Healthcare consumerism imagine a world

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Healthcare consumerism imagine a world

What if managing your health could be as easy

as using Amazon?

The last, best customer experience anyone has anywhere

Is  their  minimum  expecta0on  for  the  healthcare  experiences  they  want  everywhere…  

…for  everyone,  every  0me,  at  any  0me,  and  on  any  device  

In 3-5 years, healthcare companies must deliver a remarkable customer experience…

Driving Health & Wellness through a cognitive cloud is what makes consumerism a strategic tool

Lead With Customer Experience

Employ Design


Use Any Device At Any Time

Consumerism Must Be: Cognitive, 24x7, Transactional, Personalized

Consumers do not want to call

Consumers want to engage with mobile devices

Consumers want to know, “Am I healthy today?”

Designing A Better Care Model

What Would Make The Care Model More Effective for Patients?

What  Is  Missing?  •  Healthcare  has  no  habitual,  current  informa0on  

about  all  aspects  of  the  pa0ent’s  health  •  There  is  liBle  capability  to  demonstrate:  

•  Are  pa0ents  taking  their  medica0on  •  Are  they  taking  it  correctly  &  all  of  it  •  Are  they  refilling  it  on  0me  

•  Are  they  geHng  beBer  •  What  other  illnesses  may  they  have  

How Can The Wellness Model Become Effective for Patients & Consumers?

Nothing  Is  Known  About  Someone’s  Current  Health:  

EMR:  Data  about  how  someone’s  health    was  about  a  specific  illness  

Neither  providers,  payers,  or  pharma  accesses  the  data  people  collect  using  smart  apps  and  wearables  

Patients & Consumers Are Asking… Who Wants To Manage My Wellness? Pa0ents  &  Consumers  collect  a  lot  of  health  data…  

Health  Apps  


Healthcare  does  not  collect,  assess  or  respond  to  consumers  about  their  own  health  data  

The Data Patients & Consumers Collect is… …almost worthless

“I’m  not  a  security  guard;  I’m  a  security  monitor…The  bank  is  being  robbed.”  

The  health  data  people  collect  about  themselves  is  not  even  monitored  

Patients & Consumers Are Asking… How Can You Help Me Be Healthy?

•  Collect  my  health  data  every  day  •  Turn  my  data  into  informa0on  •  Analyze  the  informa0on  •  Tell  me  what  to  do  •  Let  me  interact  cogni0vely  with  you  

Habitual,  COGNITIVE  Health…”OK  Google”  

OnStar Is Doing This Today For Cars

•  They  collect  my  car’s  data  every  day  •  Turn  my  data  into  informa0on  •  They  analyze  my  informa0on  •  They  tell  me  when  my  car  needs  a  checkup  

Nobody Is Doing This Today For Cars

…but they could…

! Real-time access & engagement

! User-Centered-Design for a great user experience

! Reduces the number of calls & repeat calls

! Triples the customer service hours

!  Increases care coordination, patient acquisition & retention

!  Increases customer and patient satisfaction

“OK Google. Please schedule the next available MRI”

“We have one at 10 Monday morning. But if you take the 6 PM appointment, we will discount you 10%, and if you pay now, we will discount another 10%. Also, I see you need a refill on your Toprol. Would you like me to refill that?”

What Could A Cognitive, Customized Healthcare Concierge Do?

What Are The Benefits Of A Healthcare Concierge?

!  “Own” the consumer by owning their health data

!  Increase Patient & Consumer acquisition

!  Increase Patient & Consumer retention and referrals

! Capture more of the healthcare food chain

! Turn wellness consumers into patients

! Become the provider of choice, and make PCP visits the exception

!  Improve care

! Drive wellness & earn wellness reward points

“I will keep my appointment.””

“Your appointment at the is running 30 minutes late. May we reschedule it for you? We awarded you 100 wellness points for the inconvenience.”

“Both of your children need back to school physicals. We added extra practitioners the week of August 3rd to provide physicals. Your daughter Sally needs the Tdap vaccine. Do you want to schedule these?”

What if Consumers & Patients Could Manage Health & Wellness Simply By Saying “OK Google?”

Recasting how Patients & Consumers Manage their Health

Consumers demand a Healthcare Consumerism Model that is:







SINGLE  IDENTITY  Connect    The  Dots    


Connects  every  Individual  touch  point  into  a  single  view  


Manage  Behaviors    At  Scale    

 Manages  everything  about  each  individual,  easily  and  at  scale  


Automate  CommunicaCons      

Gets  personal  with  each  Individual,  one  at  a  0me  

and  in  real-­‐0me  


Capture  Every  AcCon      

Captures  and  manages  behavior  across  every  digital  

and  offline  channel    to  build  unparalleled  insight  

into  each  individual  


Understand  Path  To  Revenue  

 Discovers  individual  

preferences  by  analyzing  data  from  all  devices  and  


Real Consumer Engagement Requires…

Cognitive Cloud-Based Consumerism Platform Making Health & Wellness Easy, Habitual, & Interactive

Shop for Plan Shop for Procedure Member Incentives

Healthcare Consumerism Must Become as Easy & User-Friendly as… Amazon, Retail Banking, UBER, & Pokémon

Health Care

Proactive Wellness

Together, We Can Redefine Healthcare Consumerism