Haunted Hallway and Chili Dinner€¦ · Saintly News is October 13 Please send articles to Rebecca...

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Transcript of Haunted Hallway and Chili Dinner€¦ · Saintly News is October 13 Please send articles to Rebecca...

Volume 42 Issue No. 10 / October 2019

Sunday Worship 8:00 and 10:30 am

Whole Family Education Hour

Sundays 9:15 am (Sept - May)

Responding to the Gospel to carry out God’s mission

Haunted Hallway and Chili Dinner

Last year's Haunted Hallway was such a success that we're repeating the theme again this year! This year's event is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Children are invited to come to church in costume to gather treats from the areas decorated in the Sunday School wing. We are looking for volunteers willing to decorate a space in the spirit of the season and pass out candy to children looking for yummy treats. A chili and cornbread supper will be served from 5:00 to 7:00 pm for anyone wishing to join us in fellowship. A free will donation for dinner is appreciated. A sign-up sheet will be posted on Bulletin Board #2 for chili, cornbread, candy, and Haunted Hallway hosts. Please join us! Questions? Contact Kay Johnson at AllSaintsWELCA@aol.com or 815-262-8789.

Potato and Pie

Fundraiser! WELCA will be having a Baked Potato/Pie fundraiser on Oct. 20, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am, after church services. This will be a handy pick up and take home meal to eat while watching the football games. Tickets will go on sale starting on Sept. 29 on Sundays at church. Cost is $6 per person. Proceeds will be directed toward some remodeling in the church library.

Please purchase a ticket so we will know how many potatoes to buy. Thanks and see you then.

All Saints Sunday, November 3

The custom of commemorating all of the saints of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. All Saints Day celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who make up the body of Christ. On this day or the following Sunday, many congregations will remember the faithful who have died during the past year. You are invited to submit names of your loved ones who have died in the past year. Beginning October 13, Sunday bulletins will include a form to submit names for inclusion in our prayers on November 3.

Deadline for the November

Saintly News is October 13

Please send articles to

Rebecca Heaslip


Dear Friends, Several years ago I heard a lecture presented by Bishop Mark Hanson, at that time the presiding bishop of the ELCA. He is a sought after speaker and panelist around the world, representing the ELCA in a variety of settings. Bishop Hanson spoke of a time when he was part of a panel of religious leaders from a variety of faith traditions (Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim etc). All were asked how they understood what God’s relationship was to humans. One speaker said that he believed that there were many paths leading to God and that, among other things, is what made working together with a variety of faiths possible. Bishop Hanson said that we viewed things a little differently – we don’t see paths leading from us to God, but instead we see God coming TO us. God comes to us. That is the root of the Christian faith – in Jesus Christ; God reached down to US and came. We don’t have to figure out how to make our way to God – our sin prevents us from ever being able to make our way completely. Luckily for us, God doesn’t wait for us to come to him, but instead extends his love to encompass us as we are. As we are then surrounded by that grace, forgiveness and acceptance, we then act in that love toward others and toward God. That idea of God coming to us got me thinking about our mission here at All Saints. Are we just waiting for people to come to us? Or are we out there, bringing God to people who don’t know Christ and sharing God’s love with those in our community? I believe we do a great job of sharing our resources with those in our community (look at all the items we collect throughout the year and give to local and worldwide agencies, for example). However, I am not sure we have fully embraced the idea that WE need to get out to where non-churched people are and work alongside of them. We can help them to see the love of Christ in us and, hopefully, invite them to be part of this faith journey. How are you bringing God’s love into the world? What are ways we could be doing more of that here at All Saints? I would love to engage in a conversation with you about this. As we enter into this season of stewardship, finances and thanksgiving, I challenge all of us to prayerfully consider how God has reached down into our lives and blessed us – and then to take the next step and prayerfully consider how God might be challenging us to reach out to others.

Blessed to be on this journey with you –

In Christ,

Pastor Janet Wold

Altar Guild–Save the Date! The annual Altar Guild meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 9:00 am in the main conference room. Please plan to attend if you are a current Altar Guild member or if you would like to check out the work that we do! If you have any questions, please contact Kay Johnson or any other Altar Guild member listed in the weekly bulletins. We’ll be happy to assist you!

