Post on 10-Apr-2020

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ISSUE №18en




Dear colleagues!

I would like to introduce the eighteenth issue of the Catalogue of

the Joint Stock Company "Electrosetstroyproject" (JSC ESSP) of

products for energy installations. New and improved developments

comprehensively tested and used in energy facilities are presented

in the present Catalogue.

Our company has been established in 1991 as a research-and-

production enterprise which takes a deserved place in power

and communication branches. Since 1995, Joint Stock company

"Electrosetstroyproect" is the first in Russia and the CIS countries

developer, manufacturer and supplier of helical fittings for

attachment and repair the transmission line (TL) conductors and

ground wires, for attachment of All dielectric Self Supporting optical

cables ADSS and Optical Cables in Ground Wire OPGW.

The interdepartmental commission of the Public Corporation

“Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System” (FSK EES)

accepted and recommended the helical fittings, vibration dampers

and spacer-dampers of ESSP for application in the electricity network installations of FSK EES at new construction, reconstruction,

technical re-equipment and repair of operating overhead lines (OHL) of 35-750 kV.

Until 2011, the JSC "ESSP" has made and sold:


•more than400000setsof fittingsused for installationofmore than100000kmoptical communication lines (ADSSand




on the support structures of OHL, the street illumination system, the city land electric transport and the contact network of the



Clients of the JSC "ESSP" are various state, joint-stock and private enterprises of Russia and the foreign countries.

Now the JSC "ESSP" carries out the following works:



•engineering development, testing, and small-scale manufacturing of special devices and equipment for installation and

operational works on OHL: lifting on support structures and organization of workplaces on support structures, access to a



•development thestandardand the technologicaldocuments fordesigningandoperationofoverhead linesand fiberoptical




Qualified experts of our company are always ready to find the most efficient solutions for meeting your demand and resolving any

technical questions.

Yours faithfully,

General Director of the Joint Andrey Viktorovich

Stock Company «Electrosetstroyproect» Tischenko


Table of contents


Table of contents 3

Typical examples of application of helical fittings for attachment and repair

of OHL conductors and ground wires 4

Fittings for attachment the conductors and the ground wires on OHL 7

HelicalsuspensionclampsSH-D-XXforattachmentofbareconductorsandcablesofOHL 8

Helical dead-end clamps DH-DP-ХХ and DP-D-ХХ 10

Thimble clevis for helical dead-end clamps 12

Dead-end assembly DA 13

Helicalmid-spantensionjointsTJHforOHLconductorsandgroundwires 18

Helical mid-span tension joints TJH-D-XX(SBR) for repair and connection of conductors in suspension clamps SBR 23

Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH for conductors 25

Helicaljumpernon-tensionjointsJNJHforgroundwires 28

Helical repair mid-span tension joint, type RTJH to repair OHL conductors and cables 29

Helical armor rods ARH-D-ХХ for protection of OHL conductors 31

Multi-frequencyvibrationdamperVD-ХХХХ-02,VD-ХХХХ-02М 38

Spacer-damperforoverheadtransmissionlines330-750kV 40

Helicaltiesforfasteninginsulatedandnon-insulatedconductorstopininsulators 41

Hightemperatureconductors 44

Helicalclampsforhightemperatureconductors 45

Installation devices and equipment 48

UnwindingdeviceUD-02М 49

Sectional mounting ladders LS 50

Mounting rollers 51

Pulley blocks 52

Pulling stockings S and 2S 53

Mountingswivels 54

Mounting re-lay beam 55

Supportinghook 56

Suspension ladder with a hinged platform 57

Mountingramps,typeMR-0,3-…andMR-0,6-… 59

Mountingramps-laddersMRL-X-X 61

MountingrampMR-10 62

MountingcartsМC03с 63

CartsforInstallationWorks,ModelN13574.00.00.000 64

DeviceforworksonsupportinginsulatorstringsofOHL110-750kV 66

DeviceforworksonsupportinginsulatorstringsofOHL330-1150kV 67

Test Laboratory 68

Responses of Customers 69


Typical examples of application of helical fittings for attachment and repair of OHL conductors and ground wires

JSC "Electrosetstroyproject" (JSC ESSP) was established in 1991 as a research-and-production enterprise

with the basic line of activity including design and manufacturing of helical fittings for attachment and repair

of OHL conductors and self-carrying optical cables.

In 1992, the JSC “ESSP” mastered production of helical fittings for attachment of self-carrying optical cables

of type ADSS and OPGW on overhead transmission lines.

Since 1995, the JSC “ESSP” produces in industrial scale the helical fittings for attachment and repair of

conductors and ground wires of overhead transmission lines.

Armor rods (ARH), helical suspension clamps (SH), helical dead-end clamps (DH), mid-span tension joints

(TJH), helical non-tension joints (JNJH), helical repair mid-span tension joints (RTJH); multifrequency

vibration dampers (VD); intra-phase spacer-dampers (SD) are widely applied.


1998 Crossing through the Ob river.

It was equipped by armor rods and vibration protection schemes

with application of multi-frequency vibration dampers VD (made

by the JSC ESSP) and Festoon vibration dampers. The vibration


rodARH-15,4-01 ismounted at the outlet of the suspension

clamp body for reduction of flexural tension.

1999-2000 The Joint-Stock Society “Tumenenergo”

(“Severnye Electroseti”)

Several thousand helical armor rods ARH-D-01 were installed for

repair of the failure and prevention of further destructions of conductors

in the suspension clamps SBR-5-3 on OHL 220 kV. Destructions and

damages of conductors because of vibration on these lines during


2001 Repair of conductors on the substation 500 kV

of the Transmission Electrical Networks of the Centre.

The armor rods ARH-D-43 for the conductors ПА-640 and


heating of the armor rod by eddy currents near the powerful

sources of electromagnetic fields.



Repair the conductor ACSR-400/51 with the mid-span

tension joints TJH. The construction consisted of:

- a connector made of galvanized steel helical rods of 0.9 m


- 3 current-conducting layers of lengths 1.3, 1.7 and 2.5 m



It enabled to completely restore current-conducting properties

of the conductor and equally its mechanical strength.


Repair the conductors ACSR-300/39 on OHL 500 kV “the

Balakovskaya nuclear power plant – the Substation Trubnaya”

with the mid-span tension joints TJH-24.0-21(SBR) and



Repair the conductor ACSR-70/39 with the suspension clamps

SH-13,3P-11. For maintenance of higher reliability of the line,

optimal schemes of vibration damping with the multi-frequency



2003During the construction of the new 750 kV “the Kalininskaya nuclear power plant – Cherepovets”, the helical dead-end clampsDH-24,0-02wereappliedforanchoringtheconductorACSR-300/39 to the towers. The dead-end clamps were made of the aluminium cladded steel wires which gives fatigue endurance and corrosion durability.

2004 Protection of the conductor ACSR-300 /204 on OL 330 kV “Konakovskaya State Regional Power Station – Kalinin”ThearmorrodsARHinthemulti-rollersuspensionП6Рwiththehelical armor rod ARH-29.2-21 and vibration dampers made by the JSC ESSP.


2004 Repair of the conductor ACSR 300/204Replacement the conductor with installation of the armor rod ARH-29,2-21 instead of aluminum protective sleeves PS.

2007 FOCL-OHL “Chelyabinsk-Khabarovsk”During construction of FOCL-OL, ESSP developed and applied new technology of replacing a ground wire to OPGW, in particular on metal support structures of OHL 220 kV on live-line. The technology essence consists in the following. Fixing and traction ropes are moved on the old ground wire by means of traction radioguided device and double fixing rollers. OPGW is then pulled and the old ground wire is removed. For safety of the works on replacement of the ground wire to OPGW, the system of traction and brake complexes, devices, and mechanisms are used. Test installation of OPGW on live-line was presented on a testing area for commission acceptance of PC FSK EES. The acceptance certificate was accordingly approved and signed. Training was delivered for the maintaining and engineering personnel in the educational center. The live-line technology at OPGW installation was successfully applied by construction-mounting team of ESSP on the North Baikal site of the OFCL-OL "Chelyabinsk-Khabarovsk" of about 100 km on the double circuit line 220 kV.

2009 Reconstruction of OHL 220 kV "Afipskaya-Crymskaya" The high temperature conductor GTA CER217/49 J-Power SystemsA conductor replacement on OHL 220 kV "Afipskaya-Crymskaya" has been performed by the ESSP company in the Transmission Electrical Networks of the South. The reconstruction has been done in a difficult mode of daily energizing the line and switching it off for evening and night time.The target of increasing the conductors current caring capacity for more than 20 % was fixed for JSC "ESSP" on the single circuit transmission line 220 kV "Afipskaya-Crymskaya" of about 70 km length, which was put into operation in 1960.Consideringthatfactthatthesupportstructuresweredeterioratedforcertainlevel for years of operation, the JSC "ESSP" prepared the design solution in which the substantial increase of the current caring capacity and reliability of OHL is achieved by replacement of the conductor on the existing support structures with the progressive gap type conductor with the raised capacity and improved mechanical characteristics.The gap type conductor has smaller weight, diameter and at temperature growth with current increase, has a smaller sag, than the traditional conductor ACSR 300. The JSC "ESSP" used the special tools, mounting equipment, and also special methods for installation this unique conductor.

2009Repair of the conductor ACSR-300/39 on OHL 220 kV Thermal Power Station-Vostochnaya with the non-tension joints JNJH -24,0-53.

2011 OHL 220 kV "Permskaya State Regional Power Station – Soboli" Installation of a tension assembly on a high temperature conductor ACS 521 A20SA made by “Lumpi-Berndorf”.


Fittings for attachment of conductors and ground wires on OL

Article Type Illustration Page

Helical suspension clamp SH-DP-XX... 8

Helical dead-end clamp DH-D-ХХ 10

Thimble clevis for helical dead-end clamps



Dead-end assembly 13

Helical mid-span tension joint TJH-D-XX 18

Helical jumper non-tension joints for conductors JNJH -D-01 25

Helical jumper non-tension joints for OPGW JNJH-D-11 28

Helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-01 29

Helical armor rods for suspension clamps SBR and SBL ARH-D-XX 31

Helical armor rods ARH-D-ХХ 36

Multifrequency vibration dampersVD-ХХХХ-02


Spacer-dampers SD-XXXX-XX 40




Helical suspension clamps SH-DP-XX for attachment of bare conductors and ground wires of OHL


Helical suspension clamps SHaccordingtotheSpecifications3449-091-27560230-06aredesignedforsuspendedfixationthe

ACSR conductors and ground wires to the OHL 35-750 kV support structures and as a protection from Aeolian vibration to ensure

safety of the conductor or ground wire. Helical suspension clamps SH can also be used to replace the obsolete suspension clamps



Clamp labeling SH-DP-XX and SH-D-XX denotes:

- SH -helicalsuspensionclamp;

- D -conductor(groundwire)diameter,mm;

- P -armorrods;

- ХХ - denote the modification of the clamp:

SH-DP-01 is for additional protection of ground wire from Aeolian vibration in a


SH-DP-11 is for additional protection of conductor from Aeolian vibration in a suspension


SH-DP-21 is for repair damages up to 100% of its conducting cross-section with

intact steel core and for additional protection of a conductor from Aeolian vibration in a


SH-DP-31 is and for repair damages up to 100% of its conducting cross-section up to

20% of the steel core and for additional protection of a conductor from Aeolian vibration

in a suspension clamp.




