Health sem 3 saadah

Post on 11-May-2015

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Good health foe children was an aim of the pioneers in early childhood education. It had to be. Without immunizations or antibiotics. Highly contagious diseasily throughout entire nurseries and center (prochner , 1996 ). Even though great advance have been made in the prevention of the spread of diseases children in groups continue to be at risk forninfection and serious, life – threat ening illnesses. New , resistant strains of bacteria and virus have appeared to threaten young children.

There are many keys to a healthy lifestyle.

Our top 10 things needed healthy lifestyle are listed here.

A healthy lifestyle doesn't happen overnight for most of us, especially if we have less than fantastic eating and lifestyle habits.

But, one step at a time, we CAN get on the road to better health.

1. Eat A Balanced Diet

One of the main keys to a healthy lifestyle is a healthy diet. A balanced diet includes

healthy food choices from all of the food groups. Choose a wide variety of fruits and


Just remember to "eat a rainbow". That is, choose vegetables and fruits of all colors:

orange, red, yellow, green, purple. The more colors your diet includes, the healthier it

is. You will find suggestions for getting more healthy fruits and vegetables in your

diet here.


2. Get The Right Vitamins and Minerals

Eating a wide variety of healthy foods is certainly a big key to a healthy long life. But

as we get older it is also important to be aware of how the changes in our bodies can

make a change in our dietary needs.

For example, women need more iron than men during their reproductive years. As

we pass that time in our lives, that need diminishes. Women at the post-menopausal

stage of their lives need more calcium than they may have before so diets or

vitamin/mineral supplement regimes may have to be changed for optimum health. 

3. Quit the "Big" Habits

Trying to stop smoking is difficult but doing it has huge benefits to your life. I have

lost too many relatives who smoked to lung cancer. It is a killer - and you can

immediately reduce your chances of developing it the day you quite smoking. It really

is a matter of life and death.

Also, if you are a regular or heavy drinker, limiting your drinking will impact your

health in many positive ways.

Lay out traditional party

favorites in a new contemporary

way with this colorful and

uniquely designed Serving

Platter & Dipper Bowl from

Rachel Ray. 

Rachael Ray 14-in. Serveware

Serving Platter and Dipper

Bowl, Red

4. Get Regular Exercise

Check with your doctor or other health professional for the exercise that is right for

you, but one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle is to get moving and keep moving.

Exercise isn't just for those who want to lose weight. It keeps our joints moving well

and our heart pumping stronger and longer.

5. Be Pro active About Your Health

Seeing your doctor for annual (or more if needed) checkups is an important healthy

lifestyle feature. It not only ensures that you are on the right track, but any health

issue that does come up is easier to treat if discovered early. 

6. Stay Connected

Healthy relationships are so important to maintaining overall health. Having a circle

of loved ones around us, both friends and family, nurtures our spirit and adds

fullness to our lives. Pets can be an important connection too. I am not sure what I

would do without my little furry wonders some days. It is one of the healthy lifestyle

features of my life that really works wonders.

More of the 10 Things Needed for a Healthy Lifestyle...

7. Create Balance and Reduce Stress

Excess stress really can be a killer. In our society we put a

lot of pressure on ourselves to lead full what we think of as "full" lives. But balance is

important too.

The stress that pops up in various areas of our lives as we try to do it all can really

add up and can lead to heart disease and other serious health issues. Doing what

you can to eliminate the stress in your life, or at least better managing the stress you

do have, will have a very beneficial impact on your health and your life.

8. Accept Yourself Just as You are

Accepting and loving ourselves just as we are, complete with faults and

shortcomings, is another of those essential keys to an overall healthy lifestyle. Too

many of us learn this later in life, having spent many years beating ourselves up

about our looks, weight, career or relationships. Doing our best is the most any of us

can ask of ourselves.

9. Work at What You Love

Don't you admire those people who manage to make a living at doing what they

love? I always have. If you do have a passion, make sure you include it in your life

on a regular basis. If you want to and are able to turn it into your work, all the better.

People who are happy in their work have been shown to be more satisfied with their

lives overall and consider themselves happy people.

10. Have Fun

Have you noticed how much better you feel when you smile or laugh? Having a

positive outlook and making sure you take time out to have fun can actually have a

positive effect on your health too.

Of the 10 things needed for a healthy lifestyle, taking time to have fun and enjoy your

life is just as important as the other points. Remember - balance is the key in pretty

much everything we do. Also remember that you don't have to change your life

overnight. A step in the right direction, taken every day, will get you where you want

to go.


Parents, guardians, and adults who care for children

face constant challenges when trying to help keep

children safer in today's fast-paced worldFor

decades, children were taught to stay away from

"strangers." But this concept is difficult for children to

grasp and often the perpetrator is someone the child

knows. It is more beneficial to help build children's

confidence and teach them to respond to a potentially

dangerous situation, rather than teaching them to

look out for a particular type of person.

