Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher...

Post on 07-Sep-2018

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Transcript of Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher...

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Dear Parents and carers

Welcome to our summer newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading

about the work staff and pupils have been doing this term.


Sadly we say good bye to the following staff and thank them for

all the support and hard work given to North Ridge and the

pupils they have worked with: Carla Kellegher, Chris Shaw,

Andrea Harris, Sandra Martin, Carol Sharples, Kath Musgrove,

Amy Roberts, Katie Fitzgerald and Fran Austin.

Katie Roberts will be taking maternity leave from September.

Staff Appointments

Teaching assistants: Stacey Covill, Imogen Doherty, Konstantina

Charlavani and Jody Eagers.

Teachers: Soibhan O’Shaughnessy, Paul Worsdale, Huma

Qureshi, Saleha Qureshi and Michelle Starkey.

Mr Rogers will lead Key Stage 4 whilst Mrs Roberts is on

maternity leave. Miss Brannigan will be leading the hospital

project temporarily whilst we recruit to the role.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



We welcome back Hannah Stollar, Chloe Flannagan and Itrat Ali

from their maternity leave.


Sadly we said goodbye to our Year 11 pupils moving on to college

in September. They left at the end of June. We wish them

every success in the future.

We will also say goodbye to our 6th form students leaving to go

to college. We will miss you and wish you every success.

School development

We have had a very successful consultation period during this

term. Staff, pupils, parents and Governors have had their say

about the future of North Ridge. Please see our website for the


I would like to thank the staff for their hard work throughout

this year in educating your children. Pupils have worked hard

and achieved great results - particularly our Year 11s and 6th

form in their accredited courses.

Work with Lancasterian School and possible federation

We are at the informal stage and are willing to receive any

comments that will help in the decision making process. If

the two Governing Bodies decide to take this to the formal

stages we will write to you again in the autumn term.

There is a changing landscape in the education system in

England and Wales. Many schools are choosing to become

academies or join multi academy trusts. The Governing Bodies

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



of both schools have considered this and do not want to take

this route.

There have been significant changes in the leadership of

Lancasterian organisation over the last 12 months. The

leadership team of North Ridge have been working closely with

the new leadership at Lancasterian to build capacity of the


The Governing Bodies of both schools have met independently to

consider the future of our schools and organisation and how

best to serve the children of the school communities. Our two

Governing Bodies and leadership teams believe that the already

successful joint working could be strengthened by federating.

We are currently working together to explore how we would

work as a federation. There is a joint working party of the two

Governing Bodies and senior staff considering all the advantages

and disadvantages and planning for the future. This work will be

complete by the end of September 2017 when a report will be

presented to both Governing Bodies.

The two Governing Bodies will consider the decision separately.

If the decision is to federate, we will then start a formal

consultation process with our stakeholders.

Under federation both schools will retain their unique

characteristics and identities. A few examples are listed below:

Separate unique reference number

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Separate budget allocation to each of the schools and


Separate Ofsted inspections

There will be a single Governing Body over the federation with

representatives from the schools and services. The following

link will take you to information about the process of

federating: http://www.nga.org.uk/Guidance/School-structures-


If you wish to ask any questions or comment on the proposal

please contact: Bernice Kostick or Gill Foord

I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of North Ridge and

work with fantastic pupils, staff parents and governors. This

year has been very successful and I look forward to continuing

our journey in autumn 2017.


We remind parents that parking on the school site at the start

or end of the school day is restricted. Please drive slowly when

approaching school and only park in designated areas. The

reason for this is to ensure that all pedestrians are safe and

reduce traffic during very busy times.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord






Pupils are required to wear full school uniform. Please ensure

that your child is dressed appropriately when they come to


Finally if any families are receiving Direct payments and looking

for workers I am aware that some of our support staff would

be willing to pick up this work. Please contact the main office if

you are looking for workers to support your children out of


If you have time during your busy summer break please go on

the OFSTED website- www.ofsted.gov.uk- “parent view” and give

your views about North Ridge. You will need to register with

your email address. This will help the school. Your support would

be appreciated.

I wish you all a happy and stress free summer!! School reopens

on Wednesday 6th September 2017 to pupils.

