Harry Potter and the Last Phoenix. Chapter 1 : the Departure

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Transcript of Harry Potter and the Last Phoenix. Chapter 1 : the Departure

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    Harry Potter & The Last Phoenix. Page 1

    The Last Phoenix.(Important Note: This is a fan-fiction story based on the Harry Potter Novels1 to 7. All rights are own by J. K. Rowling and Warner Bros. I do not intend to

    make any money out of it either; this is just for personal and public


    Chapter One: The Departure

    It was a chilly night at privet drive. Harry was wide awake form theterrible dream again. Seeing Dumbledore being murdered by Snape had

    being troubling him nights sleep. Most of the night he would lie awake

    thinking of the future possibilities of the huge task that the headmaster had

    led before him. It seemed utterly impossible that now Dumbledore had gone

    he could do it all by alone. Yes, alone he had thought about the conversation

    he had with his best friends and then decided that he would do this task

    alone and not to put them in more danger. Because, if a great wizard like

    Dumbledore can be murdered and with the Leader of the Order of the

    Phoenix gone the whole wizarding world could be in danger more than ever.

    He had been lying on his bed thinking about all the possibilities and one

    more thought that he could not bear to think that was: no more Hogwarts. It

    gave immense pain to his heart telling himself that however difficult it may

    be he must not enter Hogwarts because it would put all the students and

    teachers at immense danger at once.

    He had just explained his aunt and uncle 9th

    time that they have to

    leave the house for their own safety. Aunt Petunia seemed more concerned

    about him since he had arrived but of course didnt express her kindness, on

    the other hand Dudley had also changed, and he would stay at one place

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    staring at the stars or carpet with his blank eyes, and was more frightened

    when addressed. Harry had saved his life from dementors and he had been

    acting strangely since. Whereas of Uncle Vernon was as typical as ever. He

    had been whining around Harry about why would they leave this house?

    And the conversation they both had made harry feel sicker and exhausting.

    But, he has to convince them to move out before the Death Eaters attack

    them and torture till death. He could not explain more further than that.

    But after a long wait and 10th

    time he couldnt control it .

    ..Why do want to make it more worst day after day I try to tell you Harry


    Because, I dont see any reason I could to abandon my house. You are just

    jealous and you want us gone so that you could hide here for rest of your


    And why would u think that?

    I dont . YES, when last year that old man said that there is some

    kind of protection keeping you safe here form the dark forces, from that day

    on I was thinking that a day will come when you and your red hair lot would

    come here to stay

    This was too much. Harry didnt mind the Dursleys cursing the people he

    knew but this time Uncle Vernon seemed to cross some sort of line. This

    caused the temper Harry was holding days ago to burst and he stood updirect face to face to uncle Vernon.

    His mind was debating on saying the exact thoughts or to stay polite but this

    time neither of them made sense, and then he spoke,

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    Fine, I was only trying to keep you and your family safe, out of the danger

    that we lotare facing. But do you even have a clue why all these

    mysterious accidents are happening all around the city?. Do you even want

    to know who did it? I think you dont, you still want to think all is safe if we

    all stay under this roof no matter what happens. Coz IT IS NOT. Ive been

    trying to convince you for your own safety and you are babbling of stealing

    this house for what? And you would surely remember that the magic that

    protects me form Voldemort would end the night I turn 17 dont you? Now I

    am done about convincing you. I am just here to tell you that two of our

    best aurors are coming here to take you to a safer place, and if you dont

    like it then stay here and..

    Even though he didnt like the Dursleys he couldnt say the word. It was

    awkward moment among them. It was so silent that they could hear a pin

    drop on the floor. Then Harry turned his face around and started to go

    upstairs when Dudley spoke..

    These these aaaaurors can they protect us from Debentors?

    Harry took a deep breath to keep his voice calm and said,

    Yes, they can they are Aurors, its their job to catch the Death Eaters and

    Suddenly, Aunt Petunia gasped

    All of them turned to see her reaction and she suddenly blushed.

    Harry could not help but notice that she was the only member in the room

    that understood what truly DEATH EATER really means.

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    Then suddenly Dudley spoke and all jumped .

    I am going with them !!

    And there was huge commotion between him and his father

    Are you out of your mind how how how can you trust them? Didnt I

    tell you those people are dangerous and we do not keep contact with


    But if we are in danger and Debentors attack what will you do then?

    I.I. I will.