Child Safety Seats

Accidents usually happen without a lot of warning. Even routine trips can expose our

children to danger from motor vehicles. In fact, collision-related injuries to

passengers have been cited as the leading cause of death for children under age 14.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that 40 percent

of parents are still using seat belts when they install a car seat. One way to assure

your child’s safety as a passenger is by updating your knowledge about the most

recent technology. For example, LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) is

the newest safety installation system for cars. Designed with the purpose of

standardizing the way child safety seats are attached to vehicles,2 this innovation

helps to assure the safety of children.

A great deal of evidence shows that when properly used, child safety seats and

safety belts can save lives.3 In fact, studies have shown that during a collision, these

seats reduce the risk of death by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers.

Children must be restrained in seats that are in accordance with their size and age.

There are three basic types, which are designed to accommodate children of

different ages and weights.

Convertible Infant Seats are used for newborn babies. At first, the seats should be

positioned to face the rear of the car. These types of infant seats are considered

convertible because they can be turned to face the front of the car when the child

weighs over 20 pounds. They also come equipped with a safety belt and harness

that must be completely secured. The child can continue using this type of seat until

he/she weighs 40 pounds.

Booster seats are for school-age children who have outgrown convertible infant

seats. This type of seat is used until the child becomes 8 years old or when he/she

grows to a height of 4 feet 9 inches.

For maximum protection during a collision, children should be restricted from riding

in the front seat of passenger vehicles until they are 13 years old.

School Bus Safety

Passenger cars are not the only vehicles that expose children to danger on the road.

More than 22 million students, nationwide, ride on school buses. However, statistics

from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting

System (FARS) and General Estimates System (GES) show that most children

injured by school buses are not even riding inside them! Instead, children suffer

injuries when boarding or exiting the bus because they are in places that are not

visible to the driver.

The National Safety Council advises teaching children to learn and practice the

following school bus safety rules:

1. Stay away from the bus’ rear wheels at all times. (Stay away from traffic and

do not run around or shove each other.)

2. When waiting for the school bus, stay back and away from the street until the

bus comes to a complete stop, and the rear door opens. (The child should

stand on the same side of the street as the bus stop.)

3. Hold the handrail while going up or down the steps. (Children should get in

line away from the street. Younger students should stand in front of the line.)

All of the students should board single file.

4. When on the bus, go directly to a seat. Do not stand up in a moving bus.

(Explain that loud talking and goofing around can distract the driver).

5. Never stick hands, arms, or head out of the window, and never throw things

out of the windows or on the bus.

6. Keep aisles clear. Book bags should be kept on laps. (They can block the

path in an emergency).

7. When exiting, always cross the street in front of the bus. (Explain they should

not cross the centerline of the road until the driver signals that it is safe).


Motor vehicle accidents are only one hazard to children. Parents should teach

children to wear a helmet every time they ride their bikes, use skateboards, ride

scooters, or go skating. Their helmet should be constructed with thick shock-

absorbing material. Additionally, it should be positioned low on the forehead, not

tilted back.

Purchase a new helmet after the old one has protected a child from being injured.

The impact of a fall can cause a helmet to lose its protective qualities. It is also

important to make sure your child knows how to buckle the helmet, quickly and


A summer fun activity such as bike riding is considered dangerous unless the proper

safety gear is worn.

Amusement Parks and Carnivals

Other summer fun activities include trying out all the newest exciting rides at

amusement parks and carnivals. Most of the children who wind up getting treated in

emergency rooms are there because the parents incorrectly assumed a ride was

appropriate for their child. The National Safe Kids Campaign press release advises

parents to remember that height guidelines are not always reliable. Instead, parents

must appraise the ability of their child to obey ride instructions. For example, Alan

Korn, Director of Public Policy, and General Counsel for Safe Kids USA advises

parents to reinforce the authority of the ride operator. “If the ride operator tells

children to keep their hands and feet inside the car or to hold the handrail, explain to

your children that there is a good reason for the rule.” Officials estimate that 8,000

children, ages 14 and under become injured because of using poor judgment or

behaving improperly on the rides.10

Playground Hazards

Summer fun can also be dangerous when children spend time at playgrounds.

Similar to amusement park rides, parents and caregivers should make sure

playground equipment is appropriate for the child’s age. The newest advice involves

making sure children are being supervised by adults.

Each year more than 200,000 preschool and elementary school age children are

injured from falling while using playground equipment.11 When their imaginations run

wild, children sometimes believe they have superpowers that enable them to do

remarkable physical feats on the playground equipment. This puts children at risk of

becoming seriously injured.

Most playground injuries are related to the climbing equipment, such as monkey

bars. “Researchers identified 204 children ages 20 months to 12 years who were

injured.”13 In fact, the amount of injuries that result from children playing on monkey

bars is significant enough that many experts want them removed from

playgrounds.14 Meanwhile, in case of falls, parents can make sure that the

playground surface is loosely filled with wood chips, mulch, sand, gravel, shredded

rubber, or rubber like surfacing materials.

