Harsh Punishments

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Harsh Punishments

Inside: Prison UK

•Success? 40.1% adults reoffend in the UK

• In a poll created by The Guardian website “Does Prison Work?” found that 31.3% of participants said yes and the remaining 68.7% said no.

• Your opinion depends on what you think prisons purpose is.

a public building used to house convicted criminals and accused persons remanded in custody and awaiting trial


• Teenagers blame cushy prisons for crime rise, Benedict Moore-Bridger, 14 Nov 2008 “Another teenager, 17-year-old Danielle, said sentences needed to be tougher. She said: "I know people going in and out of prison. They have X-Boxes, Playstation 2 and 3s, TVs - that is like getting sent to your room for stabbing someone.“”

• Analysis: Youth justice - Is prison too soft on young people?, Children & Young People Now, 4 June 2008 “"It's like being in your bedroom, but locked up". In fact, the young people interviewed wanted harsher punishment.

Inside: Boot Camp USA

•Success? Opponents of the juvenile boot camp model contend that recidivism rates are high, nearly 90% according to BootCampInfo.com. NCJRS (U.S. Department of Justice National Criminal Justice Reference Service) does report that nearly 50% of offenders failed to successfully complete boot camp aftercare programs.Something that jumped out at me when searching boot camps was the death of Florida 14 year old, Martin Lee Anderson.

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLO_qIl6gNY

a centre for juvenile offenders, with a strict disciplinary regime, hard physical exercise, and community labour programmes


• Some comments on an article by the Manchester Evening News named “Jessie's mum in boot camp call for unruly kids”, October 30, 2006 “A boot camp scenario would give children a sense of pride in what they do, how they dress and more importantly how they approach life.” “Boot camp isn't going to solve the problem of kids whose parents allow them to run wild. While Jesse's death was a tragedy, one needs to ask why he was allowed out in a park in Moss Side in the early hours.” “Boot camps,the cane, smacking..(not Hitting) the right to say whatever we want, i remember when a parent took responsibility for their kids and punished them if they stepped out of line, but these degenerates are brought up by parent or parents who are the dregs of society.” “My son and I were battered tonight by my 15 year old daughter. If she had been allowed to be spanked as a younger child then this would not have happened.. as it is she has no respect for authority or anyone but herself. Yes kids like this should be put in boot camp and I am going to see what I can do to get my daughter there.” ( In reply – “" If she had been allowed to be spanked as a younger child then this would not have happened.. " No it wouldn't, she would have probably used a gun on you instead.”)

Inside: Death Penalty China

•Success? There is an impossibility to reoffend outside. Innocent people are often put to death. The victims family have closure. The perpetrators family loose a loved one.

• Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Does this apply?

• Acording to Amnesty International, in 2009, China executed more people than the rest of the world put together (somewhere in the 1000s but China will not release statistics)

capital punishment


• Does Death Penalty Save Lives? A New Debate, By Adam Liptak, Published: November 18, 2007, New York Times “According to roughly a dozen recent studies, executions save lives. For each inmate put to death, the studies say, 3 to 18 murders are prevented.”

• China ends death penalty for 13 economic crimes, By Chris Hogg, BBC News, Shanghai, 25 February 2011 “China has removed 13 offences from the list of 68 crimes punishable by death. The offences were all economic crimes for which the death penalty was rarely if ever applied. They include tax fraud, the smuggling of cultural relics or precious metals, tomb robbing and stealing fossils. The new legal revisions will also ban the use of capital punishment for offenders over the age of 75.”

Outside: Shoot to Kill South Africa

•Success? Caught in the crossfire. May put fear in peoples minds to deter them from crime. Could encourage people to purchase guns to retaliate or protect themselves.

• The past law allowed police to use lethal force only if their lives or the lives of innocent bystanders are in danger. They were not allowed to shoot at fleeing suspects, as they were before the constitutional court struck down the apartheid-era version of the Criminal Procedure Act.

• Instant death sentence?• http://current.com/groups/on-current-tv/92516016_south-


a police policy recently implemented after the World Cup 2010


• Shoot to kill: When is it reasonable? Mail & Guardian Online, ILHAM RAWOOT JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA - Mar 05 2010 “The new law, he said, violates this by removing the requirement of an "immediate" threat of death or serious bodily harm for the use of lethal force. "Even if the person making the arrest is not immediately threatened, he can shoot," said De Vos. "This makes it easier for the police to shoot now and ask questions later.“”


• Do they reduce crime?

• Inside or outside?

• Harsher = more effective?


• Either Or

• Harsh Vs Soft

• RankMyPunishment