HB 156

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Transcript of HB 156









Heartbeat | Issue 156 | February 2015





19 HomeRunCamp 33“Arise,Shine”Musical

37 ChineseEvangelisticParty





09 33


ADVISER RevDrJonathanSeet

EDITOR RevIreneThung

SUB-EDITORS JonathanChoy





Editorial TeamNicoleSiaShawnTanNgWeiyuCarolynLeeLeukQinLiAdelineKohAliceYeoGaryGohYeoLiJuan


PLEASE WRITE TO:EditorHeartbeatMagazinePayaLebarMethodistChurch5BoundaryRoadSingapore549954TEL:62851234FAX:62854434EMAIL: communications@plmc.orgWEBSITE:www.plmc.org



04 HonouringOthers

15 ForBetterandForWorse

18 “Cher,whyyouliddat?”




01 PastorWendyTay



27 FemaleJonah




47 TauYouBak




I still remember my first assignment in the pastoral ministry a few years ago when God gave me His Word to journey with me. He said, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalms 32:8).

I am thankful for God’s faithfulness, and this verse has been a great source of assurance. Throughout, the Lord has always reminded me of His guiding hand and His constant advice: “One Step at a Time.” This new year, as I enter a new season and the family of Paya Lebar Methodist Church, I rest with the same conviction that God will do the same and continue to lead and guide.

Also, this new year, I look forward to serving and contributing to the leadership team, sharing the vision of Paya Lebar Methodist Church and working out my call in God’s sovereign plan.

On a more personal note, my family decided to do something different as we started the year. We decided to have our first family New Year resolution together to honor God. We pray that we can do that by honoring each other in the family. (Adapted from

Mark 12:30) Here it goes:

We will love the Lord our God with all our hearts (by doing family devotions together) and with all our soul (by being kind and encouraging in our words) and with all our minds and with all our strength (by helping each other to keep a healthy lifestyle, example: exercise).

Please pray alongside with us. May we all be a family blessed to bless others.

Rev Wendy Tay is married to her lifelong best friend and soul mate, Rev Aaron Tay, who is the pastor-in-charge of Living Waters Methodist Church. They have two energetic boys, Nathan (11) and Jerome (9).

Wendy TayA note from Pastor

Our Pastors (from L to R) : Rev Christopher Chin, Rev Lynette Sathiasingam, Rev Dr Jonathan Seet (Pastor-in-charge), Rev Wendy Tay, Rev Irene Thung


Dear brothers and sisters of PLMC,

I may not have grown up in PLMC as a child, but I have been blessed to call you my family.

Two and a half years ago, I was posted to serve here in PLMC. Out of obedience, my family came with me hoping to find our place in PLMC. But I never expected that PLMC would make its home in a special place of my heart, in such a short period of time.

My dear PLMC youths: Your tenacity and passion for God constantly stirs me to love God radically and pursue his purposes passionately. Pursue your dreams, no matter how grandiose they are. You don’t need a big God for small dreams – so dare to dream! Like the words in the song ‘Hosanna’, the world awaits to see you rise up to take your place with selfless faith, as you seek God Himself! I am excited to see what will happen when all of you open your arms wide to let God stretch you to be transformed from God’s little stream into His River of Life!

My dear fellow pastors: Thank you for watching

Gladwin LeeA note from Pastor

out for this little brother of yours. I will miss our camaraderie and exploits - silly and divine. I will miss dancing and soaking in God’s presence with you. I pray that you will continue to lead PLMC to host God’s presence where incense is lifted day and night!

Our leaders in the LCEC, PPRSC, cluster leaders and cell leaders: Thank you for honoring me as your pastor, despite my youthful looks! Thank you for your generosity and trust in me, your constant support, and your prayers. I have seen possibilities become realities when we move in Power and Love. May you continue to bear God’s mantle of loving others into intimacy with God!

To everyone else in PLMC: Thank you for making my family and I a part of your family. This PLMC family is precious in my heart and I only wish our time together could be longer. I love our ‘kampong-ness’ where everyone is family. Through you, I have received a greater revelation of the Heart of our God.

Even though my journey in PLMC has ended for this season, my journey of knowing God as my father has just begun.

It has been my privilege to be your pastor. Thank you for being the family I so love and will miss.

With much affection,Ps Glad, Rachel, Athanasius, and Cephas


Leaders’ Installation 11th Jan 2015

Chen Lock serves as an usher at the Contemporary Service on Sundays. Here, he shares why he serves in this capacity and what he believes honouring others is about.

I believe that honour means to value a person highly, bestow great respect, being devoted to one another above ourselves (Romans 12:10). We also honour and revere our Almighty God, and honour should be shown to one another in church so as to create an ambience for worship, as God is the sustainer of all (Revelation 14:7). Lastly, honour is to extend obedience to God through the fruits of our labors through serving in His Ministry. Whatever we do, doing it for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Why do I usher? I choose to serve God and others in this ministry because I see that ushers are fulfilling a noble and humble calling. We also act as ambassadors for the Church as we are her first official representatives when people enter the place of worship on Sundays. Ushers are a key part of the Body of Christ.