Two helical load-bearing strands provide the required holding strength of conductor in the body, smoothly changes flexural rigidity

and reduce flexural stresses in the conductor near to the body, increases its fatigue durability

By request of customer, it is possible to produce the suspension clamp body with the jumper flag for securing a ground clamp. For


A vibration damper can be installed on the armor rods included in the clamp set.



The clamp body matches the string hardware of 7-ton range.

The clamps are manufactured under the climate Category I.


Suspension clamp type SH

For construction of a new OHL, the length of armor rod L1 is minimal and shall be according to the installation position of a vibration damper. For reparation work of the OHL conductor the length of armor rod L1 can be increased conforming any required by the customer conditions.SH delivery set includes: armor rods, two load-bearing strands, stamped body, fasteners.

Helical suspension clamps, SH for ACSR conductors

Clamp typeType of

conductor (ground wire)

Body, mmArmor rod,


Load-bear-ing strand,


Weight of the body/ Weight of clamp with the body, kg

D L/B H H1 D1 L1 L2 L3 Мb/Мs

SH-9,6P-11 ACSR50/818,4


51 8815,6 1300

800 8000,7/1,49

SH-11,4P-11 ACSR 70/11 17,4 1600 0,7/1,64

SH-13,3P-11 ACSR 70/3922,4 55 91

20,91700 1300 1300


SH-13,5P-11 ACSR95/16 21,1 0,7/2,2

SH-15,2P-11 ACSR 120/19 22,4

212/18,5 55 91


1800 1300 1300


SH-15,4P-11 ACSR 120/27 22,4 21,4 0,7/2,12

SH-15,4/11P-11 ACSR 70/72 22,4 21,4 0,7/2,12

SH-16,8P-11 ACSR 150/19

26,5 212/ 20,5 57 91



1300 1300


SH-17,1P-11 ACSR150/24 24,4 0,7/2,3

SH-17,5P-11 ACSR150/34 24,8 0,7/2,35

SH-18,9P-11 ACSR185/24 26,2



SH-18,8P-11 ACSR185/29 26,1 0,7/2,55

SH-19,6P-11 ACSR185/43 30,5 240/20,5 57 91 26,9 0,8/2,65


Helical dead-end clamps, type DH for OHL conductors and ground wires


Helical dead-end clamps DH accordingtotheSpecifications3449-002-27560230-06aredesignedforanchoringfixationofthe

АСSRconductorswithcross-sectionfrom35mm2to400mm2 and ground wires to the OHL support structures. Depending on the

requirements the clamps can be manufactured in the two modifications: with or without an armor rod.


Clamp labeling DH-DP-XX and DH-D-XX denotes:

- DH–helicaldead-endclamp;

- D –nominalconductordiameterinmm;

- P –presenceofthearmorrod;

- ХХ – denote the modification of the clamp: 02 –clamp is made of steel wire with aluminum coating.



The clamp set includes:



- thimble clevis.

U-shaped load-bearing strand (2) consists of several helical wires, glued together. The internal surfaces of the load-bearing

strands are covered with an abrasive layer. The load-bearing strand is to be installed on a conductor (1). If it is necessary to

additionally protect the conductor in the clamping area, the clamp is to be installed on the load-bearing strand. The armor rod length


The clamp is to be attached to the OHL tower with a thimble clevis (3) and standard string hardware.


The clamps are manufactured under the climate Category I.

Rated clamping strength is at least 95% of conductor breaking force.


Product range Helical dead-end clamps for ACSR conductors

Helical dead-end clamps, type DH-D-02 and DH-DP-02

Clamp type

Conductors ACSR

L/ L1, mm

Type of thimble clevis

Weight of set with thimble

clevis, kgSection, mm2 Diameter D, mm

DH-8,4-02 35/6,2 8,4 650 TC-25 0,7

DH-9,6-02 50/8 9,6 750 TC-25 0,8

DH-11,4-02 70/11 11,4 800 TC-70 1,4

DH-13,5-02 95/16 13,5 950 TC-70 1,8

DH-15,2-02 120/19 15,2 1100 TC-70 2,2

DH-15,4-02 120/27 15,4 1100 TC-70 2,2

DH-16,8-02 150/19 16,8 1200 TC-70 2,4

DH-17,1-02 150/24 17,1 1250 TC-70 2,7

DH-17,5-02 150/34 17,5 1350 TC-70 3,2

DH-18,8-02 185/29 18,8 1450 TC-70 3,0

DH-18,9-02 185/24 18,9 1450 TC-70 3,3

DH-19,6-02 185/43 19,6 1500 TC-120 3,6

DH-19,8-02 205/27 19,8 1500 TC-120 3,7

DH-21,6-02 240/32 21,6 1550 TC-120 3,7

DH-22,4-02 240/56 22,4 1600 TC-120 4,2

DH-24,0-02 300/39 24,0 1550 TC-120 4,1

DH-24,1-02 300/48 24,1 1600 TC-120 4,5

DH-24,5-02 300/67 24,5 1700 TC-160 5,7

DH-24,8-02 330/30 24,8 1700 TC-120 4,8

DH-25,2-02 330/43 25,2 1750 TC-160 5,5

DH-26,0-02 400/18 26,0 1750 TC-120 4,9

DH-26,6-02 400/22 26,6 1750 TC-120 4,9

DH-27,5-02 400/51 27,5 1850 TC-160 5,9


Helical dead-end clamps, type DH-D-02 and DH-DP-02

Clamp type

Conductors ACSR

L/ L1, mm

Type of thimble clevis

Weight of set with thimble

clevis, kgSection, mm2 Diameter D, mm


9,1 9,2

1100/1800 TC-70 3,3

DH-11,0P-02 72,95 11,0 1100/1900 TC-120 3,8

DH-13,3P-02 70/39 13,3 1300/2000 TC-120 5,0

DH-15,4/11,0P-02 70/72 15,4 1300/2200 TC-120 5,5

Helical dead-end clamps for ground wires

Thimble clevis

L/L1 – load-bearing strand length/armor rod length.

Thimble clevis TC-25, TC70, TC-120, TC-160

Type of thimble clevis

Breaking load, kN

Dimensions, mmWeight of

assembly, kgL А D H

TC-25 25 82 17 16 53 0,3

TC-70 70 115 26 16 58 0,7

TC-120 120 115 26 22 58 0,78

TC-160 160 145 26 25 66 2,2

Dead-end assembly DA

Dead-end assembly DA-D(P)-5X(S)-(XXXXX) are designed for providing increased dead-end clamping force for bare conductors, ground wires,

OPGW on OHLs. A possible application of the construction is dead-end clamping of conductors in large crossings when necessary clamping force



DA – dead-endassembly;

D – corediameterofconductororwire,mm;

P – armorrodsisincluded;

5X – theclampisnon-untwistable(51–madeofzinc-galvanizedsteelwire;52–madeofaluminium-platedsteelwire);

(S) – breakingforce,kN;

XXXXX – code of conductor type.

Labeling examples:

Dead-end assembly for ACSR 500/336 of breaking force 400 kN: DA-37.5-52(400)



General view of a dead-end assembly DA-D(P)-5X(S)-(XXXXX) with clamp DH-DP-5X(P)-(XXXXX)

A dead-end assembly is completely produced by the JSC “Electrosetstroyproject”1 – Lower load-bearing strand of the dead-end clamp2 – Upper load-bearing strand of the dead-end clamp3 – Armor rods of the dead-end clamp4–Beamuniversal5 – Shackle6–Threearmlink7 – Link8–Doublelink9 – Thimble clevis


Conductor breaking force, kN

Dead-end assem-bly breaking force

DH-D-52(BF) BF =


Standard components of link fittings of a dead-end assembly

Thimble clevis


Clamping force of helical

dead-end clamp DH-D-52(F) F =


Beam universal


Shackle Sh

Link LTA Link LTW Link 2L

99<BFc≤125 155<BF≤195 2BU-25-2 Sh-16-1A LTA-16-1 LTW-16-1 - TC-160 95<F≤120

125<BFc≤131 195<BF≤205 2BU-25-2 Sh-21-1A LTA-21-1 LTW-21-1 2L-21-1 TCR-210 120<F≤125

131<BFc≤163 205<BF≤255 2BU-30-1 Sh-21-1A LTA-21-1 LTW-21-1 2L-21-1 TCR-210 125<F≤155

163<BFc≤187 255<BF≤295 2BU-30-1 Sh-30-1A LTA-30-1 LTW-30-1 2L-30-1 TCR-300 155<F≤180

187<BFc≤233 295<BF≤365 2BU-45-1 Sh-30-1A LTA-30-1 LTW-30-1 2L-30-1 TCR-300 180<F≤220

233<BFc≤280 365<BF≤440 2BU-45-1 Sh-45-1A LTA-45-1 LTW-45-1 2L-45-1 TCR-450 220<F≤265

280<BFc≤350 440<BF≤550 2BU-60-2 Sh-45-1A LTA-45-1 LTW-45-1 2L-45-1 TCR-450 265<F≤335

350<BFc≤373 550<BF≤590 2BU-60-2 Sh-60-1A LTA-60-1 LTW-60-1 2L-60-1 TCR-600 335<F≤355

373<BFc≤467 590<BF≤735 2BU-75-1 Sh-60-1A LTA-60-1 LTW-60-1 2L-60-1 TCR-600 355<F≤445

467<BFc≤560 735<BF≤880 2BU-90-1 Sh-75-1A LTA-75-1 LTW-75-1 2L-75-1 TCR-750 445<F≤530

Labeling and components of dead-end assemblies DA-D-52(BF)for dead-end clamping of conductors and wires per conductor breaking force

(for the Extreme North)Table 2

Helical dead-end clamps DH-D(P)-52(F)in dead-end assemblies DA-D-52(BF)

Table 3

Clamp Conduc-tor, wire

Con-ductor diam-eter

D, mm


force, kN

Armor rods

length, mm

Lower load-

bearing strand length,


Upper load-

bearing strand length,



force of as-

sembly links,


Thimble clevis

Clamp weight,


DH-37.5-52(540) ACSR 500/336

37.5 540 - 4900 4450 30/60 TCR-300 32.4

DH-29.2-52(400) ACSR 300/204

29.2 400 - 4000 3500 30/45 TCR-300 23.4

DH-31.0-52(600)-AZ AACSR-Z-647

31.0 600 - 4400 4100 45/60 TCR-450 28.4

DH-27.45-52(270)-AZ AAAC-504-2Z

27.45 270 - 3200 2800 16/30 TC-160 14.9

DH-18.5-51(400)-MZ MZ-18.5 18.5 400 - 2900 2500 30/60 TCR-300 12.2

DH-13.0P-51(260)-MZ MZ-11 13.0 260 3400 2550 2150 16/30 TC-160 13.7

By request of customer, double helical dead-end clamps can be designed and made, dead-end assembly sets can be collected for other types of conductors and wires.