Bernice Kostick

Head Teacher

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



This term, Class Henson have been learning about Christianity in

Religious Education. We visited our local church which was very


The topic for our Art lessons this term is ‘Going Places’. Class

Henson have been working hard to create ocean scenes and boats

using paper plates. Here you can see some of the children working

hard on their scenes:

This year, we are saying Farewell to 2 of our students in Class

Henson: Kammeron and Usman. Both young men are moving on to

college. We would like to take this opportunity to wish them both

“All the best” for the future. Happy Holidays!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Class Nightingale have completed their final work placements at North

Manchester General Hospital. All the NHS Staff that have worked

alongside the students are going to miss them when they leave for

college next year.

Well Done to:

Courtney Bosley– Catering (The Gallery Café/Freezer Stores)

Christopher Mahon- Catering (The Gallery Cafe)

Rabiah Hasan– Pharmacy

Callum Bate – Theatre Stores

Jake Hunt- Theatre Stores

We are all proud of your hard work and success this year. Good luck to all

the pupils in Class Nightingale as they move onto college.

We have had another great year at our Supported Internship and Class

Nightingale has made a valuable contribution to the hospital.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Our theme this term in Class Scott has been ‘Going Places’ - we have

been exploring different forms of transport and how they move.

In creative skills we have been creating our own hot air balloons. We

enjoyed getting messy creating the paper mache balloon and then

chose which bright colours we wanted to use to decorate them.

This year Class Scott are saying goodbye to Demi-Leigh and Nataly.

These two girls are always full of laughter and work very hard. We

would like to say you are going to be greatly missed and wish you all

the best as you take on your next adventure of going to college!!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Class Ross have had a fantastic Summer term. All of the pupils have

worked really hard and enjoyed all of the exciting summer activities.


In English we have been learning about Myths and Legends. We have

designed characters and settings and written a myth. We used the iPads

and Lego mini figures to create stop animation films of our myths.


In science we have been learning about materials and their properties.

We have explored and tested materials to find out if they float or sink,

bend or snap, are magnetic or not magnetic and what happens if you add

water to or heat different materials.

Class Ross pupils and staff wish you a fun and relaxing Summer break!

We look forward to seeing you all in September.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Well done to our year 11’s that have done a fantastic job at completing their

AQA exams, coursework and ASDAN over the past 2 years! We wish our

year 11’s who are moving up to six form the best of luck and also Paige and

Jessica who have left NRHS to move onto college. You all should be very

proud of yourselves! Happy holidays!

In English we have been learning about exhibitions. We planned our own visit

to the Albert Dock, Liverpool, where we went and looked at the exhibitions

being held in the Liverpool museum.

In Film it we have been creating our own films. We started off by learning

all the different angles that shots can be taken at and then put together a

story board with photographs taken by the pupils. We were then able to put

our story to life using iMovie and the green screen. Here are some of the

shots taken by the pupils.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



This term we had a creative super learning day. Class Tenzing

learned a song and dance about trying new things inspired by

the film ’Zootropolis’.

The pupils also made posters about trying new things.

We have been exploring the work of the artist Van Gough. Pupils

observed his paintings and then created their own interpretation.

We then made self-portraits using a range of materials.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



We hope you have a great Summer!

From class Tenzing

Class Tenzing have been working towards their ASDAN

qualifications. This means completing activities that are mainly

based around life skills. This half term pupils have had their own

jobs such as collecting the lunches and snack, taking the register

and watering the plants.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



In English Class Baker have been reading the story about Finn

McCool. We have all enjoyed learning about the giant’s causeway!

In science we have been learning about body

parts. The heads, shoulders, knees and toes song

helped us a lot!

In Maths we have been learning how to tell the time and ordering

our daily routines.

The team in Class Baker wish you all a very happy summer!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



During the summer term

class Hillary’s maths

lessons included Grow-It

sessions. We had fun

weighing soil and measuring

water. We counted leaves

and strawberries and made

bar charts to show the

changes each week. But

first we had to do the

digging and planting!

Super learning day was all about team

work and using our thinking skills. Class

Hillary’s theme was ‘shapes’ and our task

was to make 2D shapes and turn them

into 3D shapes.

We got there in the end!

French lessons this term have been about travelling to Paris. We have learned

about the different transport we could use to get there; the special places to

visit and being able to ask for food and drinks in a café. First though we

needed a passport and to say our name to get through customs!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



This term in English we have been learning about exhibitions. We visited The

Albert Dock after making our own risk assessments and planning the trip

ourselves. We have researched The Albert Dock a lot and we were all very

excited to finally visit. We had a great day!