Our roles are similar to ‘Doorkeepers or Gatekeepers’ in Old Testaments. Better is one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Ushers should

be friendly, honest, courteous, pleasant, kind and willing to serve with a smile. It is an honourable position requiring integrity, cordiality and wisdom, serving in a dignified and reverent manner worthy of Christ.

Similarly, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve. I remind myself that an usher should have the heart of a servant doing the Lord’s work, possessing true love for people, and having a desire to promote an atmosphere of reverence, order and worship before, during and after the service. I perform my service not out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but committed solely to serving others.

Christians and pre-believers are special and precious people. We, as ushers, extend shalom, greetings and salutations to all, warmly greeting the congregation and making them feel good about their presence; melting their hearts and preparing them for worship and praise.

My motivation is this: Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people (Ephesians 6:7), practice hospitality (Romans 12:13), emulate Christ in the way of love (Ephesians 5:1) and shine before others that they may see our good deeds and glorify God (Matthew 5:16).






Each year, we celebrate Children’s Day by asking our children to save money in M&M bottles, reminding them that Jesus loves them as well as other children in the world who have less than them. This year, the Children’s Ministry department heads organised the COOL Carnival to raise $5,000 for Sarah’s Covenant Home in Andhra Pradesh, India.

COOL stands for Children of the Lord. We are the children of the Lord, called to shine for Him. Jesus Himself said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” With that at the forefront of our hearts and minds, we prayed that the Lord will bless the special needs children in Sarah’s Covenant Home through our children.

Over 6 weeks, funds collected from coupon sales and cash and cheque donations hovered between $1000 to $3000, On the day of the carnival, however, ticket sales and donations amounted to about $17,000. Through God’s grace, we raised total of $29, 718.76 to give to Sarah’s Covenant Home.


The COOL Carnival was an eventful day for all of us in church as we saw families serving, eating and playing together. We thank God for the generous gifts from our church members, who sponsored the Sonshine Kids and the Girls’ Brigade to participate in the Carnival.

The COOL Carnival would not have been possible if it weren’t for manpower. We thank God for the various ministries, cell groups and individuals that strode alongside the Children’s Ministry to clean cars, cook food, help at stalls, and raise funds together. There was much fun and joy in the midst of it all. Truly, in the presence of the Lord, there is joy - fullness of joy.

To God be the glory!

2 November


Israel is such a unique place that words cannot adequately describe the experience. I gained a wealth of historical and archeological knowledge that greatly enriched my life. The special privilege of seeing God’s Land of Israel, His people and confirmation of Biblical History of Old and New Testament is a memory that comes alive to me again and again as I turn the pages of my Bible. The entire trip cannot be condensed into one article, but here are some highlights that really made this trip the best one of my life:

• We took a one-kilometer walk into the entirety of Petra in Jordan (to and fro) along the bumpy rocks

Experiences in the HOLY LAND

and stones. While the walk wasn’t an easy one, the reward at the end was well worth the effort for my age.

• We walked barefoot to really experience the dust and rocks under my feet as Jesus and His disciples experienced in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Mount of Olives, Temple Mount, Capernaum, Jericho, Jordan River (Baptismal Site) and so on.

• Seeing the Garden of Gethsemane where the Lord Jesus sweat drops of blood melted my tearful heart as I felt Jesus’ sorrowful agony as he surrendered His sinless life to save us.



Experiences in the HOLY LAND


• Another great experience was a boat ride named FAITH in the Lake of Galilee. The sight of our Singapore flag being raised with the Israeli flag, and our anthem being played brought a feeling of joy in my heart. Boat owner, Daniel Carmel, led us to worship with his electrifying vocals. Though we could not understand some Hebrew songs, we could understand the Spirit. To hear the King of kings be praised in His own language was a very moving experience. My heart was softened and tears of joy streamed down my face. The presence of Christ was so real that I sensed Him walking across the water to the boat as He did in Matthew 14:22-33. I felt the peace and the beautiful love of Jesus flood over me from head to toe.

Although the political climate was uncertain and unrest brewed across all the borders of Israel, I only felt peace - no fear of turmoil or war. Being in Israel and being very aware of the enemies surrounding them has strengthened my prayer for the TRUE PEACE of Jerusalem, which is the return of our Lord and Saviour.

This was one blessed and awesome pilgrimage of 152 combined with AMKMC, PMC, PLMC (Chinese and English services) and some other churches. We had fun times together and became friends. We were united in harmony and there was no murmuring spirit within us because we were blessed with good tour guides, drivers, and pastors.

I am so thankful that God planned this whole Israel trip for us and that we were all safe and secure under His shield of protection from day one to the day we came back.




在此,我简单的和大家分享我这一次以色列的精彩经历:• 徒步行走在约旦的皮特拉谷,是我一生中最难得的奖赏。

• 亲身体验主耶稣和祂的门徒所经历的路程,让我感受到主耶稣当时交出祂无罪的生命来拯救我们的那一种忧伤痛苦。

• 畅游加利利湖也是一生难得的经验。当新加坡国旗与以色列旗帜并排升起,同时更播放了我们的国歌,我心中充满了喜乐。




God Is Faithful! BY LEUK QIN LI

Israel is a country that I always desired to visit but seemed impossible to visit due to costs and the fact that I am a Malaysian.