Conductor breaking force, kN

Dead-end assembly breaking force DH-

DP-52(BF) BF =


Standard components of link fittings of a dead-end assembly Thimble

clevis TC, TCR

Clamping force of heli-cal dead-end

clamp DH-D-52(F)

F = 0.95*BFc

Beam univer-sal 2BU

Shackle Sh

Link LTA Link LTW Link 2L

139<BFc≤174 155<BF≤195 2BU-25-2 Sh-16-1A LTA-16-1 LTW-16-1 - TC-160 135<F≤165

174<BFc≤183 195<BF≤205 2BU-25-2 Sh-21-1A LTA-21-1 LTW-21-1 2L-21-1 TCR-210 165<F≤170

183<BFc≤228 205<BF≤255 2BU-30-1 Sh-21-1A LTA-21-1 LTW-21-1 2L-21-1 TCR-210 170<F≤215

228<BFc≤262 255<BF≤295 2BU-30-1 Sh-30-1A LTA-30-1 LTW-30-1 2L-30-1 TCR-300 215<F≤250

262<BFc≤326 295<BF≤365 2BU-45-1 Sh-30-1A LTA-30-1 LTW-30-1 2L-30-1 TCR-300 250<F≤310

326<BFc≤392 365<BF≤440 2BU-45-1 Sh-45-1A LTA-45-1 LTW-45-1 2L-45-1 TCR-450 310<F≤370

392<BFc≤490 440<BF≤550 2BU-60-2 Sh-45-1A LTA-45-1 LTW-45-1 2L-45-1 TCR-450 370<F≤465

490<BFc≤522 550<BF≤590 2BU-60-2 Sh-60-1A LTA-60-1 LTW-60-1 2L-60-1 TCR-600 465<F≤495

522<BFc≤654 590<BF≤735 2BU-75-1 Sh-60-1A LTA-60-1 LTW-60-1 2L-60-1 TCR-600 495<F≤620

654<BFc≤784 735<BF≤880 2BU-90-1 Sh-75-1A LTA-75-1 LTW-75-1 2L-75-1 TCR-750 620<F≤745

Conductor breaking force, kN

Dead-end assem-bly breaking force

DH-DP-52(BF) BF =


Типовые элементы сцепной арматуры в комплекте натяжного подвеса

Thimble clevis


Clamping force of heli-cal dead-end

clamp DH-D-52(F)

F = 0.95*BFc

Beam universal


Shackle Sh

Link LTA Link LTW Link 2L

99<BFc≤125 155<BF≤195 2BU-25-2 Sh-16-1A LTA-16-1 LTW-16-1 - TC-160 95<F≤120

125<BFc≤131 195<BF≤205 2BU-25-2 Sh-21-1A LTA-21-1 LTW-21-1 2L-21-1 TCR-210 120<F≤125

131<BFc≤163 205<BF≤255 2BU-30-1 Sh-21-1A LTA-21-1 LTW-21-1 2L-21-1 TCR-210 125<F≤155

163<BFc≤187 255<BF≤295 2BU-30-1 Sh-30-1A LTA-30-1 LTW-30-1 2L-30-1 TCR-300 155<F≤180

187<BFc≤233 295<BF≤365 2BU-45-1 Sh-30-1A LTA-30-1 LTW-30-1 2L-30-1 TCR-300 180<F≤220

233<BFc≤280 365<BF≤440 2BU-45-1 Sh-45-1A LTA-45-1 LTW-45-1 2L-45-1 TCR-450 220<F≤265

280<BFc≤350 440<BF≤550 2BU-60-2 Sh-45-1A LTA-45-1 LTW-45-1 2L-45-1 TCR-450 265<F≤335

350<BFc≤373 550<BF≤590 2BU-60-2 Sh-60-1A LTA-60-1 LTW-60-1 2L-60-1 TCR-600 335<F≤355

373<BFc≤467 590<BF≤735 2BU-75-1 Sh-60-1A LTA-60-1 LTW-60-1 2L-60-1 TCR-600 355<F≤445

467<BFc≤560 735<BF≤880 2BU-90-1 Sh-75-1A LTA-75-1 LTW-75-1 2L-75-1 TCR-750 445<F≤530

Labeling and components of dead-end assemblies DA-DP-52(BF)for dead-end clamping of optical ground wires per wire breaking force

Table 4

Labeling and components of dead-end assemblies DA-DP-52(BF)for dead-end clamping of optical ground wires per wire breaking force

(for the Extreme North)Table 5


Clamp OPGW

OPGW diam-eter

D, mm


force, kN

Armor rods

length, mm

Lower load-bear-ing

strand length,


Upper load-

bearing strand length,


Breaking force of

assembly links, kN

Thimble clevis

Clamp weight,


DHO-20.0P-52(450) OPGW-20.0 20.0 450 4000 3250 2950 30/60 TCR-300 18.8

DHO-17.8P-52(360) OPGW-17.8 17.8 360 4200 3200 2750 30/45 TCR-300 18.8

DHO-15.8P-52(270) OPGW-15.8 15.8 270 3600 2900 2500 16/30 TC-160 19.2

DHO-15.0P-52(230) OPGW-15.0 15.0 230 3700 2900 2500 16/30 TC-160 18.4

Helical dead-end clamps DHO-DP-52(F)in dead-end assemblies DA-DP-52(BF)

Table 6

By request of customer, double helical dead-end clamps can be designed and made, dead-end assembly sets can be collected for other types of optical ground wires.

Helical mid-span tension joint TJH-D-XX (SBR) to repair conductors in the suspension clamps SBR



repair conductors with cross-section from 35 mm2 to 400mm2 and ground wires in OHL span. Joint completely restore both the

conductive and mechanical properties of a conductor or ground wire.


Joint labeling TJH-D-XX denotes:

TJH – helicalmid-spantensionjoint;

D – nominalconductordiameterinmm;

Two last digits ХХ – modification of the joint.


A joint set includes:

- core connector (except СH-D-21) – helical strands of steel wires glued together with abrasive layer on the inner surface connect


- one or two conducting layers are separate helical aluminum alloy wires provide full current carrying capacity install on the core


- load-bearing layer (armor rod - clamper) – separate helices or helical strands of steel wires glued together with abrasive layer on the

inner surface install on the top of the current-conducting layers for fixation and keeping firm constant contact.

Conducting preserving grease is included in the joint set.


The joints are manufactured under the climate Category I.


The joint installation is accomplished according to the installation instruction.


The joints have the following advantages in comparison to the traditionally used fittings:


- convenient in installation, don't require special equipment or additional installation equipment.



Helical mid-span tension joint TJH-D-11 for an ACSR conductor with one conducting layer

Helical mid-span tension TJH-D-11 for connecting two ACSR conductors with two conducting layers

Helical mid-span tension joints of the following types are produced and their purpose:

Helical mid-span tension joint TJH-D-01 for connecting two steel ropes

Helical mid-span tension joints TJH-D-01 for steel ropes connection

Type of joint

Ground wires

L, mmClamping

strength, kNJoint weight,

kgCross-section, mm2

Diameter D, mm


9,1 9,2

200055,1 50,1


TJH-11,0-01 72,95 11,0 2000 70,5 4,45


Helical mid-span tension joint modification 11 for ACSR conductors connection

Type of joint

Ground wires

L, mmClamping

strength, kNJoint weight,

kgCross-section, mm2

Diameter D, mm

TJH-8,4-11 35/6,2 8,4 1200 12,2 0,75

TJH-9,6-11 50/8 9,6 1200 15,4 1,1

TJH-11,4-11 70/11 11,4 1500 21,8 1,9

TJH-13,3-11 70/39 13,3 1900 58,5 2,75

TJH-13,5-11 95/16 13,5 1500 30,0 1,9

TJH-15,2-11 120/19 15,2 1800 37,4 2,4

TJH-15,4-11 120/27 15,4 1800 44,5 2,4

TJH-15,4/11,0-11 70/72 15,4 2200 87,1 5,0

TJH-16,8-11 150/19 16,8 1800 41,7 3,3

TJH-17,1-11 150/24 17,1 1800 47,1 3,4

TJH 17,5-11 150/34 17,5 1800 56,4 3,4

TJH-18,8-11 185/29 18,8 2000 55,9 4,3

TJH-18,9-11 185/24 18,9 2000 52,3 4,3

TJH-19,6-11 185/43 19,6 2300 70,0 4,85

TJH-19,8-11 205/27 19,8 2300 57,4 4,95

TJH-21,6/7,2-11 240/32 21,6 2300 67,6 6,85

TJH-21,6/8,0-11 240/39 21,6 2300 72,8 6,85

TJH-22,4-11 240/56 22,4 2300 88,5 6,9

TJH-24,0-11 300/39 24,0 2300 81,5 7,1

Helical mid-span tension joints type TJH-D-11 for ACSR conductors with three conducting layers

The joint includes a connector made of zinc-galvanized steel strands that are twisted around steel cores of conductors being

connected. One or two conducting aliminium alloy layers are mounted over the conductor. For fixation of the helices and full contact,

zinc-galvanized steel armor rods – clamper are twisted over the conducting helices. Mechanical structure of the mid-span tension

joints provides at least 95% of conductor breaking force and provides 100% of electric conductivity.


Helical mid-span tension joint for ACSR conductors connection and repair when 100% aluminium wires are damaged and steel core is intact.

Helical mid-span tension joint modifications 21 and 31

Type of joint

Ground wires

L, mmHolding

strength of conductor, kN

Joint weight, kgCross-section,


Diameter D, mm

TJH-8,4-21 35/6,2 8,4 1000 12,2 0,7

TJH-9,6-21 50/8 9,6 1000 15,4 0,8

TJH-11,4-21 70/11 11,4 1000 21,8 1,05


70/39 13,314001600


TJH-13,5-21 95/16 13,5 1200 30,0 1,25


120/19 15,213001500




120/27 15,413001500



70/72 15,417002000



150/19 16,813501600



150/24 17,113501600



150/34 17,513501600



185/29 18,814001700



185/24 18,914001700


TJH-24,1-11 300/48 24,1 2300 90,6 7,2

TJH-24,5-11 300/67 24,5 2300 113,7 7,8

TJH-24,8-11 330/30 24,8 2300 80,0 7,0

TJH-25,2-11 330/43 25,2 2300 93,4 7,0

TJH-26,0-11 400/18 26,0 2300 77,1 7,2

TJH-26,6-11 400/22 26,6 2300 85,6 7,3

TJH-27,5-11 400/51 27,5 2300 108,5 7,3


Helical mid-span tension joint modifications 21 and 31

Type of joint

Conductors ACSR

L, mmHolding

strength of conductor, kN

Joint weight, kgCross-Section,


Diameter D, mm

TJH-19,6-21185/43 19,6




205/27 19,814001800



240/32 21,61500 1900



240/39 21,61500 1900



240/56 22,41500 1900



300/39 24,01500 2000



300/48 24,11500 2000



300/67 24,51500 2000

113,7 4,36,1


330/30 24,81700 2000

80,0 4,36,1


330/43 25,21700 2100

93,4 4,86,3


400/18 26,01700 2100

77,1 5,16,5


400/22 26,61700 2100

85,6 5,16,6


400/51 27,518002100

108,5 5,36,6

In case of use of the helical repair mid-span tension joint TJH-D-21 it should be noted that its application for conductor with 100%

aluminium damage is permitted only when the conductor with such damage wasn't yet under current loading, but it was damaged

during emergency (for example support falling). If the conductor with 100% aluminium damage was already under current loading,

mechanical strength of the steel core can appear reduced because of its possible local overheat. Therefore this design can't provide

necessary mechanical strength of a helical repair sleeve. In this case it is recommended to use the helical repair sleeve TJH-D-31,

which enables to restore mechanical strength of the steel core. The design of such helical repair sleeve is similar to the structure of

TJH-D-11 and consists of a connector and one or two conducting layers.

