Healthy Schools Toolkit - Toronto...The Healthy Schools approach is an internationally recognized...

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Transcript of Healthy Schools Toolkit - Toronto...The Healthy Schools approach is an internationally recognized...

  • h o o l T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s cT o o l k i T

    Embark on the Healthy Schools jour


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    Take Action Towards a Healthy School

    Healthy Schools Toolkith o o l T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s cT o o l k i T

    Embark on the Healthy Schools jour


    Take Action Towards a Healthy School

    Healthy Schools Toolkit

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T1

    Healthy Schools Toolkit

    Table of Contents

    Why Healthy Schools The benefits of creating an active, healthy school communityRoles and Responsibilities of the Healthy School Committee

    Steps in a Healthy Schools approach Step One: Form a Healthy School CommitteeStep Two: Identify strengths and needsStep Three: Develop and carry out the Action PlanStep Four: Evaluate and Celebrate achievements

    Process of Creating a Healthy School

    Healthy Schools Resource List Sample action plans, sample letters, templates

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T2

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    Healthy Schools Toolkit

    Why Healthy Schools?

    The Healthy Schools approach is an internationally recognized framework to create a healthy school environment and improve student learning. This approach supports improvements in students’ educational outcomes and promotes resil-ience by addressing school health in a planned, integrated and holistic way. There is evidence that health and learning are interdependent; healthy children make better learners and better educated children are healthier.

    The effectiveness and sustainability of this approach relies on a partnership between health, education, parents, students and community stakeholders working together on a school health committee.

    The Healthy Schools Toolkit is designed to guide schools through the steps to creating a healthier school. School Health Committees may choose to use all or any of the resources in the Toolkit to support their Healthy Schools work.

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T3

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    Healthy Schools Toolkit The benefits of creating an active, Healthy School CommunityStudents in Healthy Schools will:

    • Beabletoconcentrateandlearnbetterinclassbecausetheirbasicneedsaremet(i.e.,nutrition,physicalactivity and emotional well-being)

    • Developgreaterconfidence,motivation,self-esteemandwillhavethecommitmentandcapacityto make important life and health choices

    • Haveaccesstocommunityservices

    • Bemorelikelytoachievebetteracademicresults

    • Havestrategiestointeracteffectivelywithpeers

    • Attendschoolmoreregularly

    Foundations for a Healthy School

    1. High quality instruction and programs provide students with a wide range of opportunities to learn, practice and demonstrate knowledge and skills related to living a healthy life. The curriculum promotes active, healthy living through comprehensive teaching materials and learning strategies. It allows opportunities for teachers and support staff to participate in professional learning opportunities and to access current health information and teaching resources.

    2. A healthy physical environment improves the conditions for learning. The physical environment includes the school building and grounds, routes to and from the school, and the materials and equipment used in school programs. A healthy environment includes: clean air, adequate lighting, sanitation, safe food handling and measures for promoting safety and preventing injuries.

    3. A supportive social environment has a positive impact on students’ learning. It involves school-led initiatives which support student efforts to make healthy lifestyle choices. Teachers and parents can also benefit from the supportprovided,whichmaybeformal(schoolpolicies,rules,clubsorsupportgroups)orinformal(friends,peers,free play). Positive health role models, peer support, positive school climate and family support all contribute to a healthy environment for students to grow into healthy adults.

    4. Community partnerships provide access to resources, programs and services to support staff, students and families in the development and implementation of Healthy Schools initiatives. Organizations such as public health, social services, parks and recreation and local businesses may be invited into schools to help address student needs.

    A comprehensive Healthy Schools approach is the most effective method to address the needs of children and families.This integrated approach to health promo-

    tion gives students numerous opportunities

    to participate in, observe and learn positive

    health attitudes and behaviours.

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T4

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    Roles and Responsibilities of the Healthy School Committee

    Getting StartedA Healthy School will be more successful when a dedicated committee person is in place to act as a Champion to lead others in the

    planned activities.

    A Healthy School Champion:• iskeenandenthusiasticaboutimprovingthehealthoftheschoolcommunity• isarolemodelforhealthybehaviour• issomeonewhoisintheschoolregularlysuchasateacher,parent,administrator,childandyouthworkeroracommunitycoordinator• hasenoughtimeintheirscheduletodevotetoHealthySchools• encouragessupportofHealthySchoolswithintheschool• followstheHealthySchoolsapproach• willbesupportedbyaCityofTorontoPublicHealthNurse

    A Healthy School Committee Member:• iskeenandenthusiasticaboutimprovingthehealthoftheschoolcommunity• isarolemodelforhealthybehaviour• isamemberoftheschoolcommunitysuchasateacher,parent,administratororstudent• hasenoughtimeintheirscheduletoattendregularmeetingsandplannedHealthySchoolactivities• worksaspartofateamtoplanandcarryoutaHealthySchoolActionPlan

    How you can help: • learnmoreaboutyourcommittee’schosenhealthissue and share your knowledge with others • volunteertochairacommitteemeeting,takenotes,leadanActionPlanactivity,collectsurveysandevaluations,etc.• recruitothermemberstojoinyourcommittee• spreadthewordaboutyourcommitteeandallofthegreatthingsyouaredoing!

    • helpthecommitteestayontrack

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T5

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    Step One: Form a

    Healthy School


    Step Two: Identify

    strengths and needs

    Step Three: Develop

    and carry out the

    Action Plan

    Step Four: Evaluate and


    Step 1: Form a Healthy School Committee

    Goals• RaiseawarenessofthebenefitsofbecomingaHealthySchool• MotivatetheschoolcommunitytosupportHealthySchools• RecruitschoolcommunitymembersfortheHealthySchoolCommittee

    PART A • Determine level of interest and establish commitment

    • ConsultwithyourprincipaltodiscussHealthySchoolsanddetermine if the timing is right

    • ContactaPublicHealthNurse for assistance

    • Developaplantoinformandeducatetheschoolcommunity about Healthy Schools 2, 4

    • ProvideapresentationaboutHealthySchoolsforstaffandparents 3

    • OfferfactstobackupthebenefitsofHealthySchools 5

    • Demonstratehowyourschoolmayalreadybedoingthingsthatpromotehealth

    • Mobilizeandempowerstudentsbyexplaininghowtheycanhaveavoiceinschooldecisions

    • InformtheschoolcommunityabouttheMinistryofEducationHealthySchools Recognition Program

    • Ifyoufindthereislittleinterest,donotgetdiscouraged;keepspreadingthewordandbereadytoproceedwhen you find more support

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T6

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    3 Educated the school community about the Healthy Schools approach Communicated with key school community members about Healthy Schools Formed a diverse Healthy School Committee representing the whole school community Conducted the first Healthy School Committee meeting Established a general vision of what a Healthy School looks like Determined readiness to move to Step 2