We have been reading many fiction and non-fiction

texts this term. We have taken part in role plays and

completed lots of great writing. We have all worked

really hard this term!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Odysseus And The Cyclops

In English the pupils have learnt about the myth of

Odysseus and the Cyclops. They have written their own

versions of the story and have created some amazing

mixed media art work to illustrate the story.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Votes For Women

As part of the history topic “the UK through time” the

pupils learnt about the Suffragettes and their

campaign to allow women to vote. They made some very

convincing Suffragette posters to demand this right

for women, two of which you can see here.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Sixth Form have had a very busy

term! From work experience at the

café where we have been having

some of our busiest days on

record! We just want to thank you

for all your support with the café

and the shop; we appreciate every

visit and donation.

Sixth form have been out in

the community using public

transport to get to Heaton

Park. They have been

exercising and enjoying

summer picnics this term!

Sixth Form are

continuing to volunteer

at North Manchester

General Hospital. Our

students really enjoy

visiting the wards, talking

to patients and selling

snacks off the trolley.

This is vital experience

improving our students

social and employability


Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Class Mallory Class Mallory have worked very

hard this Summer Term. We

have had a fantastic time in

music with Mr Shaw.

This term we engaged in healthy

eating and healthy bodies

activities. With staff support we

explored different equipment in

the gym.

In science we have

been learning about

plants. We had so

much fun planting

some potatoes.

We would like to wish Stiv good luck when he starts at Bridge

College in September. Everyone in Class Mallory is going to miss


Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Class MacArthur Class MacArthur have had a fantastic term! We participated in the

whole-school ‘Creative super learning day’ to create our very own

plant pots to grow herbs.

We started by

designing our plant

pots using a

template. We then

created our plant

pots and planted

herb seeds once

they were dry.

In DT, we have been making photo-frames by completing a design

sheet and then using this to create our product.

We wish you a great summer!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Thanks to all the fantastic work that our pupils have been doing in the

allotment we have an incredible harvest this year. We have an abundance

of potatoes, parsnips, broad beans and tomatoes, as well as herbs like

mint, rosemary, thyme and chamomile. We even have gooseberries and


The crops will be donated to food technology lessons as part of Carousel,

the school onsite café, Cup & Cake café and staff lunches which the 6th

form pupils prepare on Fridays.

Pupils have been maintaining the allotment by regularly weeding, watering,

caring for and cutting back the plants. Everything has been grown from


KS4 have been working hard on improving the sensory garden, adding

touches of colour and smells!

A huge thank you to the staff at Blackley Cemetery for the very kind

donation of Begonias, which have contributed to the beautiful sensory


Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Over the academic year a group of Key Stage 4 pupils have been working

towards their Duke of Edinburgh award. To achieve this they have completed

the following four sections:

Physical The majority of students chose to learn trampoling this year. They

have spent a term developing their skills to allow them to perform a short

routine of trampoline skills and shapes. The remainder of the group selected

Health Related Fitness. These students have developed their fitness levels,

understanding of training and a knowledge of healthy lifestyles.

Voluntary To complete this section pupils organised the schools charity day

which raised £350 for Comic Relief. Working as a team they developed a

series of fundraising events for the other students in school to participate in.

This included sponsored signing, none uniform day and pie the teacher!

Skill Pupils have been learning about first aid and how to react in an

emergency situation. Pupils have learnt CPR, bandaging cuts and breaks, how to

deal with a person who is choking and somebody who has burnt themselves.

They have also learnt the skill of cooking on a camp stove and building a tent.

Expedition Pupils had to plan a walk of approximately seven miles and an

overnight camp. The first walk and camp took place in June in Rivington

Country Park. Pupils walked to the top of Rivington Pike and camped at a local

scout camp site. The second walk was held at Hollingworth Lake in magnificent

weather! The pupils camped out overnight and prepared and cooked their own

meals. Both expeditions were very tiring and hard work, but the pupils worked

well as a team to complete the walks, build the tents and cook their food. Plus

they all came back with a bit of a tan!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord




This term has been busy with many sporting activities taking place:

Football We had two teams playing in two different leagues: MCFC Ability

Counts and Manchester FA league. In the MCFC league the team achieved two

wins, one draw and a loss and finished 3rd place in the league! In the

Manchester FA league they won three matches and drew one and finished in

2nd place! We will be looking to enter both leagues again next year and develop

a girls’ team too.

