he ennessee - Sitemason · 5th — State Publications (i .e., the Tennessee Torch ). Editor: Diana...

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Transcript of he ennessee - Sitemason · 5th — State Publications (i .e., the Tennessee Torch ). Editor: Diana...


TT he 47th annual NJCL Convention at the U n i v e r s i t y o f Oklahoma in Norman

proved to be a fulfilling end to the summer for classics enthusiasts from across the state, as well as the country. Fulfilling in, well, more way than one. To satisfy the knowledge cravings of the Tennessee delegation, the convention was equipped with seminars and workshops. One such event featured our own state Co-

Chairs, Mrs. Edmondson and Mr. Long, who led an exchange of ideas for sp i c i ng up s ta te conventions. Then, to sa t is fy the TJCL delegation’s hunger, were the University of Oklahoma’s cafeteria and a conveniently located Papa John’s, which was hit heavily during the course of the week. To close out each

day, the Tennessee delegation met in state fellowship, which was graced with more food for TJCLers to consume (i.e., cakes). Then

TJCL Conquers Norman Inside This Issue:

Labor Omnia Vincit: TJCL Winners In Norman Fashion Update: TJCL T-shirt Takes First! Our Resident Velociraptor TJCL Convention 2001 Byte Who Are These Guys TJCL.org Update! Clash of the Titans: An On-line Poll Puzzles Page From the Desk of the President NJCL Officer? From Tennessee? Warren Receives Sterling Award Summa Cum Laude Teachers Announced Executive Board ...and more

November 2000 • Volume 42, Issue 1 • http://www.tjcl.org

Continued on page 2


ennessee orch

The Tennessee Delegation

The TJCL Co-Chairs Comparing Notes


Labor Omnia Vincit: TJCL Winners In Norman

The Tennessee Torch

there was the adrenaline urge. That too was satisfied by the N J C L C o n v e n t i o n a s Tennessee competed with such states as Texas and the host state of Oklahoma for a

chance at a spirit award. If it weren’t enough to hear hundreds of JCLers screaming at the top of their lungs (and inevitably losing their voices), you could attend a round of competitive Certamen. Lastly, to fulfill the TJCLers inner desire for personal glory and to refute the Y2K concerns, there was the awards assembly on the eve of the closing of the convention, during which “of Tennessee” rung out several times. The contest results can be found on the following pages. In the end, though, all of the delegates had a great time meeting new classics fans

Geography Level

2nd — Charlie Bergen 1

7th — Tulisha Jackman 1

1st — Nathan Parker 3

2nd — John Matthews 3

Grammar Level

6th — Tulisha Jackman 1

7th — Charlie Bergen 1

8th — Mohammed Ajayi 1

3rd — Alexandra Henry 2

3rd — John Matthews 3

6th — Dana Longton 3

3rd — Diana Howard 4

Greek Derivatives Level

2nd — Phil Reed 1

7th — Ben Eckart 1

10th — Joe Aphinyanaphongs 2

3rd — Nathan Parker 3

7th — John Matthews 3

8th — Dana Longton 3

2nd — Diana Howard 4

Greek Life & Literature Level

3rd — Charlie Bergen 1

6th — John Emery 1

3rd — Nathan Parker 3

4th — Dana Longton 3

5th — John Matthews 3

9th — Elizabeth Foley 3

10th — Ricky Allen 4

Hellenic History Level

2nd — Charlie Bergen 1

continued page 3


TJCL Spirit


Mark Ramdarass is a man of many talents. All of which were clearly shown to the TJCL delegates at Norman. On the stage Mark performed in the SCL talent show, “That’s Entertainment”—combining a beat with a chorus in a single breath. Mark also placed in many art contests, where he proved his artistic abilities beyond a reasonable doubt. If that weren’t enough for us to think Mark “the man”— he also designed the state T-shirt (worn on State T-shirt day), which illustrates the convention theme: “Each man is the architect of his own fate”. He picked up a $50 check from the TJCL for his work. In addition, the shirt won first place in the T-shirt contest against all other states. Congratulations, Mark!