Household Hazards

Babies seem to practice their future playground skills when they first learn how to

climb on furniture. This is when medicine cabinets become attractive goals for a

baby to conquer. It is necessary to remove all items that present a danger to

children. Keep all household chemicals and pharmaceuticals out of their reach. In

addition, remove access to cleaning products that are typically stored under the sink.

As a precaution, write down the phone number for the poison control center.


If you own a gun, keep it locked, unloaded, and out of reach of children. However,

even if your child does not have access to a gun in your home, he or she may be

shown a gun when visiting another child. In fact, guns are in more than one third of

all U.S. households.

Advises parents to teach children that if a friend shows them a gun, they should not

touch it. Instead, explain that children should immediately leave the vicinity and tell

an adult.

Safe Eating

Of course, playing with guns represents a potential danger for young children, but

simply eating food can also be considered dangerous. The most recent statistics

show that choking is the leading cause of death in children under 5 years old. As

children gain the ability to feed themselves, they often attempt to put inappropriate or

large objects into their mouths. Martin Stutsman, a consumer safety officer in the

Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition pointed

out the obvious necessity of teaching children “safe eating”. This expert cautions

parents to make sure children carefully chew their food before they swallow it, and to

teach children that food is the only object that belongs in their mouths. Any object

can become lodged in a child’s airway. If the food or other object prevents oxygen

from getting to the lungs and brain for more than four minutes, the result could be

brain damage or death. As a safety precaution, round for firm such as sliced carrots

or grapes should be cut or diced into small particles.

If a child begins to choke on an object, the best way to help is by knowing how to

administer Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, (CPR). When performed correctly and

as quickly as possible, CPR can save a child’s life by restoring breathing and

circulation. In effect, the rescuer will be breathing for the victim by forcing air into the

lungs. A CPR course will teach the correct way that rescuers should position

themselves and the correct intervals for breathing into the victim’s mouth. Knowing

how to correctly administer CPR can also prepare parents and caregivers for other

types of emergencies that may require rescue breathing.

Safe Sleeping

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), otherwise known as “crib death” is blamed

when a baby dies from unknown causes. Before 1992, parents were being advised

not to place babies on their backs when putting them to sleep. It was assumed that

babies were more likely to choke if they were lying on their backs. However, in 1992,

researchers found that babies who slept on their stomachs were at a greater risk of

death than babies who slept on their backs. When The American Academy of

Pediatrics began informing families to put babies to sleep on their backs, SIDS

deaths were reduced by 50 percent in the United States. When parents learn the

best way to reduce the chances of SIDS is putting their baby to sleep on his/her

back, they may feel reassured.

Stranger Warnings

Regrettably, the traditional child safety message taught by parents and schools of

avoiding strangers may not be enough to adequately educate your children on how

to best protect themselves from danger.

While ingraining the slogan “stranger danger” can help to instill prudence when

encountering unfamiliar persons, the concepts of what defines a stranger and what

real threats exist have shown to be difficult for children to fully grasp. In addition, it

seems that in more incidences than not, the perpetrators are not strangers at all, but

rather people they know that are often the victimizers.

Concerned parents should frequently sit down to candidly discuss with their children

the real dangers that exist, to listen to their children’s experiences and concerns, and

to reinforce the training needed to protect themselves from abduction and/or abuse.

As a good rule of thumb, always require your child to check with a parent, a clearly

defined caregiver, or a trusted teacher before conversing with adults, going

anywhere, accepting anything, or getting into a car with anyone who is not an

approved authority. In addition, always teach children the importance of saying “no”

and immediately reporting to an authority anyone who does or says something that

makes him/her feel uncomfortable, scared, or confused. Explain that they are not

being tattle tales by talking with you about such concerns by reassuring them of the

importance and significance that this type of open discussion has in the protection of

themselves and their friends from danger.

The Most Obvious Protection

Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company recognizes the importance of keeping

parents current about the latest safety information. Obviously, most parents and

caregivers understand that discretionary caution is the best preventive strategy for

keeping injuries at bay. However, properly safeguarding children by being prepared

for unexpected emergencies is just as necessary.


Stress affects your child’s brain and learning

Bad stress (distress) is when your child feels that he has a problem he doesn’t want,

can’t find answers to, loses control over circumstances or stress periods are

protracted and constant.Bad stress increases and prolongs cortisol release and can

damage neurons in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for emotions

and memory in learning.Too much cortisol is also associated with reduced immunity

and tense muscles resulting in headaches. All these will negatively affect

learning.Stress can come in different forms parental and peer pressure, violence

(family violence or school bullies) and poor support. Babies can experience stress

too.Leaving a baby to cry it out increases stress levels. Not providing enough

stimulation such as Touching and a sense of security will affect the connectivity of a

baby’s brain, affecting learning.Stress is a function of the demands placed on us and

our ability (or sometimes our perceived ability) to meet them. Pressures often come

from outside sources (such as family, friends, or school), but they can also come

from within. The pressure we place on ourselves can be most significant because

there is often a discrepancy between what we think we ought to be doing and what

we are actually doing in our lives.Stress can affect anyone - even a child - who feels

overwhelmed. A 2-year-old child, for example, may be anxious because the person

she needs to help her feel good - her parent - isn't there enough to satisfy her. In

preschoolers, Separation from parents is the greatest cause of anxiety.As children

get older, academic and social pressures (especially the quest to fit in) create stress.