In early September, someone approached me saying that she would like to bless me for the upcoming Israel trip. As I went to the Lord in prayer, I saw a vision – the word “Blessing’ came down to me. As I received it, I knew in my spirit that the Lord wanted me to accept this blessing and in return, give Him the glory.

I was all ready for the trip but just the day before departure, the travel agent told me that my visa to enter Israel was yet to be approved. Their appeal was rejected due to tight security and other reasons. From the agent’s experience, it was very unlikely to get my visa within 2 days and they advised me not to proceed. They had also prepared me that I may have to turn back if the visa was not issued on time. It was trying for me but I thank God for my cell group as well as the leadership of the Mandarin Service who were praying fervently for my visa. With the vision given by God and the peace in my heart, I decided to go ahead with the trip by faith.

Upon arriving in Jordan, I only had two days to get my visa done (Monday and Tuesday) as the crossing the border of Israel was scheduled on Wednesday early morning. Praise the Lord! At around 5pm on Tuesday, just fourteen hours before we were supposed to cross the border, I received the visa! It was so amazing and we were all jumping and rejoicing in the Lord!

I thank God for this miracle, I thank God for the body of Christ! He is always faithful and He is in control of everything! All Glory unto Him!




God is My Provider! BY ADELINE KOH

On the second day when we arrived in Jordan, I was looking forward to visiting Petra. However, the moment I got down from the bus, I realized my shoes had given way! Other than rocks and stones, there weren’t any shops around. I was worried as I needed to walk for three hours that morning!

Suddenly one of the sisters in our team said she has an extra pair of size 36 shoes. I was doubtful I

(翻译) 耶和华以勒,神是我的供应者!









could wear it as I am much bigger in built than her. Nevertheless, I tried putting on the shoes and to my amazement, the shoes fitted me well although my shoe size is around 37 or 38. On the same day when we arrived at our hotel, another brother offered his extra pair of shoes to me. When I realized it was a brand new pair of shoes, I hesitated as the trip had just begun and we had another ten more days to go. With so much walking, I was afraid to wear out the shoes. Nevertheless, I accepted his kind gesture and on the last day of the tour, this brother with a generous heart, blessed me with the shoes!

God is good, He did not just provide me with two pairs of shoes but also the tour fee through a sister in Christ! Jehovah Jireh, He is my Provider!


sharpens iron, when we have to point out the other person’s sin in love, gentleness and respect, to exercise forgiveness and grace or to extend that to the offending spouse, it can often be easy to forget to do so in a way that honours God and your spouse. It’s not just showing honour to each other but all the more so, to speak to and about our spouse in an honouring way in public and private (even during the times no one is around, e.g. in our thoughts and motives) in both their presence and absence. I am still working towards being the best champion for my husband and to hold him in the highest regard because he is not just my brother-in-Christ but God’s son whom He has gifted me with for this lifetime.

Biblical Verses for Couples

D: 1 Peter 3:7 (“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honour to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers


Derrick and Laura celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary last month. Hear what this couple has to say about honoring each other.

The Importance of Honouring Spouses

Derrick: In marriage, showing honour to each other is definitely important, but I normally associate ‘showing honour’ more towards parents (Ephesians 6:2 – “Honour your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise”) and as a general way that we are to treat other people (Romans 12:10 – “Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves”).

Laura: In whatever relationships, if there is no honour, God is not glorified. But especially so in the marriage where God has called us to deeper holiness through serving one another; and as iron


may not be hindered.”) is an important verse having the implication that if I do not honour my wife, my prayers will be hindered.

Romans 12:10 should also be applied within the marriage as well as towards others in the body of Christ.

If I am looking specifically at the husband and wife relationship, the verses when we apply them within our marriage that I feel generates the most honour towards each other and more importantly honours and glorifies God is Ephesians 5:22-33 where husbands are commanded to love their wives and wives are commanded to submit to their husbands.

L: Besides Ephesians 5, Philippians 2 is something the Lord keeps drawing me back to whenever I dishonour or am tempted to dishonour my husband. Pride is my fundamental weakness as I strive to usurp my husband’s God-ordained authority and show contempt for God’s order and design. Pride is at the heart of disobedience which thinks I know better or am better than someone else and even God the Almighty! Even when the situation may not be my fault, or I may have a legitimate reason to be angry, or if I am not the offending party (which is RARE), there is always a better way to put things across, to build up, to be humble, to give my spouse the benefit of the doubt, to show mercy, to look to the interests of my spouse and to love; all of these honour my spouse.

The Roller Coaster Ride Called Marriage

D: Marriage is a bit of a roller coaster journey with lots of ups and downs. I think we have more ups than downs but I know if I am not being intentional in loving my wife, things get hard. Whether it is vocalizing my love for Laura or planning and going out on a date night; it all takes effort and without being intentional, it won’t happen. It is very easy to

get complacent and assume everything is going well. I have been guilty many times of just taking things easy and getting sucked into the daily grind of work and other distractions. In marriage there is always room for improvement and if we are not moving forward together, we are moving backwards. There is no standing still.

L: I second that! If I’m not intentionally moving towards my spouse, I drift away. There are different seasons in marriage and the times when I rely on my own strength, it is extremely hard. Not surprisingly, it’s so gruelling, strenuous and extra challenging when I don’t keep my daily walk with Jesus. Derrick’s seen me at my worst and he has never judged. I am very thankful for his graciousness in giving me the chance to start afresh daily and keep our accounts short with each other and with God.

