Happy Birthday to our Chief Shepherd on Oct 12thWhy? Because all of us, each one of us Pope tells us...

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Transcript of Happy Birthday to our Chief Shepherd on Oct 12thWhy? Because all of us, each one of us Pope tells us...

Vol 04 October 2016 Issue 12


Let’s pray the Rosary…

Happy Birthday to our

Chief Shepherd on Oct 12th


Dear Reverend Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, “HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE”...

We celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on 7th of this month for it is especially dedicated as the Month of Rosary. “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be to me according to your Word ...”(Lk 1:38). Such is the obedience of Mary, borne out of her faith, to the call of mission in bringing Jesus, the Good News to the world. By her ‘Yes’, she became the first disciple and a model one, a paragon of discipleship. Mary is the symbol of humanity welcoming God’s word. She teaches us the path of true discipleship. What does such disposition of total surrender say to us today? Are we ready to submit to God’s plan? Many unexpected things happened in Mary’s life as we recall in the various mysteries of the rosary: joyful, sorrowful, luminous and glorious. But through it all Mary said “Yes”. Mary trusted God. Mary allowed God to work in and through her. Each one of us was created for a purpose. Each one of us has a role to play in God’s plan. Like Mary may we say “Yes” and allow God to work in and through us. Rosary is a prayer based on Sacred Scripture. The message of the Angel, Elizabeth’s greetings, Mysteries of Jesus’ birth, death and Resurrection all included in the Rosary is fully centered on Christ. Rosary is the prayer of the Church, a prayer that introduces Jesus to others. It’s a prayer that enables everyone to grow in spirituality. Rosary helps us to meditate on the history of salvation, to live like Jesus, to join us like Mary in the divine plan of God. The tradition of saying the rosary began in the 4th century by the monks who lived in the desert. Our Blessed Mother appeared to St. Dominic in 13th century and asked him to spread this pious devotion. Wherever and whenever Mary appeared, she insisted and encouraged all to say the rosary especially for peace, to end war and repentance of sinners.

Church’s tradition says that all the Saints, Fathers of the Church and Popes of the last century have praised the spiritual experience of saying the rosary. Hence let us also experience the power of saying the rosary and encourage our faithful to impart this pious devotion in their families, to their children and grandchildren, thereby honoring our Mother Mary, Mother of Divine Mercy during the month of October.

May God Bless you all.

Feast days

Sr. Therese 01st Sr. Mary Canicie 11th Sr. Rajitha AC 16th

Sr. Hedwige 16th Sr. Ranee 19th Sr. Maria Clarette 24th


Rest in Peace

Fr. Johannes Baptiste 13th

Fr. J. Alexander 19th Fr. Geron Desa 26th

Fr. Peter Thurairetnam 30th

Fr. J.A.G. Retnakumar 02nd Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Ponniah 12th

Fr. A. Thevathasan 24th

Fr. A. Jesuthasan 27th Sr. Rajitha AC 16th

Bro. Quintus CRS 31st

Ordination Anniversary

Fr. J.A.G. Retnakumar 22nd

Yours in Christ,

+Joseph Ponniah.

Pope tells us 'not to judge, not to condemn, but to forgive' Pope Francis urged the faithful to be as merciful as the Lord, because – he said – that is the best way to be “a sign, a channel, a witness of His love”. Reflecting on the reading from the Gospel of Luke on being merciful, “just as your Father is merciful”, Pope Francis said that is not a mere slogan, but a commitment for life. That reading he observed, is where the motto of the Holy Year of Mercy comes from. And pointing out that Jesus’ call to humanity to be as merciful as the Father can appear daunting, he said Jesus is not referring to “quantity” because of course it would be impossible for us to tend towards God’s absolute perfection, he is just asking us to try and be like Him: full of love, compassion and mercy. Pope Francis also quoted from the passage which says “Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven”. “All Christians – he said – must forgive! Why? Because all of us, each one of us here in the Square, has been forgiven. During our lives we have all been in need