    PART B • Form the Healthy School Committee

    • Announcetheformationofthecommitteeandinviteinterested school members to get involved in creating a healthier school 6, 7, 8

    • Thismaybeasub-committeeoftheschoolcouncilorofanotherexistingcommittee

    • Promotethecommitteethroughposters,newsletters and school events 7

    • Recruitadiversegroupbyincludingstaff,students, parents, administrators, and community members 1, 6

    • OrganizethefirstHealthy School Committee meeting 9 • Createanagenda 10• Recordminutestotrackprogress,decisionsandactions 12• Completeamembercontactlist 11• Establishrolesandresponsibilities 13• Decideonaconvenientmeetingschedule(e.g.,onlunchhour,beforeorafterschool)• Selectachairpersonorrotatingchair• Discusshowyouplantoworkeffectivelyasagroup 14• Comeupwithanameforyourcommittee(e.g.,HealthyChamps,SnackAttack,HealthSquad–perhapshavea naming and/or

    logo contest)• Provideeachmemberwithafoldertokeeptrackofallmaterials• DiscussageneralvisionofaHealthySchool

    • Monitorthecommitteeregularlytoensureitisrunningeffectively

    The role of the HealthySchool Committee:

    • Surveyparents,studentsandteachers/staff to identify priority health issues

    • Identify,brainstormanddiscussstrategies to address health

    • Overseeplanning,deliveryandevaluation of Healthy School activities

    • Involvetheschoolcommunityin decisions

    • Provideleadershipanddirection forpromoting health in the school

    • Keeptheschoolcommunityinformed by sharing progress made by the committee

    Checklist for Step 1:


  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T7

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    Step One: Form a

    Healthy School


    Step Two: Identify

    strengths and needs

    Step Three: Develop

    and carry out the

    Action Plan

    Step Four: Evaluate and


    Step 2: Identify strengths and needs

    Goals• Identify the strengths, needs, interests and health of the school community by providing

    a survey for staff, students and parents • Review and discuss the results and identify priority areas for action

    PART A • Survey your school community

    • Developasurveyoradaptanexistingoneforstudents,teachersand parents to identify the current health status of your school * 16, 17, 18

    • Determinehowtoconductthesurveyandobtainapprovalfrom the principal

    • Informtheschoolcommunitythatthecommitteewillbeconducting surveys and encourage their participation 15

    • Promote the survey as a way for school staff, students, parents and community partners to share their ideas

    • CreateaHealthySchoolssuggestionbox(Placetheboxinacentrallocationandencouragetheschoolcommunitytovoiceconcernsandideasthroughouttheschoolyear!)

    * Consider using results from previous surveys

    PART B • Share results, establish the vision and prioritize the health issues

    • Examinetheresultsofthesurveyanddeterminethecurrentstrengths,needs,challengesandopportunitiesassociated with implementing a Healthy Schools approach

    • Examineareaswheretheschoolisdoingwellandlookatwhathelpedmaketheseareassuccessful

    • Communicateresultsofthesurveytoyourschool;presentsuccessesfirst 20

    • Asacommittee,continuetodevelopasharedvisionofHealthySchoolsbybrainstormingandcreatingyour ideal school - be creativeandhavefun! 19

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T8

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    3 Completed a survey for:

    Reviewed and discussed the results of the surveys

    Established priority areas for your school

    Communicated the results and priority areas with the school community

    Determined if your committee is ready to move to Step 3

    PART B • Share results, establish the vision and prioritize the health issues(continued)


    Students Administration

    • Basedonyourvisionandsurveyresults,prioritizethemostimportant healthissues your school can realistically commit to over the school year; it is okay to startsmallasmanysmallchangescanadduptobigsuccesses!

    • Keeparecordofalltheissues/suggestionsthatyouarenotusingthisyear;they can be used and worked on in subsequent years

    • Remembertomonitortheprogressofthecommittee;reviewanyproblems with the committee now, to avoid problems in the future

    • Givestudents,staffandparentsavoiceintheHealthySchoolsprocess!

    By identifying your school health needs, your committee

    will be able to consider:• Activitiestheschoolwillenjoy

    participating in

    • Theoverallvisionofteachers,studentsand parents

    • Themostimportanthealthissuesin your school

    Checklist for Step 2:


  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T9

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    Step One: Form a

    Healthy School


    Step Two: Identify

    strengths and needs

    Step Three: Develop

    and carry out the

    Action Plan

    Step Four: Evaluate and


    Step 3: Develop and carry out the Action Plan

    Goals• Develop an Action Plan to chart the future directions and activities of the Healthy School Committee

    basedonthehealthissue(s)identified• Carry out your Healthy Schools Action Plan activities in the school

    PART A • Develop the Action Plan

    • AnActionPlanbuildsawareness,keepsactivitiesontrackandmeasuressuccess

    • Brainstormandchooseactivitiesforyourpriorityareas-startsmallandplaneasytoaccomplishactivitiessoyouwillexperiencesuccess and be motivated to continue 21 - 29

    • Tohelpchildrendeveloplonglastingknowledge,healthyattitudesandbehaviours,yourplanshouldaddressallfour Foundationsfor a Healthy School: High Quality Instruction and Programs, Healthy Physical Environment, Supportive Social Environment and Community Partnerships 30

    • Developgoalsforthechosenactivities 32

    • Alignactivitieswithexistingschoolboardprioritiesandschoolimprovementplans

    • Transferyourgoalsandactivities to the ActionPlan. 31

    • Determinewhatsuccesswill look like bydeveloping indicators - ask yourself, how will we know if we have met our goals?

    • Speakwithothersinyour school communitybefore you begin to carry out the activities, to ensure there will be adequate support to see them through

    Tip: In developing your ACTION PLAN,

    keep these questions in mind:

    • Whatdowehopetoachieve?

    • Whatactivitywouldbestaddresstheissuebeingexamined?

    • forwhomistheactivityintended?

    • Whatresourcesareneededtocarryouttheactivity?

    (e.g., money,staff, venue)• Whenwilltheactivitybecarriedo


    • Whoisresponsibleforplanningandimplementingtheactivity?

    (assign tasks)

    • haveweusedSMARTgoalsintheplanningprocess?

    • areweaddressingallfourFoundationsforaHealthySchool?

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T10

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k


    Keep in mind that you




    go according to plan.

