Happy Birthday Vikas

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Happy Birthday Vikas



When he was 5 years old…

When he was 3 years old…

When he was 2 months old….WTF??


Oh! We have the same size

Vikas’ clean room

I like you

I like you

I like you

I like youI like you

I like even you

I like you

But I like you

Bitch…All of you... He is mine. Vikas..remember

the noises we made in your


Prof: Tell us abt ur experience at IOCL?

Vikas: I was in theifnsdvifnpvoa8gupo;j;hvfdhv df;uvfvjlfahv;dfkvhnfvihPoonamPandeyIsSexysvufdhvfjv knfvuifvufhvfvhfuvhsvfha vfvhfvh fvvfvh fvhdkjvdfn vkdfvh ILoveIdliSambarDosafhlu f hufawhfiuahuefhweufhwe fiwhfiuafhuwof ywfwrofhufh oufffIwishThatGirlLikedMyMoustache fvhivhfvhffbskf usdhvdskhdsvd….

Prof and rest of class:


What is 1 parthasarathy??A priest in a temple..!

What are 2 parthasarathies??Math tutors..

What are 3 parthasarathies??A line in front of the US consulate at 4:00 AM

Come and hoosh me @ L^2 at 12:00

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