“All Christians – he said – must forgive! Why? Because all of us, each one of us here in the Square, has been forgiven. During our lives we have all been in need of the Lord’s forgiveness – and if God can forgive me – Francis continued – why should I not forgive the other? Am I greater than God?” He also explained that by forgiving one another we express the free gift of God’s love and respond to Jesus’s invitation to give freely of our own love, because – he said: “all we have has been freely given to us by God, and we will receive only in the measure that we freely give to others”. So don’t forget - the Pope concluded – mercy and gift, forgiveness and gift – that’s how to make your hearts bigger and full of love. And after the catechesis and greetings in various languages, the Pope recalled the XXII World Alzheimer Day marked today on the theme “Remember me”. He invited all to ‘remember’ those who are affected by the disease and their families with the care of Mary and with the tenderness of Jesus making them feel we are close to them.

Holy Father's Prayer Intentions for the month of Oct- 2016

01st 10.00 am WORLD COMMUNICATION DAY 02nd 08.00 am Church feast at Komari. 06th 07.30 am Teachers’ Day at Carmel Fatima School, Kalmunai 08th 07.00 am Diaconate at Sacred Heart Church, Iruthayapuram 09th 11.00 am Golden Jubilee Anniversary celebration of Sr.Servitas Sal. at

Thirukovil. 11th 06.00 pm Mass at Home for the Elders, Thandavanveli 12th 06.30 pm Opening of the Priests’ Retired Home at Sathurukondan. 13th 09.00 am Teachers’ Day Celebrations at Carmel Fatima College,

Kalmunai. 15th 09.00 am Bible Class 06.00 pm Festive Mass of St. Theresa of Child Jesus at A.C Convent,

Batticaloa 16th 07.30 am Festive Mass of St. Joseph’s Church, Thannamunai. 22nd 04.00 pm Meeting of the SVP & HFC Provincial at Bishop’s House. 24th 06.00 pm Rev.Fr.Retnakumar’s Silver Jubilee – Eucharist and

Felicitation 29th 09.00 am Bible class 30th 07.15 am Festive Mass St. Judes’s Church, Thetatheevu

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Universal: Journalists That journalists, in carrying out their work, may always be motivated by respect for

truth and a strong sense of ethics.

Evangelization: World Mission Day That World Mission Day may renew within all Christian communities the joy of the

Gospel and the responsibility to announce it.

Cantaloupe Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like cantaloupe decreases the risk of Obesity, overall mortality, diabetes and heart disease while promoting a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy and overall lower weight. Continue reading to find out more about how the specific nutrients in cantaloupe can benefit your health.

1) Age-related macular degeneration The antioxidant zeaxanthin, found in cantaloupe, filters out harmful blue light rays and is thought to play a protective role in eye health and possibly ward off damage from macular degeneration.


A higher intake of all fruits (3 or more servings per day) has also been shown to decrease the risk of and progression of age-related macular degeneration.

2) Asthma The risks for developing asthma are lower in people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is beta-carotene, found in yellow and orange fruits like cantaloupe, pumpkin, carrots and leafy greens like spinach and kale. Vitamin C is another important nutrient that may protect against asthma and is found in abundance in cantaloupe,

2 as well as citrus and tropical

fruits. 3) Blood pressure The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and choline content in cantaloupe all support heart health. Consuming foods that are high in

3) Blood pressure The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and choline content in cantaloupe all support heart health. Consuming foods that are high in potassium can help to decrease blood pressure. Getting enough potassium is almost as important as decreasing sodium intake for treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure). Foods that are high in potassium include cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, oranges, spinach and bananas. High potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones.


4) Cancer Diets rich in beta-carotene from plant foods like cantaloupe may play a protective role against prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health's Department of Nutrition.

5 Beta-carotene has also been

shown to have an inverse association with the development of colon cancer in the Japanese population.


5) Digestion Cantaloupe, because it is high in both fiber and moisture, helps to prevent constipation, promote regularity and maintain a healthy digestive tract. 6) Hydration With its high water and electrolyte content, cantaloupe is a great snack to have on hand during the hot summer months to prevent dehydration.