Fashion Update:

The Tennessee Torch

Hellenic History cont. Level

7th — Calen Verbist 2

7th — John Matthews 3

7th — Nathan Parker 3

4th — Diana Howard 4

Heptathlon Level

1st — Charlie Bergen 1

3rd — Tulisha Jackman 1

5th — Ben Eckart 1

5th — Phil Reed 1

5th — Calen Verbist 2

8th — Alexandra Henry 2

3rd — John Matthews 3

5th — Dana Longton 3

1st — Diana Howard 4

Latin Derivatives Level

5th — John Emery 1

6th — Phil Reed 1

3rd — John Matthews 3

5th — Dana Longton 3

2nd — Diana Howard 4

Latin Literature Level

1st — Charlie Bergen 1

3rd — John Emery 1

3rd — Calen Verbist 2

1st — Dana Longton 3

5th — John Matthews 3

6th — Nathan Parker 3

3rd — Diana Howard 4

Latin Vocabulary Level

3rd — Phil Reed 1

9th — Charlie Bergen 1

10th — Ben Eckart 1

6th — Alexandra Henry 2

3rd — John Matthews 3

5th — Dana Longton 3

continued on page 5

There were other awards (other than ribbons, that is) given at the NJCL Convention in Norman. One such award (given by the state Co-Chairs at fellowship) called for the recipient to exhibit special skills; thus it was called the “I Am Special” award. Such “special” skills were displayed by Calen Verbist from Clarksville. Calen possessed the furtive qualities of a velociraptor at various times during the convention. While in his special state of mind, Calen gained speed, power, and agility to attack fellow unsuspecting and helpless JCLers. On one such o c c a s i o n , Calen jumped from the bushes onto an unsuspecting TJCLer, only to rouse discussion about his feats at fellowship. Congratulations on

Our Resident Velociraptor


Some Scenes From Around Convention.... Continued On Page 10

The Smallest JCL Chapter in the US - 2 of 3 in attendance

Charlie Bergen

TJCLers swing to the NJCL song

An Oklahoman water fountain!

The Mechanical Bull.... This Frontier City Amusement Park attraction prompted a few TJCLers to try their

luck at harnessing the bucking brute.