Inaddition, well-meaning parents sometimes unwittingly add to the stress in their

children's lives. For example, high achieving parents often have great expectations

for their children, who may lack their parents' motivation or capabilities. Parents who

push their children to excel in sports or who enroll their children in too many activities

may also cause unnecessary stress and frustration if their children don't share their

goals.Your child's stress level may be raised by more than just what's happening in

her own life. Does she hear you talking about troubles at work, worrying about a

relative's illness, or fighting with your spouse about financial matters? Parents need

to be careful how they discuss such issues when their children are near because

children will pick up on their parents' anxieties and start to worry themselves.Children

who watch replays of the disturbing images on TV or hear talk of plane crashes, war,

and bio-terrorism may worry about their own safety and that of the people they love.

Talk to your child about what she sees and hears, and monitor what she watches on

TV so that you can help her understand what's going on and reassure her that she's

safe.Also consider that complicating factors, such as an illness, death of a loved one,

or a divorce, may be causing your child's stress. When these factors are added to

the everyday pressures kids face, the stress is magnified. Even the most amicable

divorce can be a difficult experience for children because their basic security system

- their family - is undergoing a tough change. Separated or divorced parents should

never put kids in a position of having to choose sides or expose them to negative

comments about the other spouse. Parents should always operate in the best

interest of their child. Stress can be defined as any unusual demand on one’s

internal or external resources that requires an individual to utilize energy reserves in

excess of what would be necessary for dealing with ordinary life events (Hart et al.,

1998). Feelings of stress can be exhibited through observable behaviors such as nail

biting, thumb or finger sucking, hair twirling, physical hostility, tremors or tics,

nervous laughter, helplessness, crying, complaints of physical aches and pains,

irritability, outbursts, and withdrawal (Burts, Hart, & Chartlesworth, 1992; Jewett,

1997; Fallin, Wallinga, & Coleman, 2001; Zeigart, Kistner, Castro, & Robertson,


Previous research on children and stress has examined observable stress behaviors

in the classroom including examining specific classroom situations or types of

activities and how these situations affect individual children (Hart et al., 1998; Hart,

Yang, Charlesworth, & Burts, 2003; Ruckman, Burts, & Pierce, 1999; Burts et al.,

1992). In one study, kindergarten children were observed for stress behaviors in

developmentally appropriate and inappropriate classrooms. Results were examined

for effects of race, socioeconomic status (SES), and gender. Significant findings

indicated that boys exhibited more stress behaviors than girls, but in developmentally

inappropriate classrooms, children overall exhibited more stress than children in

developmentally appropriate classrooms. Also, more stress behaviors were exhibited

by low SES Black children regardless of classroom type (Burts et al., 1992).

This study was concerned with kindergarten children’s observable responses to the

daily stressors they may encounter in school. The following questions formed the

framework of the study: Do kindergarten children exhibit signs of stress in academic

situations? If so, at what specific points or during what specific activities throughout

the school day do children exhibit stress behaviors?

Causes of Stress

Both negative and positive events can cause stress. Family events are often a

source of stress for children. The break up of a family is a negative event that can

cause stress in children. Events such as physical abuse, separation, rejection, and

fights are some other negative sources of stress. Other events such as a parent

losing a job, or the death of a parent, grandparent, or sibling can create stress.

Positive events that cause stress in children include birthday parties, new pets, and

the birth of new siblings. Everyday family obligations, events, and routines can

create stress and tension for the young child, as in the case of an active family that

may be so busy that the needs of a young child may be overlooked.

Parents and caregivers need to be aware of what is happening in a child's life that

may affect the child's behavior. A sudden change in a child¼s behavior may be

related to stress. Caregivers can talk with the parents about what is going on in the


Signs of Stress

Common signs of stress are listed below. These signs also may indicate that the

child is experiencing problems other than stress. How do you identify stress from

other problems that the child may be experiencing?

First, parents and other caregivers must observe children's behavior. Children who

isolate themselves from other children may be feeling stress. Also, the child who is

easily agitated, irritable, lethargic, lazy, or aggressive may also suffer from stress.

It is also important to watch the child for changes in habits or behavior. For example,

a friendly, quiet child who suddenly has been fighting and arguing with his friends

may be suffering from stress. As a caregiver, you notice normal behavior among

children and you will also be aware when there are changes in children's behavior.

