Happy Easter - Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Post on 26-Jun-2022

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Transcript of Happy Easter - Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Office Hours- Wednesday,

Thursday & Friday 9-5 Please call or email.


Sunday—10am Call the office to reserve

Communion Service

Friday—12:10pm Vulnerable call the office to Reserve

For General Absolution and for any other information regarding The sacraments

please call the office.

Baptisms Preparation Class

required, call for an appointment

Sacrament of

Holy Matrimony 6 months advance

preparation, call for an appointment

Anointing of the Sick

By appointment, please call the office

Holy Days of Obligation

Times vary– please check the schedule—regularly

scheduled daily Mass is usually cancelled

Parish Email- generaloffice@


Parish Website- www.ccchurchcc.org

Happy Easter

Welcome to Corpus Christi!


Corpus Christi Catholic Community 3597 N. Sunridge Drive, Carson City, NV 89705 (775) 267-3200

Pastor- Rev. Father James J. Setelik

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Quinto Domingo de Pascua

May 02, 2021

Receptionist- Susan Zampirro Coordinator for Children and Youth-

Media & Technology Coordinator—Katie Bushey

Let us know if there is anything you need in prayers.

Thank you to those able to continue their offerings. Please remember that even if parishioners are not attending services, we still have the

expenses and hope that you will be able to continue to contribute. It can be mailed (3597 N Sunridge Dr, Carson City, NV 89705)

or dropped off during office hours.

You can also give to the parish by going to our website and clicking on www.convergepay.com/hosted-payments/?


All the money donated goes straight to Corpus Christi.

Make Your Voices Heard Against Assisted Suicide!

Via Internet: • Go to: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/81st2021/ • Scroll down to Share Your Opinion on Legislative Bills • On the Select Bill, click or enter: AB351 • Scroll down to the Your Opinion of the Bill and click on Against • Fill in the Your Information section.

Follow the same procedure with SB105.

-OR- Call the Legislature: From Northern Nevada: • 800-978-2878; • 800-995-9080; or • 800-992-0973; Tell the person who answers that you would like to register your opinions regarding AB351 and SB105. The staff per-son will take your information and register your positions.

We are offering Mass at our parish on Sundays at 10:00 am. On Fridays there is a 12:10 pm Communion Ser-vice for the vulnerable in high risk categories. Remember, you can still access Father Jim’s Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation on our Facebook page (Anyone can view the page by typing in the link be-low. No sign-up on Facebook is required).

Masks are still a must and please continue to sign up ahead of time by calling the office (at 1-775-267-3200 ext 0) or emailing us (at generalofice@ccchurchcc.org) the preceding week.

The office is available for emails and phone calls Wednesday – Friday.

Find us on: Our website www.ccchurchcc.org, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Corpus-Christi-Catholic-Church-Carson-City-107296287577845/ MyParish App Diocese of Reno https://renodiocese.org/ Diocesan YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/DioceseofReno

Our pastor continues to celebrate his own private mass all week long for the intentions of the parish and for the

Moral Guidelines for Vaccine Use The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses abortion derived cell lines to make their vaccine therefore: 1. When a choice of vaccine is available, Catholics should use Pfizer or Moderna. 2. If no choice of vaccine is available then the Johnson & Johnson vaccine may be used due to the greater good of

preventing COVID-19. 3. Being vaccinated can be seen as an act of charity that serves the common good. 4. These guidelines com from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faithful and the US Conference of Bishops.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccine do not use an abortion derived cell line for their production unlike Johnson & Johnson.

Sunday’s Readings

First Reading — Barnabas reported to the apostles how Saul had seen the Lord on the way (Acts 9:26-31). Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people (Psalm 22). Second Reading — This is God’s commandment: that we may believe and love (1 John 3:18-24). Gospel — I am the true vine; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit (John 15:1-8). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Lecturas Dominicales

Primera lectura — Bernabé explica a los discípulos en Jerusalén la conversión de Pablo (Hechos 9:26-31). Salmo — Bendito sea el Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 22 [21]). Segunda lectura — Dios nos ordena que creamos en el nombre de Jesucristo y que nos amemos como él nos ama (1 Juan 3:18-24). Evangelio — Los que viven en Jesús y Jesús vive en ellos producen mucho fruto (Juan 15:1-8). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Españo-la. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19


Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Easter Monday: Ss. Philip and James Wednesday: Cinco de Mayo Thursday: National Day of Prayer Friday: First Friday


The ambo, or pulpit, is a special place—it is the place for God’s word. That is why it is not used for all the spoken words of the Mass, even important words like the collects and the blessing. The ambo is only used for the scripture readings, and for the homily and the prayer of the faithful. The homily is part of the Liturgy of the Word. It flows from the readings we have just heard, and helps us to understand the way in which God is speaking to us today. The homily is not a lecture, a catechism lesson, or a speech. It is more like an exhortation; it has an urgency about it, for it calls us to find ourselves in the scripture, to live the faith we profess, to see our world by the light of the Gospel. The homily, in itself a response to God’s word, demands a response from us. There are many styles of preaching and many ways to respond to the scriptures. But whether the homily is weak or strong, an open ear and an open heart can find in it an abundance of spiritual nourishment.

—Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Aunque la asamblea está familiarizada con esa palabra, es bueno recordar el significado: ¡Alaben a Dios! ¡Gloria a Dios! Este vocablo de origen hebreo fue tomado por los cristianos y adaptado a su liturgia, para cantarse, precisamente antes de la proclamación del Evangelio. En su naturaleza más profunda, esta aclamación exige ser cantada, exige movimiento. Movimiento físico y ritual. Estamos sentados, hemos escuchado la promesa de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento, hemos escuchado los escritos apostólicos y, después del debido silencio, la asamblea canta a Dios una alabanza y se pone de pie, como pueblo libre que escuchará el mensaje de su Señor. Alaba a Dios no sólo porque es bueno, sino porque se nos ha dado en el Verbo, que es Cristo y Cristo sigue dándose en su palabra, que es el Evangelio. Este rito “en el cual la asamblea de los fieles recibe al Señor que está por hablar en el Evangelio, lo saluda y confiesa su fe con el canto” (IGMR, 62), constituye la cima de la Liturgia de la Palabra. Porque esto es una oración de alabanza, lo gritamos, lo aclamamos, lo cantamos. ¡Aleluya! ¡Gloria a Dios! ¡Gloria al Señor! ¡Aleluya!

——Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Martes: Hch 14:19-28; Sal 145 (144):10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Miércoles: Hch 15:1-6; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Jueves: Hch 15:7-21; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Viernes: Hch 15:22-31; Sal 57 (56):8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Sábado: Hch 16:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Domingo: Hch 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Sal 98 ( 97):1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 o 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 o Jn 17:11b-19

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Quinto Domingo de Pascua Lunes: San Felipa y Santiago Miércoles: Cinco de Mayo Jueves: Día Nacional de Oración Viernes: Primer viernes

This Week at /Esta Semana Corpus Christi

Our pastor celebrates these intentions in a private mass each day and will celebrate with

our parishioners on Sunday at 10:00am

Wednesday— May 5 Living & Deceased Family & Friends of D. Lundberg

Thursday— May 6

Mother’s & Father’s Day Intentions

Friday— May 7 Living & Deceased Family & Friends of Steele Family

Saturday —May 8—6th Sunday of Easter (vigil)

†Tonya Muller by her Dad

Sunday — May 9/May 9—6th Sunday of Easter/6º Domingo de Pascua

10:00am—People of the Parish †Hal Minshew by Knights of Columbus

Sierras Madre 4781

Reflection of the Week

Our readings today teach us what it means to bear fruit as disciples of Christ. We hear in each of our readings that it is from the Lord that good effects will be produced in our lives. In our first reading, we hear about disciples that were preaching the Good News and defending the faith. The work they were doing was “with the consolation of the Holy Spirit.” It was not their work alone, but the work of God. We must ask ourselves, ‘how is God bearing fruit in my life?’ and ‘have I invited the Holy Spirit to work in me?’ The more we try to produce good effects in our lives, the more we will become disappointed if all we are relying on is our own efforts. It is only by inviting the Holy Spirit into our everyday moments that we will see goodness poured out. Jesus clearly tells us how to do this in our Gospel. He says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.” We can remain in Christ by staying faithful to His commandments and frequently receiving the sacraments. And our day to day moments should be a reflection of those commitments. That could mean opening our day with a prayer of thanksgiving, smiling at those we see on the street, asking God for help as we begin our workday, praising God in moments of trial, taking time to listen to our spouse after a long day. To remain in Christ means, in all that we do, we do it with the Lord. When we live a life like that — as a branch never separated from its vine — God will produce bountiful fruit in our lives. Copyright©2021 www.THECATHOLICSTEWARD.com