TJCLers still going strong at evening Fellowship


Reading Comp. ADV Prose cont. Level

3rd — Julia Wall 4

Roman History Level

4th — Charlie Bergen 1

10th — John Emery 1

7th — Calen Verbist 2

3rd — John Matthews 3

4th — Diana Howard 4

Roman Life Level

6th — Charlie Bergen 1

8th — Tulisha Jackman 1

9th — John Emery 1

2nd — Calen Verbist 2

4th — Elizabeth Roads 2

1st — John Matthews 3

2nd — Angela Pollock 3

3rd — Dana Longton 3

4th — Elizabeth Foley 3

7th — Nathan Parker 3

1st — Diana Howard 4

Latin Vocabulary cont. Level

5th — Diana Howard 4

9th — John Jewell 5

Mottoes Level

2nd — Dana Longton 3

4th — John Matthews 3

3rd — Diana Howard 4

5th — John Jewell 5

Mythology Level

4th — Charlie Bergen 1

9th — John Emery 1

6th — Calen Verbist 2

10th — Elizabeth Roads 2

4th — Adam Groves 3

6th — John Matthews 3

10th — Elizabeth Foley 3

3rd — Diana Howard 4

Reading Comprehension Level

1st — Charlie Bergen 1

2nd — Mohammed Ajayi 1

4th — Ben Eckart 1

4th — Tulisha Jackman 1

4th — Phil Reed 1

6th — Gillian Hunt 1

8th — Lynette Evans 1

8th — Chris Woods 1

9th — John Emery 1

3rd — Alexandra Henry 2

9th — Elizabeth Roads 2

10th — James Donahue 2

Reading Comp. ADV Poetry Level

9th — Adam Groves 3

4th — Diana Howard 4

9th — Laura Johnson 4

Reading Comp. ADV Prose Level

5th — Dana Longton 3

8th — Elizabeth Foley 3

Creative Arts Name Event Place

Dana Longton Essay 11th Grade Girls 2nd

Diana Howard Essay 12th Grade Girls 1st

Olympika Name Event Place

Chris Woods 100M Jr. Boys’ Track 2nd

Zach Punke 100M Jr. Boys’ Track 4th

Sam Feather-Garner

100M Jr. Boys’ Track 6th

Ben Apple 100M Jr. Boys’ Track 7th

Heidi Ray 100M Jr. Girls’ Track 1st

Chris Woods 200M Jr. Boys’ Track 2nd

Heidi Ray 200M Jr. Girls’ Track 1st

Mark Ramdarass 200M Sr. Boy’s Track 8th

continued on page 6


Name Event Place

Nathan Parker Cartoons- Grades 11-12 1st

Mark Ramdarass Charcoal- Grades 11-12 4th

Joe Aphinyanaphongs

Charts - Grade 9 1st

Angela Pollock Decorative Stitching 11-12 1st

Elizabeth Roads Decorative Stitching 11-12 3rd

Kathleen Kelley Games- Grade 9 4th

Nathan Parker Illustrated Quotes 11-12 2nd

Joe Aphinyanaphongs

Impromptu Art - Grade 9 5th

Nathan Parker Maps- Grade 11-12 1st

Kathleen Kelley Miscellaneous - Grade 9 1st

Mark Ramdarass Miscellaneous - Grades 11 - 12 6th

Mark Ramdarass Mixed Media - Grades 11 - 12 5th

Erik Lindstrom Mosaics - Grades 6 - 8 3rd

Sam Feather-Garner Oil/Acrylic - Grade 9 4th

Diana Howard Posters - Grades 11 - 12 1st

Joe Aphinyanaphongs

Sculpture - Grade 9 2nd

Kelley Groover Sculpture - Grade 9 5th

Katt Morgan Small Models - Grades 11 - 12 2nd

Elizabeth Foley Textiles - Grade 11 - 12 3rd

Katleen Kelley Watercolor - Grade 9 1st

Graphic Arts

The Tennessee Torch

It’s never too early to start thinking about the next TJCL Convention. The convention for the year 2001 (the first year of the new millennium) will be held at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. If you missed National Convention or the last TJCL Convention, be sure you don’t miss this one. The events will include academic, Olympic, creative, and graphic contests. The theme will be Vultus ac frons animi ianua (“The face and its appearance are a doorway to the soul”). For more information as it becomes available, check out www.tjcl.org — the official website of the Tennessee Junior Classical League. Also look for convention updates in the upcoming issues of the Torch.

A TJCL Convention 2001 Byte

Name Event Place

Chris Woods 400M Jr. Boys’ Track 5th

Heidi Ray 400M Jr. Girls’ Track 1st

Heidi Ray 50-yd Jr. Girls’ Backstroke 4th

Sam Feather-Garner

Jr. Boys’ Shot Put 1st

Zach Punke Jr. Boys’ Shot Put 2nd

Ben Apple Jr. Boys’ Shot Put 4th

Scrapbooks 7th — Local Chapter Scrapbooks, Small Schools: Montgomery Central High School, Cunningham. Editor: Angela Pollock.

Mr. Long runs some ideas by some of the TJCL officers at National Convention.


Novice Division 5th — Members: Charlie Bergen, John Emery, Gillian Hunt, and Phil Reed.

Lower Division 3rd — Members: Calen Verbist, Elizabeth Roads, Alexandra Henry, Sam Feather-Garner, and James Donahue.

Upper Division 5th — Members: John Matthews, Diana Howard, Adam Groves, Angela Pollock, Nathan Parker, and Dana Longton.

Special Award Winners

The Academic Decathlon is a strenuous test (the same for all levels of Latin) with the general purpose of determining the best student in academic test-taking at the convention. The winner receives $500, which was donated by an anonymous friend

Academic Decathlon

2nd — John Matthews, a Latin III from Montgomery Central High School, Cunningham. 4th — Diana Howard, a Latin IV from Northwest High School, Clarksville. 6th — Dana Longton, a Latin III from Clarksville High School, Clarksville.