Honour between a Married Couple with a Child

D: I do not think the importance of honour has changed since Beth was born. What the Bible says about the marriage relationship does not change

with the arrival of a child. We are slowly trying to teach Beth about God’s command that children honour their parents.

We also now have the extra privilege and the responsibility to try and live our lives according to Ephesians 5:22-33 in order to try and characterize Christ’s relationship with His Church. This is a tough thing to do because as a husband, I am to characterize Christ’s sacrificial love and leadership towards my wife. And Laura as my wife has to characterize


the Church’s gracious and loving submission to the servant leadership of Christ. We always have to look at our relationship and ask the question, “When Beth (or anyone) looks at our marriage relationship, does she see a picture of Christ and His Church or something totally different”. A positive answer will go a long way towards moulding Beth’s view of God as well as marriage.

L: When a child comes along, the value of honour is further reinforced, becoming even more visible and real. She witnesses whether we walk our talk and if I don’t glorify God at home before the intimate audience of my family, I can forget about glorifying Him in the world. It’s also one thing to honour out of duty and another to do so out of devotion. We pray that Beth will see that we honour each other, our parents, in-laws and others out of devotion and love than obligation or duty.

no exceptions or conditions (e.g. love her only if she is good to me or love her only if she agrees with everything I say). Always seek reconciliation and practise Ephesians 4:26 (“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry).

L: Oh, it is SO tough! Running away to God has often yielded a less than desirable response – He often very gently points out the areas that I need to change! It’s shocking because here I am trying to get God (and my husband) to see what’s wrong and I expect Him to do the opposite – change my

husband. Yet it’s also not an unfamiliar way of God’s hand at work – removing the beam in my eyes and heart; to live, think, feel, and will my responses according to His Spirit and not my carnal ways.

The other key is to “have contempt for contempt”, a quote by Francis De Sales mentioned in the highly recommended resource, “Sacred Marriage” by Gary Thomas. When I am tempted to show contempt towards my husband (e.g. roll my eyes, think of him in ways that would displease and grieve our Father, quick to judge him or question his judgement, etc.), that is the exact time to refuse to let myself or anyone else show disrespect to my husband. I must choose to show compassion for his weaknesses as Christ does and give thanks for who he is in Christ and what God is doing in and through him.

A Life Without Honour

D: It boils down to Ephesians 5:22-33. Marriage without honour is a marriage where the husband does not love his wife with a sacrificial kind of love and the wife does not submit to her husband’s role as a leader. You not only dishonour each other but dishonour God who in His Word has clearly depicted what marriage is to look like.

L: That would be miserable and painful; pretty much like how Gomer treated Hosea. And yet we will fail our spouse time and again. The key is to confess, repent, make amends and keep on keeping on (honouring your spouse) by His grace alone.

Honouring One Another in Trying Times

D: I try to remember that I am commanded as a husband to love my wife with agape love. There are


Students these days do not treat their teachers in the way that students in the past did. They don’t explicitly show dishonor, but there’s definitely a lack of honour. This could be because students now see schools to be a place where one aims for academic results, and the teacher is only part of that process. Therefore, if a student feels that the teacher is not particularly ‘interesting’ or catering to their learning style and helping them to achieve results, that teacher then deserves less honour.

Another reason could be that information is now highly accessible to students, compared to the past where teachers were seen to be the only sources of information. Hence, students now have the misguided impression that they are on par with teachers. As such, they feel justified in talking back. That said, I don’t believe that questioning and challenging views is wrong—there are opportunities for that, and it’s only when we are unnecessarily rude or use the wrong channels that problems arise. On top of this, students are facing a changing worldview and are becoming more liberal with an increased focus on the self – this could be a contributing factor to dishonor in schools.

So should schools teach honour? That might bw counter-intuitive, and may seem almost pompous on the part of the teachers, if taught. It would only work if students themselves realize that they are dishonouring teachers, and actively want to correct their actions. Honour for teachers can, instead, be taught by the church. The church already - through cell and youth camp leaders – teaches us how to honour others through actions. Church leaders and members would be good role models on honour to students and young people instead of schools itself.

“Cher, why you liddat?”

Do students these days still uphold honour? Nicole Sia, Head Prefect of Cedar Girls Secondary,

and Sarah Ang, from Raffles Girls School, share their thoughts.





We have just completed the 2014 season of Home Run Camp: Home Run Camp 4 – Putting on the Armour of God. As we enter a time in which our children are exposed to so much at such early ages, it becomes more so important that our children are equipped to know how to protect themselves. They are our next generation, and we want to equip them to lead the next generation and advance the kingdom of God.

This has been a busy year for Silverboxes, with COOL carnival and then the camp. By God’s grace, we have pulled through. I have been so blessed extensively by the campers, the coaches and the camp committee in this camp. There was something truly different in this camp compared to the others I have seen. For example, even with last-minute changes, our teams in this camp were very well-distributed. I have never seen so much participation from campers. None of the campers wanted to sit out of games, worship, and the other activities!

