Hateen Group

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interview with Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan

Transcript of Hateen Group

Hateen Group’s interview with Sheikh Khalid bin Abdul Rahman Al Husaynan (may Allah protect


Source: Hateen Magazine, No. 7Translated by: Ansarullah English Team

Hateen group is blessed to present the interview with famous Scholar and preacher of Islam from the country of Kuwait ‘Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al Husaynan’. He is a famous

author and his speeches and work are well known in the Arab world especially Kuwait.

Currently, the Sheikh is in charge of Al Qaida’s training and spiritual well-being of the

Mujahideen. Al Sahab has been releasing a number of speeches by the Sheikh. These

speeches are a great source of showing the light to all souls who want to meet their creator .

Hateen: Respectable Sheikh! Assalam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuhu

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: Dear Brother! Wa Alaikum us Salam wa Rahmat Allah wa


Hateen: First of all we thank you for providing the time to talk with us and for abandoning your

other activities in order to conduct this interview. We pray to Allah to add this among

your virtues and may this interview be for the interest of the Ummah. Respectable Sheikh!

Before we proceed I want to ask you about your own self, where and when were you born and

how have you spent your life?Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: I am thankful to you for making me part of this virtuous work. May Allah accept your deeds. Indeed Allah is the

greatest, the most merciful and generous of all .Since you have asked, I will introduce my

humble self as follows:I was born in Kuwait in the year 1966 in a family

where religious education was of paramount importance. My father would regularly take us to communal prayer (Jama’at). In those early days, I got admitted at a Madrasa which paid special attention to the knowledge of Shari’a.

After that I went to the Arabian Peninsula where I completed my religious education at a famous Jami’a (Islamic University). And thanks are to

Allah .Hateen: Respectable Sheikh! When did you start

your studies in the field of Shari’a? Please tell us more about your knowledge journey.

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: I started my religious education in the year 1986. For three

years I was the pupil of the famous scholar Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al Ateemeen. In the same way I had three years of education

under Sheikh Sulaiman Al Alwan and some other famous Shuyukh (scholars). During this time, my

main focus was on the two most important subjects of Islam i.e. the knowledge of Aqeeda (subjects related to belief) and the knowledge of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence). These are the

areas for which we will answer in the next world.

Hateen: We know that before coming to the field of Jihad, most of your time was spent in the

areas of training and dawah (preaching). Please put some light on these areas .

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: I thank Allah Almighty for giving me the power and the

opportunity to attract people towards his Deen. As Allah mention in his own words:

ن� ي� م� م� ي� م� ي ا ن� م� ي م� �� ن ما ن� ن�ا ن�� ح�ا م ن�ا ن� م� ن� ن� م� ل�� ا نى ما اا ن� �ن ي� ن�� م� ح!ا ي" ن� م� ن� ي# نا ي� ن� :ن� ا�جدۃ) #م اایت۳۳)

Translation: And who has a better word than the person who attracts others toward Allah and

who carries out good deeds and also announce that he is one of the Muslims .

During my work as a preacher of Islam, my main concentration was towards the youth. Since,

most of the young people wouldn’t come to the mosque for daily prayers; we used to address

them in the colleges and universities. Our path for attracting them towards Islam was that

outlined already by the holy Quran. In order to

have the young men feel easy, we used to make our talks friendlier and through cordial

discussions, we used to get them the Islamic messages.

The fact of the matter is that when people love (or like) a person, they accept their words and

also are impressed by them. Keeping this fact in mind, we used to converse cordially with these

young people and sometimes jested as well. Alhamdulillah, this method was very useful for

the youth that we interacted with .

Hateen: We also know that you have authored a number of books on Dawah and Training which have also included brief booklets. Please let us

know about them .Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: Alhamdulillah I have

been able to write a number of books for the general benefit of people. I will briefly introduce

them to you.1 .Daily Sunnah practices; more than 1000

sunnah .2 .Daily Du’a (prayers); more than 1000 prayers

3 .Answers to 1000 questions by women4 .How we can reach the destinations of those

who have given themselves to Allah?5 .This is how virtuous people are

6 .How you can prepare for the day of Judgement?

Hateen: Respectable Sheikh! How did you

manage to enter the field of jihad, what was your motivation?