    Suddenly, it seemed like that Dudley had caught Uncle Vernon in a tricky

    question. And he looked to Petunia for help and she was just expressing her

    feelings of what Dudley had said a moment ago

    Fine then we will go with your lot . and then he went in his room banging

    and crashing everything that came in his way.

    Harry then faced Dudley who was shocked of the question he had just asked

    and Harry could tell the horror he was imagining by the look of his face

    itself. Aunt Petunia on other hand was very nervous and seemed quite

    uncomfortable. Harry then realized that there is nothing he can do and wentupstairs to his room.

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    Hedwig had just arrived with the letter from Hestia and Dedalus who were

    to escort the Dursleys away from house to a safer place. It said that Prof.

    Moody will come personally to take him to a safer place.

    Meanwhile, downstairs Harry could hear all the noise caused by the

    Dursleys, Uncle Vernons was yelling and stomping his foot every time he

    walked across the hall. Harry fell on the bed staring at the ceiling wondering

    what exactly he would feel while saying goodbye the family that made his

    childhood miserable to live. He thought about Hocruxes and how will he find

    them?. Drifting to his thoughts he felt asleep. When he woke up it was

    almost evening, and his stomach grumbled in protest that it was ignored

    since morning. Stretching himself he stood up and went downstairs for

    some food.

    When he was walking through the stairs he could see that all the Dursleys

    were gathered in the hall with their luggage packed on the floor wearing

    their best dresses to show how cultured they are in front of the Aurors.

    Harry didnt care about that anymore; he went to the fridge to see if there is

    anything to eat.


    Harry could understand the voice without even seeing the person he

    turned slowly and said What is it now?

    Dont talk to your uncle like that.. Petunia screamed,Perhaps you should tell that to him too, Harry said to himself,

    When are these people coming?

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    I dont know.. he said and again went towards the fridge.

    What do you mean by that?

    Harry smiled, he always loved to keep them in dark about the arrivals be it

    Dumbledore or Weasleys ..

    They said they should be here by evening, perhaps they are on their way.

    Or they could be in trouble. Vernon said with a little smirk..

    He sensed the dark humor in his voice..

    Harry opened his mouth to reply then he heard a knock on the door..

    Suddenly all three of them jumped off the floor. All of them looked at each

    other like having a mute conversation about choosing the person to open

    the door. Dudley walked forward, and suddenly Aunt Petunia grabbed his

    hand and whispered in low voice How do we know they are not DEATH


    Harry had to do tremendous effort to hide his laughter behind his cough.

    Do you think that Death Eaters would knock the door before killing you?

    Harry was surprised that it was Dudley who spoke, and the other two could

    not find a reason to argue with it. So, Dudley went to open the door.

    Theres no one out here..

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    Harry froze all of a sudden and ran past his uncle and aunt shutting the door

    fiercely. There were sweat beads forming on his forehead, that alarmed his

    cousin and he whispered Are they here?

    I m not sure

    Dudley Come here.. uncle Vernon said as quietly as possible.

    Once all of them were on the same place, the door knocked again, this time

    more fiercely than earlier. Now all of them were frightened. Dudley said to

    Harry Why dont you do something?

    Like what

    Like you did that with Debentors..

    His wand ! it striked to his mind and he went running upstairs unpacking his

    bag where he kept it as he was warned by Mad-Eye Moody, Mr. & Mrs.

    Weasley, Lupin and even form Ron & Hermione that he shouldnt use magic

    when he is in the house. Frowning at himself he finally found his wand. Then

    he reconsidered the facts that happened just now, Dudley was right Death

    Eaters wouldnt knock before entering, then who would? He sat on the floor

    wondering that if he is so secured under this roof (In which even Lord

    Voldemort cant enter) the only way to attack him would be take him out of

    his house. Harry suddenly froze and it struck to him like a bolt. It was a trap

    to lure him out of the house so they can attack him. Harry knew that if heused any kind of magic or even apparated it would be just what Voldemort

    would want. It would take only seconds before Ministry Owl to reach here.

    He then stuck his wand again into his trunk and watched at it desperately.

    He felt lost and alone without his friends Ron & Hermione, he needed

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    someone who could understand how he was feeling now. He wanted to

    leave this house as soon as possible and he wanted it to do alone and

    unnoticed by anyone (Remember he wanted to hunt all the hocruxes alone).

    But, he also didnt want to do something stupid that would end him up in

    the Ministry of Magic. Exhausted with thoughts he finally stood up and stuck

    his wand into his pocket. Then he went quietly towards the Dursleys who

    seemed to be in fear by seeing the look on Harrys face.

