Happy Father's Day 2010

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Transcript of Happy Father's Day 2010

Happy Father’s Day

June 20, 2010

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. 

I'm just as lucky as I can be for the world's best Dad belongs to me!

A dad is someone who looks after us (the family) and sometimes we look after you,

Dad. ~ Nick

Dad dreams, he plans, he struggles to give us the best.

His sacrifice is quiet, his life is love expressed.

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a

guiding light whose love shows us the way.

Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. 

The first time I held my son, he fit in the palm of my hand. From that moment on,

he had my heart in his.

A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up,

brushes you off,and lets you try again.

A dad is someone to joke around with and maybe play a few games with. And for

some reason you always kick my butt. ~ Nick

No matter how tall I grow,

I will always look up to my Dad.

Any man can be a father.  It takes someone special to be a dad. 

The instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter. Whoever she grows up to be, to him, she is always that little girl in


A father carries pictures where his money used to be. 

A dad takes care of you, plays games with you, teaches you how to play sports, and walks you to the bus stop - even when its

raining. ~ Cooper

It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.

My dad is really fun. Other kids call him Coach Bobby but I call him Daddy. ~


A dad is someone who teaches you to drive your first car and your life.

As the years go on and after many more nicknames, Dad, you’ll always be my best

friend. ~ Nick

One night a father overheard his son pray, “Dear God,

make me the kind of man my Daddy is”.

Later that night, the Father prayed, “Dear God, make me

the kind of man my son wants me to be”.

- Anonymous

The greatest gift I ever had came from God;

I call him Dad!