    Don,t be



    3 Developed an overall goal for health issues and selected appropriate activities

    Developed an Action Plan addressing all four Foundations for a Healthy School

    Communicated and promoted the Action Plan with school community members

    Started working on the activities according to the Action Plan

    Reviewed Action Plan progress and revised as needed

    Carried out Healthy Schools Action Plan and activities

    Determined if the committee is ready to move to Step 4

    PART B • Carry out the Action Plan

    • ShareandpromoteActionPlanactivitieswiththeschoolcommunity.Forexample,youmaychooseto:• Sendalettertoparentsandcommunitypartnerstokeeptheminformed of

    the Healthy Schools Action Plan and provide regular updates• HostaHealthySchoolkick-offassemblyforparentsandcommunity partners

    to see what your school will be doing to support health

    • InvitestudentstobeactivelyinvolvedinplanningandcarryingoutHealthySchoolactivities - the more you engage others, the greater support and motivation you will receive

    • Ensure school staff, students, parents and community partners are equipped toimplement the activities effectively

    • Reviewprogressbydiscussingproblemswithcertainactivities,revisionoftimelines,communicationissues or new resources

    • UpdatetheActionPlanaftereachactivity

    Tip:Keep in min

    d that your



    go according to plan.

    Don,t be



    problems that arise an


    be prepared to adjust

    the plan accordingly.

    Checklist for Step 3:

    problems that arise an


    be prepared to adjust

    the plan accordingly.

    go according to plan.



    PART B • Carry out the Action Plan


  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T11

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k


    Keep in mind that you




    go according to plan.

    Don,t be



    problems that arise an


    be prepared to adjust

    the plan accordingly.

    Step One: Form a

    Healthy School


    Step Two: Identify

    strengths and needs

    Step Three: Develop

    and carry out the

    Action Plan

    Step Four: Evaluate and


    Step 4: Evaluate and celebrate achievements

    Goals• Review, evaluate and celebrate your Healthy Schools activities

    PART A • Evaluate

    As you complete each activity from your Action Plan, evaluate what workedwellandanyproblemsyoumayhaveexperienced.Addthis information to the Action Plan 31

    • Evaluationisimportanttolearniftheactivitieswereworthwhile, identify any problem areas, inspire new ideas and reconsider areas to avoid in the future

    • Determinehowyouwillevaluate(e.g.,survey,focusgroups,andinterviews)-yourevaluationdoesnotneedto be complicated; simple and concise is better

    Evaluation areas to focus on:

    • ThestepsoftheHealthySchoolsprocess–wereyouabletocompletethemall? 40

    • Theschoolcommunity–didtheschoolenjoytheactivities?Isthereadifferenceinthehealthstatusoftheschool? 34, 35

    • TheActionPlan–haveyoumetyouractivitygoalsasoutlined?

    • TheHealthySchoolCommittee–howeffectivewasthecommittee? 33

    • Discussandreflectonsuccessesandchallenges-identifyandreflecton achievements, areas to reconsider and any new or emerging needs

    • Lookforandrecordanychangeswithintheschoolthatmaybearesult of Healthy Schools and record them as successes on your committee’s Healthy Schools Action Plan

    PART B • Planfornextyear• Discussanychangesthatmaybeoccurringthatcouldaffect

    nextyear’sactivities• Setadateandplantheagendafornextyear’sfirstmeeting• Discussnextyear’sHealthySchoolsActionPlan–includeactivitiesyou

    did not get to this year and come up with new ideas 36

  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T12

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    3 Determined if you have met your activity goals

    Completed the steps of the Healthy Schools process

    Completed the Healthy School Committee End-of-Year Evaluation

    Gatheredfeedbackfrom: Parents Teachers/Staff Students Administration


    Communicated achievements with the school community

    Celebrated with the committee and the entire school community

    PART C • Celebrate achievements

    • Provideopportunitiesfortheschooltohearaboutthe completed activities

    • Sharesuccesseswithstudentsandstaffthrough a newsletter or announcement 39

    • Encouragestudentsandteacherstocommunicatetheir successes and submit new ideas

    • AcknowledgeandcelebratetheeffortsoftheHealthySchoolCommitteeand the whole school community, to strengthen school-wide support and commitment 38

    • Celebratesmallchanges,asanychangeisastepintherightdirection

    • Planayear-endcelebrationforthecommitteeandforthewholeschool-checkoutthetipsheet

    forhealthycelebrationideas! 37


    Checklist for Step 4:


  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T13

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k

    Process of Creating a Healthy School

    Determine interest of the school (initial consultation between

    principal/champion and public health nurse)

    Inform the school community about the

    Healthy Schools process (school council, parents, students, staff and other community members)

    Gaincommitment (principal and champion)

    Form a Healthy School Committee (parents,

    principals, teachers, school staff, students, community,

    public health nurse)

    Identify school strengths and needs (through

    surveys, interviews, focus groups, checklists, forums,

    suggestion box, etc.)Identify a

    priority topic area

    Develop an Action Plan (use a comprehensive

    approach to address all four foundations for a

    healthy school)

    Carry out the Action Plan

    Review and evaluate (what worked well,

    changes for next year)



  • T o r o n T o p u b l i c h e a l T h - T a k e a c T i o n T o w a r d s a h e a l T h y s c h o o l T o o l k i T14

    a d a p T e d w i T h T h e p e r m i s s i o n o f T h e c o m m u n i T y & h e a l T h s e r v i c e s d e p a r T m e n T o f T h e r e g i o n a l m u n i c i p a l i T y o f y o r k


    Healthy Schools Resource List

    1. Recruitment Strategies Tip Sheet

    2. AwarenessNewsletter

    3. Presentation Invitation

    4. HealthySchoolsBrochure

    5. BenefitsofHealthySchoolsFactSheet

    6. Invitation

    7. Sample Recruitment Poster

    8. Sample Announcement

    9. GettingOrganizedfortheFirstMeeting

    10. SampleAgendaforFirstMeeting

    11. Contact list

    12. Minute-takingTemplate

    13. Roles and Responsibilities Template

    14. WorkingasaGroupEffectivelyTipSheet

    15. SampleSurveyNewsletter

    16. Sample Student Survey

    17. Sample Teacher/Staff Survey

    18. Sample Parent/Family Survey

    19. VisioningExercise

    20. SampleSurveyUpdate

    21. Physical Activity Sample Action Plan Activities

    22. NutritionSampleActionPlanActivities

    23. BullyingPreventionSampleActionPlanActivities

    24. Hand Hygiene Sample Action Plan Activities

    25.a) Injury Prevention Elementary Sample Action Plan Activities

    b) Injury Prevention Secondary Sample Action Plan Activities

    26. Personal Hygiene Sample Action Plan Activities

    27. Healthy Relationships and Respect Sample Action Plan Activities

    28. StressandAnxietySampleActionPlanActivities

    29. Sun Safety Sample Action Plan Activities

    30. Activity Selection Template

    31. Action Plan Template

    32. SettingSMARTGoals

    33. End-of-Year Evaluation

    34. Student Feedback Form

    35. School Community Feedback Form

    36. ReflectionandPlanningforNextYear

    37. Healthy Celebration Ideas

    38. Recognition Certificate Template

    39. End-of-YearUpdate

    40. Implementation Checklist

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T1 Recruitment Strategies Tip Sheet

