Helsinki, Copenhagen, Dublin, Oslo and The Hague of today’s Business Opportunities Seminar...

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Transcript of Helsinki, Copenhagen, Dublin, Oslo and The Hague of today’s Business Opportunities Seminar...

Introduction of today’s Business Opportunities Seminar

Helsinki, Copenhagen, Dublin, Oslo and The Hague

September 18-25, 2017

Marc Rooijackers

Advisor to the Executive Director for Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

Today’s Agenda


• General introduction on ADB and success rates of procurement

• Information about business opportunities; procurement and ADB’s new procurement policy (Jesper Pedersen, Senior Procurement Specialist)

• Opportunities and Developments in the Water sector (Michiel de Lijster, Senior Water Resource Specialist)

• Opportunities and Developments in the Urban sector (Joris van Etten, Senior Urban Development Specialist)

• Presentation by companies

Network lunch: also with colleagues from our Frankfurt Office

Afternoon: Bilateral Meetings

This session

• Asian Century

• Role; strategy and operations of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

• Success rates in procurement

• How can the Constituency Office help you do business with ADB?

• Pipeline 2017-2018

Asian Century Regional distribution of Global GDP, 2050

Asia; 52%

Noth America; 13%

Latin Americ & Caribbean; 10%

Europe; 18%

Sub-Saharan Africa; 2%

Middle East & North Africa; 3% Rest of World; 2%

Developing Asia’s growth remains solid

Source: Asia Development Outlook, ADB 2017

ADB – Asian Development Bank

• Regional Multilateral Development Bank

• Established in 1966

• 67 Members (48 regional)

• Subscribed capital of $165 billion owned

by 67 countries.

• Equity $ 51 bn

• Annual lending $ 18 bn

• Headquarter in Manila, 29 resident missions

• 3100 staff – from 61 countries

ADB’s Vision: An Asia and Pacific Region Free of Poverty 6

ADB - Board of Directors

Kazakhstan; Maldives; Marshall Islands;

Mongolia; Pakistan; Philippines; Timor-Leste

Australia; Azerbaijan; Cambodia; Hong Kong,

China; Kiribati; Fed. States of Micronesia; Georgia; Nauru; Palau; Solomon

Islands; Tuvalu

United States

Republic of Korea; Papua New Guinea; Sri Lanka;

Taipei, China; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Viet Nam

People’s Republic of China

Canada; Denmark; Finland; Ireland;The Netherlands; Norway; Sweden

Belgium; France; Italy; Portugal; Spain;


Austria; Germany; Luxembourg; Turkey;

United Kingdom

Cook Islands; Fiji; Indonesia; Kyrgyz

Republic; New Zealand; Samoa; Tonga

Brunei-Darussalam Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Singapore;


Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; India; Lao PDR; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan



ADB – Where we are


ADB Field Offices

Quick Facts


Long-term ratings:

− S&P: AAA

− Moody’s: Aaa

− Fitch Ratings: AAA

HQ in the Philippines

31 field offices in Asia

3100 employees

ADB - Operations

Main Instruments

• Loans and Grants

• Technical Assistance

• Advice and Knowledge Management


• Traditionally in public sector to Government

• Increasingly ADB assists private enterprises in developing countries through loans, equity investments, guarantees

• PPPs and public and private co-finance

ADB - Approvals


ADB is growing

• Merger of windows:– The concessional (soft) lending resources are be combined with the Ordinary Capital

of the bank to triple its equity as of 2017

• Co-financing with AIIB and GCF

• More knowledge solutions and high-end technology to serve clients better. Innovative technology is welcome!

• Doing business with ADB as “seal of approval”; good for your track-record and could open other doors

ADB - Strategy 2020

ADB’s core operations:

• Infrastructure;

• Environment;

• Regional cooperation;

• Financial sector;