These awards are given to the top ten delegates in all of the academic tests. All levels of Latin are included on the same

Academics - Overall

5th — Diana Howard, a Latin IV from Northwest High School, Clarksville. 6th — John Matthews, a Latin III from Montgomery Central High School, Cunningham. 7th — Charlie Bergen, a Latin I from Northeast High School, Clarksville.

These awards are given to the top 10 performers in the athletic events held at competition.

Olympika - Overall

10th — Heidi Ray

These awards include all academic, graphic, creative, and Olympika events.


5th — Diana Howard, a Latin IV from Northwest High School, Clarksville.

This award is given annually to the students who exhibit the most talent at convention. These are the student who earn the most individual sweepstakes points in three of the four categories.

Lillie B. Hamilton Award

2nd — Diana Howard

State Awards 1st — State T-shirt designed by Mark Ramdarass of Kenwood High School, Clarksville. 5th — State Publications (i.e., the Tennessee Torch). Editor: Diana Howard of Northwest High School, Clarksville. 7th — Spirit, Large States. Heather Martin of Kenwood High School, Clarksville, spirit leader.



Who Are These Guys? An Introduction To Your State Officers

School: Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet High School Grade In School: 12th Level of Latin: 5 Birthdate: 11/19/1982 State Conventions Attended: 4 National Conventions Attended: 4 Interests/Hobbies: “Work at GAP, sleeping, reading, watching wrestling, and women. Oh, and I like to dance.” Quote: “I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing” —Herman Melville

President - Ricky Allen

The Tennessee Torch

School: Hillsboro High Grade In School: 12th Level of Latin: 4 Birthdate: 4/13/1983 State Conventions Attended: 4 National Conventions Attended: 0

Interests/Hobbies: Guitar, Bass, Bad Craziness Quote: “Don’t take any guff from those swine” — Hunter S Thompson

1st VP - Alex Guth

School: Kenwood High Grade In School: 12th Level of Latin: 4 Birthdate: 3/21/1983 State Conventions Attended: 3 National Conventions Attended: 3 Interests/Hobbies: “I spend most of my time watching movies, bowling, watching my boyfriend at his baseball games, and just hanging out with friends. Much of my time is also devoted to the furthering of KHS's JCL chapter -One of a Triumvirate-” Quote: "Semper Ubi Sub Ubi"

2nd VP - Heather Martin School: Martin Luther King Magnet School Grade In School: 11 Level of Latin: 4 Birthdate: 3/22/1985 State Conventions Attended: 2 National Conventions Attended: 2

Interests/Hobbies: Playing soccer, rock climbing, playing bass, and of course JCL.

Quote: "If anyone wants to know my favorite quote, come up with a really great one for me." — Me

Secretary - Sam Feather-Garner

Millennium Crew


The Tennessee Torch

School: Kenwood High Grade In School: 12th Level of Latin: 4 Birthdate: 3/10/1983 State Conventions Attended: 1 National Conventions Attended: 1

Interests/Hobbies: Breakdancing, Beat Boxing (I was the guy in the 2000 "That's Entertainment"), Art Quote: “Hip-hop is not a crime” — Unknown

Historian - Mark Ramdarass School: Smyrna High Grade In School: 12th Level of Latin: Latin II Honors Birthdate: 8/6/1982 State Conventions Attended: 1 National Conventions Attended: 0 Interests/Hobbies: Writing and singing music and collecting stuffed animals Quote: “Accept nothing less, but your very best.” —Mr. West, my sixth grade teacher.

Parliamentarian - Shayla Holt

Millennium Crew

School: Montgomery Central High School Grade In School: 12 Level of Latin: 4 Birthdate: 10/20/1982 State Conventions Attended: 3 National Conventions Attended: 3

Interests/Hobbies: Designing Webpages, Watching TV (namely, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”), Reading Classical Mythology, and Politics.

Quote: "The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would steal them away.” — Ronald Reagan

Torch Editor - Adam Groves


.... Some Scenes From Around Convention Continued From Page 4

During the Course of Convention...

the bus became a Noah’s Ark of sorts. Here are some the odd animals we picked up along the way....