7) Inflammation Choline is a very important and versatile nutrient in cantaloupe that aids our bodies

Feast of Our Lady of Voyages,

Amirthakali 2016

The feast of Our Lady of Voyages Church, Amirthakali was celebrated on Sep 25th. Bp. Joseph Ponniah was the Chief Celebrant at the festive Mass. During the Mass the parish children were given Holy Communion and Confirmation by the bishop.

Mass at ‘Karunai Vasam’ FMM

Convent, Vantharumulai.

Feast of Our Lady of Mercy was celebrated on September 23rd at 'Karunai Vasam' FMM Convent. Bp.Joseph Ponniah was the Chief Celebrant at the festive Mass.

Feast of the Holy Cross Shrine


The feast of the Holy Cross Shrine

was held on September 18th at

Sorikalmunai. Bp. Joseph Ponniah

was the Chief Celebrant at the festive Mass. Along with him Priests of the

Diocese concelebrated. A great

number of people gathered to receive

the blessings of the Lord.

Holy Communion and

Confirmation at Vakarai

Bp. Joseph Ponniah administered Holy Communion and Confirmation to the Parish children at Vakarai on September 24th.

Opening of a New

International School

Bp. Joseph Ponniah blessed and opened a new International School at Chenkalady on Sep 27th.

Bro. Quintus was ordained deacon at Miani Nagar on Sep 27th, by the bishop of Batticaloa.

Crowther Cup 2016

At the annual Basket Ball

Crowther Cup event Bp. Joseph

was the Chief Guest. It was held

on Sep 12th

. The match was

played between St. Thomas

College, Mt. Levnia and St.

Michael's College, Batticaloa

Vocation Day 2016

The annual vocation day

was held at Batticaloa

Cathedral on Sep 16th

on a

grand scale. Bp. Joseph

Ponniah was the Chief

Celebrant at Mass. Along

with him Priests of the

Diocese concelebrated at the

Mass. This time many of the

men and women religious

congregation took part in a

visible way both at Mass

and exhibition. We

congratulate the organizers

of the Liturgy of the day.

Bishop Joseph conducted

vespers at Matara

Bishop Joseph Ponniah

conducted vespers at Our Lady

of Matara on September 10th


the invitation of the Galle


Holy Childhood Rally

Children from all over the

Diocese participated at The Holy

Childhood Rally which was held

on Sep 12th

at St. Mary’s

Cathedral. Bp. Joseph Ponniah

was the Chief Guest on the

occasion. The National Director

Fr. Basil Rohan Fernando was

there to grace the occasion. After

Mass there was a cultural event

performed by the children.

Seminar on Family


A National seminar on Family

Apostolate was organized by

the National Family

Apostolate. Bp. Joseph

Ponniah was the Chief Speaker

at the seminar. He elaborated

his talk on Spirituality of

Family. The seminar was held

on Sep 17th

, at Talavila and

participants from our Diocese

too were present there.

Staffers’ Day Out

Fourteen staffers from the Batticaloa

Bishop’s House went on a two day

Pilgrimage cum tour to Talawila, St.Ann’s

Shrine on August 25th and 26

th, 2016, in a

specially hired ‘City Rider’ bus. Though

away from our family circles, it was a

wonderful experience for us to enjoy the

company of our fellow-workers. The

Administrator of the shrine, Rev. Fr.

Samantha Fernando, a former student of

our Bishop at the National Seminary,

welcomed us and looked into our every

need. He generously provided two rooms,

free of charge, for us to spend the night.

This being a shrine, we all scrupulously

observed decorum that was becoming of the

place: We participated at the various

devotions and Holy Mass that was

celebrated there. We also visited the ‘jungle

shrine’ of St. Antony of Padua within the

shrine premises. That night the mosquitoes,

as usual, had their party at our expense. But

it was not as expensive as at Madhu two

years ago, when we could not have a wink

of sleep there. On our final day, after Mass,

the Administrator invited us for breakfast to

his rectory. Having gone to the shrine via

Kekkirawa, we returned home via

Kurunegala. We did not forget our folks

back home; so on the way we did some

shopping for our dear ones. Here, we wish

to express our heartfelt thanks to the Bishop

and Fr. Procurator, both of whom in their

own ways made it possible for us to enjoy

this spiritual journey and thus strengthen

the rapport among us.