Page 2 The Saintly News

All Saints Lutheran Church • Byron, IL 61010

Council Members

PRESIDENT Steve Jones sub_insignia@yahoo.com C: 779-537-4006

VICE –PRESIDENT & PROPERTY Doug Knodle dougknodle@comcast.net C: 815-751-0312

SECRETARY Bill Pirnat william.pirnat@comcast.net C: 815-234-5690

WORSHIP Carol Miller James.miller11@comcast.net H: 815-234-3066

EDUCATION Jodi Girten jodigirten@yahoo.com C: 224-558-9589

FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP Steve Jones sub_insignia@yahoo.com C: 779-537-4006

FELLOWSHIP Kay Johnson allsaintswelca@aol.com C: 815-262-8789

OUTREACH/SOCIAL MINISTRY Jim Wilcox sgtjim271@yahoo.com C: 815-298-5546

YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY Audra Miles jodim23@comcast.net H: 815-234-5453

Staff PASTOR Pastor Janet Wold pastor@allsaintsbyron.org C: 815-988-1109

H: 815-406-8264

TREASURER Alisha Fortener Alisha.Fortener@gmail.com C: 815-742-8033 FINANCIAL SECRETARY Bridget Reibel bridget.reibel@comcast.net H: 815-234-2403

OFFICE SECRETARIES Cindy Beitel Karen Larson Office@AllSaintsByron.org 815-234-5277

Page 3 October 2019

(815) 234-5277 • www.AllSaintsByron.org • email: Office@AllSaintsByron.org



October 6 - 17th Sunday after Pentecost

Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1-9 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Luke 17:5-10 October 13 - 18th Sunday after Pentecost 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c Psalm 111 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19 October 20 - 19th Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 32:22-31 Psalm 121 2 Timothy 3:14--4:5 Luke 18:1-8 October 27 Reformation Sunday Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 46 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36

Please Clip & Save for

your reference

Bible Studies (in the main conference room #310) See Education Opportunities brochure for more details

SUNDAY MORNING 9:15 am -This study meets in the small conference room (Rm. 209). Steve Jones is the class facilitator. “After the New Testament – The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers”

Who exactly were the Apostolic Fathers? Why were they given that name? Most importantly, what windows into the shaping of Christianity’s canon, church hierarchy, and creed are open for us?

TUESDAY EVENING 7:00 pm -The evening Bible study meets in the Main Conference room (Rm. 310). Steve Reid is the class facilitator.

We will begin by viewing the movie "RISEN." It is an epic biblical story of the resurrection as told through the eyes of a non-believer, a powerful Roman military tribune who was tasked by Pontius Pilate to find the body of Jesus. The Emperor was coming to Jerusalem and Pilate wanted to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem during the Emperor's visit.

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 pm -This class meets in the Main Conference room (Rm. 310). Pastor Janet Wold is the class facilitator.

Everybody loves a great story. In the Bible, God has given us the greatest story ever told! It's a tale of God's love and faithfulness throughout the generations. Come join us as we take a look at The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction. In sixteen sessions you'll get a complete overview of the story and message of the Bible. This class is great for both those unfamiliar with Bible study and for those who want a refresher.

September Council Highlights Our Annual Picnic was a success in spite of the weather with $874.50 raised

for St. Vincent dePaul Ministries via the 50/50 drawing and silent auction. Finances continue to be a concern with approximately 33% of the pledges

behind and Mission Support pledge by All Saints has not been met. Sunday School began on Rally Day. People Helping People again asking for assistance in purchasing turkeys for

Thanksgiving for fifty-five families. 2020 Confirmation Sunday will be held on May 31, Pentecost Sunday

Fall Stewardship Campaign is being developed.

2020 Budget The Finance Committee is asking for budget input for 2020 from All Saints committees. Committees will receive a letter with a copy of the 2019 budget, current 2019 spending to date, and some prior year financial data to review so they can assess and make their input. We have gotten pretty good at budgeting to our needs. We do not have a lot of fluff or extras built into our budgets. We try to be realistic in estimating what we have spent and where we will go in the next year with our mission and ministries. Thanks to all who support this process!