    Uncle Vernon grunted as quiet as possible Where is your thing boy?, Do

    something, use it on them like you did on Marge.

    Itis of no use. I cant do magic outside school till I am 17.

    I dont care boy if it is illegal or not just do it or I will blast them with my

    gun I swear.

    Yes, do that and they will blast your heads one by one. Harry snarled

    Stop both of you.. Aunt Petunia said listening keenly towards the door.

    There were two more knocks.

    There are people outside Petunia what on earth are you thinking.

    By that time she was close to the door hearing like her life was depending

    on it. Few moments went by and then suddenly


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    Afterwards, she opened the door very slightly enough to peek outside and

    after some moments closed quietly.

    There is no one knocking. Petunia said finally, and she went towards

    them. Now all three of them were looking at her very suspiciously.

    Petunia dear.. Are you all right? Vernon suddenly sound concerned.

    Yes, there is no one outside the door.

    Then what about the..

    Knock knockknock

    All three of them froze expect Petunia.

    How would you possibly explain that then? Dudley said.

    I think it is ..

    And she suddenly signaled Harry to come near. Harry was shocked, what is

    happening? What would his aunt know about what is outside that he didnt?

    Harry went near her and then she whispered in his ear.

    I think it is Mobiliarbus Charm

    Out of thousand things he expected to hear, this was none of them. He

    looked at her aunt and he could see the look on her face which was in

    between exasperation and guilt. Listening this Harry quietly crawled towards

    the door and listened .

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    Knock .knock

    Sure someone was banging and then suddenly he opened the door very

    slightly and he saw a piece of wood lying on the right in front of him.

    He closed the door and walked quietly towards the three and nodded at her

    aunt but didnt tell anyone else. This much suspense was too much to

    handle for Vernon he was firstly very upset that his wife had chosen Harry to

    tell instead of him and secondly he didnt even know if there was someone

    standing there or not.

    Enough, will anyone tell me what on earth is happening here?

    Yes, and what did you whispered to Harry? What is really outside? Dudley


    It is ..

    They all jumped as the telephone rang and it made all of them

    uncomfortable as they again started to look at each other for whom to

    answer it. But this time Vernon sprang on the phone as all this suspense was

    enough for his brain and he needed answers. The three watched as he

    answered the phone.



    Who are you, and how did you know this number?

    No, he is not here.. He turned his head towards Harry.

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    How how could you know this?

    Then, he turned towards the trio and said to Harry, Its for you..

    Harry was surprised, but instead he answered


    Harry .oh. He is there. So glad to hear your voice said a young chirpy


    Hermione! Wow What

    Let me speak to him.. suddenly a grumpy voice came from the other side it

    was only seconds when Moody answered the phone, Listen kid, I know you

    are hearing knocking on the door but listen to me there is no one out there.

    It is a trap to get you out of your house.

    Yes, I know.

    Im not finished yet boy. Listen whoever these people are they are not

    alone. There is a gang of Death Eaters out there, and as per I am informed

    they are now captured by Aurors and taken to Azkaban..

    What? GANG why? . and only for knocking the door?

    Yes and it would be good enough to take you safely from this place as soon

    as possible. Now listen to me, I assume that you have packed your trunk?

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    Yes I am ready

    Good. So here is the plan once we get a signal from Kingsley we will come

    to take you. Till then stay there and dont get out of the house.


    The phone line was disconnected. What is happening right now? How come

    only knocking on the door can send you to Azkaban? And how did they ever

    going to take harry out of this house? Harry was full of questions, and so

    were the Dursleys.

    What is it boy? Vernon asked without showing any attempt to hide his

    anger and frustration.

    The Death Eaters are gone..

    Well thats good news and

    The Aurors are coming to get me out of here.


    and what?

    What about us?

    Harry had completely forgotten about asking whether if they were any

    arrangements for the Dursleys. He still didnt knew what happened to Hestia

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    and Dedalus. Perhaps what uncle Vernon said was indeed true and

    something terrible must have happened to them.

    CRACK !!

    Out of nowhere Professor Moody apparated just in front of Harry.

    And then all of a sudden one by one people start to appear in the house.

    Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Lupin, Tonks & Mr. Weasly all came one after

    another. It would seem to any outsider that they were having a little party

    inside. There was cry of joy as all of them saw Harry there were embraces

    and hugs all over him. Harry was really pleased all of them to see, yet it was

    awkward that it was in front of the Dursleys, they were sitting without

    uttering a word, perhaps it was the first time that harry was getting all the

    attention and they were ignored like that they even dont exist.