    The Student

    • Inviteavarietyofgradestoparticipate;remember,olderstudentswillbegraduatingandleavingtheschoolsoincludegrades4-12forabroaderagerange

    • InviteparticipationonthecommitteebypromotingHealthySchoolsandtheHealthySchoolsCommitteeatyour:• SchoolCouncilmeeting• Staffmeeting• StudentCouncilmeeting• OtherCommitteemeetings

    • PutuppostersaroundtheschooladvertisingHealthySchools• HandoutflyersatSchoolBarbecuenightorMeettheTeachernight 4,5• Haveasignupsheetatcurriculumandinterviewnightsforthoseinterestedinparticipating• UsecurrentresearchandstatisticssupportingHealthySchoolstoprovideevidenceofitseffectiveness 5• ProvideapresentationonHealthySchoolsforthewholecommunity• RunanannouncementthattheschoolisrecruitingHealthySchoolrepresentatives 8• Insertanannouncementintotheschoolnewsletterrequestinginvolvement 2,6• Talktoparentvolunteersalreadyintheschool• Postinformationontheschoolwebsite• HavetheprincipalorleadteacherinHealthySchoolsspreadtheword,theymayhavemoreinfluenceonparentsandteachers


    • FindmorechampionswhobelieveinaHealthySchoolandencouragethesepeopletopromotethebenefitstotheschool

    • Promoteandhighlightthehealthyactivitiesalreadyexistingintheschool• LookatotherschoolsforexamplesofwhatisworkingwelltoencouragetheschooltopromotethebenefitsofaHealthySchool

    • CreateaHealthCommitteeboardtopostinformationabouttheCommittee

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k




    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T2 Awareness Newsletter

    Healthy Schools, Healthy Learners!








    IfyouwouldliketolearnmoreaboutHealthySchools,contact at




  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k







    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T3 Presentation Invitation

    Come and learn about Healthy Schools!!





    Apresentationwillbegivenby on









  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k




    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T4 Healthy Schools Brochure

    Healthy Schools…Havelearningenvironmentswherechildrenandyoutharesupportedbytheirschoolcommunitytomakehealthylifestylechoices.

    The Healthy Schools program:





    Why a comprehensive approach?


    Best practice findingsHealthstatusisakeyfactorinschoolperformance.Nutritional,physical,social,andmentalchallengesaswellasriskylifestylechoicescanreduceacademicsuccess.Achild’sfeelingofbeingwelcomeandconnectedinschoolaffectsacademicandhealthstatus.

    “Healthy learners are better learners” (HealthCanada,2002)

    The Healthy Schools program complements school improvement, safe and supportive schools and the Ministry of Education’s Healthy Schools Recognition Program.

    All of these strategies:•focusonacademicachievementandhealthforall•promoteaccesstocommunityresources•engageparentsandstudents•promotepositiverelationships•usemultipleapproachestoaddressidentifiedproblems•identifyearlysignsofdetrimentalsocialissueswithintheschoolandrespondeffectively•areprocessesasopposedtoevents

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    Healthy Schools Brochure4H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T

    Healthy Schools promote engaged, motivated learners and help young people to:•enhancetheirhealth•developtotheirfullestpotential•establishproductiveandsatisfyingrelationshipsintheirpresentandfuturelives(CanadianAssociationforSchoolHealth)

    Become a Healthy School Consult with key stakeholdersatyourschooltodiscussHealthySchoolsanddetermineifthetimingisright.

    Identify your champion.Thisconsistent,committedpersonwillprovideleadershiptoyourHealthySchoolsinitiative.

    Call Toronto Health Connectionat416-338-7600tolinkwithaPublicHealthNurse.Thenursewillguideyourcham-pionandschoolinusingtheHealthySchoolsapproachbyprovidingvaluabletips,ideasandresources.

    Step 1:Form a Healthy School Committee Formacommitteemadeupofparents,studentsandteachers.Itmaybepartofanexistingcommittee.Meetregularlytowalkthroughthestepstoahealthierschool.

    Step 2:Survey your school to identify strengths & needs Basedonyourfindings,youmaydecidetotakeonatopicsuchashandwashing,nutrition,physicalactivityorbullying.

    Step 3: Develop and carry out the Action PlanUseacomprehensiveapproach.

    Step4: Evaluate and celebrate achievementsReview,evaluateandcelebrateyourHealthySchoolsactivities.

    Healthy Schools success story. Here is an example of what one school did:•FormedaSchoolHealthActionCommittee•HeldalogocontestwithstudentsandfamiliesandpaintedtheHealthySchoolsareCoollogoonawallintheschool•SetupaHealthySchoolsinformationboothoncurriculumnight

    Addressed the following key elements:Healthy fundraising:Changedfromcupcakestohealthy,lowfat,highfibrerecipes

    Healthy refreshments at school events: ProvidedfruitandvegetabletraysforeveryclassroomafterlaunchingtheHealthySchoolsprogramatanassembly

    Healthy classroom celebrations:Communicatedwithallschoolcommunitymemberstosendonlyhealthysnacksforclassroomcelebrations

  • H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S

    A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    Source: Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K-9) Alberta Learning, 2002

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T5 Benefits of Healthy Schools Fact Sheet

    The Student• Apositiveschoolenvironmentcanimprovelearning• Physicalactivitycanimprovebrainfunctioning,increasingacademicperformance• Studentswhoexperiencesuccessatschoolunderstandthevalueofgoodhealth• Healthybehaviourslearnedinchildhoodarelikelytocontinueinadulthood• Childrenwhoareempoweredtotakeresponsibilityfortheirhealthtakeprideintheirschool

    Staff• Staffwellnessprogramscanreducestressandimproveperformance• Staffwhoparticipateinhealthpromotionactivitiesaremorelikelytomodelpositivehealthmessagesthroughdailyinteractionswithstudents

    • Teacherscanteachmoreeffectivelywhentheirstudentsarehealthier

    The Family/Parent/Guardian/Caregiver • Parentsbecomeinvolvedwiththeirchildren,helpingthemapplyandintegratethenewhealthinformationtheyarelearning

    • Opportunitiesarecreatedforparentstogetinvolvedintheschoolcommunity• Parentscanlearnaboutkeepingtheirchildrenandtheirfamilieshealthy

    The School Community• HealthySchoolsleadto:improvedstudentsuccess,lowerabsenteeism,reduceddrop-outrates,lowerincidencesofsmokingandalcoholuse

    • Whenstudentsknowhowtocommunicate,resolveconflictswithoutviolenceandmanagestress,theyhelpcreateahealthyschoolenvironment

    • InaHealthySchool,prioritiescanbeestablishedandinstructionalandadministrativetimecanbemaximized

    • AHealthySchoolimprovesrelationshipsbetweenstudentsandstaffandmakestheschoolahealthierplacetolearnandwork

    Source: Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K-9) Alberta Learning, 2002

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k



    (insertcontactname) (insertcontactinformation) (insertnameofschool)

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T6 Invitation

    Do you want to make a difference in our school?