Page 4 The Saintly News

All Saints Lutheran Church • Byron, IL

Kids Klub Kids Klub meets from 3:30 to 5:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month at UCB. This is an afterschool program and will run through the end of the school year. This is a free program for all kids in the community, aged kindergarten through 5th grade. They offer homework help games/activities, crafts, snacks, and character-building lessons that are interfaith and interdenominational.

The Good News of our Lord and Savior’s birth will again be brought to Ogle County through the

Community Christmas Cantata performance of Pepper Choplin’s I Hear the Prophet Callin’ on Sunday,

December 8 at 3:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 308 East Brayton Road, Mount Morris.

We have music and practice CD’s for fifty singers.

Jennie Saltzgiver from Byron United Church will be conducting the choir and orchestra. Rehearsals will be held each Tuesday from 7:00-8:30 pm beginning

October 8th at Trinity.

Come and sing with us! For more information, check out www.mmchristmascantata.com or talk to Karen

Larson in the All Saints Office.

WELCA The All Saints Lutheran Church WELCA group held their fall meeting on September 14, 2019.

There were 12 ladies attending. Everyone enjoyed a delicious potluck breakfast. Reports were shared about the various groups that meet including The Gathering, The Quilters, Sunshine, The Book Club and the Prayer Chain. You will see a report of activities of each group in this newsletter.

Discussion was held on a variety of topics. The upcoming fundraiser will be the Baked Potato and Pie Sale. Tickets for this event will go on sale at the end of September. The sale will take place on October 20th with a carryout baked potato and all the fixings plus a piece of pie. Please purchase tickets in advance so there are enough potatoes prepared. The cost will be $6.00. It was decided by those attending that the proceeds will be directed toward some remodeling in the church library.

A chili supper is taking place in conjunction with the Haunted Hallway event on October 26th. Sign-up sheets for chili makers is located on Bulletin Board #2.

Replacement and repair of flooring at the front of the sanctuary was discussed. Flooring samples were shown. While awaiting estimates on this project, those present voted to have WELCA contribute up to $3000 toward this project.

A proposal was made and approved to contribute $300 to Lutheran Disaster Relief for hurricane disaster recovery.

It was shared that the Stillman Valley “Bread of Life” food pantry needs volunteers to assist individuals with their shopping and carrying of items. The pantry is in the Valley Covenant Church (the white church) in Stillman Valley. Help is needed the second Tuesday of each month from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. See Michel Williams or Carolyn Niederer with questions.

An Advent activity was shared for individuals or families called Reverse Advent Calendar. Each day in the month of December a food item is added to a box. The filled box at the end of the month can be donated to People Helping People or Bread of Life Food Bank. Clip and Save the picture attached for a list of food suggestions.

The next meeting of All Saints WELCA will be Saturday, January 25th, 2020. This will be a “brown bag” bring your own lunch from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The coffee pot will be on!

People Helping People PHP is asking for our help once again to make Thanksgiving a time of blessing for those in need in the Byron community. Details will be in the November newsletter. The shopping cart in the main entrance is ready to receive your donations of Canned Fruit during the month of October.

Byron High School Food Pantry Did you know one in five students in the Byron School District has issues obtaining enough food for success in school? It's hard to believe, but this is a true statement. To that end, Byron High School is again offering a food pantry program to help students with food insecurities. They provide students with a safe and confidential atmosphere to help supplement food for both during and after their school day.

As part of our DreamLeaders Initiative, All Saints can help with their endeavor by contributing non-perishable food items, personal hygiene items, or monetary donations. The pantry is run 100% from staff and community donations. We will provide a list of needed items each month, similar to what we do for People Helping People. The DreamLeaders Initiative basket is located in the narthex to collect these items. Monetary donations may be placed in the offering plate or taken to the church office during the week. Please make checks payable to BHS Food Pantry.

If you are interested in donating food, we will be collecting the following items during October:

Granola, cereal and/or protein bars

Tuna and/or chicken in pouches or cans

Peanut butter and cracker snacks

Full size shampoo, conditioner, and soap

Quilters The quilters plan to meet Monday, September 30 to take the quilts from the sanctuary and pack them in boxes to send to LWR. The donations of school supplies were put into back packs by the Sunday School students during their class on Sunday September 15th. On Saturday, October 5th, the boxes of quilts and the boxes of school kits will be taken to Zion Lutheran Church in Rockford to be sent to the LWR collection site. From there, they will be sent to disaster areas all over the world.