Though the camp committee members and the teaching team were busy, God pulled the camp together beautifully. The lessons were aligned; all our preparatory work came together perfectly. Our campers repeatedly and resoundingly affirmed that they thoroughly enjoyed the camp. For the first time, we decided to have Family Night in place of the campfire. There was so much good bonding amongst the parents of the children who came, groups, coaches, and camp committee members. It was not

only Family Night for the campers, but it was family night for the entire camp. Though it was chaotic at times, the parents who came were sporting and game to be part of the program and even gave suggestions!

When I had a moment of hesitation in faith, God showed up once again. It started to rain suddenly when we began the much anticipated wet games. We had to make a decision on whether to proceed as per the original plan or move on to Plan B (not something we had prepared formally!). Nonetheless, God was truly faithful. While Carolyn and I were sourcing for alternative venues so we could continue with the wet games, God slowed the rain, first down to a drizzle and then it stopped. Not only could we proceed as per

planned, but God cooled the weather down so that we could have the wet games in cooler conditions. In fact, it was vital that the weather cooled, because it was hard to get the supply of drinking water up to the games area. God is so good! Spiritually, you could sense the difference


as well - it was so wonderful to hear the testimonies of the children when they shared about God’s hand in our midst.

I came out of the camp physically tired, but extremely energized to continue the wonderful work we are doing in the lives of our future Timothys (lover of God’s word), Barnabas’ (encouragers), Gaius’ (the best team players you can have) and Davids (leaders). This camp is different in so many ways, in the planning, the very high sense of cohesiveness of the team, the absolute dedication and cooperation of the coaches, and the presence of the

Holy Spirit impacting each of us.

God is good and He always shows Himself in many amazing ways; we just need to realize it.

3 things that left the deepest impression on you, at this camp.The games, ice-breakers and lessons. – Hannah

Water sponge relay, water bag carrying mayhem, supper. – Ee Jay

Getting to know group members, shower time, sleeping in dorms. – Esther

My friends, the armour of God, the coaches. – Deseree

Games, the hard dorm floors, and super cold air-con. – Julius Ong

The teachers’ care and affection, how my team really bonded through the activities, the lessons were well prepared. – Anonymous

How has God spoken to you through the lessons?He gave me a thought that when I grow up, I should go out and serve others. – Liren

When I almost gave up, God told me not to. – Angie Peng

He helped me to understand how to be a good Christian soldier. – Esther

I learnt that God came in the person of Jesus Christ. – Merry Ong Xin Ye

CHARGE!!! But don’t kill… - Isabelle

I learnt and understand more about the armour of God. – Josiah Lim


How has God spoken to you through the games?God constantly reminded me to be patient and calm so that we could work together as a team. – Claire Liew

God told me that sportsmanship and teamwork are important. – Joshua Tan

Winning or losing doesn’t matter. What matters is the fun that we enjoyed and the bonding time we had. – Jaslyne

God taught me to co-operate with my friends. – Nadya

When the whole group lost all the games, I was disappointed. God comforted me and told me to just have fun and enjoy the games. – Kaylene Low

He made me more understanding and patient towards others. – Abigail Teo

How did God change or impact you through this camp?I am bolder and feel more secure because God is by my side. – Jansen

To use the armour of God so that the devil will not attack us. – Steffi Lum

He has shown me that He can bring dead people back to life! – Valerie Lee

He told me to be brave and encouraging and I followed His Words. – Janine Lim

I learnt that even the strongest Christians sometimes fall, not just us. – Annabelle Chua

God has taught me to be a better person. A person who perseveres and is kind to everybody. – Eunice Tan

God has changed me to be a more helpful person. – Angelene

I learned not to be guilty about myself. – Mikael Lim

I learnt that sleeping on the floor is painful. – Sean

I now know that I have to put on the full armour of God so that I will be able to resist the temptations of Satan. – Huixin


did not want my classmates to know that my parents are blind as I was kind of embarrassed by it. I was also afraid that my friends would make fun of me. I kept persuading my parents not to go and told them that I was doing perfectly fine in school. However, my father still insisted on going. I was very unhappy about it and made such a huge fuss about it. My parents knew the reason for my unreasonable and unusual behaviour, but not once did they reprimand me or stopped loving me for it. In fact, they showered more love on me.

Things changed as I grew up and grew closer to God. One phrase really impacted me: “Everything happens for a reason, God always has plan and a reason for it”. I slowly realised how blessed I was to be in this family which I used to be embarrassed and ashamed of. Compared to other kids, I enjoyed the



I never expected to say this, but I am really thankful to God for my parents and all He has given me. I remember that when I was much younger in my primary and early secondary school days, I was resentful and questioned God for giving me parents who are visually handicapped. I felt that it was unfair because God put me in a family that was different from all my other friends’ families. This caused me to do things that I feel bad about and am not proud of to this day.

I will never forget the times when I dishonoured my parents. I am still embarrassed by my actions. Back in primary and secondary school, there would be Parent-Teacher Meetings at the end of every school semester and I totally hated it. I hated it because I



luxury of having dinner everyday with my parents, as their jobs did not require them to work till late at night. I became more independent at a younger age because I not only have to take care of myself but also my parents. I learnt how to do the laundry, dishes, and even cook. One of the most important reasons I feel I was born into this family is that God wanted to use this opportunity to make me a more patient, caring, and loving young man who honours his parents for who they are.

