Hercules John Miller. Greek Alias: Heracles Roman Alias: Hercules.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Hercules John Miller. Greek Alias: Heracles Roman Alias: Hercules.

HerculesJohn Miller

Greek Alias: Heracles


Roman Alias: Hercules


Parents: Biological Mother: Alcmene


Parents: Biological Father: Zeus

Zeus: The Deceiver

Parent: Step-father Amphitryon


Parents: Step-Mother: Hera

Hera: The Wicked

Enemies: HeraDrives Him Mad

Enemies: Eurystheus

Eurystheus: King of All

Enemies: Augeias

Augeias: the dishonest

Wives: Mortal: 1st Wife: Megara

Wives: Mortal: 2nd Wife Deianeira


Wives: Goddess Wife: Hebe

Hebe: Goddess of Youth

Birth: Killing the two snakes

Adolescence: Wrestling

Adolescence: Archery

12 Labors

12 Labors: #1 Nemean Lion

12 Labors: #2 Hydra

12 Labors: #3 Golden Horned Hind

12 Labors: #4 Erymanthian Boar

12 Labors: #5 Augeian Stables

Letting the River do the Work

12 Labors: #6Stymphalus Birds

12 Labors: #7 Cretan Bull

12 Labors: #8 Flesh-eating Mares


12 Labors: #9 Golden Girdle

12 Labors: #10 Geryon’s Cattle

Hercules Slays Geryon

12 Labors: #11 Golden Apples

Guardian's of the Apples

12 Labors: #12 Cerberus

Third Slavery: Women Clothes and Sewing

Olympic Games: Creator

Wreaths, Not Metals

Time with his Wife: shooting the Centaur

Half-Mile Shot

Death of Hercules: Burns himself to death

Hercules Becomes a God

Giant War: Killing the titans

Interesting Facts: Milky Way

Created by Hera’s Breast Milk

Interesting Facts: Constellation Cancer

Valiant Crab

Pillars of Hercules

Interesting Facts: Wrestling Death

Contradiction between Disney and Myths: Hera

Disney Deception

Contradiction between Disney and Myths: Pegasus

Pegasus: Not Hercules’s


Hercules Video

The End