- A Beneficiary

Periya Pullumalai Church This is one of the oldest Mission

stations in the diocese. In 1897, Fr. Evrard

S.J, visited P’P’ Malai and found a

population of 300 workers who were

engaged in the construction of Maha Oya -

Batticaloa Road. Three acres of land were

acquired for a church and a school. The

school building also served as a temporary

church until a permanent structure was

built for this purpose in 1899. Thanks to

the Oblate Fathers, devotion to Our Lady

was firmly rooted in the hearts of the

Catholics. Jesuit fathers in their part

continued to foster and encourage it:

Several Chapels were started under

various Marian Titles alone the road. The

most famous of these was dedicated to O.L

of the Rosary at P’Malai. This station was

planned as a place of pilgrimage with the

object of bringing to the isolated

community, the fellowship and solidarity of

other Catholics and thus encouraging

town-folks to undertake a pious practice

that has always been favoured in the

church. In 1907 a neat church was

completed, with a fairly spacious residence

and a priest was in resident full time. Fr.

Evrard S.J, was the moving spirit behind

this achievement. He had also erected in

front of the church a crucifix donated by

his brother Joseph Evrard, which with its

pedestal stood 8 meters high. This great

crucifix still stands there today as beacon

of hope to all weary travelers.

From the very beginning the old

church was famous for a very distinctive

slab of marble near the communion rail.

There is a quaint pious custom observed in

this church, as well as many others in Sri

Lanka, that probably goes back to O.T

days for its origin. According to Lk. 2/22,

“Mary and Joseph went to the Temple to

devotions and Holy Mass that was

celebrated there. We also visited the ‘jungle

shrine’ of St. Antony of Padua within the

shrine premises. That night the mosquitoes,

as usual, had their party at our expense. But

it was not as expensive as at Madhu two

years ago, when we could not have a wink

of sleep there. On our final day, after Mass,

the Administrator invited us for breakfast to

his rectory. Having gone to the shrine via

Kekkirawa, we returned home via

Kurunegala. We did not forget our folks

back home; so on the way we did some

shopping for our dear ones. Here, we wish

to express our heartfelt thanks to the Bishop

and Fr. Procurator, both of whom in their

own ways made it possible for us to enjoy

this spiritual journey and thus strengthen

the rapport among us.

- A Beneficiary

Lanka, that probably goes back to O.T

days for its origin. According to Lk. 2/22,

“Mary and Joseph went to the Temple to

fulfill the ritual of the Jewish religion (Lev.

12/8). Jesus, being the first born male

must be consecrated to God (Ex. 13/1).

Simeon and Anna, like Joseph and Mary,

belongs to the small remnant of Israel. This

minority of God’s people live their faith, in

humility and faithfulness to the prophets’

teachings: God knows how to make

Himself known to them. Based on this

biblical custom, on certain feast days,

young parents bring their children and give

the little ones to the church. Then, for a

pre-determined price, which they and the

catechist have agreed upon, they buy them

back at the auction. The slab is where the

child is placed during the transaction. If

some chubby little fellow in his bright

festive garb puts up a lot of fuss about this

custom, it is probably nothing more than

his righteous indignation at being ‘sold’

for 25cts. Any of the old missionaries who

run into this custom will tell you, that this

is not a financial answer to a pastor’s

prayer. But, it does bespeak a lot of solid

Christian understanding of God’s supreme

ownership of us all.

Courtesy: S.J. Trinco Mail’63 Distilled : Fr. Mari


The annual feast of the shrine of our lady of Perpetual Help

The annual feast of the shrine of our lady of Perpetual Help was celebrated on Sep 04th

, in a grand manner. Bp. Joseph Ponniah was the Chief Celebrant at the

festive Mass. Along with him number of Priests, Religious and thousands of faithful were there to receive the blessings of our mother.

This year, pilgrimage to the shrine started on two fronts, from St. Mary’s Cathedral and Chenkalady, St. Nicholas’ Church.