I am so grateful for being brought up in this family and knowing God cannot be summarised in this short story. I am just really thankful to God for my loving parents and all that He has given and taught me. I will always remember this one line my father said to me, “I may be handicapped, but I promise you I’ll try my very best to give you a life like any

other kid, and give you whatever you need”. To this day, he has never broken this promise he had made to me. If I had a chance to turn back time and rewrite my past, I would not change one bit of it. Most importantly, I have learnt the value in honouring my parents in spite of and because of the tough circumstances that God had put me through as a young boy.


(This is an honest story. No frills. Just raw, honest thoughts from a tripper about her adventure.)

Going for the trip was not part of the plan. My plan, that is. When God called me to the trip, I was hesitant – very, very hesitant. I had nothing against India, but the timing was terrible. Going meant bringing forward deadlines at work, forgoing the breather I yearned for after a tiring semester at school. Going came at a cost. Going spelt great inconvenience for me. Yet, in all of this, God’s call was clear and certain. I knew I could throw a tantrum, but ultimately, I had to go.




The weeks leading up to departure were fraught with anxiety. Life can be frightful when you are a working adult juggling part time studies on the side. Up to the very day of departure, my heart did not lift. Every cell in my body was hesitant. I was far from being prepared. I dreaded making the decision to go. Then I went without expectations. My only prayer? To survive. I was on a roller coaster ride of emotions prior to the trip and I left unwilling. I wanted to sleep. As unspiritual or rude as it may sound, that was all I could think of. But I did more than just survive, God gave me more than what I asked for. God surprised me.




“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...” – Ephesians 3:20, NIV.

My time in Vijayawada was an adventure. It was dotted with many new experiences that kept me on my toes. The most memorable I’d say, was praying for healing. To me, this was a ball game in another court. Each time a villager wandered up to me, I felt my stomach sink to my ankles. I was absolutely clueless. If you could take a peek into my head, you’d find nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. All I could manage was a kind smile and a desperate, silent cry to God for help.

Pure dependence on Him was what kept me going as I prayed for the villagers.

There was no formula to adopt, no script I could read off of. I simply prayed as the Spirit impressed upon my heart. I don’t remember what I said or how the person responded, but the experience was sobering. I was reminded that God’s work done in God’s way is more important, than how I feel or what I deem fit or appropriate. This was not about me, it was about Him. Still is. Always will be.




Over the course of five days, my team gave out rice, sang Christian songs with gusto, and prayed for the villagers. I was blessed to partner with passionate Christians who stood alongside me in the mission field. I have to say that my first mission trip in three years was refreshing – and bittersweet.

Ministry aside, I saw God at work in the small things: I had a lovely room mate, comfortable beds to sleep in, a good appetite, and enough strength for each day. His grace is sufficient for me, through and through. God is good.


Looking back, the lesson that struck the deepest chord in my heart, was the knowledge that I had obeyed the call to go. If I was looking for a personal takeaway, this was it. “Shabby,” I thought, in light of the perilous journey I had to endure before the trip. In my quest to seek out another pow-wow reason for this adventure, I could hear Him say, “Do not find reasons for me.” If obedience was what mattered to Him, then that reason will be enough for me.


May our hearts find true rest in God when we trust and obey.

More photos on the trip can be found at www.flickr.com/plmc


Christmas 2014 was different from years past. Last year, the W&M Ministry put together an evangelistic musical entitled “Arise, Shine!” Three shows were

staged, all of which saw our Sanctuary filled. Leading up to Christmas, members were strongly encouraged to invite their pre-believing friends as the focus of

this musical was to reach out to them. We thank God for the 13 salvations and three re-dedications over the course of the two days.

On the 24th of December, close to 900 members and newcomers attended the Christmas Celebration held in the Sanctuary, organized by Living Stone Mandarin Service. 25 people came forward and responded to God.

The Mandarin Service began preparations in October. The organizing committee started by seeking God’s heart and direction. Brothers and sisters followed suit by rehearsing their dance and performance, with the purpose of giving our utmost to the Highest. Other members distributed flyers at nearby housing estates to attract them to hear testimonies of how God is able to make the impossible possible.

On the day of Celebration, half an hour before the start of the programme, it began to rain heavily. The Sanctuary was quite empty. We began to worry if people will turn up, but then we turned our worries into prayers. God indeed heard our cries! 10 minutes before the programme began, the rain stopped, and the crowd came, along with many newcomers! 900 people packed themselves into the Sanctuary to enjoy the delightful programme. Games by the emcees, song and dance by the choir and dance troupe, and familiar old songs led the event to a climax. The preacher, Pastor Lionel Lim, shared how God transformed him from a con-man to a pastor. He also shared his mother’s testimony which touched many audiences to respond during altar call. After the programme, we enjoyed refreshments and ended the day meaningfully.

Truly, Living Stone Mandarin Service is the Body of Christ, and we are all members of it (1 Cor 12:27). We look forward to winning more souls for God next year!

Living Stones’活石崇拜欢庆圣诞




活石圣诞庆祝会 吴国雄弟兄






Retreat in

Chiang Mai

Many cringe at the idea of spending one day in silence, let alone a seven-day silent retreat. Yet, a group of our church members courageously took up the challenging invitation and spent five

full days in silence at Seven Fountains in Chiang Mai from 2-8 November 2014. This was the first and longest silent retreat for most participants and some of them have graciously consented to

sharing their experiences with you.