How should you react when a child changes his or her normal behavior? Accepting

the child's behavior is important. For example, it is useless to scold a child for thumb

sucking. Scolding will not stop the behavior. Also, forcing the child to eat does not

result in the child eating. When you notice unusual behavior, care for the child,

remain close to the child, and comfort the child. Reassure the child that you care

about him or her.

Possible Signs of Stress in Young Children





Anger Kicking

Anxiety Insomnia

Appetite Loss Stuttering

Baby Talk Indigestion

Bed-wetting Thumb sucking

Biting Pounding Heart

Crying Spells Grinding Teeth

Detachment Fingernail Biting



Respiratory Tract




A first step in decreasing a child's stress is to be knowledgeable and aware of the

symptoms of stress. These symptoms or warning signs include bed-wetting, upset

stomach, irritability, nightmares, lying, withdrawal from activity, change in activity

level, poor sleep or eating habits, teeth grinding, or decline in school achievement.

Recognizing children's stress symptoms is not easy. It is very important to recognize

that it is normal for children to exhibit some of these signs at some times in their

lives. Adults need to be alert when a child is showing a cluster of these signs or

symptoms simultaneously or when no apparent cause can explain why the child may

be stressed. In either of these cases, it is a sign that the adults who are involved in

the care of children need to intervene. If the child feels that it is impossible to handle

the stress, he or she can become angry or aggressive. If the stress becomes too

overwhelming for the child, then the child will experience anxiety. If the body remains

in a state of anxiety, then physical, social, and emotional damage and deterioration

can occur.The age of the child is a factor in recognizing stress. Children often cannot

tell us what they feel or they do not have the language to describe the stressful

situation. They tend to show the stress through their behavior. When you notice a

three-year-old child crying constantly (or more than usual), or an eight-year-old

having a temper tantrum, that may be the child's way of alerting you to something or

letting you know that too much is happening.Children react differently to stressful

events and situations and also have different coping strategies. Children can cope

through tears and crying, through tantrums, or by retreating from unpleasant

situations. Children who are around supportive adults and caregivers usually develop

a variety of coping strategies and are more likely to become more resilient. Many

children, however, do not have a supportive environment and do not learn a set of

positive management strategies.

Developmental or Normative Stress

Another important factor influencing your child's reaction to stress is the actual

nature of the stressor--the situation or event that causes the stress. One category of

stressors is called developmental or normative stress. Developmental stress

accompanies the normal growing experiences of childhood. Some examples of this

type of stressor are: dealing with strangers as an infant, being separated from

parents, starting or changing schools, and adjusting to puberty. Most children deal

with this form of stress quite successfully and become able to adapt to the changes

that cause it by learning from the changes. Basic stress management methods that

will be used throughout your child's life are developed during this growth process.

Normative stress carries with it a low level of risk for your child's overall


Critical Stress

Other family and personal pressures can be more intense and critical to your child's

well-being than normative stressors. This type is called critical stress. These

stressors are events that do not occur in every child's life, but are common. Some

examples include unusually high or low levels of stimulation, moving to a new home,

or the child being hospitalized. These events create medium levels of risk to your

child's development. Changes in your child's usual behavior and personality might be

seen in response to critical stress. Although more serious and threatening than

developmental stress, most children manage to overcome these critical pressures if

family members and friends are sensitive and supportive.

Catastrophic Stress

Serious unexpected events often produce the most severe and catastrophic stress

reactions in children. Some examples of this level of stress are: serious illnesses of

the child or a family member, natural disasters, and abuse of the child. This level is

associated with the highest risk for the child. The child experiencing such a crisis is

often too overwhelmed to use basic resources for dealing with pressure and fear. A

child suffering this level of stress has a great need for the understanding and support

of family members, and may require more specialized care and counseling than

parents are prepared or able to provide on their own.


Data sources for this study consisted of naturalistic classroom observations by the

researcher, open-ended interviews with teachers, and collection of artifacts from the

classroom and specific work artifacts made by the children. I as a teacher

in the kindergarten class had made observation and have been using the

methods shown in order to overcome the problem of my disciples who stress

Notice out loud. Tell your child when you notice that something's bothering him or her.

If you can, name the feeling you think your child is experiencing. ("It seems like you're

still mad about what happened at the playground.") This shouldn't sound like an

accusation (as in, "OK, what happened now? Are you still mad about that?") or put a child

on the spot. It's just a casual observation that you're interested in hearing more about

your child's concern. Be sympathetic and show you care and want to understand.

Listen to your child. Ask your child to tell you what's wrong. Listen attentively and

calmly — with interest, patience, openness, and caring. Avoid any urge to judge, blame,

lecture, or say what you think your child should have done instead. The idea is to let your

child's concerns (and feelings) be heard. Try to get the whole story by asking questions

like "And then what happened?" Take your time. And let your child take his or her time,


Comment briefly on the feelings you think your child was experiencing. For

example, you might say "That must have been upsetting," "No wonder you felt mad

when they wouldn't let you in the game," or "That must have seemed unfair to you."

Doing this shows that you understand what your child felt, why, and that you care.