There were more pilgrimages than the past few years.

This year besides the Bishop there were also more Priests and Religious taking part in the pilgrimage.

Oldie Goldie : (anecdotes from former Missionaries lives)

19. Rubrics re-casted:

Bp. Glennie SJ, had his first Conformation service at the

Home for the Elders at Batticaloa in June 1959. It was

unique in many ways, but climax came just as an old man had

finished receiving the sacrament and was being helped back

to his pew. He began shouting and carried on rather

boisterously. It was all in a very animated Tamil – it’s

sounded to the Bishop and everyone else, that the slap which

he had received was just too much. When no one could pacify

him, it was necessary to carry him out of the chapel. Only

after all was over and the old man was more composed, did

the explanation come forth. The old man thought himself such

a rogue that he felt the one slap by the Bishop was not enough

for him. He wanted two. Not as a part of the ceremony but as

a lagniappe, the old man settled for a pat on the head by the


20. An escapee from heaven?!:

The Catholic Church has not officially opened up an

employment agency. But, he is a rare job- seeker who doesn’t come around to the college or to one of our parishes to see if

the Fathers don’t need “a good man.” One of those that

showed up had entirely a new approach. “What work can you

do?” asked the priest. “Except for lying and stealing, I can do

any kind of work” Said the applicant, “I don’t know how to

steal or lie”. “We shall see” said the priest as he went away to

puzzle over that answer. It looked like a fellow who had

escaped some effects of original sin or due to unemployment

in heaven, had come down to earth to find employment.

A Garland for Our Lady Love

There is an item that is in very common use among us, which I presume will be used

a little more frequently during the months of May and October. It is the rosary – a

garland most pleasing to our Blessed Mother. Because, it is so common, and taken for

granted, we wonder how many knows to use it properly. It reminds me of the young

husband who a few days after settling down in his new home with his new wife shouted

from his bathroom: “Who used my razor? It doesn’t cut well at all?”. “What”, said the

bride, is your beard tougher than the linoleum? May be we could use the razor quite

effectively to cut a linoleum, but that is not what it is meant for. May be we could rattle

off decades of the rosary for this intention and that, very effectively. But, is that what it

is meant for?

Hence, here we are invited to ponder the following two points from BL. Pope Paul

VI’s letter ‘Marialis cultus’: 1. “As a Gospel prayer centered on the mystery of

redemptive incarnation, the rosary is a prayer with a clear Christological orientation”.

2. “By its nature, the recitation of the rosary calls for a quiet rhythm and lingering

space, helping the individual to meditate on the mysteries of the Lord’s life as seen

through the eyes of her who was closest to the Lord. In this way, the unfathomable

riches of these mysteries are unfolded”.

BL. Pope Paul VI speaking on the mindset required for the devotion says: “The

rosary is an excellent prayer, but the faithful should feel serenely FREE in its regard.

They should be drawn to its calm recitation by its intrinsic appeal.” In this context, an

Anglican convert writing to a Catholic paper (letter to the editor) said, though she finds

it a little difficult to get used to the rosary, she found great strength, consolation and

above all, meaning in her life in reciting the Joyful and the Glorious mysteries when

there was joy and happiness in her life and the sorrowful mysteries when sorrow and

sadness filled her day. Further irrespective of their status in life, some find it refreshing

in praying the rosary. The great musical composer Haydn, was a very pious man and

not afraid to admit his piety. As the following story proves: once, while he was in the

company of several other prominent musicians, a question arose as to the best way of

refreshing the mind when one is weary with excessive labor. “I find nothing so effective

as a glass of good wine” said one. When my inspiration begins to sag, responded

another “I drop my work and look for human companionship. This always refreshes

me”. “How about you, Haydn?” another said to the composer. “I take to my rosary”

was the reply. “I always carry it about with me, and after saying a few decades, I am

sure to feel refreshed both in mind and body”.

For this, what we need ultimately in prayer: “Let this be in you, which was in the

mind of Christ. Then, surely whatever we ask will be given for one shall be asking only

what is in the heart and lips of Christ. To achieve which “Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us Now”.

- Servus Mariae