Healthy city presentation

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Group # 3

Transcript of Healthy city presentation

Healthiest City of Pakistan 2033

Islamabad has won the inaugural “Healthiest City of Pakistan” award and was declared a

‘Healthy City’ according to WHO Standards.

What is a Healthy City?

WHO defines the Healthy City as:

"one that is continually creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources which enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and in developing to their maximum potential.“


What is a Healthy City?

A city where

People are healthy, active and energetic.

Content and happy with the services and available facilities.

Environment is healthy and pollution free.

Health care facilities and public-health is the top-priority

What I see in my city!

What I see in my city!

A clean and green city

Clean pollution-free environment

Clean streets

What I see in my city!

Proper Water Treatment Plant

What I see in my city!

Renewable clean energy sources

What I see in my city!

Excellent Health-care facilities

Healthy activities promoted heavily e.g. cycling and jogging

What I see in my city!

Car pooling system resulting in even lesser pollution.

Fines implemented on any vehicle not utilizing at-least 50% capacity.

What I see in my city!

Bus Rapid Transit

Personal Rapid Transit

Subway System

How did we get here?

“Everyone Must Plant” mission resulted in a greener city.

How did we get here?

Ban on non-degradable plastic bags resulted in a clean waste free environment.

How did we get here?

Maximum recycling of solid waste.

Anything and everything that could be reused.

How did we get here?

Industry shifted to sub-urban areas



How did we get here?

Proper water treatment setup was installed to provide clean and healthy drinkable water to everyone.

How did we get here?

Solar and wind power was properly utilized.

How did we get here?

Green Buildings

How did we get here?

Health awareness campaigns resulted in people adapting to a healthier life style.

Jogging and cycling promoted.

Healthy food policies implemented in offices.

Disease prevention preferred over treatment.

Health insurance policies resulting in better health facilities for all.

Healthy activities promoted i.e. sports and games.

How did we get here?

Use of PRT and BRT was promoted.

Car-pooling system.

Use of less vehicles resulted in less pollution.

Reduced carbon footprint


“What's the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?” 

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”


Thank You!!