TJH-D-31 if for repair of conductors in case of about 100% damage of aluminium wires and about 20% damage of steel core wires

(no more than 1 wire for 7 wires cores, no more than 3 wires for 19 wires cores, no more than 7 wires for 37 wires cores).


Helical mid-span tension joint TJH-D-XX (SBR) to repair conductors in the suspension clamps SBR


Helical mid-span tension joints TJH-D-21(SBR) accordingtotheSpecifications3449-031-27560230-06aredesignedforrepairing

theACSRconductorswiththecross-section240-400mm2 installed in the suspension dead-clamping clamps in case of conductor

damage up to 70% of aluminium cross-section area and full integrity of steel core.

Helical mid-span tension joints TJH-D-31(SBR) accordingtotheSpecifications3449-031-27560230-06aredesignedforrepairing

theACSRconductorswiththecross-section240-400mm2 installed in the suspension dead-clamping clamps in case of damage of

aluminium cross section area up to 100% and damage of steel core cross section area up to 20% wires.


Clamp labeling TJH-D-XX denotes:

- TJH – helicalmid-spantensionjoint;

- D – nominalconductordiameterinmm;

- ХХ –modification of the clamp




- connector – helical strands made of steel wires glued together with abrasive on the inner surface



- conducting greasing and a special layer for securing in the SBR clamp.


The clamps are manufactured under the climate Category I.


The joint installation is accomplished according to the installation instruction. TJH-D-21(SBR) and TJH-D-31(SBR) is permitted when

the conductor was not subjected to current load but was damaged during an emergency (for example, support fall).


The joints have the following advantages in comparison to the traditionally used fittings:


- convenient in installation, don't require special equipment or additional installation equipment.


Helical mid-span tension joint TJH-D-21 (SBR) and TJH-D-31 (SBR) for repairing conductors in the suspension

Helical mid-span tension joint TJH-D-…(SBR)

Type of joint*

Conductors ACSR

L1, mm L

2,mm D

1, mm

Weight of the joint

without the body of

suspension clamp







240/3921,6(4,72) 2300 700 31,0 4,5

TJH-21,6/7,2-31(SBR) 240/32 21,6(4,72) 2300 700 31,0 4,9

TJH-21,6/8,0-31(SBR) 240/39 21,6(4,72) 2300 700 31,0 4,9

TJH-22,4-21(SBR) 240/56 22,4(4,72) 2300 700 31,8 4,65

TJH-22,4-31(SBR) 240/56 22,4(4,72) 2300 700 31,8 5,0

TJH-24,0-21(SBR) 300/39 24,0(4,23) 2300 700 32,5 4,3

TJH-24,0-31(SBR) 300/39 24,0(4,23) 2300 700 32,5 4,7

TJH-24,1-31(SBR) 300/48 24,1(4,23) 2300 700 32,6 4,3

TJH-24,1-31(SBR) 300/48 24,1(4,23) 2300 700 32,6 4,7

TJH-24,5-31(SBR) 300/67 24,5(4,23) 2300 700 33,0 4,3

TJH-24,5-31(SBR) 300/67 24,5(4,23) 2300 700 33,0 4,7

TJH-24,8-31(SBR) 330/30 24,8(3,64) 2300 700 32,1 4,2

TJH-24,8-31(SBR) 330/30 24,8(3,64) 2300 700 32,1 4,6

TJH-25,2-21(SBR) 330/43 25,2(3,64) 2300 700 32,5 4,3

TJH-25,2-31(SBR) 330/43 25,2(3,64) 2300 700 32,5 4,7

TJH-26,0-31(SBR) 400/18 26,0(3,0) 2300 700 32,0 4.1

TJH-26,0-31(SBR) 400/18 26,0(3,0) 2300 700 32,0 4,5

TJH-26,6-21(SBR) 400/22 26,6(3,0) 2300 700 32,6 4.1

TJH-26,6-31(SBR) 400/22 26,6(3,0) 2300 700 32,6 4,5

TJH-27,5-21(SBR) 400/51 27,5(4,72) 2300 700 36,9 4,8

TJH-27,5-31(SBR) 400/51 27,5(4,72) 2300 700 36,9 5,2

*** – armor rods length can be changed by request of customer

Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH for conductors


Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH-D-01 accordingtotheSpecifications3449-036-27560230-06aredesignedforconnectionof

ACSR conductors of cross-section from 35 mm2 to 500 mm2 in jumpers of anchoring towers of overhead transmission lines.


Clamp labeling JNJH-D-01 denotes:

JNJH – helicaljumpernon-tensionjoint;

D – conductordiameter;

Two last digits (01) – modification of the helical jumper non-tension joint designed for conductors.


The clamps are manufactured the climate Category I. The joints completely restore conducting features, the connections bear mechanical

load not less than 30% of conductor breaking force.


The clamp set includes:


- load-bearing layer (armor rod - clamper) – helical strands of steel wires.


conducting layers. The connector is mounted on the steel core of ends of conductors being connected.


A helical jumper non-tension joint for АСSR conductors of cross-section 50/8205/27 and ground wires


A helical jumper non-tension joint for the АСSR conductors of cross-section 240/32205/27 with two conducting layers

For conductors with two conducting layers, the joint construction includes two conducting layers, a connector, and armor rods-clamper.

If needed, a joint construction can be developed for connecting two different steel wires (different cross-sections).

Product range

Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH-D-01

Type of helical jumper non-

tension joints

Conductors ACSR

L, mmConductor breaking


Weight of helical jumper non-tension

joint, kg

Cross-section mm2 Diameter, mm

JNJH-8,4-01 35/6,2 8,4 330 1,4 0,2

JNJH-9,6-01 50/8 9,6 330 1,4 0,25

JNJH-11,4-01 70/11 11,4 330 1,4 0,3

JNJH-13,5-01 95/16 13,5 400 1,4 0,4

JNJH-15,4/11-01 70/72 15,4 900 9,7 1,1

JNJH-15,2-01120/19 120/27

15,2 15,4

700 4,2 0,9

JNJH-16,8-01150/19 150/24


750 4,6 1,0

JNJH-17,5-01 150/34 17,5 750 6,3 1,0



800 5,8 1,1

JNJH-19,6-01185/43 205/27


800 7,8 1,2


Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH-D-01

Type of helical

jumper non-tension


Conductors ACSR

L, mm




Weight of helical

jumper non-tension

joint, kgCross-section

mm2Diameter, mm

JNJH-21,6/7,2-01 240/32 21,6 1000 10,0 2,3

JNJH-21,6/8,0-01 240/39 21,6 1000 7,8 2,3

JNJH-22,4-01 240/56 22,4 1000 10,0 1,9

JNJH-24,0-01 300/39 24,0 1100 9,1 2,2

JNJH-24,1-01 300/48 24,1 1100 10,1 2,3

JNJH-24,5-01 300/67 24,5 1100 11,8 2,2

JNJH-24,8-01 330/30 24,8 1200 8,9 2,8

JNJH-25,2-01 330/43 25,2 1100 10,4 2,1

JNJH-26,0-01 400/18 26,0 1100 8,1 2,2

JNJH-26,6-01 400/22 26,6 1100 9,5 2,9

JNJH-27,5-01 400/51 27,5 1100 12,0 2,3

JNJH-30,6-01 500/64 30,6 1250 12,0 3,6


General Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH-D-11 accordingtotheSpecifications3449-036-27560230-06aredesignedforconnect-ing the ground wires in loops of anchoring towers of overhead transmission lines. LabelingJNJH – helicaljumpernon-tensionjoint;D – conductordiameter;Two last digits (11) – modification of the helical jumper non-tension joint designed for ground wires.Structure

ContentThesetofaclampforthewiresofcross-sectionlargerthan80mm2 includes:-coreconnector–helicalstrandsofsteelwires;- armor rods - clamper –helices or helical strands of steel wires.Mechanical structure of the mid-span tension joints allows for 30% of conductor breaking force.ComplianceThe clamps are manufactured under the climate Category I.AdvantagesIn comparison to the traditionally used fittings, the joints are convenient in installation, don't require special equipment or additional installation equipment.Product range

* – besides the listed types, a joint construction can be developed for connecting any steel wires in a jumper.If needed, a joint construction can be developed for connecting two different steel wires in a jumper.

Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH-D-11*

Joint type

Ground wire Conductor breaking force, kN

Joint weight, kgCross-section,

mm2 Diameter, mm L, mm

JNJH-9,1-11 48,64 9,1 750 5,0 0,5

JNJH-11,0-11 72,95 11,0 750 5,5 0,5

JNJH-14,0-11 117,9 14,0 850 6,5 1,8

JNJH-20,0-11 228,74 20,0 1000 15,0 2,3

JNJH-8,0-11-MZ 45.4 8.0 800 19 0.5

JNJH-9,1-11-MZ 57.6 9.2 900 20.4 0.6

JNJH-11,0-11-MZ 88.6 11.0 1000 28.8 0.7

JNJH-11,0-12-MZ 88.6 11.0 1000 28.8 0.7

Helical jumper non-tension joints JNJH for ground wires


Helical repair mid-span tension joint, type RTJH to repair OHL conductors and cables

General Helicalrepairmid-spantensionjointRTJH-D-01accordingtotheSpecifications-3449-031-27560230-06aredesignedtorepairACSR conductors of cross-section from 35 mm2to400mm2incaseofaluminumwiresdamageupto34%andintactsteelcore.The damage zone has not to be closer than 1.5 m to conductor attachment.

LabelingHelical repair mid-span tension joint labeling:RTJH – helicalrepairmid-spantensionjoint;D – nominaldiameterofconductor,mm;two last figures – modificationofhelicalrepairsleeve(01–forACSRconductors;11–forsteelropes).

ContentThe helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-01 contains:•conductinglayer–setofhelicesofaluminumalloy;•armorrod-clamper–setofhelicesofzinc-galvanizedsteelwire;

Helical repair mid-span tension joint set includes conducting grease.Helical repair mid-span tension joint installation is done according to the installation instruction.Helical repair mid-span tension joint completely restore the electric conductivity and the mechanical strength of conductor.Helical repair mid-span tension joint are manufactured in the temperate and cold climate modification of Category I.


Helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-01



General Helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-11accordingtotheSpecifications3449-031-27560230-06aredesignedforsteelropesincaseofdamageupto34%.ContentThe helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-11 contains:—anarmorrod-clamper–setofhelicesofzinc-galvanizedsteelwire;

*— Besides the specified types, a helical repair mid-span tension joint can be designed to repair any type steel rope.

Helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-01

Type of helical repair mid-span

tension joint

Conductors ACSRL, mm

Weight of helical repair mid-span tension joint, kgSection , mm2 Diameter, D, mm

RTJH-8,4-01 35/6,2 8,4 700 0,5

RTJH-9,6-01 50/8 9,6 900 0,7

RTJH-11,4-01 70/11 11,4 900 0,9

RTJH-13,3-01 70/3995/16 13,3 13,5 900 0,9

RTJH-15,2-01 70/72 120/19 120/27 15,415,215,4 1100 1,3

RTJH16,8-01 150/19150/24 16,817,1 1100 1,5

RTJH 17,5-01 150/34 17,5 1100 1,5

RTJH-18,8-01 185/29185/24 18,818,9 1100 1,8

RTJH-19,6-01 185/43205/27 19,619,8 1100 1,8

RTJH-21,6-01 240/32240/39 21,621,6 1000 1,6

RTJH-22,4-01 240/56 22,4 1100 1,9

RTJH-24,0-01 300/39300/48 24,024,1 1100 1,9

RTJH-24,5-01 300/67 24,5 1100 1,9

RTJH-24,8-01 330/30 24,8 1100 1,9

RTJH-25,2-01 330/43 25,2 1100 1,95

RTJH-26,0-01 400/18 26,0 1100 1,9

RTJH-26,6-01 400/22 27,5 1100 1,9

RTJH-27,5-01 400/51 27,5 1100 2,1

RTJH-30,6-01 500/64 30,6 1100 2,2

Helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-11

Type of helical repair mid-span tension joint *

Conductors ACSRL, mm

Weight of helical repair mid-span tension joint, kgСross-section Diameter, D

RTJH-9,1-11 48,6450,45 9,1 9,2 900 0,64

RTJH-11,0-11 72,95 11,0 1100 0,85

The helical repair mid-span tension joint RTJH-D-11


Helical armor rods ARH-D-ХХ for protection of OHL conductors

General The helical armor rods ARH according to theSpecifications3449-007-27560230-06aredesigned for additional protectionofconductors and ground wires from vibration in suspension clamps and mid-span tension joints, multiroller suspension clamps on OHL crossings, and also for additional protection of the aluminum hollow conductors in lugs.Using the helical armor rods at the area of a suspension clamp or a vibration (galloping) damper on a conductor enables to lower essentially the flexural (static and dynamic) deformations in the conductor at the expense of increase of its flexural rigidity and to increase its fatigue durability for long operation.Helical armor rod is a set of separate helices or glued strands, twisted on conductor surface. Helical armor rods can be made of lengthfrom500mmto6300mmforconductorsfrom35mm2to640mm2.LabelingHelical armor rods labeling:ARH –helicalarmorrods;D –conductordiameter,mm;two last figures – purpose and modification of helical armor rods.LabelingHelical armor rods are manufactured in the temperate and cold climate modification of Category I. ModificationsThe following types of helical armor rods are manufactured:ARH-D-03 – for decreasing flexural deformations of conductors caused by vibration and for alignment of squeezing forces from fastenersinthesuspensionclampsSBR-5andSBR-6,andalsounderthevibrationdampers.Lengthofthehelicalarmorroden-ables to place one vibration damper on each side of the suspension clamp.ARH-D-01 (SBL), ARH-D-03 (SBL), ARH-D-21 (SBL) are used to reduce the bending strains in the supporting clamps with limited clamping (SBL) for conductors and ground wires in OHL crossings.ARH-D-11 is used to reduce the bending deformation of cables caused by vibration and high squeezing loads in the areas of vibra-tion and galloping dampers fixation.ARH-D-13 is used to decrease flexural deformations of conductors caused by vibration and high squeezing loads in the areas of aeolian vibration or galloping dampers fixation.ARH-D-21 is used for protection of conductors from deterioration in multiroller suspensions in OHL crossings. Helical armor rods can be used for replacement of the aluminum protective sleeves SP installed in multiroller suspensions and worn out during long operation in overhead transmission lines crossings to such degree that there is a damage of conductor aluminum layers, and also in those cases when replacement is necessary because of condition of the protective sleeves SP.ARH-D-31 is used for protection of the ACSR from flexural deformations caused by vibration at the outlets of mid-span tension joints.ARH-D-43 is used for protection of hollow conductors from flexural deformations occurring at aeolian vibrations, in lugs outlets. The set includes mounting corrosion-proof tape (120 cm) and lock-clampers (3 pieces).


*) — the armor rods set includes the separating layer.*) — the armor rods length can be changed in coordination with Customer and taking into account operation conditions.d1 — wire diameter, mm** — for 500 kV lines in the case of triple bundled conductors, the armor rods length is 1200 mm

The armor rods ARH-D-03 used for decreasing flexural deformations of conductors caused by vibration and for alignment of squeezingforcesfromfastenersinthesuspensionclampsSBR-5andSBR-6,andalsounderthevibrationdampers.

Armor rods ARH-D-03 mounted on a conductor in the body of the suspension clamp SBR-5-3

Helical armor rods ARH-D-03

Type of helical

armor rod*

Conductors ACSR

L**, mm d1, mm D1, mm Weight, kg Type SBRCross-section, mm2

Diameter D, mm

ARH-21,6-03 240/32240/39 21,6 2200 4,2 30,0 1,4


ARH-22,4-03 240/56 22,4 2200 4,7 31,8 1,8

ARH-24,0-03300/39 24,0

23003,6 31,2 1,4

300/48 24,1 3,6 31,3 1,4

ARH-24,5-03 300/67 24,5 2300 3,6 31,7 1,4

ARH-24,8-03330/30 24,8 2300 3,6 32,0 1,6

330/43 25,2 2300 3,6 32,4 1,6

ARH-26,0-03400/18 26,0 2300 4,7 35,4 2,2

SBR-6-5400/22 26,6 2300 4,7 36,0 2,2

ARH-27,5-03 400/51 27,5 2300 4,7 36,9 2,3


The helical armor rods ARH-D-01 (SBL), ARH-D-03 (SBL), ARH-D-21 (SBL) used to reduce the bending strains in the supporting clamps with limited clamping

(SBL) for conductors and ground wires in OHL crossings


Dwisthediameterofarmorrodsinglewire;Listhelengthofhelicalarmorrod;D1 - diameter of conductor (ground wire) with helical armor rod.

Clamp typeSuspen-sion type

Conduc-tor, cable cross-sec-tion/type

Dw, mm L, mm

Weight of

helical armor rod, kg

D1, mm

Suspen-sion body


Layer label
























ARH-20,4-03(SBL30) OPGW 4.23 1200 28.86 Г

ARH-29,2-03(SBL30) 300/204 3.64 1200 0.85 36.5 SBR-6-6 -






45.1SBR-8-8 -



Type of helical armor


Ground wires

L*, mm D1, mm Weight, kgCross-section,


Diameter D,


ARH-11,4-13 70/11 11,4 350 17,4 0,15

























ARH-17,5-13 150/34 17,5 400 24,78 0,35
















21,6500 31,04 0,35

ARH-22,4-13 240/56 22,4 500 31,84 0,35







ARH-24,5-13 300/67 24,5 500 31,78 0,45













ARH-27,5-13 400/51 27,5 500 36,94 0,4

*) – Besides the specified types, a helical armor rod can be designed for any ground wires.

Type of helical armor rod

Ground wires

L*, mm D1, mm Weight, kgCross-section,

mm2Diameter D, mm

ARH-8,1-11 38,46 8,1 350 17,4 0,15

ARH-9,1-11 48,64 9,1 350 15,5 0,2

ARH-11,0-11 72,58 11,0 350 17,4 0,2

ARH-14,0-11 117,9 14,0 350 20,4 0,2

ARH-20,0-11 228,74 20,0 500 20,4 0,2

The helical armor rods ARH-D-11 used to reduce the bending deformation of cables caused by vibration and high squeezing loads in the areas of vibration

and galloping dampers fixation

The helical armor rods ARH-D-13 — to decrease flexural deformations of conductors in case of vibration and increased squeezing loads in areas of

aeolian vibration or galloping dampers mounting


1 – internal armor rods; 2 – external armor rods; 3 – multiroller suspension; 4 – conductor

ARH-D-21 are used for protection of conductors from deterioration in multiroller suspensions in OHL crossings. Heli-cal armor rods can be used for replacement of the aluminum protective sleeves SR installed in multiroller suspensions and worn out during long operation in overhead transmission lines crossings to such degree that damage of conductor aluminum layers occurs, and also in those cases when replacement is necessary because of condition of the protective sleeves SR.

The armor rods П3C-D-21 mounted on conductor in the multiroller suspension

Helical armor rods ARH-D-21

Type of helical armor rod

ACSR cross-section

D1,mm D2, mm L1,mm L2, mm Weight, kg

ARH-23,1-21 185/128 33,1 42,1 5400 4400 18,7

ARH-29,2-21 300/204 39,2 48,2 5400 4400 22,1

ARH-37,5-21 500/336,500/336 47,5 56,5 6300 5300 29,7


The armor rods ARH-D-33 used for protection of the АСSR from flexural deformations in case of vibration at outlets of the mid-span tension joints

Helical armor rods ARH-D-31

Type of helical

armor rod

Conductors ACSR

L, mm D1, mmWeight,

kgType of mid-span

tension jointCross-section,



D, mm

ARH-8,4-31 35/6,2 8,4 1400 14,8 0,7 СОАС-35-3

ARH-9,6-31 50/8 9,6 1400 16,0 0,8 СОАС-50-3

ARH-11,4-31 70/11 11,4 1400 17,8 0,88 СОАС-70-3






19,91,7 СОАС-95-3

ARH-15,4-31 70/72 15,4 2000 21,8 2,0 САСУС-70-1






21,82,0 СОАС-120-3






24,72,8 СОАС-150-3

ARH-17,5-31 150/34 17,5 2000 25,1 2,9 СОАС-150-3


















240/3921,6 2200 29,2 3,8



ARH-22,4-31 240/56 22,4 2200 30,0 3,8 САС-240-3






33,74,2 САС-330-1

ARH-24,5-31 300/67 24,5 2300 32,1 4,3 САС-300-1











34,24,9 САС-400-1

ARH-27,5-31 400/51 27,5 2300 35,1 4,9 САС-500-1


ARH-D-43 are used for protection of hollow conductors from flexural deformations occurring at aeolian vibrations, in lugs outlets. The set includes mounting corrosion-proof tape (120 cm) and lock-clampers (3 pieces).

Helical armor rods, type ARH-D-43 installed on a hollow conductor

Helical armor rods ARH-D-43

Type of helical

armor rod

Hollow conductors per

Specifications 16-505.397-72L, mm D1mm Weight*, kg


mm2Diameter D, mm

ARH-45,0-43 500 45,0 1200 55,0 1,9

ARH-59,0-43 640 59,0 1200 69,0 2,4

*) – without accessories.



