HAPPY DIWALI HAPUS - WordPress.com€¦ · HAPPY DIWALI HAPUS Diwali, the festival of lights,...

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Transcript of HAPPY DIWALI HAPUS - WordPress.com€¦ · HAPPY DIWALI HAPUS Diwali, the festival of lights,...


Diwali, the festival of lights, celebrates the victory of good over evil, light overdarkness, and knowledge over ignorance. Lamps are lit on this day not just todecorate homes, but also to communicate a profound truth about life — when thedarkness within is dispelled through the light of wisdom; the good in us wins over theevil.

Another profound symbolism of Diwali is in lighting firecrackers. In life, you oftenAnother profound symbolism of Diwali is in lighting firecrackers. In life, you oftenbecome like a firecracker, waiting to explode with your pent-up emotions, frustrationand anger. When you keep suppressing your emotions, cravings and aversions arebound to reach a point where they explode. Bursting crackers is a psychologicalexercise from ancient times to release bottled-up emotions. When you see anexplosion outside you feel similar sensations within as well. Along with the explosion,there is a lot of light as well. When you let go of these suppressed emotions, the lightof knowledge dawns.of knowledge dawns.

Diwali, in essence, is celebrated to kindle the light of wisdom in every heart, the lightof life in every home, and to bring a smile on every face. Diwali is the shortened formof Deepavali, which literally means rows of lamps. Life has many facets and stages.It is important that we throw light on all of them, for if one aspect of our life is indarkness, we cannot express life in its totality. The rows of lamps lit on Diwali remindus that every aspect of life needs our attention.Lets light the lamp of love in your hearts, the lamp of abundance in our homes, theLets light the lamp of love in your hearts, the lamp of abundance in our homes, thelamp of compassion to serve others, the lamp of knowledge to dispel the darkness ofignorance, the lamp of gratitude for the abundance nature and the divine hasbestowed on us.

One of the biggest festivals of the East it means feeling a sense of abundance, andwhatever is needed will come. Remember all the blessings you have received in lifeand feel grateful for it. For an oil lamp to burn, the wick has to be partially immersedin the oil. If the wick is completely drowned in oil, it cannot bring light. Life is like thein the oil. If the wick is completely drowned in oil, it cannot bring light. Life is like thewick of the lamp, you have to be in the world and yet remain untouched by it. If youare drowned in the materialism of the world, you cannot bring joy and knowledge inyour life. By being in the world, yet not drowning in the worldly aspect of it, we can bethe light of joy and knowledge.

So drop the regrets of the past and the worries of the future and live in the moment.It is a time to forget the bickering and negativities that have happened through theyeayear. It is a time when you throw light on the wisdom you have gained and welcomea new beginning.