Hawaii China Japan Cuba Puerto Rico Philippines Panama.

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Hawaii China Japan Cuba Puerto Rico Philippines Panama.

US ImperialismHawaiiChinaJapanCuba

Puerto RicoPhilippines


US covets Hawaii for naval base and sugar◦ America investments in Hawaii increase

throughout 1800s◦ By 1870s, US controlled majority of Hawaiian

trade & land

Annexation of Hawaii


Timeline of Events◦ 1875: treaty exempted Hawaiian sugar from US

tariffs◦ 1887: Hawaiian Imperialist League forced

Kalakaua to sign Bayonet Treaty (US has exclusive rights to Pearl Harbor)

◦ 1890 McKinley Tariff negatively impacts Hawaiian sugar economy (subsidies to US sugar producers forced sugar prices to drop)

◦ Hawaiian Imperialist League vs. Queen Liliuokalani

◦ 1893: John L. Stevens & Sanford Dole organizes revolt & overthrows Queen L.

◦ Cleveland doesn’t approve annexation of Hawaii after special investigation and orders Dole’s provisional govt. to resign

◦ Dole refuses to resign and Cleveland reluctantly recognizes Dole’s provisional govt.

◦ July 7, 1898: Hawaii is annexed by US (Spanish-American War in 1898)

Annexation of Hawaii


◦ Hawaiian Imperialist League vs. Queen Liliuokalani

◦ 1893: John L. Stevens & Sanford Dole organizes revolt & overthrows Queen L.

◦ Cleveland doesn’t approve annexation of Hawaii after special investigation and orders Dole’s provisional govt. to resign

◦ Dole refuses to resign and Cleveland reluctantly recognizes Dole’s provisional govt.

◦ July 7, 1898: Hawaii is annexed by US (Spanish-American War in 1898)

Annexation of Hawaii


US traded with China throughout the 1800s (especially after 1843)

GB, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan carves out spheres of influence in China after 1895

1899: John Hay issues Open Door Policy◦ All nations have equal access to

trade and investment in China◦ Approved since no country

rejected or accepted it

US Involvement in China


Fists of Righteous Harmony resented Foreigners’ influence & control◦ 1900- attacked Western missionaries & traders in

northern China (Boxer Rebellion)◦ Foreign countries send troops to China◦ John Hay negotiates peace between Europe & China

(China pays Europe 333 mi. in damages)

US Involvement in China


1854: Matthew Perry’s visit to Tokyo, Japan to open up trade

Japan starts to industrialize and build up navy

1904: Russo-Japanese War 1905: Treaty of Portsmouth

◦ TR negotiates treaty between Russia & Japan

◦ TR wins Nobel Peace Price 1907: TR sends Great

White Fleet on goodwill voyage (to remind Japan of US powerful might)

US & Japan


Russo-Japanese War pushed 70,000 Japanese Immigrants to CA

1906 San Francisco Earthquake Asian Exclusion League formed by CA Gentleman’s Agreement (1906)

◦ Japanese will stop flow of laborers in US◦ CA will not ban current Japanese living in US from

schools 1908: Root Takahira Agreement

◦ US and Japan pledged to respect each other’s territorial possessions in Pacific and to uphold the Open Door in China

US & Japan (continued)

US Foreign Policy developed in 1823 Stated:

◦ US would not interfere in European colonies in Latin America

◦ But would consider any new attempts to colonize in the Western an act of hostility

Just a reminder about the…Monroe Doctrine


Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894◦ Placed a restriction on sugar imports


Cuban struggle for Independence from Spain◦ “Butcher” General Valeriano Welyler &

Reconcentration Camps Delome Letter USS Maine Incident

Causes leading to Spanish-American War

Sensational journalism used by journalists to attract readers.

Ex: William Randolph Hearst’s NY Journal & Ex: Joseph Pulitzer’s NY World Randolph: “You furnish the pictures and I’ll

furnish the war”

Yellow Journalism


Joseph Pulitzer

William Randolph Hearst


Influence of Yellow Journalism?