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: I entered the field of Jihadi in the Hijri calendar year 1427. The book of Allah and his messenger’s sunnah and the

tradition of Sahaba led me to this path. When I read this decree of Allah :

ن+ ي" ن, ي- ن. ة/ ن1 نجا م. ن� ن2ا م�" م3 ي4 ن5 ن3 ي� ا ة� ن"ا ي� ن6ا ن� يم م7 م. ن5 م,� ن� ن� يم م7 م8 ن�ا ي9 ن6ا ن� يم م7 م� ن"ا ي: م;ا ن� يم م> م= ن�ا ي< ن6ا ن� يم م> م= ن<ا اا ن+ ن>ا م;ا+ ي� م�م� ن�� ا ن م. ي6ا ن? لى ن�3 ن# م@"ا ن�< ن5 ن3 ن4 م� م� �Aم Bن م4 �د نDا م8 ن� م� م "Bم ن1 ن� م� ن�� ا ن� م� م7م ي� ن م;ا Eن� ن# ن6ا نDا ن� ي" Fن ي5 ن. م� م> ن�ا ن� ن� ن2ا �ن ن�ا ن>

ن� �Gم Bم نHا ي ا Iن ي" Gن ي ا مدي Dي ن? ن!ا م� ن�� ن�ا K Mم م5 ي� ن6ا : م< ا3"<ہ) B"1ۃ (۲۴اایت

Translation :Say, [O Messenger], "If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, wealth

which you have obtained, commerce wherein you fear decline, and dwellings with which you are pleased are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and jihad in His cause, then

wait until Allah executes His command. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient


That’s when I decided that I really need to show Allah Almighty that his order and the sunnah of his messenger are more important to me than

anything else. Now this love and passion cannot be shown only by writing and reading and

making speeches but rather you have to enter

the practical field, give sacrifice and get involved in the field of Jihad and Hijra. Then I

happened to read this Hadith from Rasoolallah (SA):

“People killed are of three kinds. One is the person who goes to Jihad fi sabilillah with his life and his wealth. When this person clashes

with the enemy and he is killed he is an inspirational shaheed. He is a shaheed who on the day of Judgement who will reside inside a tent just below the Arsh of Allah. This person

will be so high-esteemed not to be outranked by anyone but the Messengers (for their due

prominence)” (Al Majam Al Kabeer Al Tabrani)

This means that the one who receives closeness to Allah due to achieving martyrdom (or

Shahadat) is so esteemed that no one sitting in his city and praying all the time can ever

achieve that rank. The best way to enter Jannat Al Ferdaus is to invest all your wealth and your

life in the path of Allah until the time you receive Shahadat. This was why I decided to

enter the field of Jihad.Hateen: How did you find Afghanistan, its people and the Mujahideen? How do you

evaluate the relationship between the Taliban Mujahideen and their Arab and Non-Arab foreign


Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: Alhamdulillah Afghanistan and its people and its Mujahideen

are all very impressive. Which attributes of these great people should I talk about first?

Where can I start from, their services and their conquests, their sacrifices, their hospitality and

humility; all these qualities are equally impressive .

These people have great respect for all Muhajir Mujahideen such that they even open their

homes’ doors to them. There is no doubt that the Mujahideen of Afghanistan have refreshed

the thoughts and memories of the first generation of Mujahideen and Ansar. May Allah have peace and blessings upon them. AmeenThey welcomed and helped us at a time when

the whole world was against us. They open their arms to all atrocities for us. May Allah be

pleased with them. Ameen

Hateen: What are your thoughts on the current Zionist-crusader war that is going on against

the Muslim world in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia and the rest of the world? What will be

its consequences?Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: I have full faith that Allah will not let the blood and the sacrifices to

go in vain. The fact is that the consequences will be for our good as Allah always helps his

friends .I have no doubt on this that the help of Allah will come to us soon. Let’s wait for a few days

as the enemy has already lost its nerves. In these last days of the fight, what we need is patience and prayer. The greatest weapon in

the hand of a muslim is Du’a (prayer) especially one sought on the recommended times, such as

the last phase of the night .

Hateen: What are the feelings of Mujahideen on the issue of Filistin (Palestine), what do you say

in this regard?Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: Alhamdulillah, the Mujahideen have stronger feelings of zeal and honour with regards to Filistin than any other

Muslims. They have already made the oath that until the independence of Palestine; they will

continue undertaking the Jihad with their blood and wealth .