    Ifyouareinterestedandwouldliketolearnmoreaboutthecommittee,pleasejoinusatthefirstHealthySchoolCommitteemeetingon in



  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k


    Child’sname HomePhoneNumber


    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T7 Sample Recruitment Poster

    Attention all Parents! The committeewantstoknow…

    What are important health issues for you?

    How can we work together to find solutions?







  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k



    (insertcontactname) (insertcontactinformation)

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T8 Sample Announcement

    We are on our way to becoming a healthier school!

    conductedthefirstHealthySchoolCommitteemeetingon WewouldliketothankallthosewhocameoutinsupportofHealthySchools;yourenthusiasmisappreciated!




    Newmembersarealwayswelcome!IfyouareinterestedinjoiningorhaveaquestionpleasecontactourHealthySchoolChampion at

    We are one step ahead in making our school healthier!

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T9 Getting Organized for the First Meeting


    Visioning exerciseBeforegettingstarted,conductavisioningexerciseaskingthegroupabouttheirvisionofahealthyschool.Highlightwhattheschoolmayalreadybedoingtopromotehealth. 19

    An organized group is a successful one!ProvideafolderorDuo-TangtoeachmembertokeeptrackofallpapersandmaterialsrelatedtoHealthySchools.Thiswillalsomakestudentsfeelimportant!

    Review the agenda 10Haveanagendareadytohandouttomembers.Theagendashouldincludetopicsfordiscussion,atimeguidelineandthenameofthepersonresponsiblefortheitemforthefirstmeeting,theHealthySchoolChampionmaychoosetochair.Ifpossible,tryrotatingthechairforsubsequentmeetings.

    Have a volunteer take the minutes 12Brieflyexplainhowtotakeminutesforthosewhoareunfamiliar.Usethetemplateprovidedintheresourcesasaguide.Providememberswithacopyoftheminutesafterthemeeting.

    Establish roles and responsibilities 13Therolesandresponsibilitiesdeterminehowthecommitteewillrun.Theseguidelineswillpreventanymiscommunicationrightfromthestart.

    Discuss working as a group 14Brieflydiscussbasicguidelinesthegroupwillusetoworkcooperatively.

    Complete a Healthy School Committee contact listMakealistofcontactinformationforeachmember.Ifamemberisastudent,havethemprovidetheirclassroomandteacher’sname.Postacopyofthelistontheschoolbulletinboardsoschoolcommunitymembersknowwhotocontactifneeded.

    Participation is a step in the right direction!Commendthecommitteemembersforjoininginandparticipating.Encourageandbuildexcitementforthethingstocomeasaresultoftheirhelp!

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    Date: _____________________Time: _____________________Location: ___________________


    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T10 Sample Agenda for First Meeting












  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    Name of School:

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T11 Contact List

    Name Role(Student,Staff,Parent,Principal,




  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k


    Meeting Participants:


    Date/time/location of next meeting:


    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T12 Minute taking template

    AgendaItem DiscussionPoints ActionDecided ByWhomandByWhen

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k








    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T13 Roles and Responsibilities Template

    Purpose of Committee:


    Reports to:


    Roles of Members/Chair:


    Decision Making:

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T14 Working as a Group Effectively Tip Sheet


    Establish good communication• Listentootherswhentheyarespeaking• Shareinformationoneachother’sworkingstyles• Buildmutualtrust–keepteammembersinformed,provideanopenatmosphereforexpressionofideas• Onepersonspeaksatatime;taketurnspresentingideassothereisnotonepersondominatingthemeeting• Communicateequallyamongallmembers

    Identify roles of members• Encouragegroupmemberstoattendmeetingsregularly• Identifyindividualpreferenceforrolestheywouldliketotakeon• Haveeachpersonidentifytheirstrengthsandweaknesses• Beopenmindedwithideas• Eachmemberhasequitableroles• Completetheresponsibilitiesandjobsassigned• Respecteveryone’sopinionandideas• Askquestionswhenneeded• Participateregularly

    Other important tips• Startandendmeetingsontime• Watchforconflictanddealwiththemproactively-negotiateproblemsandaccommodatedifferencesinworkinghabits• Involvepeopleindifferentwaysbasedontheskillstheypossess• Makesureeveryoneonthecommitteeisclearaboutdecisionsmadeinthemeetings• Rotateresponsibilitiestoensurerolesaredividedupequally

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k



    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T15 Sample Survey Newsletter

    We want to know what is important to you!

    The HealthySchoolCommitteewouldliketoknowwhathealthissuesaremostimportanttoyou.Thecommitteewillbeprovidingsurveysforstudents,staffandparentstocomplete.Wewouldappreciateyourparticipationasthesesurveyswillhelpdeterminethehealthissuesandthehealthyactivitieswewillbedoinginourschool.




    at .Wethankyouforyourinput!

    Have a voice in your school - speak up and be a part of the change!

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k





    Name Teacher Grade



















    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T16 Sample Student Survey




  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k






    (nameofChampion) (insertcontactinformation)



















    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T17 Sample Teacher/Staff Survey



    Thank you for helping our school to become a healthier, safer place to learn. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcomments,pleasespeakwithorPublicHealthNurse

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k





    Committee Project Event OtherName PhoneNumber


    (nameofChampion) (insertcontactinformation)

    Healthyeating PhysicalActivity Playgroundsafety Loneliness Bullying/schoolviolence Theenvironment Dating Conflict Relationshipswithfamily

    Alcoholandsubstanceuse Peerpressure Suicide GrowthandDevelopment Racism StressandAnxiety InjuryPrevention TobaccoUse Relationshipswithfriends

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T18 Sample Parent/Family Survey




    Thank you for helping our school to become a healthier, safer place to learn. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcomments,pleasespeakwithorPublicHealthNurse

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T19 Visioning Exercise


    Discussion Questions

    Champion/chair records responses on a flip chart:


    Visioning Activity – What is your vision of a healthy school community?Imagineyourschoolcommunitytwoyearsfromnow.YouareataHealthySchoolscelebrationeventtocelebratethesuccessesyouhaveachieved.Onthispieceofpapertakeafewminutestowritedownallyourthoughts(listthem,mindmaps,justgetthemdown)thenwewillsharetogether.• Whatdoesyourschoollooklikeasahealthyandthrivingschoolcommunity?• Whatdoyousee/hear/feel?• Whatdoestheschoolcommunitylooklike?• Howdopeoplefeel?• Whatprogramsandservicesarethereinplace?• Whathaschanged?