Alice Lee

The retreat at Chiang Mai was not my first silent retreat but it was the first one overseas and for the longest period.

It was good to be able to go away, as there was lesser distraction and it was great not to have network connectivity. The focus was on the Lord and communicating with Him.

In the retreat, retreat facilitators taught us to practice the presence of God through remembering, attentiveness, waiting, praying, and surrendering. This framework gives me structure and helps me with my quest to have a deeper relationship with

the Lord and being in His Presence.

The Lord has revealed the things that I need to deal with and I’ll continue to deepen our relationship with His assurance in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.”

Diana Hellewell

I had a refreshing time at the retreat. I had time to reflect on how God has blessed my life even though I am going through my own struggles. The Lord reminded me to TRUST HIM in all situations.My spiritual director suggested that I try to draw a picture of surrendering my struggles to the Lord. As


I was sitting in my room ruminating, a bookmark fell off from my bible with the words “Entrust yourself to God... You will find that even in the darkest hour, He will not let you fall.”

I continued drawing and this is what came out of my time with God.

meant that I could practice His presence wherever I am. I just needed to set aside half a day or 1 day a month and dwell in whichever tool I wanted to apply that day. It certainly will give me the opportunity - if nothing else - to just spend quality time with the Lord, commune, and rest in Him in silence.

Jean Teo

The sacred time in silent communion with the Lord and beautiful nature of the retreat centre was the highlight of the whole retreat. I particularly learnt how to give God my undivided attention and receive His attention for me as well.

In one of our spiritual exercises, I took a magnifying glass to observe God’s creation. Wow, I was so amazed at His creation. By just looking at a very small flower through the magnifying glass, I was enthralled by the beauty of a tiny flower and it tells me that our God is a very creative and detailed Creator! I enjoyed the exercise very much.

I certainly felt rested and believe my soul was tended to, nourished, and refreshed in His presence. I felt so blessed by Father God for His affirmation of His love. Praise the Lord for His abiding presence. Jennifer Tan

This is my first silent retreat. I signed up for this retreat because I wanted to spend time with God alone, away from work, housework, and my daily routine. I didn’t know what to expect - I just believed that when I seek Him, I will find Him.

It was in my silence that I heard from God everyday in the retreat. He spoke through His creation. He spoke even when I was not doing anything and enjoying the breeze. The most precious lesson I learnt from this retreat is to be in His presence, for it is when I am in His presence that I can enjoy Him and know what pleases Him.

I thank God for our retreat facilitators because without their encouragement and guidance, I would not know how to enjoy the silence and be in His presence.

I was so overwhelmed by God’s love beckoning me to Him. As I pondered, I felt the Lord saying to me, “Your Fatherly eyes watch over me and you even count all my tears. Your loving heart has already planned help for me. You are holding me in Your hands and will draw me out of the depths because You love me and will never forsake me.” My spirit really felt uplifted and this was the highlight of the retreat.

Serene Tan

During the retreat, I learnt to see Him and His wonder in His creation around us, especially in the detailed work of nature which never fails to amaze me. I even took to painting with watercolour and acrylic paints – it seemed like the only thing I could do to capture the moments when various images came to me.

The ‘tools’ which I took away from this retreat


The Outreach and Social Concerns Ministry led by Mary Chai, ran back-to-back events during the Christmas season.

On the 21st of December 2014, PLMC partnered with the GRC at Block 205 to host a Block Party for the residents in the area. It was an evening of games, crafts, food, and stage performances. It also gave our members an opportunity to mingle and enjoy fellowship with the residents in our area.





Christmas Eve saw members of the Friends of Jesus ministry gather in the Jordan Hall for a Christmas Party. The rainy weather did not serve to dampen the spirits of the participants, and we saw a huge turnout for the event. Carols were sung, games were played and everyone had a jolly good time.



The final event by the ministry was held on the 28 December 2014 for the foreign workers whom we have been ministering to together with Healthserve. Again, volunteers turned up in full force and transformed the PLMGSS canteen into a temporary party area. The event saw the Bangladeshi workers join our members in celebration of the season. A Christmas skit was performed to tell the significance of Christmas, and songs and dance helped to bridge the gap between the two groups of people.

December was definitely a fruitful time for the Outreach and Social Concerns Ministry, and all these events would not have been possible if not for the help and support of the many committed and talented volunteers.




John Bevere identifies honour as being an almost extinct virtue in our age and time. Yet, it is of

utmost importance that we as God’s people observe the Biblical teaching and instruction to honour others. In his book, honour is defined as “a valuing” - that is, something valuable, precious, weighty. On the other side of the coin is dishonour, which would then mean to show no value, to be treated as common, ordinary, or menial.

The first thing he addresses is the issue of honouring authorities. All authority is instituted

by God, and as such, Bevere goes so far as to say that a person who truly knows and loves God is a person who recognizes His authority, because to know God is to know authority. God and his authority are inseparable. In regard to something closer to us - honouring church leaders, he reminds us to check our hearts, in that even as we can judge the fruit (what is said and done), we should not judge others’ motives.