TJCLers enjoy the General Assembly

John Matthews Hamming with the Ham

Some of the Sponsors and Chaperones pause long enough to pose for this picture

A Snake.... A Rabbit and a Bat...

A Turtle... ...and the velociraptor.


The Tennessee Torch

TJCL.org Update The Tennessee Junior Classical has continued to spread its presence onto the Internet. The first step in this process, as some of you have already noticed, was buying our own domain name. As reported in the last publication of the Torch, the TJCL website can now be found at: http://www.tjcl.org . A second and more time-consuming step consisted of redesigning the site to a more contemporary version as well as one that could be entered in the National Junior Classical League’s annual website contest. While the second phase is still underway, be sure to check out all the great information that is available from the TJCL website. Allow me to give you a brief overview of what is available on-line. TJCL Information - In this section you will find all of the official information from the TJCL. Examples would include the JCL creed and song, as well as the objectives of the TJCL and the TJCL Constitution. Executive Board - Board Members, this section is for you. If you are having trouble finding your Torch, check out the contact page to get in touch with the TJCL officers and Area Sponsors. Also, check out information on the Fall Planning Meeting. TJCL Convention - Here you will find all of the information about state convention as well as the previous convention’s results. NJCL Convention - See the TJCL results from national competition. This section also includes information about next year’s convention. TN Torch On-line - The state publication on the web! Find the most recent edition, as well as archived editions and an on-line poll (explained at right). Local Chapters - Chapters on the web, plus local news. Submit your reports on-line!

- TJCL Webmaster Adam Groves

Clash of the Titans: An On-line Poll Well, I guess you are wondering what all this on-line poll talk is about. Allow me to explain. With each publication of the Torch, a question will be asked, such as this publication’s question (listed below). After reading the question and possible responses, go to TJCL.org, the official site of the Tennessee Junior Classical League, and click on “On-line Poll” in the “Torch On-line” section. Vote for your favorite choice and then tell all your friends to do the same. You don’t have to be a member of the TJCL to vote. The results of the poll will be posted in the following issue of the Torch (e.g., the results to this issue will appear in the February Torch). So, without further ado, here is this issue’s question: When you hear “titan,” what is the

first thing that comes to mind?

A) Cronus and the gang B) Eddie George and the gang C) The big boat at the bottom of the sea

? ?

? ?


Directions: Start at the square marked “S” and move through the map of the Underworld to “F”. An arrow indicates a direction you must take; a star allows you to move in any direction horizontally or vertically (not diagonally). No turns are allowed on the blank squares. You do not have to pass through all the squares.

Directions: Fill in the letters of the Latin words using the clues (i.e., their English meanings)

Directions: Use the name of the person who said or wrote the following famous

(and not so famous) lines to fill the crossword puzzle.

Answers on page 14

Can I Quote You On That? 1




2 4




4 7

Across 1. He’s gone to join the majority (the dead). 2. Money has no smell. 3. What an artist dies with me. 4. Pluck the day! Down 1. The die is cast! 2. The good of the people is the supreme law. 3. Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love. 4. Make haste, slowly. 5. Even while they teach, men learn. 6. There’s a snake hidden in the grass. 7. You will go most safely in the middle.










To Perform:...........