  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k





    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T20 Sample Survey Update

    Another step in the right direction!

    The HealthySchoolCommitteeconductedsurveysofstudents,staffandparentstoidentifythehealthneedsofourschool.Indoingso,thecommitteehaslearnedalotaboutthehealthofourschool.Thankstoallwhocompletedthesurvey;yourinputwasinvaluableindeterminingtheneedsofourschool.





    Ifyouhaveanyquestions,concernsoradditionalideasonhowwecanaddresstheseissues,feelfreetocontactanyofthecommitteemembersorourHealthySchoolChampion at


    You spoke, we listened! Stay tuned for fun activities coming your way!

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - Physical Ac tivity21 Sample Action Plan Activities





    Active Fundraisers and Funding Opportunities:• Relatelessonstocurrentfundraisingactivities(i.e.Jump Rope for HearthasresourcessuchasHeart HealthyLessonPlansandJump Into the Curriculum

    Physical Activity in the Curriculum:•HaveanActiveFunsectioninthelibraryforbooksthathavepositivephysicalactivitymessages

    • Tryoutactiveteachingstrategies(i.e.AlphabetRelay,communitymappingwithwalkaboutetc.)

    • RequestaTake Action Towards Healthy LivingBe Activepackageformoreideas

    Enhancing Daily Physical Activity (DPA):• EstablishaweeklyschoolwideDPAactivity•TeachersmeetstudentsbeforeorattheendofrecessforDPAoutside

    Safe Environment for Physical Activity:• Encouragestaffandstudentstopracticesunsafety

    • Putgraderelatedpostersaroundtheschoolthathighlightsafepracticesforphysicalactivityi.e.helmetandothersafetyequipmentusage

    Equipment and Space for Physical Activity:• Promotetheavailabilityanduseofsportsandactivityequipmentatrecess,beforeandafterschool

    • Providebikerackand/orstorageareasforhelmets

    • RequestaTake Action Towards Healthy LivingBe Activepackageformoreideas

    Student Nutrition Programs

    Active Celebrations and Rewards:• Celebratewithanactiveexcursionandpointouttheactivities

    • PlanactivitiestocorrespondtotheHealthySchoolsCalendar(e.g.OctoberInternationalWalktoSchoolWeekandDay,SportsDay,OntarioGames)

    • Organizeakilometrecluborintramuralsportattheschoolduringlunchtimeorafterschool

    Supportive Guidelines and Policies:• Useasuggestionboxtofindoutiftherearebarriersorconcernsforstudentsorstaffthatarepreventingthemfrombeingactive

    • Postamapoftheneighbourhoodsothatstudentsandfamiliescanpostorknowwhatisavailableintheirneighbourhood

    Positive Staff Role Modeling and Reinforcement:• Staffcanwalk/biketooratschool• Startstaffmeetingswithactive“energizers”• RequestaTake Action Towards Healthy Living

    Be Active package

    Active Opportunities Before, Between and After Class:• Linkwithneighbouringschoolsforphysicalactivityevents,initiativesorchallenges

    • Engageparentstoparticipateorleadschoolwidephysicalactivities

    • HaveaHalloween,autumnorjigglebellwalkaroundneighbourhood

    • RequestaTake Action Towards Healthy LivingBe Active packageformoreideas

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - HealthyEating22 Sample Action Plan Activities





    Nutrition Education for Students:•OPHEAHealthandPhysicalEducationCurriculumSupports:HealthyLiving

    • Ideasforconnectingnutritiontoothersubjectareas(e.g.languagearts,mathematics,science/socialsciences)•Who Are You? Bodyimagepromotiondisplayandactivities•Rethink What You Drink workshop•PAannouncements-seeTake Action Toward

    Healthy Living: Eat Well

    Nutrition Education for Staff: •Professionaldevelopmentworkshopsonvarioustopicsincludingcreatingahealthyschoolnutritionenvironment,promotinghealthybodyimageandself-esteem

    Healthy, culturally appropriate food choices are offered or sold• seeTake Action Toward Healthy Living:

    Eat Well•Healthyfundraising•Schoolmilkprogram•Healthyvendingmachines•Healthytuckshops•Healthyspecialfooddays•Non-foodstudentrewards•Healthyclassroomcelebrations•Healthyrefreshmentsatschoolevents

    Safe food practices and allergy safe environment:•Sabrina’sLaw•Safefoodhandlingpractices•Properhand-washing•Safeandpleasanteatingareas

    Student Nutrition Programs:•Breakfast,snackandlunchprograms

    School garden

    Food and Nutrition Policies:• TheSchoolFoodandBeveragePolicy(PPM150)


    Positive role-modelling by staff, stu-dents and parent volunteers:•Healthyeating•Healthybodyimage

    Nutrition Education for Parents/care-givers:•HealthyLunchesworkshop/foodskillsworkshops

    •Schoolnewsletterinserts-seeTake Action Toward Healthy Living: Eat Well


    Appropriate scheduling of nutrition breaks:•Adequatetimetoeatlunchandsnacks

    Toronto Public Health:•HealthConnectionstospeaktoaRegisteredDietitian

    Other Community Partners:• FoodShareToronto•EatRightOntario•HeartandStrokeFoundation•DairyFarmersofCanada(Ontario)

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - BullyingPrevention23 Sample Action Plan Activities





    Classroom Activities:•RefertoTDSB&/orTCDSBBullyingpreventioncurriculumsupportresources


    • Involvestudentsinestablishingclassroomrulesornormsthatsupportpositivebehaviour

    •RequestaTake Action Towards a Healthy School Social Emotionalpackage

    School Staff:•Provideteacherswithinformationortraininginordertohaveconsistentschoolwideresponsestobullying

    • Educatestaffregardinggenderspecificinterventionsrelatedtobullying



    Students:• Involvestudentsandcreateaninformationbulletinboardtopromotepositivebehaviour



    School Staff:•Coordinatesupervisioninproblemareaswithintheschool(e.g.hallways,washrooms,cornersoftheplayground)




    • ImplementanapprovedbullyingpreventionprogramfromtheOntarioRegistryofBullyingPreventionPrograms.Considerprogramsthatintegrateallgradesandusesapeer-ledmodel

    • Involveparentsandstudentstoplanactivities(e.g.presentations,skits,plays)throughouttheyeartopromotepositivebehaviours,socialinclusionandrespect





