Hearts On Fire Diamonds - Are They Worth The Price_

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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often overlooked as many jewelers do not take the time to explain how big of a role cut plays when

Transcript of Hearts On Fire Diamonds - Are They Worth The Price_

Hearts On Fire Diamonds - Are They Worth The Price?

If you are in the process of shopping for an engagement ring or any diamond jewelry for that matter,

you may have heard about the hearts on fire diamond. You may have also noticed that they are very

pricey! "Hearts on fire" is a brand name. Just like Coke is a name for brand of cola, hearts on fire is a

name for a brand of diamond.

The company prides itself on producing only the highest quality diamonds out there. They claim that

their diamonds are so expertly cut that you won't find a more beautiful diamond anywhere. They are

partially right. Hearts on fire diamonds are definitely breathtaking.

It's important to understand that the single most important factor in how a diamond "performs" (how

bright, sparkly and fiery it appears) is the way in which the diamond is cut. It is an area that is far too

often overlooked as many jewelers do not take the time to explain how big of a role cut plays when

choosing a diamond. The company hearts on fire decided to only put their name on diamonds that

met certain parameters when it comes to cut. For this reason, all of their diamonds are definitely

gorgeous and would make any girl giddy! However, the diamonds come at a greatly inflated price.

Hearts on fire has spent millions and millions promoting their brand. All of these advertising costs

have to be paid by someone; in this case it is the customer who foots the bill. The price is significantly

higher than other diamonds (this was exactly their goal - they wanted to establish a strong brand

name and charge a premium for the name).

Hearts on fire is a successful company that sells gorgeous diamonds. However, you can find equally

beautiful diamonds at a far lower cost.

There are plenty of diamonds that are cut equally well that are not sold by hearts on fire (for a better

understanding of cut visit my website) that sell for a much lower price. The trick is knowing how to find

them. Once you know what to look for, it becomes easy to find diamonds that are just as pretty (or

even moreso!) and your wallet won't take near as big of a hit.

If you are in the process of shopping for an engagement ring, I suggest staying away from "branded

diamonds" and learning how to pick out the best diamonds at a fraction of the price. Have a look at

my diamond buying guide - it can literally save you thousands of dollars. You can find it at my

website. I'm sure that Hearts on Fire will continue to be successful. They have a healthy advertising

budget and the jewelry stores love the profits they make from them. And you can't argue with the fact

that they are terrific diamonds.

However, all it takes is a little research on diamonds and you will find a diamond that performs just as

well without breaking the bank.

All the best! Click Here for Deals on Loose Diamonds and Colored Diamonds