Around our Parish

Please Pray For………… Anna Mann, Brandon, Erica & August Bishop, Brossard Family, Della Harmon, Marcella Frates, Joan S, Kristin Hassinger, Good Family, Bullentini Family, Mary Lundberg, Fr. Bob Simpson, Camille Cuneo, Jonathon Perez, Zachary Longwell, Tony Penga, Ronald Schenkhuizen, Douglass Humphrey, Jim Cavilia, Mila Dominguez, Sgt. Jacob & Sgt. Michelle Sanner, Joshua Armstrong, Wanda Dickinson, Linda McCain, Larry Davison, Ann May, Maeve Taafe, Vega Family, Minshew Family, Bob Hellen, Hammer Family, Tim Kness, Tia & Tom He\aly, and our parishioners and their families. Call the office if you wish to add someone to our prayer list

including; our military and members of our parish family and friends who are sick.

THE ICON STAND CANDLE is burning this week for Richard Good

THE SANCTUARY LAMP Is burning this week for Tia & Tom Healy

Natural Family Planning 100% Orgainic—no hormones, drugs or devices

no side effects...zero, zilch, nada yatural family planning...it works, live-the-love.org

Local in-person, self-paced online, or live classes availa-ble. More information at www.ccli.org or call Mark and

Gail in Carson City at (775) 841-4631 or mgstruble@att.net

News around the Diocese…

Check out the Diocese of Reno’s information on Marriage and Engaged Encounters, Men’s and Wom-en’s Groups and Resources from the USCCB and oth-ers at https://renodiocese.org/home/ourworks/marriage-family-life/.

Family Rosary Across America. Download the FREE Relevant Radio mobile app and join relevant radio to pray the rosary, Monday-Friday at 5pm. Relevant Radio en Español mobile app.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Apr 23-25, 2021 in Sacramento, CA. & Aug 20-22 in Sacramento. Contact Terry & Janet at 916-489-3464, https://www.sacramentowwme.org or applica-tions@sacramentowwme.org.


Respect Life

Respect Life is praying across from the West End Abortion Clinic at 5915 Tyrone Rd in Reno on the First Saturday of each month at 9:00am. Please socially distance and wear your mask while praying the rosary. Directions: From Business US 395, turn east on Neil Rd., Turn right at Meadow Wood Ln, then turn right on Tyrone Rd.

Our Respect Life Group meets twice a month at the Abortion Clinic to pray. Please contact Kate at 707-386-6110 if you are interested. “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.”

USCCB Respect Life flyer quoting Pope Francis’ “Day for Life Greeting” © 2013 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

“Incluso los más débiles y vulnerables, los enfermos, los ancianos, los que están en el vientre y los pobres, son obras maestras de la creación de Dios, hechos a su imagen, destinados a vivir para siempre, y merecedores de la máxima reverencia y respeto.”

Folleto de Respeta la Vida de la USCCB con cita a la “Jornada por la Vida” del Papa Francisco © 2013 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Se utiliza con permiso. Se reservan todos

los derechos

Upper Room (Youth) Most Thursdays at 6:00pm

Canceled until further notice

St. Benedict Society - Sunday Canceled until further notice

Catholic Daughters - usually the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm. None in July and August

Next date: Canceled until further notice Next Bake Sale: Canceled until further notice

Rosary normally held every

Wednesday & Thursday after Daily Mass & Friday at 11:20 am except during Eucharistic Adoration Fridays, then the

