Healthcare can't get by on bandage fixes anymore.

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Healthcare can't get by on bandage fixes anymore.

Emerging digital technologies will enable a level of care as personalized as our DNA.

Healthcare’s coming reboot

• From the hospital operating room to the administration’s back office, we are seeing the end of healthcare as we know it, and the birth of the next new age of medicine.

• In this new normal, the healthcare industry will shift from sick care to wellness and prevention, with patients becoming active collaborators in their own care.

• Information and analytics will become the lifeblood of healthcare, driving innovations from drug development to personalized medicine.

• Data sharing will be central to healthcare’s transformation, but measures must be in place to ensure patient information stays secure.

Fracturing under the weight of multiple stresses, the healthcare industry is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. Yet the very things that ail healthcare may also prove to be its cure.

Healthcare needs healing

• Rising costs, fragmented systems and a growing, aging world population are placing increased pressures on an already stressed healthcare system.

• Running on legacy IT systems and standard treatment protocols will not suffice to meet the mounting global challenges.

• Providers, as well as public and private payers, must develop new ways to contain runaway costs.

• The industry must find a way to reduce complexity and open up closed electronic health records systems while still ensuring privacy.

From remote monitoring to specialized apps, healthcare technology enablers are taking medicine beyond traditional clinical settings and creating a new continuum of care.

Care without boundaries

• The era of routine office visits and hospital stays for minor ailments will soon end.

• Telehealth, mobile and IoT-based healthcare solutions are set to revolutionize the patient experience, breaking down the established boundaries of where, when and how healthcare takes place.

• In the new continuum of care, providers and payers will need to work together to create systems of integrated-care delivery, in which everything will connect.

More and more, payers and providers understand that prevention can help save lives and cut costs — potentially by trillions of dollars.

Prevention is priceless

• Healthcare providers can no longer afford to focus on sick care. They must empower patients to manage their own wellness.

• By shifting treatment from episodic care to continuous care, integrated care models will help improve clinical and economic outcomes.

• Population health management is the key to accountable care and healthcare reform. But success requires seamless data integration.

• However, for preventive medicine to be truly effective, stakeholders will need to ensure that patient access and support are available at every possible touchpoint.

Equipped with wearables and smartphones that deliver a wealth of medical information, the digital patient will help orchestrate her own care.

Power to the patient

• Wearables and other new technologies are helping to put patients in the driver’s seat.

• Healthcare providers are going to have to set up processes and acquire technologies to manage the new surge of wearable-generated data.

• Biology, technology and powerful data analytics are coming together to enable an unprecedented level of individualized care.

• Realizing the potential of patient empowerment is about putting the right data in the right hands at the right time, in any environment.

How IT can help create a healthier world.

A promising prognosis

• Modern-day healthcare systems need to embrace the life-changing promise of digitization.

• To enable a powerful, patient-centric healthcare system requires the benefits of a simplified infrastructure that’s efficient, flexible and scalable.

• Access to information is fast becoming the lifeblood of healthcare, driving demand for increased storage capacity, faster databases, more compute power — and complete security.

• For those willing to embrace the life-changing promise of digitization, the future of healthcare has never looked brighter.

Thank youRead more about healthcare’s coming reboot, and learn about the tools you’ll

need to accelerate your organization’s transformation from now to next.