    What are you still doing here? Moody asked Vernon.

    This was probably the worst night ever for Vernon first of all he really didnt

    knew what was happening, secondly a visitor drops in his house and asks

    him what he is doing? Harry could see his uncle boiling from temper but

    somehow the appearance of Mad Eye seemed to give his uncle an

    impression that he wasnt the guy any one messes with.

    Harry answered on behalf of them.

    Um Hestia and Dedalus were going to pick them up..

    Oh this makes it more complicated.. Mr. Weasley

    Please, will someone tell me what is happening? Harry pleaded.

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    Oh,where to start form.. Hermione said.

    Not now, we will tell him when we are safe

    Oh yes as if we are in danger now. Fred.

    Wait I think I can hear something outside. Ron said.

    After some time the door bell rang. Moodys magical eye rolled and was

    fixed on the door. All the Dursleys were extremely terrified after seeing this.

    For gods sake, Kingsley Moody said, stomping his leg across the hallway.

    You had to ring the bell didnt you? Moody growled while opening the


    They are called manners Alestor.

    Whatever, tell me news.

    Yes, first of all. What are they still doing here? Kingsley asked Moody

    pointing at the three Dursleys sitting on the couch, with luggage packed at

    their foot. Dudley was sweating in his bowtie, Petunia was pouting the way

    Fred and George were handling the silverware and Vernon just needed a

    reason to take out all his anger.

    We dont have time for that. First things first what do we do now? Moody


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    And what are all of you doing here? Kingsley asked Moody said pointing at

    the rest of the lot. The reaction was like anyone had just hit the mute

    button. Everyone was looking at another with eyes speaking you first.

    Moody grabbed this opportunity and asked Kingsley I think we are in

    middle of danger Kingsley, so why dont you tell me what news you got and

    in return I will tell you how did they got here his one eye swirling over the

    seven of them.

    I suggest we should sit down. This night looks like it is going to go on

    forever Kingsley said and Moody obeyed for he was a person whom Mad-

    Eye believed would not waste time on action when real danger is hovering

    over. So as he said everybody took places. Lupin, Ron and Mr. Weasley sat

    on the stairs, Fred & George sat took the chairs form the kitchen and sat in

    front of Prof. Moody, whereas Harry, Tonks and Hermione sat on the other

    couch. It looked like a small conference hall. Kingsley started the

    conversation Okay Harry you certainly have questions..

    Yes, this evening the front door knocked a couple of times and why there

    was no one outside. Secondly after that Hermione called and she said she

    knew about the knocking and she also knew about me peeking outside. How

    is that possible?

    Look Harry I understand you know that you-know-who has planted hunters

    for you looking around your house right? Lupin said

    Harry nodded,

    So we were monitoring whether something suspicious activity is going on

    around your house or not from Mrs. Figgs house across your neighborhood.

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    As today was the day you and they (he pointed at Dursleys) were going to

    leave this house. As you know you are not only protected by your mothers

    magic but the Ministry has added some security too. Thanks to Dumbledore,

    according to his instructions the Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour made

    sure that only muggles should enter and leave throughout this house and

    not a single wizard. That is because you are under tremendous threat. So,

    returning to the point, this evening we saw some movement in front of your

    house and we waited for the signs if they were Death Eaters. But as it was

    found later by Kingsley; they were the not just Death Heaters, some of them

    were Hunters, or as they wish to call themselves. One of it and I think now

    know the person who did the Mobiliarbus Charm on a thick wood lying

    around and banged the door

    I know it

    Yes, and thats when we all sprang onto action. You see , youre under

    seventeen and any magic that happens around you even if you didnt do it

    you would be traced easily. But when the Death Eaters magic penetrated

    the barrier. Ministry was immediately on action and thats what the Death

    Eaters exactly wanted. The Ministry would expel you from Hogwarts

    considering it your last chance and the Death Eaters would wait for you to

    come out of the protection barrier. We suddenly got onto action and

    contacted at The Burrow. Bill and Charlie were there, I asked Bill to fetch

    Kingsley and Mad-Eye at once. Then I sent Charlie to stop Hestia and

    Dedalus to halt at a safer distance from your home.

    Why would you do that?

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    Dont you get it Harry as soon as Kingsley got the message he went at

    Ministry to convince that they would check if there were intruder outside

    your house.

    That wasnt easy though, I had to remind them the Dementors incident and

    how it turned out on the Ministry itself and without Harrys fault. Kingsley


    But that doesnt explain why would Hestia and Dedalus Harry began but

    Lupin intercepted him.