A L _ _

A _ S

_ M N _ S

_ A _ _ R V A

C _ N _ _

_ O _

_ _ _ A

_ U S _ _ _

F _ _ G _

_ _ X

Out of the Underworld

S ↓ → * *

→ ← ← ←

↑ * ↓ * ↓

↓ * ↑

* ↑ → ←

← ↓ * ↑

* ↓ ↓ * F

→ ↑

↑ * ↑ ↑ ←


The Tennessee Torch

Does anyone recognize the name Jean Kim? I know I sure do. Jean attends Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet School and is a former TJCL parliamentarian. Honorably, she took it upon herself to run for the national office of parliamentarian this summer at the convention in Norman. The entire Tennessee delegation knew that the job of campaigning was going to be monumental. Anyone who had attended a national convention before knew that any crack in the wall or spot on the ceiling was fair game for campaign material. Even so , the Tennessee delegation dubbed Jean “our hero” and decided to help her out. Every spare sidewalk block was etched in sidewalk chalk with the words: “Vote Jean for Parliamentarian”. After the extensive campaigning and an excellent speech given at candidates’ open forum, we were all sure that the Tennessee delegate would have a clear shot at the position. We were all eager to hear the results. We were all shocked when the 2000 NJCL Parliamentarian said that there was no majority of the vote for either candidate. As shocked as the delegation was, it was the truth, and according to an article in the national constitution, the new executive board would meet and decide on a candidate who was appropriate to fill the vacancy. The new executive board found valor in Jean Kim and appointed her to the vacancy. After all of the emotion, Jean Kim was our new national parliamentarian! Congratulations, Jean!

A NJCL Officer?

The Tennessee Torch

From the Desk of the President...

Hello Everyone, By now I h o p e everyone is settling into school

and getting ready for another great year of JCL. I plan on making this a great state convention with the help of the other officers, Mrs. Edmondson, and Mr. Long. I hope to see everyone at state. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 615-889-4854 or write Ricky Allen at 2722 McKeige Drive Nashville, TN 37214.


Ricky Allen


Warren Receives Sterling Award

Across 1. Petronius 2. Vespasian 3. Nero 4. Horace

Down 1. Caesar 2. Cicero 3. Catullus 4. Augustus 5. Seneca 6. Vergil 7. Ovid

Puzzle Page Answers Can I Quote You On That?


9. FUNGI 10. NIX 11. RAMUS

Complete-A-Word Out of the Underworld

Move down four squares to the star. Move right to the arrow pointing up and follow it to the star. Turn to the right to the next up arrow. Go to the next star and take a right. Follow the downward arrow to the next star. Keep going down from the star until the arrow pointing left. Go left until you hit the up arrow, which takes you to another star. Go to the right three to the Finish!

Every year the Mildred Sterling Award is given to a longtime convention attendee who displays excellence, dedication and spirit in the Junior Classical League. The award is named for Mildred Sterling, a Texas teacher, who up through 1996 had attended every National Convention including the original planning meeting. This year, the award was bestowed upon Mr. Grady Warren by national committee members (and former students) J im O’Nei l (Technology Chair) and Ed Long (Certamen Chair). Mr. Warren has attended thir ty- three National Conventions and continues to illustrate his excellence through his students at Northeast High School in

New to this year’s convention was the recognition of teachers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty for the bettering of the Junior Classical League at the state and national level. Eight teachers from Tennessee recieved this prestigious award. They are:

Diana Howard may not have a Latin teacher, but she does have a great deal of knowledge about ancient civilizations. The National Junior Classical League proved that they felt the same way this summer, when they presented her with the M a u r e e n O ’ D o n n e l l scholarship. The $1000 scholarship is given annually to a JCLer who per forms very wel l throughout her high school career. Diana currently attends the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where she plans to major in biology and classics.

Summa Cum Laude Teachers Named

• Ms. Virginia Baird, Hutchison School • Mr. Wayne Duff, Memphis University School • Ms. Nancy Howell, Franklin Road Academy • Mrs. Laura Long, Montgomery Central High School • Mrs. Alice Stanford, Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet • Ms. Joyce Ward, Harpeth Hall Magnet • Mr. Grady Warren, Northeast High School • Mrs. Kaye Warren, Clarksville High School

Howard Gets Scholarship


Medusa Mythology Exam 2001 Supporting Classics Education

The Medusa Mythology Exam Committee is proud to announce its sponsorship of the fifth annual “Medusa Mythology Examination.” The exam is available to all students of Latin and Greek in grades 9-12. The Medusa was developed in order to allow those talented in mythology an opportunity to excel and be recognized. Another aim is to increase Classics students’ exposure to mythology. The Medusa is composed of 50 multiple choice questions. The Medusa Exam Committee, a team of nine professors, teachers, and students, will design the syllabus and questions for the exam. In addition, a panel of esteemed teachers will review the initial copy of the exam to ensure its complete mythological accuracy. The Medusa Exam Committee will then review the final copy of the exam. The theme of this year’s exam is “Monsters, Beasts, & Creatures.” Sources include the ancient world authors of Apollodorus, Homer, Ovid, and Virgil, and modern works such as Hamilton’s Mythology, Bulfinch’s Age of Fable, and Mark Morford’s Classical Mythology. Top achievers on the exam will receive certificates, and medals imported from Italy. Our highest-scoring participant will be able to apply for several cash prizes to assist with educational expenses. The Medusa has been approved by the Contests & Activities Cmte of the Nat’l Association of Secondary School Principals.