Multifrequency vibration dampers VD-ХХХХ-02, VD-ХХХХ-02М

General MultifrequencyvibrationdampersVD-ХХХХ-02,VD-ХХХХ-02М(Specifications3449-081-27560230-06)aredesignedforprotectionof bare conductors and ground wires of overhead transmission lines, but also self-carrying optical communication cables, attached to OLsupportstructures.Thevibrationdamperincludes:bodywithclamp;dampercableandloads;fixingboltwithnutandspringwashers.StructureGeneral structure of vibration damper is similar to the traditional vibration damper of Stockbridge but has a number of principal differ-ences:•thevibrationdamperbodyandtheclamparemadebycastorfromstampedprofile,thedampercableisreliablyfixedinthebottompartbystamping;


property appears to be more uniform and is considerably higher than that of usual Stockbridge vibration damper due to excitation of notonlyflexuralbutalsotwisting-flexuraloscillations.;

•fixationofthevibrationdamperbodytoconductorislikeahookforincreasingthecoverageangleandismadewithaboltofsmallthread and two spring washers for excluding self-unscrewing.

General view of a vibration damper

General view of a vibration damper

1 – load; 2 – cable of vibration damper; 3 – clamp; 4 – conductorVibration damper VD-ХХХХ-02M

1 – load; 2 – cable of vibration damper; 3 – clamp; 4 – conductorVibration damper VD-ХХХХ-02


The first figure







Length of



L, мм

The third




dт, mm

The fourth figure

Clamp diameter D,



3 0,8 2 300 2 9,1 2 9,0-15,1 02

- - 3 350 - - 3 15,2-22,5 02

- - 4 400 - - - - 02

4 1,6 3 350 3 11,0 2 9,0-15,1 02

- - 4 400 4 13,0 3 15,2-22,5 02

- - 5 450 - - 4 22,0-29,0 02М

- - 6 500 - - 5 29,0-38,0 02М

5 2,4 4 400 3 11,0 3 15,2-22,5 02

- - - 450 4 13,0 4 22,0-29,0 02М

- - - 500 - - 5 29,0-38,0 02М

- - - 550 - - - - -

6 3,2 5 450 4 13,0 3 15,2-22,5 02

- - 6 500 - - 4 22,0-29,0 02М

- - 7 550 - - 5 29,0-38,0 02М

- - 8 600 - - - - -

- - 9 650 - - - - -

•–Modification«М»isappliedonlywiththeclampsN4andN5.If helical fittings (dead-end clamps and suspension clamps, armor rods) are used in OHL, the vibration damper installation place changes (depending on helical fittings parameters). Calculation of vibration dampers installation places near dead-end clamps and suspensionclampsisdonebytheJSC«Elektrosetstroyprojekt».

LabelingA vibration damper label consists of alphanumeric groups: VD-ХХХХ-02 or VD-ХХХХ-02М:The group of two letters (VD) characterizes the fittings type – vibration damper. Four subsequent figures ХХХХ describe design features of the vibration damper:•thefirstfigureisthenominalweightofvibrationdamper;•thesecondfigureisthevibrationdamperlength;•thethirdfigureisthediameterofvibrationdampercable;•thefourthfigureistheborediameterofclamp.

The subsequent two (three) figures designate vibration damper modification.The following is an example of label of vibration damper with dead fixation on conductors and ground wires by diameter from 22,0 to 29,0 mm with load weight 3,2 kg, fixed on damper cable with diameter 13,0 mm and with overall size 550 mm: VD-6744-02М*.

The codifier of four figures is indicated in the table ХХХХ:


DescriptionThespacer-damperSD(Specifications3449-082-27560230-07)isdesignedforkeepingdistancebetweenbundledconductorsinadmissible limits, and to damp aeolian vibration and suboscillations.

LabelingA label of spacer-damper consists of symbolical (alphanumeric) groups:•Thefirstsymboldesignatesconductorsnumberintheconductorbundle:2,3,4or5;•Thesecondsymbolis«SD»,designatesproductname:spacer-damper(damper);•Thetenthsymbolis“-“;•Symbolsfromthefifthtotheseventharethebundlestep(distanceеbetweenconductorsinphase),mm;•Theeighthsymbol(letterfromАtoР)designatesconductordiameterrange:

Letter Б В Г Д Е Ж К Л М Н Р

Minimum diameter, mm 21,6 24,0 26,0 28,8 30,6 32,7 36,239,7 42,4 46,5 51,9

Maximum diameter, mm 23,1 25,2 27,7 30,1 32,4 34,7 37,7

Spacer-damper for overhead transmission lines 330-750 kV


Production spectrumSpacer-dampers are produced:•forallknowntypesofconductorsandallrangeofdimensions;•alltypesofbundles:twin,triple,quad,fiveconductorsbundle;•bundlesteps:400mm,500mm,600mm*.*– spacer-dampers for any bundle steps are manufactured by a special order.


Label exampleExampleofalabelofthespacer-damper:3SD-400В-31isusedforthreeconductorsbundlewithbundlestep400mm,diametersfrom24mmto25,2mm.ImplementationSpacer-dampersaremanufacturedinthetemperateandcoldclimatemodificationofCategoryIperGOST15150-69—spacer-dampersareefficientatambienttemperaturesfrom-60°Сto+60°С.CertificationThe spacer-damper SD is certified by the interdepartmental commission of JSC FGC UES. Specifications:

SPACER-DAMPER FOR OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES 330-750 KV Specifications-3449-082-27560230-07

are approved by JSC FGC UES.Thespacer-dampersРДarerecommendedforapplicationatOHLofJSCFGCUES.

Recommendations about application

The spacer-dampers can be applied both for construction of new OHLs and for repair of existing OHL with conductor bundles. Installation places of the spacer-dampers should be defined so that suppression of the aeolian vibrations of conductors is most effective. For creation of protection schemes for conductor bundles, it is necessary to fulfill special calculations with the follow-ing input data: type of conductor bundle, inter-conductors distance (bundle step) for every support structure, conductor type and model, average operational and maximum admissible tension, span lengths. Using received data, the JSC “Electrosetstroypro-ject” and The JSC “Scientific and Technical Center ‘Elektroseti’” develop recommendations about application of spacer-dampers and schemes of protection from vibrations induced by wind. All recommendations are free of charge.

Helicalties(theSpecifications3449-054-27560230-2010)aredesignedforfasteningtheinsulatedconductorsSIP-3,SAXandbareconductors of cross-section up to 150 mm2 to pin insulators of OHL.Helical ties are manufactured for single and double fastening and for fastening conductors of different diameters to two pin insulators. A single fastening consists of one side tie installed on insulator. Double fastening consists of two ties installed on one insulator. The fastening on two insulators consists of two side ties. Defined clamping strength provides safety of intermediate supports in case of con-ductor break and other emergencies. When loading exceeds the defined strength, the conductor slides in the tie. Clamping strength of a conductorfastenedbyoneortwotiesis2-3kN.Clampingstrengthofaconductorfastenedbytwotensiontiesis4-5kN.Labeling of a helical tie: TH-dmin/dmax-D-АВ or ВС-dcond-D-АВ, where:THistiehelical;dmin/dmaxisminimumandmaximumdiametersofconductorsforinsulatedconductors;dcondisthediameterofbareconductor;Disinsulatorgroovediameter;А is the type of fastening to insulator:1–withonesidetie;2–withtwotensionties;3–forfasteningtotwoinsulatorsinpairwiththetieofthetype1;B is the conductor type:1–foraninsulatedconductor;2 – for a bare conductor.

Helical ties for fastening insulated and non-insulated conductors to pin insulators


Anexampleoflabelingatieforfasteninginsulatedconductors:TH-14/16-72-11–ahelicaltieforfasteninganinsulatedconductorwiththeminimumdiameter14mmandthemaximumdiameter16mmtoaninsulatorwithgroovediameter72mmbyonesidetie.Anexampleoflabelingatieforfasteningbareconductors:TH-14.3-46-22–ahelicaltieforfasteningabareconductorwiththediam-eter14.3mmtoaninsulatorwithgroovediameter46mmbytwotensionties.Attention: the tie labeling is change since 01.12.2010.

Figure 1. A side tie for single fastening of conductor to the pin insulators PIC10, PIC20.

A side tie (figure 1) consists of one helical strand, which made of three helices glued to each other.The middle part of tie has a loop to fasten to the insulator groove. The right branch (see the figure below) at the outlet of the loop is placed over the left branch. Abrasive is laid on the strand inside.

Figure 2. Fastening of the ACSR 95/16 using the single tie TH-13.5/14.0-85-12 to the pin insulators PIC20 and their analogues.

A tension tie (see figure 3) is made as a U-shaped loop. Its middle twisted part is to wind the insulator groove.

Figure 3. A tension tie for double fastening.

A color mark corresponding to insulator type to install on is put on the loop part of any tie (see the table 1). Table 1

Marks corresponding to conductor type are put on one branch (see the table 2). The marks are read in the direction from the center. Table 2

A tie is used for conductors of the specified diameter and insulators of the specified type only.


Figure 4. Fastening of the insulated conductor SSIC-3 using two ties TH…-21 to pin insulators PIC10,

PIC20 and their analogues.

Figure 5. Fastening of the conductor ACSR 95/16 with the side ties TH…-32 to two insulators.

Insulator type, insulator groove diameter [mm], and color of the mark

LIG-16,30 LIG-18,46 PIC10D;PIG10D,72 PIC20C,85

green red black white

Conductor type Conductor diameter, mm Second and third color mark


1x35 12 Green Red

1x50 13 Green Yellow

1x70 15 Green White

1x95 16 Green Black

1x120 18 Green Green

1x150 19 Green Blue

1x185 21 Red Yellow

1x240 24 Red White


1x35 14 Red Black

1x50 16 Red Green

1x70 17 Red Blue

1x95 19 White Red

1x120 20 White Yellow

1x150 22 White Black

1x185 24 White Green

1x240 26 White Blue

A16;ATS16;ACSR10/1.8 4.5and5.1 Yellow Yellow

A25;ATS25;ACSR25/4.2 6.4and6.9 Yellow Blue

A35;ATS35 7.5 Yellow Red

A50;ATS50;ACSR35/6.2 8,4and9,0 Yellow Green

A70 10.7 Yellow White

A95 12.3 Yellow Black

A120;ATS120;ACSR95/16 13.5and14 Blue Blue

A150;ATS150;ACSR120/19 15.2and15.8 Blue Red

ACSR16/2,7 5.6 Blue Green

ACSR50/8 9.6 Blue White

ACSR70/11 11.4 Blue Black

ACSR150/19 16.8 Red Red


High temperature conductors

DescriptionThe high temperature conductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN are designed for ap-plication on overhead transmission lines. A high temperature conductor has the property to sustain essentially larger temperature than the classical conductors, without change of its properties. Operation temperature of the conductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN is150°С.Thehighoperationtemperatureconductorshavehightransmissioncapacity.


•WhenselectingahightemperatureconductorwithequaltransmissioncapacityofanACSR,weightofthehightemperatureconductorcanmakeonly60%oftheACSRweight. It enables to lower essentially conductor sag and to reduce loading on sup-ports;

•ThedesignofthehightemperatureconductorsTACSR/ACSandTACSR/HACINdif-fers from the design of an ACSR by the core made of steel plated by aluminum and by the conducting layers of aluminum alloy with zirconium inclusion. Designing, installation, repair, and protection of high temperature conductors don't differ from those with an ACSR.

Labeling and parameters

A conductor of this type is manufactured per technical requirements of customer.