    If Hestia and Dedalus arrived at that particular moment the Ministry would

    have believed that it was them who were intruders.

    What? They are Aurors right? Hermione shrieked.

    Hermione, we are living in a terrible environment right now. You dont

    know who is who even he is an Auror or a Doorkeeper. The Ministry is losing

    its grip over its members. Half of the Ministry is infiltrated by Voldemort. So

    the proof of Hestia and Dedalus appearing at the wrong place at the wrong

    time would turn them as the most likely suspects. So, Kingsley and the rest

    of Aurors came at where the Hunters were hidden. And they struggled a bit

    but they almost captured all of them.

    Yes, I know Mad-eye mentioned some GANG.

    But I have a question. If Ministry believed that Harry did magic why didnt

    they send an owl or worse come here to arrest him. Ron said.

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    That because the Ministry hasnt been fully infiltrated yet. There are some

    people who are still here to protect you. Who are still in the Order that

    Dumbledore created. And about the why the ministry didnt arrive to catch

    Harry? We had to deal the worse situation instead.

    Worse ! Fred & George exclaimed.

    Yes worse

    Then there was awkward silence.. Well then tell us about it.. Ron urged

    Ron, you were not supposed to be here. Mr. Weasley said.

    So do they Ron said pointing at the twins.

    Hey we didnt invited you Fred barked.

    By the way I would like to know why Kingsley was surprised that you (he

    pointed out Ron-Hermione-Fred-George-Tonks) are here. Harry asked, as

    he probably guessed what the worst situation would be and was pretty

    sure that he didnt want to hear about it.

    Yes about that I am glad you asked that. Lupin spoke When I saw the

    door being knocked by wood. I saw it open once by him (he pointed at

    Dudley) and then I saw someone peeking slightly at the door (Aunt Petunia

    unnecessarily adjusted herself on the couch) and then the next time I sawyour face (he said pointing at Harry) I was worried that you would do exactly

    what Hunters wanted. We wanted to warn you but we also didnt want to

    attract attention of Death Eaters. Then Arthur said that Ron once contacted

    Harry with Fellytone or something. So I contacted to burrow again and

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    there and I saw Tonks and Hermione sitting at the fireplace. I asked

    Hermione if she knew to use the ..

    Telephone Hermione inserted impatiently

    Yes, sorry!. And then she said that she needed a number or something to

    contact you. It was just when she came downstairs with the number Mad-

    Eye arrived while Kingsley left for the Ministry. So as per I was told : Tonks

    arrived after Hermione and Mad-Eye, saying she was persistent, and Fred,

    George and Ron were probably listening through their extendable ears.

    After that there was a party at Mrs. Figgs house. Lupin stopped.

    We came here to help! Fred exclaimed

    No, you came here because you were bored Ron replied, If Hermione

    didnt ask me about the number you wouldnt be here.

    Now look who is talking George said,

    Professor Moody said that he was waiting for Kingsleys signal and then

    after a few minutes you all were here. What exactly was the signal?

    Now Kingsley would you tell what you got? Moody said

    Oh Yes, we captured them, the Death Eatersand the Huntersand asked

    them what were they doing here?

    And what they said?

    They said they were here to kill Harry. Kingsley said.

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    The whole room went silent like if someone had just dropped a mute bomb.

    Well after that we all were shocked and then without even deciding of

    taking to wizgenmot, do you know what Rufus (Minister of Magic) did, he

    sent them directly to Azkaban.

    Why? Harry said

    Harry, these people were trying to attack you not just you anyone who

    would come to protect you. How can you possibly think that they should

    deserve a better place than Azkaban? Even if they get hearing among the

    court what would be the verdict? And not to mention one of them got so

    angry to be caught that he killed two muggles right in front of us yelling that

    now no one could stop us.

    Hermione clasped her mouth with her hands, everyone was shocked.

    You were right this is worse Harry said

    Yes, now I was there with the Aurors right in front ofyour house. I was one

    of the people who monitored the protection charms around here. So with

    help of Henry and David and with the permission of Rufus we cleared all the

    protection charm that was safeguarding the house.

    The Dursleys and Harry made a slight movement to adjust themselves.

    Thats when I gave Mad Eye the signal, and I think thats when all of you

    apparated in this house

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    Then why didnt the Ministry came directly if apparition is highly traceable?

    Harry asked.