Feeling understood and listened to helps your child feel supported by you, and that is

especially important in times of stress.

Put a label on it. Many kids do not yet have words for their feelings. If your child seems

angry or frustrated, use those words to help him or her learn to identify the emotions by

name. Putting feelings into words helps kids communicate and develop emotional

awareness — the ability to recognize their own emotional states. Kids who can do so are

less likely to reach the behavioral boiling point where strong emotions get demonstrated

through behaviors rather than communicated with words.

Strategies to Reduce Stress in Children/Helping to Manage Stress

Children need help in learning to manage and function with the stress they feel. One means to assist children is to acknowledge their feelings. It is important that children understand what they are feeling, that we teach the word "stress" by letting them know that they may feel "butterflies in the stomach," or that their heart may pound. Let children know that it is all right to feel angry, alone, scared, or lonely.

Teach children names or words for their feelings and appropriate ways to express them. Show more interest in the child's experience than in the behavior that results. There are times when a child just needs a hug for reassurance. In the case of older children, help them learn to problem solve for themselves and come up with management (coping ) strategies. This builds their independence and mastery of coming up with options, finding solutions, or finding other ways to comfort themselves. For example, if a child repeatedly bullies other children, lies, withdraws, gives up, hurts or blames other children, the adult can ask the child what other ways there are to handle the situation that caused the reaction in the child.

Promote a positive environment - Praise children for the acceptable things that they do. The experience of stress and tension can serve to defeat an individual's concept and confidence. Help children see and understand the positive things about themselves and that they are worthwhile persons. Listen without judging the child or the situation; that is, if the child chooses to tell you about the situation that produced the stress. Help the child feel comfortable in expressing feelings. Assist the child in clarifying his or her feelings. You may need to correct any misconceptions that the children may have about themselves or their feelings.

Set a good example - Children learn lessons from us, whether these lessons are positive or negative. Keep in mind that children are imitators and may cope with stress in the same ways they see adults handle their stress. In some cases, it is appropriate to explain, especially to older children, why something is being done. This explanation can often ease the child's reaction.

Help children through stories - Sometimes children can't talk to us about the distress they feel. They may not have the words or the concepts to easily express themselves. They may feel shy, embarrassed, guilty, or ashamed. If you try to talk to them using adult logic, most children will "turn off." How can we then talk to children about their fears and problems? How can we get through to them, let them know that we understand, and offer them ways to manage their fears and find comfort? Stories are a great answer. Children will "turn on" to story time. Some stories are therapeutic stories which help children feel better and cope better with their fears and problems. The character in the story can be a little boy or little girl just like them. They are worried about the same things and have the same problems to deal with. In the story, the boy or girl finds ways of coping with and resolving troubling issues of concern to the child. As the child listens to the story, he or she is able to identify with the hero or heroine. There is safety in the story. The child is free to listen and to learn without risking feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable.

Telling children stories about children with feelings just like theirs helps them realize that other children have been through the situation too. This is very reassuring to children. It also lets them know that you understand their feelings.

Telling a story also provides a way of communicating with children. If you are unsure of how children are feeling, you can ask them, "And what do you think John (name of the story character) was most worried about?" The answer that the child gives will be a direct reflection of his own fears, or anger. This communication about the story can be very effective because children can be very truthful and insightful about the

feelings and fears of story characters even though they may be reluctant when asked about their own feelings.

When a parent tells a story to a child, an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy is created that is comforting for parents as well as children. It helps as a parent to know that storytelling is a simple, natural, and age-old technique that can be used to comfort children.

If a child is experiencing stress, there are other ways to assist the child to gain control. The aim is to help the child to relax. Some ways are: deep breathing exercises, listening to soothing music, reciting nursery rhymes and finger plays, listening to the rain fall, drawing or coloring. These "stress breakers" can help the child decrease the level of stress that he or she is feeling. Children can also learn to harness the positive energy of stress and use it to their advantage.

Additional Strategies

Be aware of the child's temperament; what seems to be fun for one child may feel overwhelming to another child.

Make an effort to cut down on activities when you see signs of stress in children's behavior. Allow children to go at their own paces. Structure activities so that children can cooperate with each other, lessening competition among children.

Teach children tricks for calming themselves, such as taking deep breaths, thinking of a quiet place, etc.

Take care of yourself! Children often pick up stress from parents and caregivers. Keep calm and control your anger.

Plan plenty of time for play. Inform children when there will be transitions or changes in the child care curriculum. Plan activities to allow children to express their feelings through play. Books, art activities, puppetry, play and drawing allow children to think through and label their feelings.

Reassure children that what has happened is not their fault. Children often believe that their "bad" behavior caused bad things to happen, such as the breakup of their mother and father. They have a tendency to assume guilt for situations that adults know are entirely beyond the child's control.

Give children a lot of cuddles, reassurances, and familiar routines, like a bedtime or sleep time story. Giving a child a special toy for comfort is also suggested.