Next, he addresses honouring our peers and those who are under our authority. In the

former, we are to be kindly affectionate with one another and treat each other with brotherly love. Preference is given to others because it values and esteems them. In the latter, leaders are cautioned against using people as vehicles to achieve their own agendas. The agenda of a true leader is that of service to the people and their development.

Third, we look at honour in the home. The attitudes of honour from parent to child and

husband to wife, are said to be important as children and wives are considered to be “weaker” when compared to parents and husbands, respectively. The use of harsh, demeaning words, and criticism on children is admonished, and

HONOR’S REWARDAuthor : john bevere

husbands are called to treasure their wives and see them as joint heirs alongside themselves.

Lastly and most importantly, to walk in true honour is to honour God – to esteem, value,

respect, and revere Him above all. What does this look like? It is seen in our obedience to His commands as found in his Word, to give top priority to His will (instruction), and to remain humble.

John Bevere pulls no punches when he delivers this book which is packed with what it really

means to honour and be honorable. He dives right into the heart of the Biblical understanding of honour. With that he clearly shows the rewards that come with that honour – the favour of God and the favour of men.

This is a book on one of the greatest virtues in life which mingles personal stories from the author

with direct scriptural references. It really helps you re-evaluate the way you treat yourself as well as those around you in all facets. You will definitely think differently about how you look at and react to those in your personal life (friends, family) and those who are more distantly connected to you but have a great impact on your life (civic leaders, teachers, business people, church leaders, etc).

Book Review


These days, our schedules are so packed that we have little time for recreation. In terms of most of our priorities, physical health is probably ranked quite low. Many of us feel we do not have the time to exercise. However, we are called to honour (value) our bodies and take care of them. Our body is a “good” and wonderful gift from God. It is capable of miraculous feats, if properly taken care of.

But we’re all so busy!

Fret not! Enter HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise where sessions vary from 4-30 minutes. These short, intense workouts, can be done almost anywhere and improve one’s fitness, metabolism and fat burning.

Here, we will feature some functional HIIT movements that you can do at home:

Burpees : Simple but very effective - Drop down to the ground in a pushup position, chest and thighs to the floor. Get back up to a standing position in the most efficient, fastest way possible. Jump a few inches in the air with your arms over your head. Repeat. Works your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings and abs – full-body exercise.

Recommended Set (5 rounds, as fast as possible) :• 30 Double-Unders/90 Singles • 20 Squats • 10 Burpees

Squats : Squats actually improve knee stability and strengthen connective tissue. Stand with your feet just over your shoulder’s width apart, keep your back in a neutral position, and your knees centered over your feet. Slowly bend your knees, hips and ankles, while keeping your heels on the ground; lowering until you reach below a 90-degree angle (think sitting on a chair). Burns fat, builds muscles, tones backside and abs, and improves mobility and balance.

Skipping : Grab a rope, and jump! Good for weight loss, muscle toning and improved cardiovascular fitness. For the experts, try doing Double-unders, in which the rope passes under twice instead of once. Significantly more effective than singles.

Honouringyour bodies!





500g pork belly, cut into 2.5cm cubes6 cloves of garlic, crushed3 tbsp Chinese rice wine1 tbsp mirin (Japanese rice wine)2 tbsp dark soya sauce½ tsp white pepper2 tbsp oilWan swee (coriander or Chinese parsley) for garnishing


1. Marinate the pork belly pieces with half of the crushed garlic and the other ingredients for about 3 hours.

2. Heat the oil in a claypot and fry the remaining crushed garlic untilfragrant.Addthemarinatedporkbellypiecesandfry untiltheyarealmostcooked.

3. Addalittlewaterandletitsimmerforabout20minutes,or untiltheporkistender.

4. Serve hot and garnish with wan swee.

Contributed by Carrie Cheah, in From Generation to Generation: A Heritage of Recipes

ThursdaysStudy on RuthDates : 5, 12, 19, 26 Mar 2015Time : 7.45 pm – 10.00 pm

SaturdaysBefriending WorkshopsDates : 7 & 14 March 20159.00 am – 5.30 pm (7th), 8.45am - 4.30 pm (14th)

A Family Blessed to Bless the Community & Nations


7.30am Peranakan Service

9.00am Sanctuary Service / Mandarin Service

9.00am Youth Worship Service (PLMGSS)

11.15am Filipino Connection

11.15am Celebration Service /

Mandarin Service


5 Boundary Road

Singapore 549954

T : 6285 1234

F : 6285 4434

E : admin@plmc.org

W: www.plmc.org

SaturdaysBaptism and Member-ship ClassDate : 7, 14, 21, 28 March; 11, 18, 25 April; 2 May 2015Time : 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm

SaturdaysALPHA CourseDates : 14, 21, 28 Mar; 11, 18, 25 Apr; 2, 9, 16, 23 May; 6 Jun 2015Time : 9.00 am – 12 noon

Dates & Timings are subject to changes.


SaturdaysCell RetreatDates : 24 Jan & 7 Feb 2015Time : 9.00 am – 6.00 pm

Retreat in Daily LifeDates : 28 Feb – 14 Mar 2015

WednesdaysMarriage Preparation CourseDates : 4, 11, 18, 25 March; 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 April; 6 May 2015Time : 7.45 pm – 10.00 pm