    Because as I said they had worse situation to handle. Harry for the first

    time in my history all the death eaters are eager to go Azkaban. This is not

    the only incident you are facing here. Death Eaters and Hunters are doing

    almost any dangerous thing that makes you to get Azkaban. I must tell you I

    havent seen Ministry been this busy in my entire career. And for your

    information Tonks, Arthur, Mad-Eye and myself work in Ministry. We are

    unofficially in charge of the protection of you and them (he said pointing

    towards the Dursleys)

    But it means you dont have protection around here anymore? Harry


    No we cleared the protection for Mad-Eye, Arthur and Remus to apparate

    in your house. After that I signaled Hestia and Dedalus to be in your lawn.

    Then I camouflaged your house. I cleared the protection to make it more

    secure than earlier.

    And what do you exactly mean by that. Suddenly it looked like Vernon had

    something to talk about.

    I mean that this address doesnt exist at all. This house is completely safe. If

    someone tries to find it they wouldnt know that if this is the exact house

    they have been looking for.

    Wow Fred & George exclaimed

    How did you do that? Ron asked.

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    They call him Auror for a reason Weasley. Mad-eye Grunted. If your little

    Chitchat is over could we get back on how to get out of here.

    What? Oh yes I forgot I think Hestia and Dedalus are in your lawn waiting

    for them (Dursleys) to leave. And I think we should leave too.

    What took you so long to come in here if you were just outside the house?

    Tonks asked,

    Dont you think that using Mrs. Figgs fireplace didnt wake up the floo


    It looked like all of them (expect the Dursleys) just hit their faces at a wall.

    I told you that the protection I made around this house is that it would look

    like we are inside in Mrs. Figgs house not at Harrys. So I apparated into

    Mrs.Figgs house. I watched if the floo network was still working. I had to

    destroy the fireplace, so no one can use the floo network ever. After that in

    order to avoid more suspicion I walked and rang the bell.

    Wait, that means to any outsider this house would look like Mrs. Figgs

    house and Mrs. Figgs house as Number 4, Privet Drive. Hermione


    Yes, I know I shouldnt have used the camaflous charm. But I thought that it

    could keep us safe for a while. Kingsley said,

    You can camaflous entire house? Tonks screeched

    Iam not the only person here kingsley said eying towards Mad-Eye

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    Wait a minute, Then how are we getting out of here? Fred & George


    This is very complicated look: Why do you think the Death Eaters are

    willingly telling that they want to murder Harry? Why did the Death Eaters

    attack the very day when Mad Eye was going to take Harry away from this

    home before his mothers protection ended? The most probable answer

    would be: the more threat to Harry the faster we would like to move him

    out of this place. So Harry would fall easily in their trap. They just want to

    get him out of this protection as soon as possible and as Harry gets out; it

    would be very easy to attack him. Kingsley explained.

    Then we must go then. The sooner we leave it would be better. Hermione

    said and stood up.

    No, not until we get the signal Moody grunted, all of them could sense

    impatience in his voice.

    Mad-Eye stood up pacing backwards and forwards glancing from the

    window. Then he went towards Lupin and whispered something in his ears.

    Afterwards they both turned to the Dursleys and said.

    We think that it is safer outside to leave now, and Harry you should also

    pick up your trunk and be ready. As I doubt we will be too leaving soon."

    Dont worry we will get it. Fred said and Ron went up to help him.

    It was an awkward moment for Harry to say goodbye to the family who

    didnt treat him like he was one of them. Vernon and Dudley simply shook

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    his hand and said good bye. While petunia looked like she was going to say

    something but she couldnt express it in words. But the way she looked at

    him, Harry understood that she was definitely looking into his eyes. Then

    she looked away and without uttering a word parted with the rest of her

    family. Meanwhile Ron and Fred dragged Harrys trunk through the staircase

    in the living room.

    Harry there has been quite changes in the plan Kingsley started to talk as

    the Dursleys were loading their suitcases in their car.

    Yes, and thanks to you Mr. Weasley spoke, pointing towards his children.

    Look as I said we came here to help George responded,

    But if someone could control themselves just a little bit, the situation here

    would have been easier than complicated Lupin said while slightly glancing

    towards Tonks.

    Wait, now dont you put this on me! Tonks screamed,

    Enough, we had our chitchat before and we are not doing that again.

    Moody barked and then turned towards Harry Look Potter, Death Eaters

    are going to attack as soon as we step out of the house. So, Bill created a

    Portkey on half a mile distance away from here. It is inside a telephone

    booth. We will protect you to get you there safely as early as possible.

    So, I am going with the Dursleys?

    No, Bill said he would come to take you there Mr. Weasley answered.