Rosary is at 10:00 am. Canceled until further notice

Eucharistic Adoration—

usually held on the first Friday. from 10:45 - 11:45 a.m., with

Rosary at 10:00 a.m. Next date: Canceled until

further notice

Corpus Christi Information

Altar Servers/Acólitos Contact Parish Office

Youth Ministry/ Grupo de Jóvenes

Terrie Juchtzer-Youth Minister (The Club) Contact Parish Office

Hands of Christ/Ministry to Sick

Las Manos de Cristo/A Los Enfermos Contact Parish Office

Convalescent Home Coordinator Terrie Juchtzer

Minister Scheduling/La Programación de Ministerios

Laura Schafle 267-3200 Claudia Morales (en español)

Baptism Classes

Spanish—Rodolfo y Evangelina Velasco English—Father Jim—Parish Office

Pastoral Council/El Consejo Parroquial

Contact Parish Office

Quinceañera— 1 yr preparation required Contact Parish Office

Adult Conversion Classes/

Los Sacramentos de los Adultos Father Jim- Parish Office

Respect Life Committee/

El Comité de Respeto por la Vida Kate Sciacca 297-3680

Catholic Daughters/Las Hijas Católicas

Pam Petersen-Regent

Rosary Maker’s Guild/Maniobra de Rosarios Cindy Pardini - Parish Office

St. Benedict Society/La Sociedad de San Benito

Phil Clarke- Minister - 267-3936

Hispanic Marriage Encounter/ Encuentro Matrimonial Hispano

Rodolfo y Evangelina Velasco

Boy Scout/Girl Scout Information Marty Schwedhelm 250-9564

Susan Zampirro 267-3200

In today’s Gospel, Jesus likens our relation-ship with him to a plant with many branches. We, the branches, are called to remain so close to Jesus that we bear fruit, loving one another as Christ loves us. Saul bore the fruit of his faith through powerful witness that drew others to Christ. And the branches that grew into the early Church were extraordinar-ily fruitful. What is the fruit of your faith in Jesus Christ?

En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús compara nuestra relación con él usando como ejemplo una planta con muchas ramas. Nosotros seríamos las ramas, y estamos llamados a permanecer tan cerca de Jesús que demos fruto, amándonos unos a otros como Cristo nos ama. Saulo dio el fruto de su fe mediante un testimonio impactante que atrajo a otros a Cristo. Y las ramas que crecieron en la Iglesia primitiva fueron extraordinariamente fruc-tíferas. ¿Cuál es el fruto de tu fe en Jesucristo?

LEARN FROM THE FIRST ONES The story of the early Church that we hear from the Acts of the Apostles during the Easter season is in-structive and inspiring. We learn how the community grew in their understanding of what it means to re-main close to Jesus in the most challenging of situations. They lived in word and deed as Christ had taught and bore the fruit of their faith in their daily decisions, in small ways and in dramatic moments. Faced with Saul who had persecuted Christians and who presented himself as a disciple, Barnabas risked believing Saul’s testimony. Through Barnabas, the community accepted Saul, with increasing numbers of people being led to belief in Christ as a result. We too are called to live in word and deed, taking to heart Christ’s command to love one another, even when it is challenging to do so. We may find inspiration in the way the early believers drew consolation from the Holy Spirit, finding wisdom and strength to keep the com-mandments and do what pleases God APRENDER DE LOS PRIMEROS La historia de la Iglesia primitiva que escuchamos en los Hechos de los Apóstoles durante el tiempo de Pascua es educativo e inspirador. Aprendemos cómo la comunidad creció en su comprensión de lo que significa permanecer cerca de Jesús en las situaciones más difíciles. Ellos vivieron de palabra y de obra como Cristo había enseñado y dieron el fruto de su fe en sus decisiones cotidianas, en pequeños detalles y en momentos dramáticos. Frente a Saulo, que había perseguido a los cristianos y que se presentaba así mismo como discípulo, Bernabé se arriesgó a creer en el testimonio de Saulo. A través de Bernabé, la co-munidad aceptó a Saulo y, como resultado, un número cada vez mayor de personas empezaron a creer en Cristo. Nosotros también estamos llamados a vivir de palabra y obra, tomando a pecho el mandamiento de Cristo de amarnos los unos a los otros, incluso cuando sea difícil hacerlo. Podemos inspirarnos en la forma en que los primeros creyentes se consolaron con el Espíritu Santo, encontrando sabiduría y fuerza para cumplir los mandamientos y hacer lo que de agrada a Dios.