Health information confidentiality

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Health information confidentiality

By: James Holtz

Health Information


Patient Rights

Privacy and confidentiality are basic rights in our society. Safeguarding those rights, with respect to an individual’s personal

health information, is our ethical and legal obligation as health care providers.

(Erickson & Millar, 2005, p. 1)

HIPAA Compliance

*Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

*Enacted into law in 1996

*Provides rights to patients and safeguards for employees

*Keeping patient information private

*Failure to comply with HIPAA can result in civil and criminal penalties. $50,000 per violation!

Prevent Unauthorized


Tips For Keeping It Private

*Automatic time outs on electronic medical records programs

*Computer privacy screen filters

*Strong passwords

*HIPAA monitoring program

*Random employee computer access audits

Employers To Do List

*Adopt policies and procedures regarding HIPAA Compliance

*Annual training regarding HIPAA

*Strong consequences for violations “Termination”

*Notification method when violations occur



American Medical Association. (n.d.). HIPAA violations and enforcement. Retrieved March 5,

2015, from



Erickson, J. I., & Millar, S. (2005, May). Caring for patients while respecting their privacy:

Renewing our commitment. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 10(2), 1-13.

Retrieved from