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    Wait until you see it Mr. Weasley said mischievously

    When Fred and Ron were back with Harrys suitcase they could hear George

    and Mr. Weasley talking about traveling in cars. Harry saw Fred and Ron

    loading his luggage in Uncle Vernons car.

    Thanks for the help, but that is not my suitcase Uncle Vernon said

    suppressing his anger.

    We know that. Ron said and loaded Harrys trunk on top of other

    suitcases. Vernon made an unsatisfying noise and slammed the door shut.

    Why did you put my trunk in their car Harry asked Mad-Eye

    Believe me boy, we have much to protect than a stack of clothes and bunch

    of books Moody explained and by the way Hestia and Dedalus do have to

    visit the burrow after securing them to a safe place and then they can bring

    your luggage with them. More secure than ever.Fred returned with Harrys

    invisible coat and Ron with Hedwigs cage. She was still shrieking


    You better leave her with them, you know for safety Fred suggested

    No, I really dont see if she would like it Harry said

    Yeah, I see that Ron said glancing at the car through the window.

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    Harry Potter & The Last Phoenix. Page 26

    Harry saw his aunt, uncle and cousin leaving in uncle Vernons car. Where

    Dedalus was seated in front and Hestia was at backseat with Petunia and

    Dudley. The Dursleys were all pale white as if they had seen a ghost. Vernon

    almost jumped when Dedalus asked him to drive. Harry saw them past the

    road and some part of him felt if it was this easy to leave this house he could

    have done it very earlier. Mad-Eye arrived from behind and spoke

    something at Kingsleys ears. Kingsley nodded spoke We need to make

    teams Fred you will go with..

    Me George exclaimed

    Ronald will come with me Arthur said

    I will take Tonks with me Lupin said,

    Well in that case Hermione you.. Mr. Weasley said, glancing towards

    Kingsley and Mad-Eye Moody.

    I will go with Kingsley Hermione interjected slightly blushing.

    OK then it is all settled then Mad-Eye said, Dont worry I will be keeping

    an extra Eye on you Harry swirling his magical eye.

    Well, any last words before the departure?Fred whispered in Harrys ear,

    he had his mischievous smile on his face. Harry understood what he meant

    and ignored him.

    Sky had changed into pitch black, it seemed that night had arrived too much

    sooner than expected; Moody was constantly checking his watch and

    glancing towards the road.

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    Harry Potter & The Last Phoenix. Page 27

    Sky was getting darker and darker; Harry looked at it as if it was hiding

    something mysterious beneath it. Moody said Bill will be here at any


    Now Harry listen to me very carefully Kingsley said handing over his

    invisibility cloak. You have your wand with you right?

    Harry nodded, and then he saw Kingsley checking his watch.

    The portkey will activate at 6:30 that means you have half-an-hour to go

    towards the telephone booth. Now the tricky part is you should not do any

    kind of magic that would put you in danger. We all are here for your safety. I

    hope you understand it. Harry shook his head while his mind was full of



    On the other side Mad-Eye, Arthur and Lupin were having a discussion with

    the other seven: Look I know that you two (Ron, Hermione) had your fair

    share of adventures with Harry Lupin said, This one is the most dangerous

    of them all. I need all of you to take care of yourselves no matter in what

    condition you are.

    Yeah, but I am still not clear how is harry going to travel and how are we

    suppose to go to the burrow Fred asked,

    First thing we are not going with Harry Arthur said, We all are going to

    Mrs. Figgs house

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    What ? Ron,

    Then who is going with Harry? Hermione,

    We made teams to guard Mrs.Figg? Fred and George said.

    All of them spoke at once.

    Look this was nowhere in the plan, we had to do advancements to get you

    safe and it now fits very well. Mad-Eye said, and everyone went quiet

    Obviously Death Eaters will be coming and now they will come in numbers

    you wouldnt imagine. You have to make sure that when they come they

    really should believe that they are really hunting down Potter.

    So, they would think that we are defending Harry while on other side we

    would be guarding Figgs house. And what about Mrs. Figg? What if anything

    happens to her? She wouldnt be able to perform magic even if she would

    be in danger. Ronald asked.

    She isnt in the house anymore Arthur Said, Kingsley told her to leave the

    place when he destroyed the fireplace.

    Dont worry she is safe. Lupin answered looking at their concerned faces.

    Where? Hermione asked

    It is better you dont know.Arthur answered.

    Then what are we supposed to do now? George asked,

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    Harry Potter & The Last Phoenix. Page 29

    We must Wait Lupin answered.