Mujahideen do not just depend on speeches, demonstrations and strikes as done by most of the people these days rather they are offering

the lives and belongings for the freedom of Masjid-e-Aqsa from the grip of the Jews .

Hateen: After having seen and observed the Jihad and Mujahideen from close, what is your message to those people who call Mujahideen

‘terrorists’ and accuse them of extremism?Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: To all those people

who consider Mujahideen as terrorists, my words are:

1 .Fear Allah when issues of your judgement day are concerned.

Do not trust the media belonging to the Kuffar and the Munafiqin, as Allah tell us :

ن+ "م ن6ا ي� م? ن� يم Dم م. �ن نDا Oن Eم ن3 ي7 م3 Bن : (۱۹الزخرف)

Their testimony will be recorded and they will be questioned.

And by saying such things (as calling Mujahideen terrorist or extremist) you are

actually helping the crusaders.Hateen: What do you want to say about the Martyrdom of Sheikh Osama Bin laden (RA)?Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: Alhamdulillah!

Sheikh Osama (RA) found the desire he had kept hiding in his chest (at last). The real victory is

for a Muslim when he stands strong on his belief and receives martyrdom. Sheikh Osama Bin

Laden used to repeat this sentence all the time:

حدا’’ ‘‘ Oھی ا�ہ ا.-ذہ �� 4ا�عید

Lucky is the person whom Allah bestows with Martyrdom.

We pray to Allah to awaken the Ummah for the sake of our Sheikh’s blood .

Our Sheikh received at the end ‘Shahadat’ after going through a rough patch of hardship and

problems, he finally got rest .

We always hope for the best coming from Allah and as part of this belief we pray to Allah to

provide Jannat Al Ferdaus to our beloved sheikh. All human beings are supposed to taste death whether it comes naturally or through other means. And what makes us happy is that our

Mujahid Sheikh received martyrdom as a warrior with dignity and honour in contrast to a possible

death on bed. This is how the poet pictures :: M5غ�> �ات <ا��ف ?�ت م �ا#د ----��� �ا�"ت 6اABاب ا! .�"�ت

The man who doesn’t die of the sword, however dies. There are a lot of means but death is one .

Hateen: How do you view the Public revolutions in the Arab world?

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: Indeed these demonstrations indicate a new wave of

awakening in the Muslim Ummah. After the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate, the wall of

terror enacted by the West against the Ummah is now crumbling. Indeed, this is a positive

message that the Ummah is no longer accepting any more suppression .

These revolutions have completed part of the task of the Mujahideen. However, we want to tell the Ummah that the journey hasn’t yet

ended and we haven’t reached the destination either. They are obliged to continue this journey

and materialize the governance of Sharia. The Ummah can never reach tranquillity through

other non-Islamic means including Democracy. Islam is the religion of Justice and connection with this sacred faith is the guarantee of our

prosperity both in this world and the one hereafter .

Hateen: Our respectable Sheikh! Please tell us about the importance of Knowledge in the life of

a Mujahid?

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: Knowledge is very important in the life of a Mujahid. Only with

knowledgeable Mujahideen in your ranks, can you guarantee the presence and authority of

Shariah. A Mujahid, who has inadequate knowledge sometimes instead of being a tool for

betterment, creates trouble .Alhamdulillah, under the Al Qaeda organisation we always try to organise courses and trainings

in order to improve the knowledge of the Mujahideen. With us a lot of Mujahideen

undertake courses in the areas of Imaniat (Theology), Fiqh (Jurisprudence), the ethics of Sharia and other religious sciences. We do this

so that every new comer understands his religious obligations and fears Allah in his

dealings .

Hateen: Sheikh! Please tell us about any

surprising memory from the fields of Jihad?

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: I have seen a number of surprises in the field of Jihad. In this field, I have seen people that I had never seen

before; people who are welcoming death so that their Deen’s honour could be saved and

restored. I have seen brothers who had true brotherhood and loved each other on the basis

of their faith. I saw them serving each other and taking care of each other whilst their hearts

seemed pure and empty of all vices that stem from desire and jealousy. I saw them praying to

Allah, day and night, keeping fast during the long days and reading Quran regularly while

following the Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH). I had heard false depictions of the Mujahideen through the corrupt media which all turned to

be completely fake .