Helping children to deal positively with stressful and tension causing events prepares them for healthy emotional and social development. This is an important responsibility of parents, teachers, and other caregivers: to effectively guide and help children.

Provide an environment with open communication. Parents should be available

to listen when their children need to talk. They should ask open-ended questions

(e.g., questions that can't be answered with just a "yes" or "no") if their children need

help discussing the subject. Examples of open-ended questions include "What do

you think about ...?" and "How does ... make you feel?" One of the benefits of talking

about stressors is that discussing them brings about increased awareness. Also,

parents should be willing to share some of their own stresses and feelings to let their

children know (without worrying them) that their feelings are normal.

*Make sure your children get enough sleep and/or rest. Children who do not get

enough sleep will not have the energy required to combat life's stresses. Parents

should make sure their children get enough sleep every night. A regular bedtime

should be maintained. Getting enough rest is critical to children's mental and

physical health.

*Model appropriate coping skills. Children learn by watching their parents. If

children see their parents using appropriate coping skills when they are under stress,

they will be more likely to use appropriate skills when they experience stress, too.

Parents should try to demonstrate that stress is normal and can be handled in a calm

and effective manner. Parents should try to be optimists who view a stressor as a

challenge rather than a catastrophe.

*Have your children learn relaxation skills. Relaxation skills can help children

release tension caused by stress. There are various specific relaxation techniques

that professionals can teach children. Some techniques involve having children use

their imagination to recall or develop positive and relaxing images (e.g., playing

outside, being at the beach). Other relaxation techniques involve teaching children to

systematically tense and relax various muscle groups. These relaxation techniques

must be practiced on a daily basis to be most effective. What relaxation technique is

chosen is usually not critical. What is important is that it is comfortable for children,

that it works, and that they stick to it. Parents who think their children might benefit

from training in these relaxation techniques should ask their children's health care

provider for a referral to a professional who is qualified to provide this training.

*Teach your children how to handle criticism. All of us are criticized at one time

or another. Increased stress can result when a person has difficulty accepting

criticism. Children are often exposed to criticism at an early age. This criticism can

take the form of peer teasing or constructive feedback from teachers and parents.

Parents should try to teach children how to handle criticism from an early age.

Children should be taught that no one is perfect and that we all make mistakes that

we can learn from. Parents can use role playing to teach children how to handle

teasing and unfair criticism.

*Provide proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is a very important part of combating

stress, especially for children. The best diet to help children handle stress is one that

has few additives, has the right amount of calories to maintain normal development,

and is balanced. Children with poor diets (unbalanced, high in junk foods) should be

encouraged to decrease their intake of foods high in fats, cholesterol, salt, and

refined or processed sugars. Children's consumption of junk foods and caffeine

should be limited. They should be encouraged to increase their intake of fruits,

vegetables, and whole grains. Children should maintain a healthy body weight.

Parents whose children are overweight should consult their children's health care

provider for recommendations regarding weight loss.

*Provide a consistent routine or schedule. Children need predictability in their

lives. A consistent schedule of meal times, homework time, bed time, etc., allows

children to know what to expect in their lives. This in turn, helps them feel secure and

reduces stress.

*Help your children reframe stressful situations. Children have control over the

way things affect them. Children's perceptions of a stressful situation help determine

how stressful it becomes. Parents should take steps to help their children develop

alternative interpretations of the things that cause them stress. For example, if a

child is experiencing stress because he thinks his teacher doesn't like him because

she didn't say hello to him at the beginning of class, a parent can ask the child to try

to come up with other explanations for his teacher's behavior. A parent might

suggest that perhaps the teacher was busy thinking about something else and

therefore forgot to say hello. This is an example of reframing a stressful situation.

The key is for parents to help their children come up with alternative and more

positive interpretations of stressful situations. Of course, it's not possible to reframe

every stressful situation. There will be times when the stress children perceive in a

situation is quite real. At these times, it is necessary for parents to help their children

cope with the situation in other ways.

*Help your children alter their beliefs about stressful situations. Children's

beliefs have a major impact on their behavior: How they behave, who they choose

for friends, what subjects they study in school, etc. Children's beliefs also determine,

to a certain extent, what will and will not be stressful for them. Sometimes certain

beliefs lead to increased stress. In these instances it's a good idea for parents to

make an attempt to help their children change these specific beliefs. For example,

children who believe that they must get an A+ on every homework assignment or

else they will be a failure will experience stress whenever they don't get an A+. In

such a case, it would reduce stress significantly if parents helped their children alter

this belief to one that allows for imperfection.

*Encourage your children to participate in enjoyable activities. When children

are experiencing excessive stress, parents should encourage them to take part in

activities they enjoy (e.g., sports, listening to music, playing a game, art, reading). In

order to be stress reducing, the activity needs to be enjoyable and should allow them

to take their mind off their troubles.