    Toronto Public Health:• InvitetheLiaisonPublicHealthNursetomeetwiththeHealthySchoolCommittee

    • InformstudentsabouttheKidsHelpPhonehotline


    • socialproblemsolving(teachstudentsconstructiveproblemsolving)


    Other Community Partners: •CommunityHealthCentres•Police•Recreation

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - HandHygiene24 Sample Action Plan Activities





    Classroom Activities:•ShowtheTorontoPublicHealthDVDLather,

    Rinse and Defeat Germsduringclass,lunchoratassembly

    •Provideinteractivepresentationtoallgradesonhandwashingusingthe Glo-Germ resources

    •UseSudsy – Just Wash ‘EM activitysheetswithstudentsfromkindergartentoGrade3


    Parents:• Trainparentstopresenthandhygienetostudentsinallgrades


    •PostCover Your CoughandHand Sanitizer postersintheclassroomandcommonareas

    School Staff:•Provideadequatesoapandhanddryersinschools



    • Inviteparentassociationstopurchasehandsanitizerforstudentstouseinschoolwithsupervision

    Students:• EstablishaHealthySchoolCommitteeinvolvingTorontoPublicHealth,students,schoolstaff,andparentstoensurehandhygieneisapriorityintheschool


    • Insertarticleinschool’snewsletter•HavestudentsmakePAannouncementinthemorningandatlunchtime


    School Staff:•Developschoolguidelinesonhandhygieneforoutdoorschooleventssuchastrackmeetsorfieldtrips


    For resources on handwashing•MinistryofHealthandLongTermCare•CommunityandHospitalInfectionControlAssociation


  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - InjuryPreventionElementary25a Sample Action Plan Activities





    RISKWATCH (JK- Gr.8)• Includeslessonplans,activities,andresources

    ThinkFirst (JK- Gr.8)•Curriculumsupportoninjuryprevention

    OPHEA Curriculum (Gr. 1-8)• LessonplanssupportingtheOntarioHealth&PhysicalEducationCurriculum

    CAMH (Gr. 1-8)• LessonplansonsubstancemisusewhichsupporttheOntarioHealth&PhysicalEducationCurriculum

    Toronto Public Health • Grade3-4injurypreventionpackageforteachers

    • Factsheetsandpamphletsonpedestriansafety,wheelsafety,childandpassengersafetyetc.

    • Schoolpolicyonsafesport/playgroundstopreventinjury


    • Bullyingpreventionpolicyinschools• Schoolpolicyregardingmandatorybikehelmetswhenstudentsridetheirbikestoschool


    •Postinjurypreventionpostersinschool• Familytocreateandrehearsefireescapeplanathome

    •At Home Alone (TPH)-A2-hourworkshopforparentsandtheir10-14yrolds

    •Kids Have Stress Too!(TPH)-Aprogramtohelpparentsmanagestressintheirchildren

    • Peerleadershipprogram(TPH)-inelementaryandmiddleschoolstoaddressinjurypreventionandsubstancemisuseprevention

    • MakePAannouncementswithkeysafetymessagesthroughouttheyear

    •ParticipateinSafeKidsWeekactivities• Includeseasonalsafetytipsinparentsnewsletter(e.g.wheelsafetyinspring,watersafetyinthesummer,pedestriansafetyinthefall,tobogganingandiceskatingsafetyinwinter)

    • EstablishHealthySchoolCommitteetoaddressschoolsafetyissuesusingthehealthyschoolapproach

    • TorontoPublicHealth–provideconsultation,presentationsandresourcesonwheelsafety,carseatsafety,injuryprevention

    Other Community Partners• CityofTorontoFireServices–firepreventionresources

    • SafeKidsCanada•RISKWATCH• SMARTRISK•OntarioPhysicalandHealthEducationAssociation(OPHEA)

    • ThinkFirst• CentreforAddictionandMentalHealth(CAMH)

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - InjuryPreventionSecondary25b Sample Action Plan Activities





    Youth In Control (TPH)• Apeer–ledprogramthatfocusonsafepartying.Ithelpsyouthtoidentifyrisks&responsibilitiesandtodevelopstrategiestostaysafewhenorganizingorattendingsocialevents

    What’s With Weed (TPH)• Apeer-ledprogramonthedangerofmarijuanause.Materialincludesfactsheets,CD,DVDandpresentations

    CAMH – Youth Outreach Service• Interactiveweb-basedresourcesforyouth

    • Postsafedrivingpostersaroundtheschool• Distributevalentinecards,postcardsaboutsafepartyingatvariousschoolevents


    • Distributepromotionalitemswithsafepartyingorsafedrivingmessageattached

    • Involvestudentsinplanningandorganizingactivitiesandeventsinschooltopromotesafepartying

    • Provideinformationtoparentsonsafepartyingandsubstancemisusepreventione.g.postinginformationonschoolwebsite,organizingparentinformationsession


    • InviteOSAIDorCAMH’sYouthOutreachServicestoprovideteentrainingworkshop


    • EstablishaHealthySchoolCommitteetoaddresssafepartyingand/orsubstancemisusepreventionusingtheHealthySchoolapproach

    • TorontoPublicHealth-provideconsultationandsupportincludingdisplays,pamphlets,resources,andpromotionalmaterials

    • PreventAlcoholandRisk-RelatedTraumainYouth(P.A.R.T.Y.)-ProgramatSunnybrook

    • MothersAgainstDrunkDriving(MADD)–videoandguestspeakers

    •BreakawayAddictionServices• CentreforAddictionandMentalHealth(CAMH)-printresourcesandvideo.ReferralcanbemadetoYouthOutreachService(YOS)

    • MinistryofTransportation(MTO)• OntarioStudentsAgainstImpairedDriving(OSAID)

    • ArriveAliveDriveSober• ParentActiononDrugs(PAD)

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - Personal Hygiene26 Sample Action Plan Activities





    Classroom Activities:

    OPHEA Health and Physical Educa-tion Curriculum Supports: •Always Changing resource–addressesthetransitionbetweenchildhoodandadolescence,andthebeginningstagesofpuberty


    •RequestaTake Action Towards a Healthy School Personal Hygienepackage

    Students:• Involvestudentsandcreateaninformationbulletinboard




    Staff & Administration:•Providestudentswithasafeareawheretheycandiscusspersonalhygieneissueswithadesignatedstaffmember


    Parents:• Encourageparentstosendchildrentoschoolwithachangeofclothingwhentheyareparticipatinginsportingeventsorgymclass

    School Community Initiatives:•HealthySchoolCommittee–planactivitiesrelatedtopersonalhygiene(e.g.aschoolwideawarenesscampaign)






