Healthy eating tips for working women

Post on 07-May-2015

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Healthy Eating tips for working women. These days women equally contribute towards income generation of a family.Due to long working hours and busy lifestyle women hardly find time to focus on their health.Busy Lifestyle,Long Working Hours,Unhealthy Eating Habits,Lack of Activity,Lifestyle Related Disorders are some the issues women face these days. GENERAL HEALTHY EATING TIPS •Eating breakfast is very healthy as it gives a much needed raise to the sluggish BMR. •Avoid one bite meals as mid time snacks •Include negative calorie foods Include foods rich in antioxidants, phyto-chemicals •Include energy boosting foods – flaxseeds, prunes, walnuts, almonds, alfalfa sprouts, sunflower, melon seeds •Include high biological value protein – soybean, tofu, mushrooms, skim milk powder Improve calcium, iron intake add sesame seeds, ragi flour, skim milk powder, soya flour to chapatti Atta •Add oat bran, wheat bran to boost fiber intake •Include wheat germ to boost vitamin E intake (

Transcript of Healthy eating tips for working women


Busy Lifestyle

Long Working Hours

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Lack of Activity

Lifestyle Related Disorders

Managing Healthy Lifestyle

•Thirst signals can be mistaken for


•Eat smaller frequent meals

•Do not use food as a reward, solace

•Make heart healthy substitutions

•Eat junk food in moderation

• Read food labels

• De stress

• Sleep well – 8 hrs

• Go for regular health check ups



You get up late, grab some cereal, dash to work and by 11

o’clock realize you’re starving! Sound familiar?

If so, you need to rediscover the importance of the pack up,

and how to pack a lunch which will save you from the

downfall of quick fix chocolate, crisps, high calorie pre-

packed sandwiches and fast food outlets…

Don’t Let Time Be Your Enemy

• If you don’t think there’s time in your morning routine make it the

night before. When time isn’t a concern you will find it can be

enjoyable planning lots of healthy treats to enjoy the following day.

Plan Your Snacks

• Snacks are the perfect way to control your blood sugar

levels and hence your hunger. Plan a few healthy snacks

for the times when you know you get hungry. Low fat

yogurts, carrot batons with cottage cheese or a slice of

whole meal bread with honey (or reduced sugar jam) are

better alternatives.

Don’t Fear Fruit • If you’re not used to eating fruit, don’t punish yourself

by chucking in the "dieter’s apple". Unless you’re an apple lover, you won’t eat it! Try to make it fun - slice it up, coat it in lemon juice (to stop it going brown) and toss in a few red grapes. Now you’ve got some interesting finger food for that 11 o’clock low! Make it bite size and mess free and you’re more likely to indulge - pineapple or melon cubes, orange and kiwi slices, or a handful of berries are all ideal.

• Satisfying Sandwiches

Make your sandwiches interesting - like the ones which tempt you from the supermarket shelf! Wraps, pittas all make a welcome change from the sliced white bread with ham routine. Go easy on the meat or cheese and fill it up with salad. Try leaving out the butter or mayo and using a healthy option salad dressing (mustard, lime juice) add taste, not fat.

• Wraps: Stuffing's can be prepared and stuffed

in tortillas or plain crepes etc. for a delicious


• Ready made solutions: When shopping, go

for shredded cabbage, sliced vegetables,

canned, diced tomatoes and some frozen

vegetables to save you a lot of time when

making salads and vegetable dishes.

• Pasta Lover's Lunch Salad. Pack a cold pasta salad

.Make your salad with lean meat or low-fat cheese (so it

has some protein), lots of vegetables to boost fiber and

use a whole-grain blend pasta. Then just drizzle some

light vinaigrette over the top and toss.

• For protein, wrap some seasoned chicken or turkey in a leaf or two of red lettuce. Add a piece of fruit.

• Fill celery sticks with cream or curd cheese or nut butter, and wrap in cling film to transport.

• Bring some cut up raw vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, peppers and celery, with a container of cottage cheese as a dip.

• Season a pot of plain yoghurt with chopped nuts, and enjoy with a piece of crunchy fruit.

• Bake a sweet potato and sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg for a sweet but healthy snack.

• Chop an apple into a mashed can of tuna, and eat it with celery sticks, carrots, pepper and cauliflower florets.

• Other nutritious foods include sardines, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds and virtually all fruits and vegetables.

While Eating Out

• Choose smaller sized portions.

• While eating Pizzas choose pizzas with thin crusts and go easy on the

cheese and extra meat toppings.

• Opting for low fat alternatives to traditional fast food such as a salad,

baked potato and grilled chicken salad is another good step towards

building good healthy food habits.

• Macoroni and cheese, 1 cup has 380 calories. Opt for a whole wheat

pasta (1 cup) tossed with olive oil (1 tsp) and garlic (1 clove), 214

calories. This option gives you more fiber and makes a heart healthy


For practical hints - alternative food items are indicated as follows

Items Alternatives

• Salad oil (1 tsp)/mayonnaise Lemon dressing (0 kcal)

dressing 1 tbs (100 kcal)

• Sour cream (210 kcal/100 g) Yoghurt (60 kcal/100 g)

• Regular pudding or dessert Fresh fruit as a dessert (40 kcal/piece)

(average 150 kcal/serving)

• Aerated soft drink (60-80 kcal) Plain soda with fresh lime (0 kcal)

• Whole milk (170 kcal/glass) Skimmed milk (80 kcal/glass)

• Sherbat (80 lcal/glass) Butter milk (40 kcal/glass)

"He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes

the skills of the physician."

(Chinese proverb)