*Encourage your children to get regular exercise. Regular exercise is an

excellent way to help manage stress. First of all, it helps work out tension that can

build up in children's bodies. Secondly, exercise provides for physical fitness, which

allows children's bodies to be more efficient at combating stress. Finally, exercise

helps clear the mind, making it easier to relax. Exercise, however, will not be

effective in combating stress unless it is done regularly. The specific activity that is

chosen is not important. What is important is that children find it enjoyable. Also,

children will be much more likely to exercise on a regular basis if their parents

exercise regularly and are physically fit.

*Help your children develop good problem-solving skills. When children face a

significant problem parents should take the opportunity to teach effective problem-

solving strategies. They should start by helping their children clearly define the exact

problem. Then parents should have their children generate a list of possible solutions

(not evaluating them at this stage). Once a list of solutions is generated, parents

should have their children go through each possibility and evaluate its potential for

success. Once all the solutions have been evaluated parents should encourage their

children to choose what appears to be the best solution. Parents should encourage

and praise their children for the use of effective problem-solving strategies.

*Help your children learn how to manage time. Parents should help their children

learn how to prioritize activities. If children have a tendency to take on too much

responsibility, parents should help them learn to place limits on their commitments.

Parents should help teach their children how to schedule their time (e.g., specific

time for homework) so they can get things done.

*Teach your children to be assertive. Children who are afraid to stand up for

themselves tend to have difficulty handling stressful situations. Parents should teach

their children to stand up for themselves. Parents can role-play problem situations

and teach their children how to stand up for themselves in an appropriate, non-

aggressive manner.

*Develop your children's sense of humor. Children who can see the humorous

side of things and can laugh at themselves tend to handle stressful situations more

effectively. Parents should teach their children not to take things too seriously.

Laughter is good medicine!


What I can after making observations of children and overcome stress,  with

methods for stress problems mengatsaichildren in my preschool class.

Develop good relationships

Family relationships are built over time with loving care and concern for other

people's feelings. Talk over family problems in a warm, relaxed atmosphere.

Focus on solutions rather than finding blame. If you are too busy or upset to listen

well at a certain time, say so. Then agree on a better time, and make sure to do it.

Laugh together, be appreciative of each other, and give compliments often. It may

be very hard to schedule time to spend with your family, doing things that you all

enjoy, but it is the best time you will ever invest.Parents and children need time to

spend one-to-one. Whether yours is a one or two-parent family, each parent

should try to find a little time to spend alone with each child. You could read a

bedtime story, play a game, or go for a walk together.

General Guidelines for Teachers

Greet each child warmly each day. That transition from parent to teacher is an

important one. Often mornings are extremely stressful for families. Children may

have been yelled at, hurried, and given breakfast in the car. A warm smile or hug

as a child walks in the door can go a long way to help a child feel accepted and

wanted.Spend time with each child every day. Even if it's just for one or two

minutes, get down on the child's level, make eye contact, listen, and watch.Value

each child. Children learn to value themselves through the eyes (and words) of

others. What you say (or don't say) to a child has tremendous impact.Eliminate

stressful situations from your classroom and routines. Ask yourself the following


Is my room arrangement simple and easy to move through?

Are activity areas clearly defined (e.g., art area, block area, reading/quiet


Do I have a balance of noisy areas (e.g., blocks, dramatic play), and quiet

areas (books, manipulatives)?

Have I planned my day so that it alternates between active and quiet

activities, organized projects and free play?

Do I stick to routine as much as possible so that children know what to

expect each day?


Nearby nature moderates the negative effects produced by stressful events. In this

way, those children who have more access to natural areas are able to cope better

with stress and therefore their stress level is lower than it would be expected if

nature was not acting as a protective factor. The impact of stressful events on

children is weaker when the amount of nearby nature is higher. In contrast to

previous studies (Wells and Evans, 2003), the present investigation has taken into

consideration not only the nearby nature measured in an objective way (with a scale)

but also the moderator effect of the nature that children perceive. The data collected

in this study shows that the perceived nature in the four schools is different and that

the stress level of the children in each school also differs from one to another. It can

be concluded that children in the very natural school are able to cope better with

Stress than children who attend classes in the non natural school, and this reinforces

the importance that the amount of nature that children have in their school and its

surroundings.To sum up, four interaction effects found significant meaning that

a moderator effect of nearby nature does exist. Low accessibility to the natural world,

more frequent in today´s society, negatively affects children´s wellbeing and reduces

their capacity to cope with adversity. With this, it can be concluded that including

natural elements in home and school areas is important for children. Children´s

health and wellbeing depend on the way that these environments encourage children

´s contact with nature. Good Stress (eustress) helps learning by motivating problem

solving. For your child to experience eustress, stress has to be occasional or

intermittent.There must be enough rest between challenges. Your child has to feel

the ability to overcome the problem and that he is still in control. There are levels of

good stress? it is best to ensure that your child experience low stress when he is

learning new information and not to be worried if stress levels rise during a test as it

can help performance. However, try not to allow this stress to escalate to become

bad stress.