Hateen: What is your message to those brothers who are carrying out the mission of Dawah (call)

to Jihad and are conveying the true news and message to the Ummah?

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: To all those brothers who are carrying out the responsibility of ‘call

to Jihadi’, I want to say:

First of all be determined in the path that you

have selected as this is the decree of Allah who says :

م� ن3ا Gم ي ا ن�ى ن� ن� م�� م� Yي م� ي ا Zم م5 : ن# (۶۵ا!ا�Hا�)

Urge the believers for Qital (killing in the path of Allah)

Secondly, keep in mind that anyone who joins the fields of Jihad based on the message that you convey, you will have a part in the reward

that Mujahid earns from Allah.

Thirdly, you are the Gharib (travellers) of today, as very few people today are involved in the

mission of conveying the Jihadi message terrified by the secret organisations of the Taghoot. Therefore, it is good news as your

rewards are doubled.

Hateen: What is your message to the Ulema of the Ummah, especially to the Ulema of Pakistan

and the tribal areas?

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: My question to the Ulema is that for how long you will stay away from the fields of Jihad, whilst the enemies of

Allah are corrupting people in the cities. I remind you of this decree of Allah:

ن�ا ي� م�د ا م/ ن�ا ن� ي م<ا م3م �Fم ن1 ن6ا K Zم ي1 ن6ا ي! ا نى م;ا يم م3 ي� ن� ن�\ا ا م� ن�� ا م� �Aم Bن م4 م�5ا Hم ا� مم م7 ن ن� م�� ن[ا م;ا يم م7 ن ن�ا م�"ا ن� اا ن� مذ? � ن ا نDا م�? ن6ا ن?اة� م�� ن� ن�!ا م;ا م/ ن5 م: اا ي! ا م4 ن�ا ي� م�د ا م/ ن�ا ن� ي ا م ن3ا ن� ن�ا ن4 K م/ ن5 م: اا ي! ا ن� : م� ا3"<ہ) (B۳۸"1ۃ

O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allâh (i.e. Jihâd) you cling heavily to

the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared

to the Hereafter

And indeed these are the Emirs of Jihad who have declared the war for the Ummah and are

marching forth .

I also remind you of this Hadith of our Prophet (SAW) which says:

ي� م� د_ Aن يع Oم ن�ى ن� نت ن�ا م� ي نغ ي م<ا م� ن� Hي ن� aي مد ن� م? يم ن ن� م يغ ن? يم ن ن� نت ن�ا ي� ن�bد ا Hن م�

And the one who died in a state that he never went on Jihad or ever thought of going on Jihad,

so verily he has died as a Munafiq (Al Sahih Muslim)

So, I ask don’t you follow the life of Rasoolallah (SAW), the rightly guided caliphs and the

Sahaba-e-Kiram. Were they not the ones who

carried Jihad in the way of Allah and were not just active in collecting Ahadith and gaining

knowledge? Such an Alim is a good one who is also a Mujahid because he is a manifestation of

Knowledge and practice combined .

Therefore, we should know that there is no contradiction between knowledge and Jihad. In fact, in Sharia a person’s reputation is not on

the abundance of his knowledge but his practice (A’mal) .

Hateen: Respectable Sheikh! We live in an era where the conducting of sins has become easier but following the decrees of Deen has become

difficult. What is your message to Muslim youth (both Mujahid and non-Mujahid) on how best

protect their faith and stay away from vices and follow the path of their religion?

Sheikh Khalid Al Husaynan: There are some tools which if in possession; a muslim can best

protect his Iman. I will explain to you in simplicity in the following words:

1 .praying regularly to Allah that he may help us stay on the path of Islam.

2 .Searching for an environment of good and faithful people. Company of virtuous people

helps us stay on the path of Allah. In fact, the

best change in human life can come by the company of those who follow the path of Allah .

3 .Avoid going to places where one can be trapped by fitna and desire. For example, staying away from watching television or

attending mixed gender gatherings .

4 .Making ibada (religious prayers) part of the daily routine so that it could enlighten the

heart. Similarly, reciting the holy Quran and listening to the sermons of Ulema can be very


Hateen: At the end, we want to thank you once again that you gave us your precious time. We pray to Allah that all Ummah could benefit from the discussion we had as part of this interview.

May Allah accept our efforts. Ameen!

IلاBا!ا 4ی ا:"ا�کم