Health & Safety Briefing 2014/15. Session content... Slide Title Who is responsible for Health and...

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Transcript of Health & Safety Briefing 2014/15. Session content... Slide Title Who is responsible for Health and...

Health & SafetyBriefing 2014/15

Session content...

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• Who is responsible for Health and Safety?

• Duty of Care

• Trip Leaders

• Emergency Procedures

• First Aid Training

• Welcome parties

Who is responsible for H&S?

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• There are certain aspects that fall under your Safety and Training officer but Health & Safety is everyone's responsibility

• Each of us owes a ‘duty of care’ to our neighbours not to cause them injury by our negligent acts or omissions

Duty of Care...

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“If you accept a position you are likely to agree to carry out certain functions which may well affect the safety of others both inside and outside the club. You are accepting responsibility and you must fulfill those duties to the best of your ability without negligence. That is, you must not create a foreseeable risk of injury and you must take reasonable steps to deal with any foreseeable risk of injury which exists or arises”

© P.J Debney, Partner, Cartwright and Lewis, Solicitors

Trip Leaders...

• Trip Leader registration process (committee resources section of the website)

• Responsible for the welfare of participants involved in an activity

• Accountable for decisions made on the trip/fixture

Injuries at SHU...

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• Fractured vertebra (lower back)• Fracture vertebra (neck)• Dislocated knee• Severely cut lip• Head injury (Concussion &

dizziness)• Bruised shoulder• Broken Leg (Femur)• Ruptured Anterior Cruciate

Ligament (ACL)• Damaged cartilage in shoulder• Ligament damage and fractured

fibula• Cyclist/Car collision (knee damage)• Ligament damage (hand)

Any injury that is serious enough to need first aid or hospital treatment MUST be reported to the facility where it happened and the Union

Emergency Procedures...

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In the event of an Emergency:

1. Call the accident & emergency services (999 or 112) and request the appropriate service

2. Seek assistance from a first aider (if appropriate and possible)

3. Call the Sports Manager on 07825 861715 and give details of the incident (please note: this is an emergency contact number only)

4. If the Sports Manger isn't available contact SHU 24 hour security on 0114 225 2000 and provide details of the incident (security should have details of next of kin on the trip forms)

First Aid Training...

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• National sensible drinking campaign

• Peer pressure?• Serious risk to personal health• Serious risk to safety• Reputational damage

“Welcome parties”


• Team building in a welcoming environment

• Inclusive• Not compulsory / no pressure on


Social Behaviour Policy...

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"Participation in any kind of Welcome Party is completely optional for all members.  Whilst we recognise that the intention of Welcome Party is primarily as a team building social activity, they must allow for a diversity of cultural and personal beliefs which members can opt-out without fear of undue pressure, reprisal or any other form of discrimination.

Welcome Party's and other social and sporting events are not forced, exclusive, alcohol dependent binges, creating an environment of fear.  Focus will not be placed on ritual humiliation, drunkenness and peer pressure.  Welcome Party participation is not a prerequisite for selection and inclusion within a club or society.

Any member of Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union responsible for or directly involved in the organisation and publicising of, an event based on any of the above will face disciplinary action"
