Hard-to-make decisions? - TracKs · Hard-to-make decisions? ... work permit management system helps...

Post on 21-Jun-2018

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Hard-to-make decisions?

The new Integrated Safe System of Work (ISSOW) by

The only ISSOW application made for simultaneous operations

Risk assessment is critical for managing work permits on industrial sites. But how can such evaluation simultaneously take into account safety, production, time, and profitability constraints? Tracks covers all these points : the solution analyzes simultaneous operations in real-time, evaluates risk, and enables you to make the right decisions.

Why choose Tracks?Native Integrated Safe System of Work (ISSOW) features enable companies to manage

work permits and assess associated hazards, but they do not address how to manage

simultaneous activities.

Tracks is the world’s first ISSOW application that takes into account potentially incompatible

works on current and future operations. With Tracks, you get all the tools you need to make

informed decisions to authorize, postpone, or suspend operations.

What do you get with Tracks? Tracks manages simultaneous activities, which enables you to increase safety during your

operations, from projects to maintenance. Tracks improves your productivity:

Fewer accidents and reduced impact, both direct (halted production, repair costs)

and indirect (lost time incidents…).

Better control over risks at the source.

Continuous improvement in safety performance

by integrating good practices.

Faster elaboration of work permits thanks to search features

and work permit duplication / continuation.

Manage simultaneous operations effectively on your industrial platform.


Optimize accident prevention and save time without compromising

your site safety.

2. Work control

Increase productivity and improve your safety performance.

3. Work efficiency

Operational safety and efficiency

move to more

r i s k a s s e s s m e n t

t r a c e a b i l i t y

t e c h n i c a l c o o r d i n a t i o n

d e c i s i o n s

h s e c o o r d i n a t i o n

Tracks identifies simultaneous operationsThis new-generation ISSOW software and its

work permit management system helps you

ensure that hazardous activities are carried out in

a safe and controlled manner.

Tracks analyzes operational risks and determines

the measures that need to be implemented when

creating permits, based on known risks and

related compensations.

Leveraging your own simultaneous operations

matrix, Tracks determines which tasks cannot

be performed simultaneously (ex: critical lifting

while the team of painters is present), while

pointing out incompatibilities.

Tracks alerts you immediatelyAll interventions are localized on

your plant layouts in real-time by

zone and by level. This enables

you to easily view work permits,

equipment, and simultaneous

operations to make work safer and

to optimize your time.

Specific graphical icons identify high-risk tasks

and offer you a critical overview of the situation.

The only ISSOW application that assists you with critical decisions

move to more

Localizing works in real-time

Managing / printing permit portfolio

Analyzing simultaneous


Adaptability and integrationTracks adapts to your requirements and helps you

make critical decisions. The solution integrates

your site layouts, work permit management

procedures, simultaneous operations matrix, and

stores your equipment lists.

Tracks fully adapts to your work permit format.

You may create user groups with predetermined

roles and privileges to generate, approve,

and modify work permits. You benefit from

immediate access to all current and previous work

permits, with guaranteed traceability for every

decision made, such as authorizing, postponing,

or suspending an operation.

Robust and self-learningEasy to install and intuitive to use, Tracks does

not require an Internet connection (file server),

with the application based on a robust, license-free

database. Tracks is a completely turnkey solution

that includes software, training, and supplies.

Tracks is an Intelligent Self-Learning solution

(ISL) that memorizes equipment locations.

Many other features are available, such as

managing inhibition zones and handling

repetitive works.

Let’s examine your needs together!

m a n a g i n g s i m u l t a n e o u s o p e r a t i o n s

Tracks is an intuitive tool with a user-friendly


p r i n t e r s

Managing work permits in the industrial sector is a major

consideration for operational safety.

With its Tracks application, ECP, an international Project

Management Consultancy (PMC), brings innovation that

helps you manage SIMOPS easily in real-time.

We have been working with world leaders for over 25 years:

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company - Air Liquide - Alstom -

Areva - Arkema - Bluestar Silicones - Boccard - Bouygues

- CEA - Cegelec - Chevron Chemicals - CNIM - Colas

- DCNS - Degremont - Dolphin Energy - EDF - Elengy -

Entrepose Contracting - Euro Disney - Foster Wheeler - GDF

Suez - GPM de Dunkerque - Heurtey Petrochem - Hutchinson

- IFP - Ineos - Jacobs - Lafarge - Lyondell Basell - Maurel &

Prom - MBDA - OGER - Perenco - Polimeri Europa -

Polysius - Ponticelli - Prosernat - Qatar Petroleum - Qatofin -

Réseau Ferré de France - Rio Tinto Alcan - Rhodia - Saipem

- Sanofi Aventis - Saudi Aramco - SBM - Silpro - Sinopec -

Sofregaz - Sofremines - Sofresid - Subsea 7 - Systra - Technip

- Thalès - Total - Tractebel Engineering - Veolia - Vinci…

i s s o w

s o l u t i o nt u r n k e y

s i m o p s

m a n a g i n g

p e r m i t sw o r k

s a f e t y

v a l u e

t e c h n i c a lc o o r d i n a t i o n

e r g o n o m i c

g e o l o c a l i z a t i o n

m a n a g e m e n t

c o n t r o l

P r e v e n t i o n

s i m p l e

d o t m a t r i x

w w w . e c p c o r p o r a t e . c o m

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