• Education

Upcoming: Strategy 2030

Success rates – Consultancy Firms

CountriesNo. of EOIs


No. of times


No. of



No. of




Total USD value

Avg. USD

value per


Succes rate

in contract

relative to



Canada 214 106 18 13 12,727,917$ 707,107$ 8%

Denmark 131 50 9 5 9,163,321$ 1,018,147$ 7%

Finland 82 38 3 2 5,874,710$ 1,958,237$ 4%

Ireland 54 35 7 2 6,086,033$ 869,433$ 13%

Netherlands 171 98 23 14 15,400,219$ 669,575$ 13%

Norway 25 5 0 0 -$ -$ 0%

Sweden 94 36 9 5 6,869,219$ 763,247$ 10%

ICECON- total 771 368 69 41 56,121,419$ 813,354$ 9%


China 254 154 51 42 15,646,064$ 306,786$ 20%

India 1411 403 81 32 40,246,223$ 496,867$ 6%

Germany 345 177 40 20 28,763,384$ 719,085$ 12%

Spain 239 86 16 10 12,657,996$ 791,125$ 7%


Your Constituency Office

• Representing our member countries

• Working with Embassies and trade representatives in Manila and the region

• Supporting companies from our member countries

• Entry point to ADB

– Identifying relevant staff

– Setting up meetings

ADB Operations Pipeline 2017-2018

Central & West Asia

Renewables $772 mn

Urban $200 mn

Water $390 mn

Other $2.62 bn

Total $3.66 bn

South Asia

Renewables $250 mn

Urban $53 mn

Water $410 mn

Other $6.14 bn

Total $6.85 bn

East Asia

Renewables $150 mn

Urban $830 mn

Water $350 mn

Other $1.89 bn

Total $3.22 bn

Southeast Asia & Pacific

Renewables $1.53 bn

Urban $367 mn

Water $70 mn

Other $4.24 bn

Total $6.20 bn

Pipeline as of 1 August 2017

Total Pipeline: $19.9 bn


Water $290 mn

Other $1.76 bn

Total $2.05 bn


Urban $200 mn

Other $1.12 bn

Total $1.32 bn

Sri Lanka

Water $120 mn

Renewables $250 mn

Other $1.0 bn

Total $1.37 bn

Pipeline as of 1 August 2017


Republic of China

Urban $830 mn

Water $350 mn

Renewables $150 mn

Total $1.33 bn

Pipeline - Sector/Country Breakdown


Renewables $322 mn

Total $322 mn


Urban $90 mn

Renewables $300 mn

Other $400 bn

Total $790 mn


Urban $276 mn

Other $1.16 bn

Total $1.43 bn


Renewables $775 mn

Other $500 mn

Total $1.27 bn

Pipeline as of 1 August 2017

Pipeline - Sector/Country Breakdown


Water Provincial Water Supply and Sanitation Project


Water Delhi Water Supply Improvement Investment Program

China, People’s Republic of

Urban Heilongjiang Green Urban and Economic Revitalization Project

Shandong Spring City Green Trolley Bus Demonstration

Xinjiang Changji Integrated Urban-Rural Infrastructure Demonstration

Water Shanxi Urban-Rural Water Source Protection and Environmental Demonstration

Guizhou Rocky Desertification Area Water Management Project

CWA Wastewater Systems Development (project link not yet available)

Renewables Geothermal District Heating Project (project link not yet available)

Relevant Projects by Country


Urban Amochhu Land Development and Township Project

Pipeline as of 1 August 2017


Renewables Nenskra Hydropower Project



Sustainable Energy Access in Eastern Indonesia – Electricity Grid Development Program

Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Subprogram 2

Rantau Dedap Geothermal Power Project – Phase 2

Relevant Projects by Country


Water Proposed Irrigation Rehabilitation Project


Urban Third Greater Mekong Subregion Corridor Towns Development Project

Renewables Mandalay Solar Power Project (project link not yet available)


Urban Regional Urban Development Project


Renewables ASEAN Distributed Power Project Phase 2


Urban Punjab Intermediate Cities Improvement Investment Program

Pipeline as of 1 August 2017

Relevant Projects by Country

Solomon Islands

Renewables Tina River Hydropower Plant Project

Sri Lanka

Water Jaffna Kilinochchi Water Supply Project-Additional Financing

Renewables Wind Power Generation Project

Solar Rooftop Power Generation Project


Water Western Uzbekistan Water Supply System Development

Renewables Power Generation Efficiency Improvement Project


Urban Secondary Cities Development Project (Green Cities)

Municipal Waste to Energy Project (project link not yet available)

Pipeline as of 1 August 2017


Renewables Impact Solar Rooftop (formerly GMS Clean Energy Investments) (project link not yet available)