Thank you for all the generous donations of fabric, sheets, school supplies and monies for shipping. The quilt closet will have some empty shelves until we start all over working together and having fellowship each month.

The next regular meeting will be on November 7th at 9:00 am at the church.

Page 5 October 2019

Library News The books being added to the library will be displayed on the cart near the front doors for the month of October.

Raider's Heart, by Marcia Gruver is book 1 of the series "Backwoods Brides." Two brothers are part of a family of bandits. Duncan McRae is gentle and hates the raids made by his family. Hooper McRae revels in the violence, knows what he wants and takes it by force. When mild-mannered Dawsey is taken by them, the competition for her affection is fierce. The family keeps her as they decide how to fix the mistake Hooper made by taking her. Dawsey, mad at being held hostage, is burdened by a mysterious family secret, memories of a long-departed mother and a papa unable to cope with his loss.

Bandit's Hope is book 2 of the series. Tiller McRae is tired of the outlaw life of his family and leaves home. He winds up at Bell's Inn where he falls for the innkeeper's daughter. Mariah is tired of waiting for God to bring a husband and protector to her. Taking matters into her own hands, she sets a trap to catch a thief and a husband. What will she do when she discovers they are one and the same?

Hunter's Prize is book 3 of the series. Addie McRae accepts a job as governess to young Ceddy Whittfield. A string of attempted robberies and a kidnapping threaten the peace of the household. When Pearson Foster, a treasure hunter, arrives looking for the lost treasure of the steamer, Mittie Stephens, he is unaware that Ceddy hides his own treasure. This treasure puts Addie in grave danger.

The book Attic Treasures, given by Marlene Roberts, contains four stories. Grandma's Doll by Wanda Brunstetter, Fishing for Love by, Tammy Shuttlesworth, The Prairie by Janet Spaeth, and Seeking the Lost by Pamela Kay Tracy - Grandma is moving into a retirement home and allows each of her four granddaughters to pick a favorite item from her attic. Each is a story of what they choose and how it affects her life.

Dear Friends in Christ,

I can’t begin to thank you, the congregation of All Saints Lutheran Church, enough for the caring and joyous sending that you gave me as I embark on my seminary journey and ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lanark. Your outpouring of love and generosity as displayed in your gifts to me is truly overwhelming and will assist me financially in fulfilling the many requirements to obtain a Master of Divinity degree from Wartburg Theological Seminary to ultimately fulfill my goal of becoming an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament so that I may continue to be a servant of Christ and messenger of the good news of God’s salvation in Christ to all the world.

All Saints has nurtured and nourished me spiritually and emotionally in many ways over the years, and for that I am eternally grateful – you have been a blessing to me and my family. You have been an incredible source of encouragement and support during my ministry discernment journey, and I can’t express what it means that you have walked side by side with me to this point. I know that you will be with me as I continue my journey, and I will always carry All Saints Lutheran Church in my heart, thoughts and prayers. I will provide you with periodic updates on my progress and adventures, and I will return to worship with you from time to time as my schedule allows. I would also welcome visitors to Trinity Lutheran in Lanark!

Your brother in Christ,

Vicar Mike Reibel

BOOK CLUB October's Book Club selection is Under the Cajun Moon, by Mindy Starns Clark. Chloe Ledet races to New Orleans to be with her father, a world renowned chef, who had been shot during a hunting trip and is in a coma. Her mother insists she meet with the family lawyer before going to the hospital.

Chloe wakes in a hotel room with the lawyer's dead body and all memories of that evening gone. While the events began coming back, she is framed for his murder and arrested. But before the end of the day, she is bailed out and begins the search to find the perpetrator of these crimes.

The only clue to finding who is responsible is in a poem written by her father years before, framed and on the wall of the family's restaurant, Ledet's. She is to follow her father's instructions to "follow the recipe," that is printed in the poem.

Our next meeting is October 28 at 1:00.