Fees for the Medusa are $2.00 per student plus a $15 school fee. Financial aid is available as necessary. The exam will be administered during the week of 2-6 April 2001 (choose one day; we work around spring break conflicts) and all scores and awards will be returned to the test-taking school soon after they are received and processed, in time for awards assemblies. Registration packets will be available from 1 December 2000 through 1 March 2001. Interested parties are encouraged to download their registration materials, but may also contact the Medusa Exam Committee:

US MAIL: Medusa Myth Exam 8052 Crooked Oaks Ct. Gainsville, VA 20155 WWW: medusaexam.cjb.net

VOX: (800) 896-4671 FAX: attn: Covington (703) 242-0718 E-MAIL: medusaexam@altavista.net

Medusa Exam Committee: Matthew D. Webb, Chair; Georgia Alexakis; Tamara Bauer; Deborah B. Carter; Laura Covington, Vice Chair; Kelly DuBois; Samip S. Patel; Dr. Linda Safran; Dr. Elizabeth Vandiver.


President Ricky Allen 2722 McKeige Drive Nashville, TN 37214 rickdogg440@aol.com First Vice-President Alex Guth 5408 Forest Acres Drive Nashville, TN 37220 yanni_batch@hotmail.com Second Vice-President Heather Martin 1838 Palamino Drive Clarksville, TN 37042 keller1838@aol.com Secretary Sam Feather-Garner 3001 Blakemore Avenue Nashville, TN 37212 Lilwolf7@aol.com Parliamentarian Shayla Holt 500 Rocksprings Road, Apt. 138B Smyrna, TN 37167 Historian Mark Ramdarass 1313 Courtney Drive Clarksville, TN 37042 bboymowgli@yahoo.com Torch Editor Adam Groves 1175 Hutcheson Lane Clarksville, TN 37040 mythman@prodigy.net

I would like to thank Diana Howard, former Torch editor for all of the advice that she has given me during the course of my first publication of the Torch. I would also like to thank Mr. James Long for his continued guidance, as well as Mrs. Laura Long, my

Nota Editoris

2000 - 2001 Executive Board The Tennessee Torch

West Tennessee Sponsor Kathryn Tebbe 771 Autumn Winds Drive Collierville, TN 38017 ktebbe@bellsouth.net Middle Tennessee Sponsor Laura Long 512 Lisa Court Clarksville, TN 37043 mchslatin@aol.com East Tennessee Sponsor Sandra Hickman 445 Hidden Acres Road Kingsport, TN 37664 Sandy_Hickman@Kpt.k12.tn.us Publicity Chair Dawn LaFon 514 South Perkins Memphis, TN 38117 DLAFON740@aol.com State Co-Chair James Long 500 Call Hill Place Nashville, TN 37211 scaevola@telalink.net State Co-Chair Brenda Edmondson 9307 Seminole Drive Brentwood, TN 37027 tjclconsul@aol.com

If you missed all the fun of Nationals this year, be sure you are there for the excitement in 2001. Next year’s convention will be held at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA from July 17th through the 22nd. Mark your calendars now! For more information about the NJCL Convention, look for updates in upcoming issues of the Torch, or check out the NJCL website <njcl.org>. ______________________ Tell the entire world what your JCL chapter is up to! Submit your chapter reports and pictures to:

The TN Torch c/o Adam Groves

1175 Hutcheson Ln. Clarksville, TN 37040

or on-line at www.tjcl.org. Your report wil l be published in the February issue of the Torch. ______________________ Look for the next issue of the Tennessee Torch in February!!!

