Head to toe nutrition three

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Head to toe nutrition three

Jessica RinaldiNutrition & Dietetics

American Sign LanguageCalifornia State University, Fresno


Fiber is the general name for material in vegetables, fruits, and grains that our bodies can't digest fully.

Soluble fiber breaks down into a gel in the intestines. As it passes through your GI tract, soluble fiber absorbs water and slows down digestion.

oatmeal, nuts, beans, apples, and blueberries.

Insoluble fiber passes through the body mostly intact while speeding up digestion "intestinal hurry."

seeds, grains, and the stringy parts or skins of fruits and vegetables.

Diverticulitis (insoluble fiber) : when pockets in the intestines rupture and become infected.

reduce the risk of disease, ease symptoms and prevent future exacerbations.

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) and ulcers. Some soluble fibers have been linked with lower levels of gastric acid.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS.) fibersupplements– such as those containing psyllium, guar gum, and methylcellulose -- could help with IBS. However, high-fiber wheat bran seems to worsen symptoms.

Regularity. insoluble fiber, prevent constipation. It bulks up stools and keeps food moving through the digestive tract.

Healthy bacteria. probiotoics -that live in your intestines. Some types of soluble fiber are considered a prebiotic -- a fuel that feeds these healthy bacteria and increases their numbers, They boost digestive health.

lower cholesterol, promote healthy blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and help people lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Women aged 18-50 = 25 grams.

Women aged 50+ = 21 grams.

Men aged 18-50 = 38 grams.

Men aged 50+ = 30 grams.

Children 4-8 years old = 25 grams.

Toddlers 1-3 years old =19 grams.

Fill your plate with cherries, grapes,

crunchy bell peppers, beans, whole grains,

and nuts.

Fiber helps keep weight gain, heart

disease, blood sugar fluctuations, and

hemorrhoids at bay.

Relieve reflux and heartburn by stimulating

the production of acid-neutralizing saliva.

Skip gum if it causes you to swallow air,

which may lead to belching and bloating.

prevent indigestion, bloating, heartburn,

and other digestive health issues is to eat

smaller, more frequent meals, more slowly.

helps shrink your stomach capacity,

making you less likely to overeat.

Rids body of waste and prevent


Found in drinks like water and juices, but

can also be found in foods.

Physical activity helps your body's digestive

system move things along and eliminate waste.

It also helps reduces stress, a prime irritant of

many digestive problems.

Living microorganisms often added to

yogurts, juices, snacks, and supplements.

Helping diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome

and inflammatory bowel disease.

Brain and digestive system are connected.

Stress can aggravate digestive problems.

Try physical activity, getting enough sleep,

meditation, or relaxation.

Pay attention to YOUR digestive problems.

gassy foods like beans and soda

fatty items like fried foods and cheese.

acidic foods: citrus, coffee, tea, and


Smoking weakens the valve at the end of

the esophagus (acid reflux and heartburn)

higher risks of developing peptic ulcers

and Crohn's disease than nonsmokers.

increases the risk of various

gastrointestinal cancers.

Alcohol interferes with acid secretion,

stomach muscles, and nutrient absorption.

Too many drinks can contribute to

heartburn, diarrhea, liver problems.

Take your time and eat slowly, do not gulp

your food or drinks.

Chew each bite thoroughly.

Avoid gum and hard candy if they cause

you to swallow air.

extra sodium in your diet causes bloating.

Salt shaker or from processed foods

Cut back on your salt intake and avoid

prepackaged foods when possible.

Food-borne illnesses can mean diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Keep cold food cold and hot food hot.

Use different utensils and cutting boards when preparing fruits and vegetables and raw meat, poultry, or seafood.

Dairy products that have been pasteurized.

Can't digest lactose, sugar in milk.

Lots of gas after eating dairy products.

Try eliminating milk, cheese, ice cream,

and other dairy foods

Try substitutes, such as soy

If digestive problems interfere with your daily life.

Problems swallowing, choking, bloody or black vomit or stool, abdominal pain, or have lost a lot of weight.

Digestive distress : food poisoning, gallstones, Crohn's disease, ulcers, IBS, or diverticulitis.

Eat more fruits and vegetables:2 cups of fruit and

2.5 cups of vegetables.

Eat more whole grains. Oatmeal, barley, and brown

rice are all good options or add high-fiber bran.

Check the labels. choose items with five+ grams of

fiber per serving.

Drink water.

Go slowly. add fiber gradually, over several weeks.

Consider a supplement. Get advice from a doctor on

the different supplements and the different types of






Canned fruits (canned

in fruit juice or water)



Honeydew melon









AsparagusBeans (green, kidney, lima, navy, soybeans, yellow)BeetsBroccoliBrussels sproutsCabbageCarrotsCauliflowerCornCucumbersKohlrabiLeeksMushroomsOnions













Vegetable juices


Meat/protein Eggs Dried peas, beans, &

lentils Fish Lean meats Nuts Peanut butter Poultry Seeds Tofu

Grain products Multigrain breads Cereals and crackers Rice (brown or wild) Whole wheat pasta