Worship Attendance

8:00 10:30 Total Sunday


August 25 59 40 99 n/a

September 1 38 37 75 n/a

8 46 52 98 10

15 58 43 101 24

22 68 41 109 28

Total 268 213 482 62

Average 54 43 97 22

The Gathering The GATHERING will meet on Tuesday, October 8 from 9:00 to 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. You can bring your latest project to work on, or just come and enjoy the fellowship, friendship, and food! All are welcome!

Confirmation Schedule

Page 6 The Saintly News

All Saints Lutheran Church • Byron, IL

October 6


I don't under-

stand why (or

how) God plays

favorites with

Moses and the


Exodus 33:17-23

October 9



I don't under-

stand why we

observe some

parts of the law

but not others.

Deuteronomy 5:1-21

October 13 Judges I don't know

what judges are

at all.

Judges 6:11-27

October 20


I don't know why

Ruth would

willingly become

an outsider in a

foreign land.

Ruth 1:6-18

October 23



I don't know

where kings fit

into the story of


1 Samuel 8:1-9

October 27



I don't know why

God would free

the people only

to let them be

captured again.

Jeremiah 25:1-4

Finance Report

Sunday School News! On September 15 during Sunday School hour we were pleased to have a nice group of children help pack the school kits for LWR. I would like to thank everyone involved including those who generously donated the school supplies that were needed for the school kits. ~Hilda Stevenson

Page 7 October 2019

(815) 234-5277 • www.AllSaintsByron.org • email: Office@AllSaintsByron.org

Health & Healing Carla Combs George Davis Jeanine Hayes Phil Houston Kay Johnson Betty Klink Jan Lewis

Earle Mailand Jim Morgart

Al Olsen Skip Richardson Juanita Williams Marcia Kasmaric

Reggie Wallin Paul Wood

Sharon Bayme Jeanne Greenfield Clarence Buskohl

Richard Myers Steve Hawkins Gordon Green Danette Potter Diane Hawkins

Jim Sanders Rich & Stacey Wertz

Dana Harper John Kushner

Ed Putnum Marlene Lucciana

Owen Mondo Al Mondo

Bev Nelson Mary Gardner Sandi Rennick

Judy Wirth Bill Michaux Anne Hall Matthew

Earl Watkins

Shut Ins Eileen Carlson Patricia Mohr Lori Pederson Mary Whitmer

Military David Bishop Dylan Bishop Landon Skaar

Staff Sgt. Kyle Reif Matt Vizer

Sage Harper

In Our Prayers Budget Items Item Description

Actual August

Budget August

Actual YTD

Budget YTD

Budget Total 2019


General Fund $13,942 $15,610 $126,586 $124,884 $187,320

Mortgage $1,421 $2,074 $14,726 $16,595 $24,888

Other Giving $585 $833 $4,267 $6,668 $9,996

Total Revenue $15,948 $18,517 $145,579 $148,147 $222,204



Mission Support $0 $1,146 $4,514 $9,168 $13,752

Other Outreach $0 $467 $931 $3,744 $5,604

Total Outreach $0 $1,613 $5,445 $12,912 $19,356


Ministries of the Congregation (Non Salary) $3,659 $929 $6,789 $7,476 $11,148 Ministries of the Congregation (Salary and Benefits) $10,267 $11,254 $85,232 $90,050 $135,048

Total Ministries $13,926 $12,183 $92,021 $97,526 $146,196

3000 Total Building (Non Capital) $3,764 $2,460 $17,146 $19,696 $29,520

Total Expense $17,690 $16,256 $114,612 $130,134 $195,072

3000 Capital

Mortgage Principal and Interest $2,074 $2,074 $14,519 $16,595 $24,888

Other Building Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Building Capital $2,074 $2,074 $14,519 $16,595 $24,888

Total Expenses (Capital Plus Expense) $19,765 $18,330 $129,131 $146,729 $219,960


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A PUBLICATION OF ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN CHURCH 624 Luther Dr. Byron, IL 61010-9684 October Issue - Mailed 9/30/19


Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Closed on Friday

Happenings at All Saints!

October 20 Potato/Pie Fundraiser for WELCA

October 26

Haunted Hallway

October 26 Chili and Cornbread Supper