Drawing by Leon Barritt

Spanish Minister to the US: Enrique Dupuy de Lome

Letter Printed in the NY Journal in February, 1898.

Criticized President McKinley◦ McKinley was described as “weak, and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd”- Journal: “The worse insult to the US in its history”

De Lome Letter



USS Maine exploded on February 15, 1898 266 of 350 crew died Sensationalized by newspapers

◦ “Remember the Maine! Hell with Spain!”-Newspapers concluded that explosion was from a submarine mine

U.S.S. Maine



http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/spanam/events/maineskg.htmCaptain Sigsbee


Influence of Yellow Journalism◦ Public Demands War

McKinley, reluctantly, issues war to Congress on April 11, 1898 Congress declares war on Spain in April 25 Teller Amendment issued by Congress

◦ Cuban would be given freedom after War

US Reacts…


Manila Bay (Philippines)◦ George Dewey ◦ Emilio Aguinaldo

Kettle Hill (near Santiago)◦ Rough Riders led by TR & Leonard Wood

San Juan Hill◦ Rough Riders were sensationalized in newspapers

Santiago Harbor◦ Blockade

Armistice signed on August 12, 1898

Locations of Major Battleswww.theodore-roosevelt.com/


Cuba◦ US military govt. set up by Leonard Wood for provisional govt.◦ Major advances achieved in govt. finances achieved in govt.

finance, education, agriculture, public health… Walter Reed and William Gorgas led efforts to reduce

mosquito pop. & found that mosquitoes caused yellow fever

US withdrew from Cuba (Teller Amendment) however…◦ Cuba forced to add Platt Amendment in Cuban Constitution

US has right to approve Cuban treaties US has right to intervene militarily to restore order US has right to naval & coaling stations (ex:

Guantanamo Bay) Cuba becomes a US protectorate

Puerto Rico◦ Foraker Act of 1900: Governor & Upper house appointed by

US◦ Jones Act of 1917: Granted Puerto Ricans US citizenship &

gave them the right to elect both houses of their legislature◦ 1952: Puerto Rico becomes a self-governing commonwealth

of US

After Cuban Independence…

Pro Imperialism (tend to be Republican)

Anti Imperialism (tend to be Democrat)

Philippines seen as stepping stone for Asia

Foreign Issues would overshadow much needed reform at home

Spread Christianity * Foreign workers would lower wages at home

New Markets American Factories may relocate overseas

Raw Materials Increased Army (higher taxes)

Spreading US influence and democratic values in Asia

Mongrelization of America

US & Philippines Imperialist Debate

Filipinos assumed that their freedom was granted after War (like Cuba) & however, despite provisional govt set up by Aguinaldo, becomes a US protectorate

Open Rebellion led by Emilio Aguinaldo (1899 to 1901)◦ 4300 US & 57,000 Filipinos died

1902: Philippine Govt Act (Organic Act)◦ US appoints governor & upper house

Jones Act of 1916 :Filipinos elect both houses US granted independence to Philippines in 1946

US & Philippines


1901- John Hay tries to negotiate Hay-Pauncefote treaty with Republic of Colombia which included Panama◦ Pay Colombia 10 mil. and yearly 250,000 rental ◦ US would receive 6 mile strip of land across isthmus for 99

years◦ Colombian Senate rejects treaty for better offer

Gunboat Diplomacy (1903)◦ Philippe Bunau-Varilla negotiates with US for assistance for

Panama independence from Colombia◦ November- Panama revolution

US Marines prevented Colombian forces form reaching rebels Three days later, US recognizes Panama

◦ Hay Bunau-Varilla Treaty Similar to Hay Pauncefote treaty, however would cost 40 mil.

◦ Roosevelt (later): “I took the Canal and let Congress Debate”

US & Panama Canal

Completed in 1914 Cost over 400 mil. Organized under John F.

Stevens & Colonel George Washington Goethals

William Gorgas helps to eliminate malaria by 1913

SS ANCON becomes first to pass through Canal on August 15, 1914

Significant Engineer achievement

Panama Canal


Panama Canal
