perhaps, but keeping yourself chained to pain is even more

unfair. And not worth it.

Releasing yourself is the greatest gift you can give YOU. Say this:

“I in this very moment, I choose to release myself. I deserve to be free and I give myself the permission to be free right now!!”

The beauty of Intimacy and the dance of intimacy is that it will always come through INVITATION.

Rest in the fact that Intimacy will not be forced upon you. Rejoice knowing that whenever you want to embrace it, all you

must do is extend an invitation.

Encountering intimacy is very important to get it flowing consistently in your life.

Once you encounter intimacy and it’s benefits, the more you’ll find yourself extending invitations and bringing intimacy in your

life much more frequently.

Make a decision that just being acquaintances with the people in your life is not enough.

To have intimacy in your relationships, both sets of hearts will have to be open and communicate honestly with one another.

Opening your heart, acknowledging your heart and developing a comfort of getting to know your heart is what brings true life.

Put your hand on your heart and say this out loud: “Heart, I know you will guide me to the life that I dream of. I

know you will bring me the relationships and love I so desire. So I ask you to help me to have an ongoing relationship with you.”

The source of all Intimacy is your heart. When you choose to allow it to speak to you, you follow it’s

leading, you accept the invitations it presents, then the dance of Intimacy becomes your norm, it becomes your reality.

Intimacy becomes simple like breathing.

I’m so proud of you for completing this course. If you engaged in this course with your full heart then I know that

it has not been an easy journey. I honor the courage you’ve used to allow Intimacy in and to let it

now flow.