    On the other side Kingsley was done explaining Harry about the plan. At first

    he was shocked but after that he realized that there was no other choice

    other than that. Kingsley went inside and tapped on Mad-Eyes shoulder

    they chatted a little and then Mad-Eye left the room.

    Wait where is hegoing? Ron asked Kingsley.

    With Harry.

    And Harry agreed! On what terms did you explained this to him?

    Hermione asked.

    On the contrary we didnt. See if he knows that all of your lives including us

    are in danger because of him, he would obviously disagree. Arthur said.

    So what Harry is thinking is that we are guarding him in groups as he goes

    to the portkey. Lupin said

    Can anyone explain me all over again; all of this jibber-jabber is too much

    to understand. Tonks said looking confused.

    Yeah me too Ronald said.

    Here is what going to happen. Kingsley said Bill is taking Harry to the

    portkey and I cant tell you how Fred there is not much time. While Bill and

    Harry are going towards the portkey Mad-Eye will keep watch on them. And

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    when they are about to go Arthur, Tonks and myself will walk in Mrs. Figgs

    house. While you four will apparate directly inside. Do you get it. All of

    them nodded, In case you didnt notice Death Eaters are hovering around

    Mrs. Figgs house since the Dursleysleft. Fred, George, Ron, Hermione and

    Tonks gasped.

    So they are probably waiting for us, but they dont know that they are

    monitoring the wrong house. Hermione asked,

    No, they dont know and it is upto us to keep their attention hooked

    towards us. They might attack the moment we enter. So I advise you to keep

    your wands ready. Mad-Eye will use Disillusionment Charm on himself and

    will tail Harry. Hermione, Ron, Fred, George and Remus will directly

    apparate inside the house. While Arthur, Tonks and I will apparate directly in

    front of the house. Kingsley stopped.

    Once we enter the house we will go in teams as we previously discussed.

    Arthur said and all of them nodded.

    And what happens after that is the most crucial part. Once the Death

    Eaters attack we will no matter what fight in groups is that understood.

    Kingsley said, No matter what happens we will stay close to our partners

    and make sure there is no harm done He said glancing towards Fred and

    George. They both nodded in unison. When Harry is safe Mad-Eye will fire

    red sparks in the sky as a signal, and on seeing that you must grab your

    partner and at once apparate at the burrow is that clear. Everyone nodded.


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    Meanwhile Mad-Eye was explaining to Harry Potter, while Bill is taking you

    to the portkey I cant completely assure you that you could be attacked,

    although rest of us will do whatever we could to avoid that situation. But,

    going through your reputation and history I would advise you to focus on

    your own protection than caring about the others.

    Harry opened his mouth to protest but Mad-Eye denied and continued May

    be I am not the right person who can put that down in more decent words,

    but you must understand that we all are here for you to get you safely out of

    here. So, bottom-line is that the faster you fulfill your journey the lesser will

    be the consequences, No pressure! Mad-Eye added with a wink and a

    smile which instead of relaxing, terrified Harry.

    But, I still dont get it how will Bill take me out of here

    In a car.

    What? Harry didnt realised how could Bill and Harry possibly go

    unnoticed traveling in a car.

    Probably Moody understood his dilemma and replied You will be going in

    Arthurs Car.

    Oh. Then it struck him not only did Mr. Weasleys car fly through the skies

    it would also disappear herself making it perfect to fool anyone on the road.

    But the problem was if Bill was to arrive in an invisible car how was Harrywas going to spot it.

    There he is Mad-Eye said glancing towards the road, and then he saw his

    magical eye swirling and focusing on an exact point of the road. Quick,

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    Then he heard a small click and then he saw the cars door opened slightly, it

    was very dark where he could barely see the insights of the car. He opened

    the door only necessary to allow himself inside the car.

    It is going to be okay Harry Bill said, sensing his feelings We will get you

    safely out of here. Harry nodded but still was very con cerned about his

    friends, and the danger he put them in. It is safe here Harry no one can see

    you in this car. So, probably you can take off the cloak now.

    Harry forgot that he was still wearing the cloak so he removed it and stuffed

    in his pocket.

    He looked at Mrs. Figgs house and then at Number 4, Privet drive. Now

    even though he had spent his childhood in this area, he couldnt tell which

    house he just leaved.

    Bill started the engine of the car; miraculously he couldnt even hear

    engines humming which this car did a lot. He gazed towards Bill to ask

    about that. But he saw that his eyes were fixed on the road and before he

    could even utter a word they leaved Number 4, Privet Drive without a single