Characteristics ValueConductor

97/56 185/30 212/49 264/62 340/30

Section aluminum/steel mm2 96,51/56,30 183,78/29,85 212,06/49,48 264,42/61,70 339,29/29,85

Diameter mm 16 18,99 21 23,45 24,99

Weight kg 640 705 914 1139 1128

Elasticity coefficient N/mm2 97640 74250 79280 79280 68490

Coefficient of linear expan-sion

1,68E-5 1,99E-5 1,91E-5 1,91E-5 2,105Е-5

Breaking force N 83480 67060 95430 116440 94060

Resistance Ohm/km 0,2537 0,1513 0,1283 0,1029 0,0834

Current (nominal transport at150°С)

A 569 777 871 1008 1230


Helical clamps for high temperatures conductors

DescriptionFor attachment of the high temperature conductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN on OHL, the “ESSP” Company has developed a series of helical clamps.Helical dead-end clampsThehelicaldead-endclampsDH-D-XXmadepertheSpecifications3449-002-27560230-09aredesignedfordead-endfasteningof the conductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN of cross-section from 35 mm2to400mm2 made by the Lumpi-Berndorf Company on OHL supports.

Helical suspension clampsThehelicalsuspensionclampsSH-D-XXmadepertheSpecifications3449-091-27560230-09aredesignedforsuspensionoftheconductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN of cross-section from 35 mm2to400mm2 made by the Lumpi-Berndorf Company on OHL supports.

СHelical mid-span tension jointThe helical mid-span tension joints TJH-D-XX madepertheSpecifications3449-031-27560230-08aredesignedforconnec-tion of the conductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN of cross-section from 35 mm2to400mm2 made by the Lumpi-Berndorf Company in OHL spans.Helical jumper non-tension jointHelical jumper non-tension joints JNJH-D-XX madepertheSpecifications3449-036-27560230-08aredesignedforconnec-tion of the conductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN of cross-section from 35 mm2to400mm2 made by the Lumpi-Berndof Company in OHL jumpers.Helical repair sleevesHelical repair sleeves RTJH-D-XX madepertheSpecifications3449-031-27560230-08aredesignedforrepairoftheconductors TACSR/ACS and TACSR/HACIN of cross-section from 35 mm2to400mm2 made by the Lumpi-Berndorf Company.


Installing constructions and equipment

Name Type IllustrationPage


Unwinding device UD-02М 49

Sectional mounting ladders

LS -2L LS -2 LS-1,8LLS-1,8LS-1


Mounting rollersRМ-3,0-01

RМ-15,0-01 51

Pulley blocksPB-3,0 PB-5,0 PB-8,0



Name Type IllustrationPage


Pulling stockings

S-10/15-10 S-8/13-15S-13/18-15S-8/13-24S-13/18-24S-18/26-24S-30/40-24S-8/13-40S-18/26-50S-30/50-50 S-50/70-50 S-70/90-50 S-18/26-702S-8/13-242S-13/18-24


Mounting swivels SW-01MSW-02M


Mounting re-lay beam

BRM-1,2 BRM-2,4

BRM-1,2S BRM-2,4SBRM-2,4R


Supporting hook 56


Name Type IllustrationPage


Suspension lad-der with a hinged


Mounting ramps of ladder type



Mounting ramp MR-10 62

Mounting cart

MR 03c 63

13574.00.00.000 64

13242.00.00.000 65

Device for works on supporting

insulator strings of OHL 110-750 kV

13462.18.00.000 66

Device for works on supporting

insulator strings of OHL 330-1150 kV

13306.00.00.000 67


The unwinding device UD-02М is designed for unwinding conductors or optical cables from drums.The unwinding device is equipped by a belt brake that provides the possibility of conductor tension adjustment by braking the drums.

Compact dimensions, small weight enable to transport it easily through any area.

Unwinding device UD-02М

The nomenclature and technical characteristics

Unwinding device type

Lifting power, not more, kN

Weight, kg

Overall dimensions

Dimensions of a drum placed inUD-02М

Braking force, kN

L, mmB,

mmH, mm

Diameter D, mm


UD-02М 40 260,0 2000 2360 1400 ≤1800 ≤1200 0,5-3


ThesectionalmountingladdersLS(theSpecifications5221-052-27560230-01)aredesignedforclimbingofelectriciansonrein-forced-concrete supports of OHL. Ladder design enables to climb to height of 20 m.Basic set of the ladder consists of 10 sections: one bottom and nine upper sections. By customer request, the delivery set can include any number of sections of various standard sizes, but not less than two.Laddersectionsaremadeofthreestandardsizes:1,0m,1,8mand2,0m.1,0 m sections are made only upper and can be included in a set with bottom sections of other standard sizes.Load-carrying capacity of each ladder section and a whole ladder is not more than 135 kg. Sections of various standard sizes can be joined with each other. Each section is supplied by a support fastening device.The ladder has the temperate and cold climate modification of the Category I with restriction of the lowest ambient temperature at -35°С.

Labeling of a ladder section LS-hL: LS – sectionalladder;h – sectionheight,m;L – the bottom section (the top section doesn’t have this index).

Sectional mounting ladders LS


ThemountingrollersRM(theSpecifications3449-053-27560230-99)aredesignedforunwindingofopticalcableandconductorson supports of overhead transmission lines, contact network of the railways, lines of street illumination and city electric transport. They are also used in construction and mounting works, cargo lifting etc.

Mounting rollers

Nomenclature and technical characteristics

Type of mount-ing roller

Breaking load, kN

Workload, kN Weight,kg Groove radius Roller diameter

D, mm

RM-3,0-01 3,0 1,5 1,5 13 80

RM-15,0-01 15,0 7,5 3,5 22 144



The pulley blocks PB(theSpecifications5221-060-27560230-99)aredesignedforcomposingpulleyblocksforfulfillingthelift-ing work during construction, installation and repair of equipment on overhead transmission lines, substations and other objects.The pulley blocks are made in the temperate and cold climate modification of the Category I.

The pulley block PB-3,0 set includes the shackle Sl-12.The pulley blocks PB-5,0, БП-8,0 set includes the shackle Sl-16.

Pulley blocks

Manufactured nomenclature and technical characteristics

NoType of pulley

blockWorkload, kN

Number of rollers in the holder,


Roller diameter D,


Groove radius R,

mmWeight, kg

1 PB - 3,0 30 1 120 6 3,0

2 PB - 5,0 50 2 120 6 4,0

3 PB-8,0 80 4 120 6 5,5


The pulling stockings are designed to join a pulling rope and a conductor, a ground wire or a fiber optical cable unwound under ten-sion both dielectric and built in the ground wire (elements being unwound), with the possibility of rolling through unwinding rollers.

The pulling stockings are made for various diameters of unwound element and provide various tensions during unwinding.

Specifications of pulling stockings are listed in the Table.

Pulling stockings S and 2S

Type of pulling stocking

Range of diameters of unwound

elements, mm

Nominal (operational) force of unwinding, kN

Breaking load, kN Weight, kg

S-8/13-15 8...13 7,5 15 0,28

S-8/13-24 8...13 12 24 0,83

2S-8/13-24 8...13 12 24 0,83

S-8/13-40 8...13 20 40 0,57

S-10/15-10 10...15 5 10 0,27

S-13/18-15 13...18 7,5 15 0,26

S-13/18-24 13...18 12 24 0,47

S-18/26-24 18...26 12 24 0,47

S-18/26-50 18...26 25 50 0,8

S-18/26-70 18...26 35 70 0,9

S-30/40-24 30...40 12 24 0,58

S-30/50-50* 30...50 25 50 2,02

S-50/70-50* 50...70 25 50 2,38

S-70/90-50* 70...90 25 50 4,42

By a separate order, a pulling stocking of other parameters can be developed.

A delivery set includes passport and operating manual besides a stocking. The stockings marked in the table by the sign * have in the delivery set, technological cones facilitating installation of the stockings on unwound elements of large diameters.


A mounting swivel is designed for prevention of twisting of a self-supporting optical cable during installation under tension. A mounting swivel is placed between a pulling rope and a cable and used in combination with a pulling stocking.

Mounting swivels

Nomenclature and technical characteristics

Type of mounting swivel

А, mm

D, mm

В, mm

d, mm

Maximum workload,

not more, kN

Breaking load, not less, kN Weight, kg

SW-01M 95 24 10 8 5 12,5 0,2

SW-02M 137 39 16 12 15 70 0,66


A mounting re-laying beam BRM(theSpecifications5221-062-27560230-06)isdesignedtore-layagroundwire,anoptical ground wire (OPGW), and an optical dielectric self-supporting cable (ADSS) on supports of OHL 110-500 kV from suspension clamps to the mounting rollers before unwinding a new wire or cable and from rollers in suspension clamps after unwinding under tension.The beam includes built-in lever hauling winch for lifting a ground wire, OPGW or ADSS during re-laying. The beams BRM have two implementations: with a steel bearing profile and with a profile of aluminum alloy.

Mounting re-laying beam

Nomenclature and technical characteristics

Type of product

Distance between

hooks L, mm

Total workload, kg

Maximum height of lifting (lowering) a ground wire, m

Force on lever handle at maximum load kg,

not moreWeight, kg

BRM-1,2 1200 450 500 25 11

BRM-2,4 2400 450 500 25 12,5

BRM-1,2S 1200 450 500 25 18

BRM-2,4S 2400 450 500 25 28,5

BRM-2,4R 2400 750 500 25 14,7

Examples of labeling of a BRM beam in the order:BRM-1,2 – withabearingprofileofaluminumalloy;BRM-1,2S – withabearingprofileofsteel;BRM-2,4R – reinforced, with a bearing profile of aluminum alloy (it is equipped with a hauling winch of screw type).


Work on OHL using a beam and a supporting hook

Supportforphaseconductorscanbedoneusingthesupportinghook1160.00.00.000.Theworkscanbedoneonlive-lineincaseof attaching the supporting hook to polymeric insulators. For delivery of an electrician to the conductor in this case it is expedient to usetheseat13462.00.00.000.

Supporting hook

Supporting hook


Basic technical characteristics: Hoistingcapacity–2500kg;Weight–4,5kg.


Purpose:The suspension ladder with a hinged platform developed by the JSC “Electrosetstroyproject” has the purpose of supporting not more than one electrician with a tool for mounting and repair work on suspension clamps, insulators strings and conductors on intermedi-ate supports of OHL 35-220 kV.

Basic characteristics:Hoisting capacity, kg, not more 120Width of platform, m 0,5Length of platform, m 1,05Weightoftheset,kg 43,1Including:suspensionladder,kg 15,4platform, kg 22,7strut, kg 5

Structure of the product and the delivery set:•suspensionladder;•platform•strut

Variants of application of the suspension ladder with a hinged platform on intermediate supports

Suspension ladder with a hinged platform


Advantage of the given design of a suspension ladder with a hinged platform consists in that it, unlike flexible ladders, is less affected by oscillations caused by wind loadings and has a hinged platform with fencing. The demountable hinged platform can be easilyrearrangedbyheightwithstepof450mmwithinthelengthofasuspensionladdertothelevelnecessaryforwork.Thedesignconsists of 3 elements that enables, in case of necessity, to deliver the set to a hard-to-reach place, on hand also.