Goalball Three of our students won the Manchester School Goalball

competition, which then qualified them to represent Manchester in the School

Games. The three pupils Afzal, David A & Mohsin attended the school games

where they competed against pupils from across Greater Manchester. In a hard

fought round of fixtures they competed well and finished fourth.

Inclusive Games Three teams of students entered goalball, football & boccia at

Leigh Sports Village. The football team played excellent and won 2nd place (their

only defeat was at the hands of the overall winners!). The boccia teams

competed well and won 4th & 5th position. The goalball teams came 1st & 3rd.

Randstad Sports Day We were already last year’s winners and held the title!

This event challenges pupils to compete in a series of indoor athletics activities

including target throw, speed bounce, high stepper, relay etc. Unfortunately due

to illness both teams were down a person, but that didn't stop everyone trying

their hardest! Our first team finished 4th and our second team finished 2nd.

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Water Sports Festival Greater Sport (in partnership with Salford water

sports centre) hosted a water sports festival. Five pupils tried a range of new

activities including: kayaking, canoeing, dragon boating, wakeboarding and

paddle boarding. All the pupils ended up very wet (especially Emmanuel who also

seemed to try his hand at open water swimming) and had a great day trying the

new activities. We hope to develop more of this next school year.

Track & Field The Manchester School track & field event took place at the

start of the term and North Ridge entered a team of 17 pupils into the event.

Pupils competed in three events – running, throwing and jumping. Notable

results were Abbieleigh who won a gold medal, Mohsin with 3 medals and David

A with a 1 medal.

Cricket Mr Cooper’s favourite event of the year! The Lancashire Cricket Club

school competition in Middleton is an excellent event, which attracts teams

from across Manchester. Our pupils showed great development this year

following the work that has been completed in PE. There were some brilliant

shot selections and an overall improved ability by everyone. The team won 3rd


Tri Golf The Manchester Schools Tri Golf event was held at Platt Fields

Centre. Students had to complete a series of golf based challenges to score as

many points as possible. Both North Ridge teams performed well with one team

finishing 2nd.

Well done to everyone who took part in these activities!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



What a busy year 2nd Hand Made has had!

We have been busy, busy, busy and our

students have worked very hard throughout

the year making:

Sweet bundles for children’s parties

(these were very popular as you can


Easter bonnet packs that sold out in record time

Christmas gifts

Plaques for different occasions

Artistic cups designed by our very own 6th form student


We have also been working hard establishing 2nd Hand Made on

EBay, which has proved to be very successful.

Our biggest achievement is the confidence that our students

have developed working in the shop; the ability to deal with

customers and the use of functional maths in daily life. We are

very proud of all our students and the work they have put in to

make our shop welcoming and exciting for the local community.

We look forward to welcoming our students back to keep up the

good work and continue to grow in confidence and life skills.

We wish you all a wonderful summer full of sunshine and fun

and we hope you visit us at the shop very soon!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord




This summer term pupils have continued to work hard to come into school

on time, every day. Those pupils who have reached 100% attendance for

the academic year will take part in a special end of year draw. Pupils will

also receive an individual attendance and whole class attendance

certificate at the celebration assembly.

A big well done for those pupils, who attended every lunchtime club

sensibly and achieved all their behaviour targets, this summer term,

Congratulations to the winners of the Mountain Group ‘K2’

Class Armstrong and Class Johnson keep up the Good work

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



100% attendance - Big prize draw

Congratulations and keep up the Good work

Remember you have to be in it to win it!!

2017 Awards - these will be presented in our final assembly

Well done everyone!!

Head Teacher Bernice Kostick / Deputy Head Teacher Gill Foord



Special Needs Nursing Service

Message from Eleanor McCaig (school nurse):

“Please be aware that I am not working throughout

the summer holidays. However, there will still be

nursing cover available for you.

Please contact my fellow nurses on 0161 248 1247 for

nursing assistance over the summer. There will be

nurses working daily so if no one is available when

you phone please leave a message and someone will

get back to you.

If it is an emergency and no one is answers please

seek further medical attention.

Have a safe and healthy summer.”