Happy 30th Birthday to Suzanne Green

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Happy 30th Birthday to Suzanne Green

When it comes to life, most people are spectators. They watch events unfold a day at a time. They may plan their careers, the building of a new home, or even a vacation, but it never occurs

to them to plan their life.As a result, they drift along, often to destinations they would

have never consciously chosen: failing health, a broken relationship, or a stalled career. But it doesn’t have to be this

way.This is your life.

You can live your life on-purpose, determining in advance the outcomes you want to experience.

It begins with a life plan.

But first…..I want to take you back 30 years ago….

This beautiful baby girl was born and named Suzanne Green!

However, her mum has always struggled to keep Suzie from getting into mischief and 30 years later things haven’t changed!

But how can you blame her when she was made to dress like this?

BUT…the trouble was she had some very good(bad) influences from a young age!

She was adamant she knew best andwhat was trendy…..

Yet still she met friends who led her astray…..

But this friendspecially keeps Sue on the straight and narrow…

Don’t get me wrong she has had many moments of achievements….

We discovered that Sue loved cheeseburgers after a night out but we think she maybe lying….

Ahhh some mature friends perhaps?

Uh no maybe not…..

Despite all, these family and friends have helped Sue enjoy many fantastic moments.

The question we all ask is why is this girl

so talented yet often a little bit crazy?

Perhaps its genetic?

But then again…..

It could be his fault…

There are rarely times that shock Sue ……

And sometimes she's just plain old miserable whilst everyone else is intense

But the softer side does come out occasionally……

Sometimes life is painful…..

This picture now names Sue “spas hand”!

Sometimes life is awkward……

Wait Sue, this awards not for


Sometimes it brings out the kid in you….

But we all grow up, have more responsibilities, choose good and bad decisions and have to face the facts. It is life!

So here are some basic rules to face your 30s with:-

•Drive for what you want in each of the major areas of life.•Identify the times when you were happiest •Identify the times when you were most fulfilled and satisfied•Determine your top values, based on your experiences of happiness, pride, and fulfilment•Identify the times when you were most proud•Prioritise your top values

Achieve your dreams!

Perhaps a new car? Or to kiss Beyonce?

WHY should you follow

your dreams?

Because you deserve it!

Oh and because…..

But then again….I wouldn’t mess with her..

Best Wishes!