Healt benefits of weight loss

Post on 07-May-2015

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http://skinnbeautycare.com/Health/health-benefits-of-weight-loss/ has posted this PPT. You can achieve numerous short and long term health benefits by losing weight. This weight loss may result in life saving changes in your health.

Transcript of Healt benefits of weight loss

Health Benefits of Weight Loss

Various studies and research has indicated that you can achieve numerous short and long term health benefits by losing even small amount of weight. This weight loss may result in life saving changes in your health.

Here we will discuss some of the health benefits of weight loss:

Health Benefits of Weight Loss

1. Reduced risk of diabetes2. Maintain a healthy heart3. Lowers the cholesterol level4. Improve your sleep5. Reduce the risk of joint pain6. Improve your sex life7. Improve fertility8. Increase vitality and energy

Weight Loss lowers the risk of diabetes

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Overweight or obesity increases this risk manifold as excess weight stops cells from responding to insulin. This leads to higher sugar level in the circulating blood. By maintaining proper weight and reducing weight if you are overweight, you can increase your response to insulin and reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

Weight Loss lowers the risk of heart attack

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Excess weight releases certain chemicals into the blood stream that causes high blood pressure and high cholesterol (LDL). LDL tends to be sticky and accumulates in walls of blood vessels. This plaque build up can result in narrowed arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Weight loss can save you from the risk of heart attack up to certain extent.

Weight Loss lowers cholesterol level

Reducing of weight lowers the production of LDL by lever and resulting in less accumulation of plaque in the arteries and narrowing them. This reduces the risk of heart attack. If you do the exercises and healthy diet to reduce the weight then it will help in increase of good cholesterol (HDL). HDL will stops LDL from depositing of arteries walls.

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Weight loss improve your sleep

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Over weight people generally have more amount of soft tissues in their neck due to which they have to face snoring problem. Snoring may leads to sleep apnea that may stop breathing of a person and who has to wake up many times in night. It may also deprive the person from oxygen and may leads to many health complications. Lowering of weight save your from these health issues.

Lowering of weight reduce joint pain

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Being overweight can cause the load on your joints increase manifolds. It can lead to problems such as osteoarthritis in which the bones and cartilage in your joints get worn away. Lowering of weight can reduce load on your joints and can save you from problem of joint pain.

Lowering of weight Improve sex life

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Obese and over weight person suffers from erectile dysfunction. Sex drive is also affected by high blood pressure and diabetes and obesity is main reason of these problems. By reducing weight you can improve your sex drive.

Lowering of weight Improve fertility

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Relationship between obesity and infertility is unclear but it has been suggested that obesity can cause disturbance in sex hormone metabolism. Due to obesity during pregnancy chances of miscarriage and medical complication increases. Lowering of weight can make improvement in ovulation and pregnancy rate.

Lowering of weight Increase vitality and energy

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Weight loss has not only physical benefits but also psychological one. Weight loss can improve the way you live your life and give you high self esteem. Studies have shown that reducing of weight appears to greatly enhance the quality of life