The ramps MR-0,3-... (theSpecifications5221-057-27560230-09)aredesignedforprovidingaccessfornomorethantwoelectricians for the length of ramp during repair of fittings on conductors and ground wires of OHL 110... 500 kV. Design of the ramp is presented in the drawing:

Mounting ramps MR-0,3-… and MR-0,6-…


Hoisting capacity of any modification ramp is no more than 250 kg.

Other data for each modification are listed in the Table:

Ramp modification Ramp width, m Ramp length of, m Truss length, mWeight of ramp,


MR-0,3-1,7 0,3 1,7 - 11

MR-0,3-3 0,3 3 - 19

MR-0,3-(3+1,5) 0,3 4,5 3+1,5 27

MR-0,3-(3+3) 0,3 6 3+3 30

The delivery set of one ramp MR-0,3-1,7 contains:•1truss,1hook,2strapsС-ЛПКwithsnaphooks,2shacklesSl-7-1А;

The delivery set of one ramp MR-0,3-3 contains:•1truss,1hook,2strapsС-ЛПКwithsnaphooks,2shacklesSl-7-1А;




MountingrampsMR-0,6-...aredesignedforprovidingaccessfornomorethantwoelectriciansforthelengthoframpduringrepairof tension insulator strings of OHL 110...500 kV. Hoisting capacity of any ramp modification is no more than 250 kg.

Other data for each modification are listed in the Table:

Mounting ramps MR-0,6-...




PurposeMountingrampsMR-X-X(theSpecifications5221-058-27560230-09)aredesignedforprovidingaccessforanelectricianforthelength of ramp during repair and maintenance of fittings on conductors, ground wires, and optical self-supporting cables of OHL.

Mounting ramps-ladders MRL-X-X

Ramp modification Ramp width, m Ramp length, mRamp truss length,

mRamp weight, kg

MR-0,6-3 0,6 3 - 22

MR-0,6-(3+1,5) 0,6 4,5 3+1,5 32

MR-0,6-(3+3) 0,6 6 3+3 42


Construction of a mounting ramp MRL-Х.Х(a ramp with an attached cable grip)

Basic data for each modification is presented in the Table.

Ramp typeOverall length,


Width (distance between axes

of strings), mm

Distance between steps,


Hoisting capacity, kN (kilogramm-force) Weight, kg

MRL-4,0 4000±5

300±2 300±2 1,0 (100)


MRL-3,4 3400±5 19

MRL-2,8 2800±5 16

Standard delivery set:- 1ramp;- 1replaceablehook;- 1replaceablecablegrip;- 1strapforrampattachmenttothesupport;- 1certificate;- 1 manual.


Mounting ramp MR-10

The ramp is designed for supporting three electricians with tools necessary for works on installation of fittings on conductors, ground wires and self-supporting optical cables of OHL.

Technical characteristics:Hoisting capacity of ramp, kg not more 300Widthoframp,mm 472±2Lengthoframp(betweenaxesoftrussjoints),mm 10114±10Lengthof1sttruss,mm 4040±5Lengthof2ndtruss,mm 3090±5Lengthof3rdtruss,mm 3090±5Height, mm 1500Weightoframp,kg 180

The ramp delivery set contains 3 trusses made of tubes of aluminum alloy, an attachment to OHL supports and four anchor ropes. Anchor rope attachments are provided for preventing the overturning torque on extreme trusses. Trusses in working position are connected by locking pins. A ramp is supplied with the safety fencing made in the form of 2 cables, fixed to the central pole and to poles on extreme supports (see figure 1). Mounting ramp is of the temperate and cold climate modification of the Category I.

The delivery set of one ramp MR-10 contains: 1centraltrusswithsuspensionattachment;2trusses;4anchorropes;2safetyfencings;1 certificate and operation manual.


Mounting cart MC 03с

PurposeThemountingcartsMC03сaredesignedformovingofanelectricianalongaconductorofcross-sectionnotlessthan240mm2 or a steel cable of cross-section not less than 70 mm2 during installation and repair works on OHL. For convenience, the cart is equipped by two types of brakes:•manualbrake2isintendedforinitialbrakingduringmovingandfullstop;•stationarybrake4isintendedforcartfixingonaconductor(groundwire)duringwork.

The mounting cart MC 03с is implemented in the temperate and cold climate modification of the Category 1.

SpecificationsBasic characteristics are listed in the Table:

No Parameter Unit Value

1 Admissible diameters: conductors, not less ground wires, not lessmm mm


2 Number of conductors for movement piece 1

3 Number of rollers piece 2

4 Number of fencing straps piece 2

5 Hoisting capacity, not more kg 150

6 Overall dimensions (length х width х height) mm 948х658,5х1718

7 Weight of assembled cart kg 27,5

THE DELIVERY SETThe delivery set of the cart MC 03с contains:•1cartMC03с;•1certificate:•1operationmanual;•1package.

Manufacturer guaranteesWarrantyperiodofoperationofthemountingcartMC03cis18monthsfromthesaledate,underconditionofobservancebytheconsumer of rules of transportation, storage and operation. Termofoperationofthecartis36months.


Carts for Installation Works, Model N 13574.00.00.000

Cart for moving along a conductor bundle

PurposeThecartisdesignedformovingalongabundledgroundwireorbythetopconductorsofanOHLconductorbundle,with2,3,4or5 conductors. The cart contains a basket, two pairs of rollers, fixed jointly on the basket in pairs by suspensions. Axes of the rollers aremadehollowandsafetyropesarepassedthroughthem.Oneendofasafetyropeisfixedtothesuspension;thesecondendisfixed by an eccentric clamp to the suspension. At any point of span, a cart can be fixed by special fixing brake suspensions which can be set on conductor in case of necessity of braking. Spring eccentric insert is used as a braking element jointly set in the suspension housing and directly gripping the conductor.



ThecartN13242.10.00.000isequippedwith6demountablerollersenablingtobypassspacersandsuspensionclamps.Allrunningrollers are equipped with brake mechanisms providing fixation of the cart at any point of span.


Cart modelHoisting

capacity, kg

Distance between

conductors, mm

Diameter of conductor, mm

Number of conductors

in bundle Weight, kg

min max

N13574.00.00.000 150 400-600 11 38 from 2 to 5 45,3

N13242.10.00.00 150 400-600 11 38 from 2 to 5 36


Device for works on supporting insulator strings of OHL 110-750 kV

(seat of an electrician)

ThedeviceN13462.18.00.000isdevelopedbythecompany"ORGRES"andisintendedforplacingofanelectricianduringsurveyand replacement of defective insulators, replacement of attachement fittings of supporting insulator strings on OHL 110-750 кV.

The device consists of a mounting lift (1) supplied with a manual hauling winch for self-lifting of an electrician along an insulator string (2) and a safety clamp, grips for attaching to corners of a support cross-arm (3), synthetic ropes of lifting and safety equip-ment(4),adeviceforreplacementofdefectiveinsulators“Vajma”(5).*

The device can be used also for delivery of an electrician to a live-line conductor, by the method of "pendulum" when the interval (distance) “conductor-support pole” doesn't provide necessary isolation.

Model №13462.18.00.000

Hoisting capacity, kg Lifting height, mForce to the hauler handle,

kg (kN)Weight, kg

150 3,5 15¼18(0,15¼0,18) <20

*) “Vajma” set is assembled separately


Device for works on supporting insulator strings of OHL 330-1150 kV

ThedeviceN13306.00.00.000forworksonsupportinginsulatorstringsofOHL330-1150kV.ThedeviceN13306.00.00.000isdevelopedbythecompany"ORGRES"anddesignedforplacinganelectricianduringsurveyandreplacement of defective insulators of supporting and V-shaped strings on OHL 330-1150 kV.The device consists of two flexible ladders with synthetic strings (1), two grips for fastening the ladders to corners of support cross-arm(2),acradle,twotensionropes(4)andtwoblockswithbrakemechanisms(3).The cradle is fastened directly to the steps of ladders and can be placed in any place along all the length of an insulator string. The tension ropes and blocks with brake mechanisms provide fast tension of the whole system that guarantees stability of the device during the works. Depending on position of a defect of an insulator, there is possibility to stop (move) the cradle along the string.

Model №13306.00.00.000

Hoisting capacity, kg

Weight, kg

Cradles without laddersCradles with two flexible ladders

Complete set

250 21,2 30,5 44,5


Test Laboratory

The test laboratory of the JSC “Scientific and Research Center ‘Electroseti’” is a division of the JSC “Electroset-stroyproject” and was established in 2003.The laboratory implements scientific and technical activity for testing fittings of OHL and FOCL, devices for damp-ing vibration and galloping of conductors, and equipment for installation, use, and repair of electric networks. All production offered by the JSC “Electrosetstroyproject” is fully tested by the test laboratory of the JSC “Scientific and Research Center ‘Electroseti’”.The laboratory was accredited in the system ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for technical competence and independence accordingtothestatedaccreditationfield(theaccreditationcertificateNРОССRU.0001.21.МЮ52isvalidtill23.07.2016).

The laboratory possesses an experimental basis enabling to implement research and testing works of different volume and complexity. All tests are done using certified equipment and verified measurement tools. Qualified, competent, experienced personnel works in the test laboratory. The test laboratory implements tests for certifi-cation and periodical, standard, and qualification tests for the JSC “Electrosetstroyproject” and for companies producing conductors and cables. During 2011, the test laboratory of the JSC “Scientific and Research Center ‘Electroseti’”didtestsbyordersof11companiesfrom8citiesofRussia.Should you have any questions on testing, do not hesitate to contact the JSC “Scientific and Research Center ‘Electroseti’”.


Responses of customers


Our address: Moscow, Vysokovoltny proezd 1, building 36. Phone: +7 (495) 727-43-93You can use the following municipal transport to reach us:From the metro station "Otradnoe" (the first car from the center, the exit to the left):•BusN238orfixed-routetaxiN609tothestop«Rimskogo-Korsakovastreet,6»(thefourthstopfromthe

metro station).•BusN637tothestop«Vysokovoltnyroad»(thefifthstopfromthemetrostation).From the metro station «Bibirevo»•Busorfixed-routetaxiN282tothestop«Vysokovoltnyroad»(thesixthstopfromthemetrostation).From the metro station «Baboushkinskaya» (the first car from the center, the exit on the left)•BusN238orthefixed-routetaxiN609tothestop«Rimskogo-Korsakovastreet,6»(thethirteenthstop

from the metro station).

The location map

On the general questions, address to the JSC “Electrosetstroyproject”127566,Moscow,Vysokovoltnyproezd,1,building36Phone:+7(495)727-43-43,fax:+7(495)234-71-08

E-mail: info@essp.ru

On the questions of purchasing our production, address to the sales representative:the JSC «Trading house “Electrosetstroyproject”127566,Moscow,Vysokovoltnyproezd,1,building36Phone:+7(495)234-71-20,fax:+7(495)727-43-71

E-mail: td@essp.ru

For technical support, address to the JSC “Scientific and Technical Center ‘Elektroseti’”127566,Moscow,Vysokovoltnyproezd,1,building36Phone:+7(495)234-71-19,fax:+7(495)234-71-19

E-mail: ntc@essp.ru

On the questions of purchasing our production in Ukraine, address to the affiliate of the JSC "Electrosetstroyproject" — Branch «UkrESSP»


E-mail: ukressp@gmail.com