    Toronto Public Health:• LiaisonPublicHealthNurse-InviteyourliaisonPHNtoyourHealthySchoolCommitteetodiscusspersonalhygiene



    Other Community Partners:•CanadianDentalAssociation•Brushamania•SmileCity

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - HealthyRelationshipsandRespec t27 Sample Action Plan Activities





    Classroom Activities:• Engagestudentsindiscussionsre:respectfulrelationships





    •RequestaTake Action Towards a Healthy School Social Emotionalpackage



    School Staff:•Createprivatespaceswithintheschoolwherestudentscansafelyreportincidents



    School wide Initiatives:•Createclearbehaviouralpolicies(e.g.schoolCodeofConductorNo-Harassmentpolicies)

    • Encourageteacherstoadoptanat-riskstudenttogreetdaily/weeklyinanefforttobuildsupportiverelationships


    • Establishadiversityclubtoprovidestudentswithanopportunitytodiscusswaystomakeallstudentsfeelwelcomedintheschool


    Toronto Public Health:• InvitetheLiaisonPublicHealthNursetomeetwithyourHealthySchoolCommitteetodiscussthesocialimplicationsforstudentsrelatedtohealthyrelationshipsandrespect

    Other Community Partners:• InformstudentsabouttheKidsHelpPhonehotline



  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - Stress andAnxiety28 Sample Action Plan Activities





    Classroom Activities:• Talkwithstudentsaboutthepossiblecausesofstressandwaysofcoping

    • Incorporatediscussionsoractivitiesacrossthecurriculum

    • Identifywaystoaddressstressandanxietyintheclassroom(e.g.physicalactivity)

    School Staff:•Providein-servicere:identifyingsignsandsymptomsofstressinstudents



    Students:• Involvestudentstocreatepeacefulandpositivespacestorelaxormeditate




    School Staff:•Setupareasinschoolsforstudentstoparticipateinphysicalactivitiesorinterestclubs


    School Wide Initiatives:•Conductsurveyonmentalhealthneeds/issues





    Parents: • Inviteparentstoparticipateinschoolactivitiesandcelebrations


    •RequestTorontoPublicHealth’sKids Have Stress Too!parentingworkshop

    Toronto Public Health:• InvitetheLiaisonPublicHealthNursetotheHealthySchoolCommittee

    Other Community Partners:• Involvethewholeschoolcommunityinmentalwellnessinitiatives


    • Invitelocalcommunitymentalhealthagenciestoofferworkshopstoparents,stafforstudents(e.g.CAMH,Hincks-Delcrest,Youthlink,AcrossBoundaries)


    •RequestaTake Action Towards a Healthy School Social Emotionalpackage

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T - SunSafety29 Sample Action Plan Activities





    •UV Index Sun Awareness Program(HealthCanada)• Sky Watchers – Teachers’ Corner, Teacher’s


    • Sun Protection: A Primary Teaching Resource–WorldHealthOrganization

    • Video–Sun Safe Play Everyday!–ages2-6(CanadianDermatologyAssociation)

    Theschoolhasawrittensunsafetypolicy/recommendationswithguidelinesfor:• Studentsandstaff–duringrecess,classesheldoutdoorsandoutdoorschooleventssuchassportseventsandschooltrips

    •Sun Safe Event Planning Guide for Outdoor Events (TorontoPublicHealth)

    ShadeUseandDevelopment•See: EcoSchools Designing for Shade and

    Energy Conservation guideforideas•Assessyourschoolplayareasforshade• Involveyourschooland/orparentcouncilintreeplantingprogramsandotheropportunitiestocreateshade


    • Encouragestafftobesunsaferolemodelsandpromotesunsafety

    • UsetheSun Safe Event Planning Guide for Outdoor Events (TorontoPublicHealth)foroutdoorevents,includingfitnessandsportsdays

    • HaveasunsafetylaunchduringSunAwarenessWeek

    • HostaschoolwideeventsuchasSillyHatDay• UsePAannouncementsfromTake Action

    Towards Healthy Living: Be Sun Safepackage•AnnounceUVIndexforecastsandrecommendedsunprotectionstrategies

    Parent Supports• Factsheets,pamphlets,posters,bookmarks• Parentnewsletterarticles(seeTake Action package)

    • SchoolCouncilpresentations

    Toronto Public Health • Sunsafetyinformationandeventplanning• Take Action Towards Healthy Living: Be Sun

    Safe package•Sun Safe Event Planning Guide for Outdoor

    Events• StaffandSchoolCouncilpresentations•Printresources

    Other Community Partners• EcoSchoolsandEvergreenforshadedevelopment



    • OntarioSunSafetyWorkingGroup:information;curriculumresources

  • A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T 30 Activity Selection Template










  • H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T

    A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    31 Action Plan TemplateTheHealthySchoolsActionPlanTemplatewillbeusedbyHealthySchoolCommitteestoguidethedevelopment,implementationandevaluationofaschoolcommunityactionplan.


    Foundation Definition ExamplesRelatedtoSocialEmotionalHealth



    • Incorporatediscussionsoractivitiesonmentalwellnessinthecurriculum


    Aclean,safe,healthyenvironmentincludes:• Theschoolbuildingandgrounds•Routestoandfromschool•Materialsandequipmentused•Foodsoffered



    Socialsupportsavailablewithintheschoolincludes:• Formalsupports(schoolpolicies,rules,clubs,supportgroups)• Informalsupports(unstructuredpeerinteraction,rolemodeling,communityparticipation,activestudentandparentparticipation)


    CommunityPartnerships Provideaccesstoresourcesandservicesavailabletosupportstaff,studentsandfamiliesinthedevelopmentandimplementationofHealthySchools.Servicescouldincludescreening,referralandtreatment,guidanceservicesandavarietyofhealthservices.Includesvariousorganizations:•PublicHealth,Police,grocerystores,Parks&Recreation,Socialservices&otherorganizations


  • H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T

    A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k


    Action Plan Template31

    Healthy School Committee

    CommitteeMember Role(i.e.Administrator,Teacher,SchoolStaff,Student,Parent,CommunityPartner)


  • H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T

    A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

    32 Setting SMART Goals

    In developing the action plan, be sure that your goals and activities are SMART!



    Action OrientedDecidehowyouwillmeetyourgoal.Whataction(s)willbedonetoensureyouachieveyourobjective?Outlineyouractionsintheactionplan.



  • H E A L T H Y S C H O O L S T O O L K I T

    A d A p t e d w i t h t h e p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y & h e A l t h s e r v i C e s d e p A r t m e n t o f t h e r e g i o n A l m u n i C i p A l i t y o f y o r k

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    Parent/Guardian School Staff Student Principal Community Member

    1. The meetings start and end o